FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps Chapter (5)


Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter * Sakura!¡Âs great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara * Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr. Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.


Speech form: "Speaking" [Thinking]



Sakura arrived at the foot of a tall mansion by taxi. Everything around her was concrete, steel and cement. It had been a long time since she returned to Frankfort.


[I wonder where I am heading?]


"Come on Sakura, let!¡Âs go inside."


A strict lady, who was wearing a business-suit, greeted them. She peered down at Sakura through her thin glass lenses. Her clothes were of a black coat with a white blouse and a black skirt and white high heels. She styled her shoulder-length, dark brown hair into a ponytail.


[How slim and pretty she looks!|] Sakura thought to herself.


"I!¡Âm Miss Rottenmeir!| Are you Sakura?" the lady looked down at Sakura.


"Y-y-yes!| Mrs. Rottenmeir!|" o_0 Sakura felt quite frightened of the lady.


"Touya, I thought I asked you to bring someone OLDER than Tomoyo, not the SAME age."


"But on the letter Mrs. Daidouji sent me told me to get a companion not a sitter." Touya declared and felt a slight quiver at the back of his throat.


"Very well but if you misread that letter you are surely going to be chased out of your rental home with no money."


"It is none of your business and only between the Kinomoto and Daidouji family."


The lady took Sakura by the hand and walked briskly away from Touya and to the corridor. "Let me show to your room Sakura. Oh, by the way I am MISS Rottenmeir, I am a single." Sakura looked back. Why was her brother simply standing there? Didn!¡Ât he promise they would go home after a visit to Frankfort? Why was this lady showing her !RSakura!¡Âs!¡Â room? Surely Touya is going to stay as well then!|


"This is your room and do unpack and put your things around later, so you may feel comfortable. The laundry basket is over there. Come now child I!¡Âll show you to your companion Tomoyo."


[Tomoyo? What companion? I thought I only came for a visit!|]


Sakura shook her hand off Miss Rottenmeir. She observed her room. It was rather grand with big beige curtains and ivory white cushions on a creamy blue sofa. Her bed looked queen size with pastel blue and streaks of white for the covers. Her room had lots of blue and white colors. Even the wallpaper was white with blue violets.


"Come now." A slight change came upon Miss Rottenmeir!¡Âs voice. It had a more cold touch to it that Sakura even felt the need of her jacket. "Yes miss." Sakura replied feebly as they walked through the corridors. There was a painting upon !RTomoyo!¡Âs!¡Â bedroom door. It looked like a million colors all collided together. Streaks of yellow and dashes of green, specks of red and flurries of blue!| it was like one big !Rsplat!¡Â of everything.


"Miss Tomoyo Daidouji, your companion is present."


"Oh, come in." the door was opened from inside by a pale girl with blue eyes and blue black long and wavy hair. She was an invalid in a wheelchair. She wore a purple tank top with a pair of, plain blue short jeans. The girl had a bright but weak smile.


"You must be Sakura, I!¡Âm Tomoyo."


As Miss Rottenmeir left the room the invalid girl beckoned Sakura to sit down.


"Where is my brother going to stay?"


"Stay? You must be joking. He came here to bring you to my place." Tomoyo giggled slightly but stopped when Sakura began to develop a pair of puppy eyes.


"But!| then how am I supposed to go back to Grandfather?"


"Well, my mother sent your brother to fetch you so I can make a friend. It!¡Âs really boring during my home schooling. I have to stay home practically all day long. So you!¡Âre here to stay!|" Tomoyo tried to smile to cheer Sakura but Sakura!¡Âs sadness deepened.


"I!¡Âll never get to go home then!|"


"Oh, please don!¡Ât cry, besides we!¡Âll have great times here."



Syaoran quietly finished his homework and went outside with his sword inside a bundle. As soon as he reached fresh air he ran to the pastures where Yukito would normally be to take care of the goats. Syaoran ran and ran like he always did at Sports Day on the 50m dash. He felt the world whizzing around his and the usually gentle breeze felt like a harsh and cold wind.


[Why was I so stupid and waited all this time instead of telling her at the first place!]


Syaoran never was emotional all his life until now. A tear gently rolled down his cheek. His heart began to race as he recalled the past.



Hello I am the ever so !Rwonderful!¡Â and not quite !Rwonderful!¡Â Alien_no#6! Well what do you think of the 5th chapter of my first fan fiction? (Oh, this IS my first fan fiction okay?) Well since my best friend loves !Rhanyaan!¡Â stories I tried to add a !Rhanyaan!¡Â bit. ^_^ Sorry if this whole thing is too long. (!RHanyaan!¡Â is Sakura!¡Âs expression for fluffy pink fuzzy feeling)

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