FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps Chapter (4)


Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter * Sakura!¡Âs great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara * Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr. Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.


Speech form: "Speaking" [Thinking]



After a month or so on a cool September morning!|


"Sakura! Time to get up for school."


Sakura!¡Âs Grandfather greeted the smiling Granddaughter. She jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Masaki (Grandfather) looked at a photo frame of his daughter, Nadeshiko before the accident and the photo of Sakura now. The two frames were next to each other and so alike. Sakura!¡Âs eyes particularly. Now his most loved daughter was gone along with her husband.




"Yes dear?"


"Are you alright?"


"Of course." He smiled and headed for the kitchen. He surely didn!¡Ât want to be ripped apart of his Grandchildren now. He couldn!¡Ât bare the thought of living without them.


[I know Touya loved his Grandparents when he was a child but now in his youth he seems so far away from me!|]



Syaoran gritted his teeth as he waited for Sakura to come out and walk to school with him. He had to tell her today. It was truly a must. He felt around his pocket. Oh good. It was still there. Sakura finally came out. She was cute like the first time they met when ten-years-old but now that she and him were eleven; she looked so prettier than before.


As the pair walked down Syaoran started the words he had ever rehearsed so often before the mirror.


"Sakura, you have been my friend for practically a year and had always comforted me and been a companion. I had been a coward all my life not being able to say this to you. Here, this was the penny you gave me when we first met. Thank you Sakura for meaning so much to me."


O_O Syaoran remembered he had forgotten one line in his !Rspeech!¡Â but ended it anyway. He was much too embarrassed to go that far. He gave Sakura the penny. She smiled and all of a sudden, wrapped her arms around his neck. It was a hug.


"You are so sweet Syaoran!"


Syaoran simply blushed.


School was over and Syaoran offered to walk Sakura home. As soon as they reached the Alm Uncle!¡Âs home, Syaoran held onto Sakura!¡Âs hand. "I forgot to tell you something!|"



Touya looked out of the window as he talked to his Grandfather. "Sakura has to come to the Daidouji residence."


"What makes your Grandfather think he!¡Âs going to let her go so soon?"


"The lonely girl needs a companion for heavens sake! Do you think she can live forever all alone in a big mansion in Frankfort?"


"Sakura has plenty of friends here and tell them you can!¡Ât find her anyone!"


"Sakura is coming with me."


"FINE! Take her there. I don!¡Ât want to see you or her ever again, now GO!"


The Grandfather slammed the door open and pushed Touya out with Sakura!¡Âs things in a suitcase.



"Sakura!| I!| Like!| Y..y.."


"Sakura come along we!¡Âre going to Frankfort."


"But I want to stay here and I!¡Âm so happy this way."


"You can come back whenever you wish so come along to the Daidouji residence."


"Oh! Then I can buy something for Grandfather, Syaoran and his family, right?"


"Whatever you wish now come."


"Okay! Syaoran, you can tell me later. I have to get something useful for you!"


Syaoran began to feel his throat choke. He knew Sakura wouldn!¡Ât be able to come back this way.

"Promise me you will never forget me and come back soon."


"Of course silly!"


=I Sakura was very clueless of the situation. The Grandfather felt a tear coming to his eye. He drew the curtains. He couldn!¡Ât bear to see his most precious Granddaughter be ripped away from him.



Weep, weep!| that was a bit sad. Hi this is Alien_no#6 here. Syaoran could!¡Âve said it more quickly, didn!¡Ât he? Well, he!¡Âll be he and no one else. The rest is going to be troublesome to take in I!¡Âm afraid. Hope you!¡Âll keep reading.

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