FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Card Captors
“The Newest Exchanged Student?
By Sae Akane
A.k.a Sakara Akane

Author’s note: Sakura-san and Syaoran-kun are fourteen years old in this story. Sakura-san and Syaoran-kun are in their middle school life. And I’m in this story too. And Guess who am I? I don’t own Card Captors, okay? I’m foretelling you this believe time when I first met Sakura and the others.

It was summer and Sakura-san was late for school again. She woke up this morning
and something was bothering her. Last night she had had a dream of a girl who
was also a card captor. She had dark brownish-black hair, which is reached to
near to halve to her arms, she had bows on either side of her hair, and was wearing a Chinese styled outfit.
“Sakura-san, earth to Sakura-san! Are you there??asked Kero.
“Oh, hi Kero!?Sakura-san replied. “I was just thinking, oh, I gotta go! Bye!?

Setting: In front of the Kinomoto’s house. Sakura-san is trying to catch up with
Touya and Yukito and is roller blading to school as usual.
“Touya-kun, wait up!?Sakura-san cried.
“You’re late again, squirt!?Touya-kun implied.
“Stop calling me that!?Sakura-san cried.
“Touya-kun, can’t you ever be nice!?Yukito-kun asked.
Setting: Sakura-san’s homeroom. Mr. Takeda sensei enters the class while the students sit back at their seats.
“It’s time to do our kyoo shitsu de no manaa. ‘Kiritsu?He yelled as all the students stand up. “Rei!?Mr. Takeda sensei continued while everyone bowed.
“Konnichiwa minnasan.?He implied.
“Konnichiwa sensei!?They all implied.
“Chykuseki!?Mr. Takeda sensei continued while all the students sit down.
“Today we have a new exchanged student in our class. Let’s welcome Sae Akane!?
Mr. Takeda implied.
Then I walked toward the class. “Hajimemashite, minnasan. Yoroshiku
onegaishimasu.?I implied while smiling to the class. “I’m glad to be here.?
When Sakura-san took a look at the girl, she was surprised. She is about the age of thirteen and had dark brownish-black hair, which is reached to near to halve to her arms, and she had bows on either side of her hair. “She’s the girl in my dreams?Sakura-san thought to herself.
“I sense something about her.?Syaoran-kun thought to himself.
“Hajimemashite minnasan. Yoroshiku.?The others replied.
Then the sensei assigned me a seat.
“Sae-san, you can sit beside Syaoran-kun.?Mr. Takeda sensei said.
“Hai!?I answered while taking my seat. Behind me, I can see that a girl with dark bluish hair staring at me with jealously.
Setting: During the time of recess.
During the time of recess, I walked toward Sakura-san. I sense that she is a Card Captor too. (Remember, I’m retelling the story so I know her name then.)
Sakura-san and the others sat in a group and I wanted to make them my friend so I asked them their names.“Konnichiwa! Anata no namae wa nan desu ka.?I asked.
Sakura-san replied, “Watashi wa Sakura desu.?
Tomoyo-san also replied, “Watashi wa Tomoyo desu.?
Then, the other’s followed. “Watashi wa Chiharu, Rika, and Naoko desu.?
While I was talking to Sakura and her other friends, Meiling-san, who was in the other side with Syaoran-kun and Takashi-kun, grew very jealous.
Setting: Gym class
Mr. Takeda sensei told us to do cart wheels. Although, I’m not very good at it, but I can still make it. Meiling, who stand near me seems like she wanted to challenge me, but, I quickly ignored the thought. I think she might be jealous of me by the way I smile at Syaoran.
Setting: Near the time when school ended, when Mr. Takeda sensei was about to dismiss us.
“Kiritsu!?Mr. Takeda sensei yelled, while all the students stand up again.
“Rei?he continued while all the students bowed. “Sayonara Minnasan!?he cried.
“Sayonara Sensei!?They all implied as they exits the classroom.
I later on, hid in the brushes. I was crying. Although, I may always smile in front of my friends, sometimes, I feel sad in the inside. Sakura-san, who heard the sound of crying, came over to me. Then, I told her and Tomoyo-san what had happened.
“What’s wrong, Sae-san??Sakura-san asked as she came over to me.
“It’s because I missed my parents in Guangzhou. They just left me here because I have to captured the Clow Cards.?I said as I cry some more.
“So you are a Card Captor, too??Sakura-san implied.
“Hai.?I answered while wiping my tears with a tissue. “I wasn’t really a card captor, it’s really my brother’s job.?Then a feel more drops of tears dripped down from my face.
“What??Sakura-san asked as she was getting interest in my story. “You just say that you have come from Guangzhou, then how you know Nihongo??Sakura-san asked.
“I was taught by my teacher who lives a block from me. She teaches me, Nihongo.
“It’s ok that you are missed your life in Guangzhou and your friends there. I kind of have the same situation myself, like when the time I thought Tomoyo and I wouldn’t be in the same school. When I thought again, I said to myself, ?If I had to be sad, why not be happy being here.?And then a few months later, I was an exchanged student in Tomoyo-san’s school.?
“I guess you’re right.?I said as I totally wipe all my tears. “Arigatoo for your advice, Kinomoto. Sayonara!?I implied as I headed home.
“Sayonara.?Sakura-san replied.
Setting: Kinomoto’s house (Dining Room)
“Hey Squirt! I heard that there is a new exchanged student in your school.?
“Yeah. And Touya-kun, doozo stop calling me that!?Sakura-san implied.
Then Sakura heard her phone rang.
“Moshi Moshi! This is the Kinomoto’s residence.?Sakura-san implied.
“It’s me, Tomoyo-san. I think you got a card to capture.?
“What? Can you tell me where’s the location??Sakura-san asked.
“It’s near the park. I heard that many people had disappeared by that Clow Card.?Tomoyo on the other end of the phone cried.
“Ok. I’ll meet you at jyuu.?Sakura-san implied.
Setting: At the park at jyuu o?clock
When Sakura-san and Tomoyo-san arrived, they had already saw Syaoran and Meiling battling with the Clow Card.
“Force, know my Flight, release the light! Lightning!?Syaoran-kun cried out as he balance on a tree.
Meiling-san who was also fighting with the Clow Card uses the punches and kicks the Clow Card.
“The key of Clow! The power of magic! The power of light! Surrender the wand, force ignites! Release!?Sakura-san cried out.
“Excellent!?Tomoyo-san said as she started to record.
“Meiling-san, how many times did I told you not to take the Laser Board from my house.?Syaoran implied.
“Last time, it beamed a source of light at me. And I think that maybe I do have some magic too.?Meiling-san answered.
“Now, where is it??Syaoran-kun asked.
“It’s right here.?She said as she looked for it. “Oh no. I must have left it at home.?
“Meiling-san! Now we can’t find out who this Clow Card is.?Syaoran-kun said.
“It’s the Chain Card!?someone cried out.
Sakura-san recognizes the voice. “Sae?she said.
“Sae-san??Syaoran-kun repeated.
Then I jumped down from the tree. As I was jumping down, Sakura-san,
Syaoran-kun, and Meiling-san concentrated on me. I was wearing a Chinese outfit which a little high heels and on my right hand I hold a wand (it has a the back of Clow Card in the middle and two pictures of Sakura-san’s wand in the left and right side of the card), and on the left side there was an animal that looked like Kero, except that it’s peach and has a bow on top of her head.
“What? Another Kero??Sakura-san asked.
“Oh, this? This is Kino.?I introduced.
Then the Chain Card released a lot of chains. It chained Meiling.
“Shield Card. Protect me from the power of Chain! Release!?Sakura-san cried.
“Then the shield card converted to a barrier on Sakura-san, but not to the others.
Meiling-san, which had a chain on her neck can’t breathe.
“Meiling-san! Syaoran-kun said as he ran towards her. “Lightning!?he cried out as he tried to free Meiling.
“Magic Wand! Convert to a boomerang!?I cried. Then I threw the boomerang and it broke Meiling-san’s chains. Meiling dropped to the ground and then the boomerang converted back to the wand.
“Cool trick!?Sakura-san implied as Syaoran-kun ran to Meiling-san helping her like a big brother would do to her little sister. Then another chain went flying at me. I can’t breathe.
“Sae!?he yelled. “Lightning!?he said as he aimed the lightning to the chains to broken the chains on me.
“Arigatoo, Syaoran-kun.?I said. While I said that, the Chain Card fled two more chains. One was on Sakura-san and the other one was on Syaoran-kun.
“Stop it! I’ll challenge you to a match. Stop hurting my friends! Stop it!?I cried out, but it just made the Chain card angrier and made the chain holes smaller and making them harder to breathe.
“Sakura-san! Syaoran-kun!?I cried. “You, Chain Card! I’m going to capture you!?
I said angrily.
“Kino, what shall I do??I asked.
“Use the Flame card, miss.?Kino answered in a girlish voice.
Then I took out a Clow Card. “Flame Card! Activate now!?I cried. My posed of sending the Clow Card out is almost the same as Sakura-san’s, but I used a different wand then Sakura’s. Then a huge blast of flame covered the Chain card and the Chain Card is trapped.
Then, the chains on Sakura-san and Syaoran-kun disappeared. And Sakura-san sealed the card.
“Chain Card, return your power, confined!?Sakura yelled out.
Then the Chain card flowed to me.
Then Sakura-san, Meiling-san and me ran toward to Syaoran-kun, which lay
motionless on the ground. Meiling felt under his nose and found out that he wasn’t breathing.
“Syaoran-kun, please don’t die! Please! Wake up!?Meiling-san cried.
“Syaoran-kun, if you can hear us, please don’t die! I still need your advice for how to capture the other Clow Cards too.?Sakura-san cried.
“This is all your fault, Sae-san! If it weren’t for you, Syaoran-kun wouldn’t have died. It’s all your Fault!?she yelled while charging at me.
“I’m very sorry. I hope Syaoran-kun would live.?I cried out.
Meiling-san kicked and punched me. I prevented most of her reaction and I suddenly remember the pearl.
“Stop, Meiling-san! I know that it’s hard for you, but I know Syaoran-kun’s going to live!?Sakura cried.
“Teleportation card! Activate now!?I called out while I teleported to
Syaoran-kun’s side. “Return Teleportation card!?
Then I made an emotion that’s like I pushed the air from the top of my lungs, out to my mouth. I opened my mouth while a rainbow colored streamed of lightformed a pearl. During the time when I was doing this, Sakura-san and Meiling-san’s mouth was wide open.
“I wonder what’s the girl doing??Kero asked.
“A pearl just came out from her mouth.?Sakura-san answered.
“Ah, Clow Pearl, help me revive Syaoran-kun!?I yelled out. Then I put my lips in front of my right hand, which I had the pearl and some of the stream of light entered Syaoran-kun’s body.
“Hey! Bud out girl! Syaoran-kun’s mine!?She yelled. “And what are you doing to my fianc??Meiling-san asked.
“Your fianc??I repeated.
Then Syaoran-kun’s eyes blinked. Then he went over toward me. “Sae-san, you’re the one!?he cried out excitedly.
Japanese English
-san ?Suffix for Girl’s names can also use for Boy’s also.
-kun ?Suffix for Boy’s names.
Kyoo shitsu de no manaa ?Classroom Etiquette
Kiritsu ?Stand up (only used for classroom Etiquette. If not for classroom
etiquette, there is another word for stand up)
Rei ?Bow
Konnichiwa ?Good Afternoon/Hello
Minnasan ?Everyone
Sensei ?Teacher
Chyakuseki - Sit down (Only used for classroom Etiquette like Stand Up, there’s
another word for it)
Hajimemashite ?It’s the first time to meet you.
Yoroshiku/Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ?Nice to meet you.
Hai! ?Yes
Anata no namae wa nan desu ka ?What’s your name?
Watashi wa_________ desu - I am _________.
Sayonara - Goodbye
Nihongo ?Japan
Doozo ?Please
Moshi Moshi ?Hello?
Jyuu - Ten

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