FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura blossoms on the Alps Chapter (9)


Author¡¦s notes: Finally! The 9th chapter ~ Whoopee! I think it¡¦s going to be pretty longer than I thought.


Sakura-Heidi * Touya-Aunt Dete * Syaoran-Peter * Sakura¡¦s great grandfather-Alm Uncle * Tomoyo-Klara * Rika-Sebastian * (non-CLAMP) Miss Reeves-Miss Rottenmeir * Sonomi-Mr. Sesemann * Mizuki Sensei-Dr. Classen * the grandmothers as themselves.


Speech form: "Speaking" [Thinking]



Tomoyo and Sakura finished talking as the sun began to set. Syaoran sat quietly talking to Barli the goat. He whispered, "Now that the wheel chair is gone she¡¦ll have to leave and go to the hospital." The goat bleated. It had no idea and bounded off.


"Let¡¦s go home now Syaoran. Or we¡¦ll be late for dinner."


"Who¡¦s we?"


"Tomoyo and I of course! But¡K if you want to join¡K I don¡¦t mind."


"No thanks." Syaoran snapped¡K not angrily but rather nervously.


"Alright. Where¡¦s the wheel chair? Oh no! It fell off the cliff! I must¡¦ve put it too close to the edge! Oh what have I done? Now you have to go to the hospital and only stay for one night Tomoyo!"


"It¡¦s okay. Can you guys carry me? We¡¦ll discuss it with Dr. Mizuki."


"I¡¦ll carry you. I deserve a punishment."


But no matter how much she tried she couldn¡¦t. Sakura was kind of weak. Syaoran had to help in the end. He couldn¡¦t bare see Sakura suffering because of him. As soon as they arrived, Dr. Mizuki explained it was fine and it was a new chance to strengthen and exercise Tomoyo¡¦s legs. Everyone nodded and it was settled.


That night, Syaoran fumed underneath his blanket. Tomoyo was going to stay and now he will never have time with Sakura! Then again, when he saw Sakura¡¦s sad face, it made his heart collapse. He did over hear what the girls were talking about. That as long as the person they liked was happy everything would be fine¡K Syaoran pulled his blanket away and took in some fresh air. Well, perhaps he shouldn¡¦t have done that today. Guilt clouded over his thoughts. Now, he had made matters worse for everyone¡K


~* The next week *~


Tomoyo woke up the next day and tried the crutches the Grandfather made for her. They were hard at first and soon her right leg gathered strength and was usable. Sakura jumped with joy. Outside, Syaoran peered through the window and sighed with relief. Tomoyo was healing pretty quickly and maybe he could get away with it¡K


[Silly boy, doesn¡¦t he know that he¡¦s not the only one who knows his deed?]


Dr. Mizuki tapped on Syaoran¡¦s shoulder. Syaoran felt his heart skip a beat. He turned around to find the doctor smiling gently at him. He began to frown. It seemed as if the doctor was gnawing at him to tell the truth.


"When do you think you¡¦re going to reveal the truth?"


"W-w-what do you mean?"


"You already know."


"I-I-I have no idea."


"Silly boy¡K nobody is going to punish you¡K" Dr. Mizuki¡¦s face softened. She knew the time was too early for the wheelchair incident so she changed the matter. "¡KFor liking Sakura."


Syaoran sighed with relief. The doctor doesn¡¦t know about the wheelchair and surely he must be safe.


"Don¡¦t spy on her and follow her everywhere like a goat, do something about your affectionate feelings child."


[Child??? Whom is she calling child???]


"Y-y-yeah alright. When I feel ready." Syaoran frowned. Somehow he got this feeling Dr. Mizuki changed the subject trying to not grab his attention¡K or could it?


~* Later in the Pastures *~


"Why isn¡¦t Tomoyo coming?" Syaoran asked Sakura.


"Oh, she asked Grandfather if she could go meet Yukito."


"Then why are you here?"


"Remember I promised to always come?" Sakura smiled sweetly.


Somewhere behind a pine tree, two figures watched the pair closely. It was Yukito and Tomoyo. Tomoyo was videotaping this very closely. The wind rustled through the pines softly. It gave some background. Yukito gritted his teeth whispering, "Tell her tell her." Tomoyo smiled and felt the heat rising.


Sakura stopped. She looked at Syaoran. Funnily, why would she keep a childish promise for him? Could there be a special reason she kept it? Why did she think of him more often but shy away from him lately? Has he been doing the same? Was it like this the first time they met? Sakura pondered these questions and shook herself out of it. At the moment, Syaoran was wondering whether this was a set up so he could confess to Sakura¡K He too shook himself out of it. There was a deep silence and was hard to break. The wind rustled between them. Sakura¡¦s hair waved gently, almost like those romance movies. A strange warmth crept upon Sakura¡¦s cheeks as Syaoran gazed at her hair¡K^^; (Hey, they ARE around twelve.)


"S-S-Syaoran¡K Before I left, you were about to tell me something¡K what was it?"


[Oh my gosh, now I feel pinned to the floor¡K what should I say to her?]


"S-Sakura¡K I ¡K l-like y-"


Sakura tried to interpret the stammering words in her head. The wind began to blow harder and she lost grasp of the words. Syaoran felt helpless and stopped at once.


The wind blew very hard behind the pines too. Tomoyo switched the off button by accident and fell over with the camera. Yukito lost grasp of her and let her go. Instead of a thud on the grass, Tomoyo felt being held, but this wasn¡¦t Yukito, it was a more gentle comforting hold. She looked up to find a boy her age with blue black hair and glasses. He had a gentle smile. Tomoyo felt herself color lightly pink around her cheeks.


"Hey there."




"My name¡¦s Eriol."


"I¡¦m T-Tomoyo."


Tomoyo felt a bit dizzy and fell right into the boy¡¦s arms. Yukito smiled at the boy, who smiled back. The boy held onto Tomoyo¡¦s camera and crutches while Yukito carried her to the Grandfather¡¦s cabin.


"Sakura, you know the wheelchair wasn¡¦t your fault¡K"


"No, it was my fault you know."


"Stop it, you don¡¦t even know what happened¡K I pushed it down the crevice."




"I did."




"Because I wanted to tell you something so badly but Tomoyo¡K"


"What do you mean?"




Syaoran jumped up and ran as fast as he could to the Grandfather¡¦s cabin. Leaving Sakura with the goats.




[What was I thinking? Tell her the VERY truth?]


[Syaoran¡K I needed to tell you something as well¡K]



Hey there! I decided to make this chapter a cliffhanger! So you will read my next one! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ (How ¡¥evil¡¦ can I get?) I added Eriol into the scene so things will untangle ¡¥perfectly¡¦ the situation and give Tomoyo a partner. After all, they do look good together! Well, Alien_no#6 is waiting for you to finish the final chapter!


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