FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

It has occurred to me, today, and every day, maybe the last day as a Card Captor, I smile at the early times, when I would give anything to rid me of this tedious job. But I have realized, with growing concern that this job has priorities that I would never give up, and defend for life.

But, I know, today is the day, I seal away the wand forever, the day I blurry the cards away, till a new Card Captor is born...

14 years later...

"Li-kun! Hurry! The professor probably already started the lesson!" I dashed down the large empty halls of Tokyo University. I was in my final year of university, I was going to become a nurse. Li-kun was going to be a doctor. I've always dreamed of those dreams, as Li-kun's nurse. My face darkened slightly as the wind beat across my face, I realized that Li-kun, and me haven't talked about or relationship since the day he left for Hong Kong.

I stopped for a second and thought back, he returned, I was so glad, it is true, there have been may changes between us. He started to share things he would never tell me before, and vice versa. You could say, he opened his heart. I blushed violently, but I want more. He has never been romantic, or done crazy things in the name of love. As if I could blush harder, I realized, that I still have my first kiss saved for him. I grinned a little, because, I always will save my first kiss, for my number one.

Li-kun caught me by surprise, "Sakura are you ok?"

I nodded quickly, so he couldn't see, just how red my face was, and dragged him the rest of the way to class.


I watch Sakura through the corner of my eye. She was as beautiful as the first time I saw her. She has changed a lot, her hair, though in the same fashion, has grown out, into chunks of curls, from her deceased mother. But her eyes, will never change, they show her hopes and fears, and love.

I wonder if she know, just how much I love her. Times before, still make it hard, to say that I love her. Even though Mother did give me permission to come back, I know it pains her to see the last direct descendant of Clow to end family traditions. I stare one last time back to , but I would give anything to be with.

*Is that true? Would you give anything, for this fickle girl?*

I stiffened in caution, It was the dark deep voice in my head.

^Why wouldn't I^

The voice evilly snickers in my mind.

*Even, to give up your magic? You know I can your curse, all you have to do is say when.*

The voice, has haunted me since the day I returned from Hong Kong, I do not know of it's purpose, but the dark matter around it's presence puts me to alarm. It babbles of a curse Sakura and I. A curse that will forever keep us apart. Every day since I returned, the voice always asks,
*Do you love this girl so much, that you would give up your magic.*

I know, this is a test, a test that my family council has placed on me. I can not fall into this test, I look back at her, and she smiles at me.

How long much longer can I keep this up for?

...Tell me what you think...should I continue?....or is this story...just too weird???

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