FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps Chapter (3)

Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter *
Sakura's great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara *
Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss
Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr.
Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.

Speech form: "Speaking" [Thinking]


"I-I-I thought something went on your face so I tried
to see what it was and I brushed it away."

"Oh!" Sakura relaxed again. "I thought you were
looking for wrinkles or pimples. I heard stories like
that from older girls when they lie down and their guy
friends come over to look for wrinkles on their
faces." ^_^;

Syaoran sweat-dropped and was quite relieved. He was
glad Sakura always finds it hard to take hints. "We
better get going. It looks like the sun is going to
set. After dinner I'll take you home with Schwanli and

The two went downhill till Syaoran stopped at the
middle of the mountain and turned left where his home

It was a bit small but it couldn't be helped with such
a small family. Syaoran, Mrs. Li and Grandmother Li.
His four sisters were already in university or wed.
His father died last year as an unexpected rotting
pine fell on him. Now Syaoran was left to protect his
mother and Grandmother. He took plenty of self-defense
lessons like Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu, Sword
fighting etc.

During dinner, Sakura learnt of these facts. Yet still
pondering why the Grandmother Li sat so still gazing
into space.

"What does Grandmother Li see?"

"I see darkness before my eyes and your voice my dear
is the light glowing in my ears."

"How does one see through sound?"

"One sees with the heart. One's eyes have been veiled
by darkness and now condemned to know by one's ears."

"Why all you need to do is get glasses, then you can

"Child, nothing in this world but the light of heaven
can open my eyes."

Sakura looked down and softly whispered, "So one
cannot see but feel light."
Sakura felt heavy and dry as she spoke the words.
Grandmother Li was blind. Syaoran watched Sakura break
down to tears.

"Child, please do not cry. Come here and hold my hand.
It is the least I can do to comfort you dear."

Syaoran stepped forward before the weeping Sakura and
handed her a white handkerchief. "Here. Wipe your
tears." Sakura stopped weeping and accepted the

"Thank you Syaoran." Sakura looked up and accepted the

Syaoran turned his face around and blushed lightly.
Without knowing he dashed to his room and locked the
door and hid under his covers.

[Why am I so embarrassed just because of lending her a
handkerchief? I feel my cheeks burning!]


"Y-y-yes mother?"

"You must escort Sakura home. Her time is up you


Syaoran crept out of the door to stay unnoticed.
Sakura skipped over to him. "Sorry I couldn't stay for
long." She smiled. Syaoran, who was very much
surprised at her sudden appearance, fell over.

"I'm okay.>_<"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah now let me escort you home."

"Thank you. =)"


Now how about that? Alien_no#6 is speaking my friends
~. Well I hope this chapter caught your attention.
Next chapter is coming up so thank you very much for
actually keep on reading. I'll give you a spoiler
hint. Somebody is going to attempt confession ~ ~_0
you'll know who.

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