FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps FINAL chapter


Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter * Sakura!¡Âs great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara * Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr. Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.


Speech form: "Speaking" [Thinking]



Sakura ran following Syaoran. The goats followed Sakura!|-_-; "Syaoran! Please come back!"


Syaoran ran and ran ignoring Sakura!¡Âs cries and finally flopped onto the ground in front of the cabin. Slight drizzle began to dampen the area. The goats ran for shelter. Sakura slipped on the grass and fell into Syaoran!¡Âs waiting arms. 0_0


Inside the cabin Eriol taped the couple for Tomoyo. A smile painted his face as the two sat up and blushed. This was so perfect he thought. Well, instead of the confessions rolling, they apologized and went inside. Eriol stopped the tape and was disappointed. The vivid romance was halted by worries of rejection. Perhaps he could help!|


Tomoyo started to wake up. A pair of blue eyes was looking down at her, 5 inches apart. She couldn!¡Ât focus for a while until the face moved away from her. She sat up immediately to find a boy with glasses and blue black hair smiling at her. It seemed familiar like they met somewhere before.


"Have we met?"


"It!¡Âs me, Eriol."


"Are you an angel?"


Eriol smiled broadly at this comment, "No, I!¡Âm a human being like you. The light must be too strong!|"






Tomoyo shut her eyes once more. Oh yeah, she met him at the pines and then she must!¡Âve fainted!|


"Thank you."


"Your welcome."


There was a silence. Tomoyo smiled sweetly at him once more and got out of bed with his help.


[He is so kind and gentle!| it!¡Âs a wonder why he isn!¡Ât an angel!|]


Eriol went to get Tomoyo!¡Âs crutches and very soon, he seemed to have disappeared out the door. He went to look for Sakura and Syaoran. He really wanted to help the two. If he fails getting them together he was going to regret it.


The Grandfather looked at the pair and let out a breath. Syaoran didn!¡Ât seem to have confessed his feelings to Sakura. This was going to be harder than he thought. Syaoran watched Sakura help Tomoyo around the place. All of a sudden, he felt as if he was being watched. He turned around to find Eriol smiling at him.


"Eriol!| what are you doing here?"


"Oh, I was going to visit Sakura!¡Âs Grandfather and was stopped by Tomoyo. She fainted near the pines. So I took her up here. Have you confessed to Sakura yet?" (Note: Here, Syaoran and Eriol aren!¡Ât enemies but friends. Because of Sakura, they became friends.)


"Umm!| no."


"Pity!| what stopped you?"


"You better not tell anyone."


"Let!¡Âs go outside and talk then."




The two boys walked outside the door and began to talk of the matter about Syaoran!¡Âs shyness.


"How do you know Tomoyo?"


"She told me her name."


"Well, I was trying to tell her you see the wind!| never mind."


"Alright. Then, if you really like her, as long as she is happy it is your happiness. Remember that Syaoran."


Eriol picked something from the grass and walked back inside. Syaoran looked outside from the porch. The rain was beginning to halt and the sun was peeping shyly from a cloud. Tomorrow was going to be his last chance to tell her and if not soon, she might as well disappear from him.



Tomoyo and Sakura was having their own talk in Sakura!¡Âs room and didn!¡Ât notice Eriol hearing every single detail in Tomoyo!¡Âs room.


"Did you tell him how you feel Sakura?"


"No!| I don!¡Ât think I was ready!| I asked him what he was trying to tell me before I left but I couldn!¡Ât hear him because of the wind."


"What do you think he was trying to tell you?"


"I have no idea!|"


Tomoyo gave out a disappointed sigh. It was so close and the wind had to block the moment. At the other side, Eriol scribbled a note on Tomoyo!¡Âs dressing table with something else and left the room. Hey, there is another chance after all.


"Where are you going?" Grandfather asked Eriol.




"See you then."


It was the evening and Tomoyo received Sakura!¡Âs help to get to her bedroom. Something caught her eye. It was an eldeweiss (white flower) and a pastel blue paper note. Attempting to pick it up, she tripped over.


"Sakura, can you please pick that up?" Tomoyo asked as soon as she collected herself.


"Should I read it to you?"


"No, just pass it to me!| did you read it?"


"Of course not."


Tomoyo placed the note on her lap and read it in her head.


!RDear Tomoyo, It was a pleasure to meet you. I am Syaoran!¡Âs friend and I know about this situation as well. It!¡Âll be an honor if we work it out together. ~ Eriol ~!¡Â


"Sakura, do you have your school directory?"


"Here, I left it on your dressing table."




Tomoyo found Eriol!¡Âs name in the school directory and dialed his number. The phone ringed in Eriol!¡Âs home. Suppi and Kero stopped playing the card game they were playing. Nobody but Eriol!¡Âs family knew of their existence and it was going to mean trouble if they pick up the phone. (Note: Nakuru and Yukito are normal people and Yukito, Sakura and Syaoran is not related to Clow magic. Nakuru is Eriol!¡Âs sister ?_? And their parents are always home late!| the Clow book exists but only as a type of magic and Suppi and Kero are the family guardians. The cards are from the anime and manga =P (Takes a deep breath))


"Kero, Kero! Open the Clow book and command the Voice card out! I got an idea!"


Suppi picked up the phone and whispered into the Voice card!¡Âs ear to imitate Nakuru!¡Âs voice. The card obeyed.


(Voice card) "Hello?"


(Tomoyo) "Is Eriol there please?"


(Voice card) "I!¡Âm sorry he isn!¡Ât home. I!¡Âm his sister."


(Tomoyo) "Oh!|"


(In the Hiiragizawa residence.) The door opened and Eriol came into the home. "What!¡Âs going on Suppi?"


"Here!¡Âs your phone!"


"Wait, Kero why is the Voice card outside the book?"


Suppi and Kero glanced at each other and definitely wants each other to explain.


"Hello? Eriol?"


"Oh! Hi Tomoyo!" Eriol felt a bit warm when he heard her voice.


"I!¡Âd like to thank you for the flower and I phoned you up to see if we can set Syaoran and Sakura up."


"Oh! Alright! Yeah, sure."


Suppi and Kero went up to Eriol!¡Âs room after sealing the Voice card. As soon as they closed the door the two mini-guardians burst into laughter.


"It sounded a lot like a girl his age Suppi."


"Do you smell romantic airs?"


"It smells so much it stinks even here!"


"So rude to feminine feelings Kero!"


"I!¡Âm kidding, kidding."


They peered downstairs and listened to Eriol.


"Yeah, I!¡Âll be there in the morning and bring my own lunch."


The two mini-guardians grinned and looked at each other. At once they whispered together, "The master has a date!"


As soon as Eriol put his phone down he looked directly at the two. "Date? What has gotten into your mind?"



"Hey guys!" Eriol ran to the three waiting people.


"Hey Eriol!" Tomoyo smiled. The !Rcouple!¡Â S+S were blushing and were looking away from each other. This was the perfect day.


As soon as they arrived, Eriol and Tomoyo made an excuse to go back to the cabin. Of course, they hid and took out a video camera.


"Oh no! I forgot to bring an extra video tape!"


"Here, I brought an empty one just in case." Eriol and Tomoyo!¡Âs hands brushed lightly. They paused for a while and then continued what they were doing.


"Syaoran!| I couldn!¡Ât hear what you were saying yesterday!| can you please tell me now?"


"Sakura!| I!| like you!|"


"I!| like you too!|" Sakura and Syaoran were blushing furiously. "Thank you for everything you have done for me Syaoran!|"


"W-well I!¡Âll always r-remember your birthday and g-g-give you Christmas presents and such!|"


Sakura hugged the nervous Syaoran and replied, "They don!¡Ât matter Syaoran, as long as you!¡Âre here always."



"Sakura? Wake up!"


"Huh, Tomoyo? Where am I?"


"You!¡Âre in the library and fell asleep while reading Heidi!|"


"Oh! Did I?"


"Yeah, get up. Library period is over."


Syaoran watched Sakura get up from a distance. He had been reading Heidi too and fell asleep as well.


[I wonder if she had the same dream as I did?]


A boy with glasses and blue black hair, watched Tomoyo, Sakura and Syaoran and thought, [The dream crystal is a masterpiece! For now, it!¡Âll have to rest. Giving Sakura and Syaoran relaxing dreams are hard.]


(Both Syaoran and Sakura think at once)


[I wonder if Syaoran/Sakura likes me?]



Hi! I finished at last! PHEW! I couldn!¡Ât think of an ending so I popped that bit in to tell the truth!| mail me at alien_no26@yahoo.com ! I!¡Âm going to take a big ~ nap after typing ten chapters! Have fun everybody!

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