FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

CardCaptors Guardian Series

Sakura Avalon was unique in many ways. Other than being the most athletic girl in her class, friendly, and pretty,
she was a CardCaptor. Being chosen as a Clow CardCaptor wasn’t exactly her choice; she had accidentally
opened the Clow Book and released all the Clow cards in the world. Her only help was the stuffed-animal-like
KeroBeros (The Great Guardian, blah blah blah…), a tiny, golden, winged creature that loved to play her Zylon
Warrior video game (Oh, NO! I know I saved it this time!! Time and Time again). Also…there was the matter of Li
Showron. The descendant of Clow Reed, the original creator of the Clow Cards, always seemed to know more
than the ‘amateur’, Sakura. After all, his family WERE the descendants of Clow Reed. He had his equipment: a
Lasin Board, his sword, and his somewhat funny ceremonial robes. No matter how nice Sakura tried to be to him,
he always acted more arrogant and all knowing (“Boy, you are hopeless!”). Luckily she had her best friend,
Madison, to help cheer her up (and provide her with funny outfits; “For Undetected Night Flight”. Time and Time
again) and video tape her missions.

“Class, I’d like to introduce a new student.”

Sakura snapped to attention as Mr. Terada went to the door to call in the new student. A pretty girl Sakura’s age
stepped in. She had black hair with a white streak over her right brow that looked silver in some light, done up in a
ponytail (with Sakura’s bangs). Her black eyes were beautiful and large. She bowed slightly and raised her head.
Even though it looked as if she was casually looking about the class, Sakura felt the intensity of her stare when the
girl looked at her. Sakura noticed that Li also was getting the same intense stare by the stare he returned.

‘Phft.’ Sakura thought, bored, resting her cheek in her hand, ‘That’s creepy. ‘They have the same intense eyes.’

“Class, this is Lai Kayori.” Mr. Terada said. The boys all nodded eagerly (except Li) and started volunteer their
seats for her (“Boys.” Muttered Chelsea.)

“Lai, why don’t you sit behind Li?” Mr. Terada suggested. Li simply shrugged. Lai walked to her seat, smiling
slightly at Sakura as she passed. Sakura smiled back, liking Lai almost at once (‘For creeping out Li.’ She
muttered to Madison, who giggled.)

She didn’t know that Lai was staring at her with the same intense stare.


Lai walked up to Sakura and Madison during recess and smiled.

“Hey, what’s up?’ she asked.

“Nothing much.” Replied the very bored Sakura. “We’re just watching the boys play soccer.”

“Sakura.” A familiar voice said.

“Oh, hi Li.”

Lai looked at Li and smiled.

“Hi, you’re Li, right?”

“Yeah.” Li said shortly. “Sakura, can I talk with you for a moment?”

“What’s up, Li?” asked Sakura as they stood in an isolated grove of trees.

“Do you sense a Clow Card?” Li asked seriously. He watched Sakura carefully.

“Yeah, I do.” Sakura replied, glaring at Li. “I’m not that hopeless. I just can’t feel specifically where it is.”

“Neither can I.” Li replied. “It feels pretty strong, though.”

“I know.” Sakura said, turning away slightly. “I think it’s one of the more powerful cards.”

“We’ll have to see.” Li said grimly, “Then try to capture it. Try not to bungle the job.”

Sakura’s face turned red.

Neither of them noticed Lai smile satisfactorily behind a tree nearby.


“Hi Dad. Hi, Tori.”

“Hey, squirt.” Tori, Sakura’s big brother, said as a greeting. “Who do you have with you?”

“Huh? Oh. Tori, this is Lai. Lai, this is my big brother, Tori.”

“Nice to meet you.” Lai said politely and bowed slightly to Tori. Tori smiled.

“Hey, she’s polite. How come I’ve never met her before?”

“She just moved here. I wanted to hang out with her a bit.”

“Hey Tori! Hey Sakura!”

“Uh, h-hi Julian!” Sakura stammered, blushing slightly.

Lai looked at Julian and smiled. She had an amazingly beautiful smile.

“Hi, I’m Lai.”

“I’m Julian. Nice to meet you. Want a cookie?”

“Hey, thanks!”

Lai munched on her chocolate chip cookie (while Sakura munched on hers) while they went to Sakura’s room.
Sakura knocked on the door once to warn Kero they were coming.

“Why are you knocking on your own door?” Lai asked.

“Uh, it’s…it’s a habit.” Sakura stammered. She opened the door and went in.

“Hey, cool room!” Lai exclaimed. She popped her head out of Sakura’s sun-window. “Awesome view!”


Lai popped back in.

“What a cute doll!” she exclaimed picking up the stiff KeroBeros. She looked at him curiously. KeroBeros
struggled not to sneeze. Lai poked him in the stomach gently.

“ACHOO!” Kero exploded. Lai laughed.

“How cute!” she exclaimed to the absolutely petrified Sakura. “A doll that sneezes when you poke it!”

She hugged the relieved Kero and put him down, though she stood gazing at him for a moment.

“Let’s go to the park.” Sakura suggested.

“ ‘K.”


Sakura and Lai sat beneath a large shady tree, Sakura lying stretched out on her back and Lai sitting with her
arms wrapped around her legs. Li appeared, walking past them. Lai was watching him, her eyes strangely soft.

“Hey, Li.” Sakura called. Li stopped and looked at them.

“Oh, it’s you.” Li said. Sakura looked up at him. He was looking at Lai. Lai blushed slightly and looked hurt.

“Hey, look,” Lai retorted, “I don’t know why you don’t like me, but I wanted to be friends. Why can’t you forget
whatever I did and be nice?”

“Ignore him,” Sakura said disgustedly. “He’s always this rude and mean.”

But Lai continued to look hurt. Li looked embarrassed (his mouth became a little squiggly line) and sat next to Lai.

“I’m sorry.” He said roughly. “It’s just that…when you came in you were staring at me really weirdly and it…it kinda
creeped me out.”

“Oh, sorry about that.” Lai said with an embarrassed blush. “I thought I had seen you somewhere before.”

“Yeah,” Li said, turning his head slightly away from her. “I thought I had seen you somewhere before…”

Lai continued to gaze at Li. Sakura noticed her eyes were slightly glassy and her mouth was open ever so slightly
as if in awe. Sakura realized something.

‘She must have a crush on Li!’ she thought, with a tiny smile. ‘I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before, but Li is
rather cute.’

“Are you…are you guys…”

“Lai, are we what?” Li asked, turning back to fix her with his intense stare. Lai blushed.

“Areyouguysboyfriendandgirlfriend?” she blurted really fast and held her breath.

Li blinked.

“Me and Sakura?” he said incredulously, “Are you kidding?!”

“Yeah!” Sakura said, “He and I are just…friends.”


Lai looked relieved.

‘Poor girl.’ Sakura thought, watching Lai. ‘Li probably will never like her, knowing him. I feel so sorry for her.’

Suddenly, Lai leaned forward and clutched her head.

“Lai, what’s wrong?” Li asked in alarm.

Lai sat up quickly.

“Uh, nothing. I just remembered; I’ve got to do something right now. Talk to you guys later!”

Lai ran away with Sakura and Li watching, a surprised look on Sakura’s face, and a contemplating look on Li’s. “I
wonder what’s wrong with her?” Sakura said softly. Li watched Lai’s retreating back with slightly narrowed eyes.

‘There’s something weird about that girl…’ Li thought.


“Li!” Sakura exclaimed, leaping to her feet.


“I can sense the card!”

“I can too, now that I think about it.”

“It’s nearby.” Sakura confirmed. “Let’s go.”

In moments, Sakura (holding her Clow key extended) ran towards the park lake, Li close behind.

The lake water was moving rapidly, waves racing across its surface, though there was no wind.

“The water Card!” Li exclaimed.

“Water Card!” Sakura yelled, “Show yourself!”

The blue Clow card rose out of the water, its fangs bared in a snarl. A waterspout rose from the water and roared
towards Li and Sakura.

“CardCaptors, watch out!”

Somebody pushed them out of the way. Sakura and Li looked up, wincing slightly, from the ground. A girl stood
there, oddly familiar. Dressed in gold and silver robes, she held a short silver pole in one hand. She looked
anxiously at them, and they saw her eyes were black with silver streaks. Her black hair had a silver streak in it
over the right brow.

“Who are you?” Sakura exclaimed.

“Li, explain.” The girl said.

“It must be her!” Li exclaimed.

“Who?”” Sakura yelled impatiently.

“The Ultimate Guardian Card!”

“The what?”

“The Ultimate Guardian Card!” Li said in awe. “She’s a powerful Guardian, the one card that cannot be caught by
ANY CardCaptor. She was a powerful warrior in my ancestor Clow Reed’s time, even though she was only our
age. She was talented in magic, and volunteered to become a Clow card so that she could guard the other cards
for eternity. She’s only chosen to show herself once since my ancestor, and that CardCaptor was one of the best,
if not the best.”

“Yeah, that’s me.” The girl said. “CardCaptor, you better get this one.”

“Oh, yeah.” Sakura exclaimed.

“Weaken it first…” the Guardian reminded. “Use Lightning.”

“Thanks.” Sakura said.

“Lightning!” Sakura yelled, “Release, and dispel!”

The Lightning creature appeared and attacked the shrieking Water Card. The Water Card lashed out with wild
blasts of water, trying to avoid the bolts of electricity.


The Guardian was hit by a blast of water into a tree. She groaned and staggered to her feet.

“CardCaptor, recall the Lightning card! It’s my turn!”

“Lightning Card!” Sakura shouted, “Return to your power…confined!”

“Ice Attack!”

From the end of the Guardian’s pole, a silvery beam shot at the shocked Water Card, neatly freezing it.

“Now, CardCaptor!”

“Right!” Sakura said smartly. She began twirling her key.

“Water Card!” she yelled, “Return to your power…confined!”

Within seconds, Sakura held the Water Card in her hand.

“Nice job.” The Guardian said warmly with a smile.

“Hey, it’s because of you that I could catch it.” Sakura said modestly. ‘

‘I’ve seen that smile somewhere before…’ Sakura thought.

“Guardian, can you tell us why you chose this particular time and CardCaptor to reveal yourself?” Li asked.

“I guess.” The Guardian said. “I came because this time, some of the most powerful cards escaped. Usually they
are confined by my magic, but somehow Sakura’s power set them free. I came to help her. I also came…because
I want to be free.”

“Huh?” Li and Sakura said at the same time. The Guardian looked at the pole in her hand.

“Clow Reed…” she said softly, “Gave me a choice. He knew I was just human…so he said that any time I wanted
to, I could become a regular human again. I’d have the same powers and stuff, but I wouldn’t be a card anymore,
and I wouldn’t be immortal anymore. I hate seeing the ones I love die…”

“Oh…” Sakura felt a deep sympathy for the Guardian card; no, this girl who had so readily volunteered her life for
a magic she loved.

“I understand.” Li said. His eyes gazed intently at the Guardian Card. Inexplicably, she blushed.

‘Hmm.’ Sakura thought to herself. ‘I know her. I’ve met her somewhere…but there’s some kind of barrier in my
mind that won’t let me figure out who she is!’


Next Day…


Lai sat behind Li, her eyes gazing off into space. Mr. Terada droned on and on in front of the class about
something that Lai probably knew (as she was at the top of the class).

‘Li…’ she thought, ‘Why? My heart pounds so fast when your nearby…I feel odd, as if I’m floating. It’s weird. I’ve
never felt this way before.’


“Ack!” Lai gasped and fell over backwards. Mr. Terada was tapping his foot, standing next to her desk. She
quickly sat up and assumed a nervous smile. The rest of the class was turned in their seats, staring at her.

“Yes?” she asked. Li gave a derisive snort.

“I asked you…” Mr. Terada said, annoyed, ‘how long does it take a sloth to climb down a tree?”

“Two weeks.” Lai replied instantly.

“What kind of plant usually grows in its fur?”


“Good. 10 points…”

Lai settled her chin on her crossed arms miserably. Li probably thought she was an idiot now…wait, why did she
care what Li thought about her? She shook herself. Then she found she was staring at Li’s face, though he was
facing front. His cool hair…his intense eyes…

‘ARGH!’ Lai yelled at herself mentally, ‘Stop dreaming about Li, you idiot!’

She fingered her necklace, a tiny silver pole, about an inch long.

‘Why me?’ she asked herself mentally. ‘Why me…’


Next Day…


“Here Li.”

“Huh?” Li looked up to see Lai. She was smiling happily (her eyes closed) and holding a small package out to
him. He took it slowly.

“What is this for?”

“For being…so nice. I just wanted to get you something for creeping you out. I’m sorry.”

“Uh, thanks.” Li said. Lai blushed.

“Open it!”

Li tore off the brown paper to find himself looking at a small box. He opened it. A small cheery Egyptian tune
played, and small pictures of Egypt lined its edges. Tiny stone pyramids, exquisitely cut, lay in the bottom of the
cup, complete with tiny polished stone camels and people in Egyptian garb. A small book was in a pocket in the
side. He took it out and looked through it. It was about Egyptian pyramids and mummies, facts and stories. He
looked up at Lai, who had her hands clasped together nervously, looking at the ground. His eyes were glassy with
gratitude and surprise.

“Th…thanks.” He stammered. Lai gave him a smile that was like the sun rising.

“You…you really like it?”

“Yeah!” Li exclaimed, holding up one of the pyramids and looking at it.

“It’s made of real Egyptian stone.” She said eagerly. “Zachary told me you are really interested in Egyptology.”

“I am.” Li said. “Thanks a lot!”

He smiled at her. She blushed. Together they walked into the school, talking.


Later that day…


Li was holding the small box in his hands, looking at it reverently.

“What’s that?”

It was Sakura.

“It’s a present from Lai.” He said. He smiled.

“Oh, cool!” Sakura exclaimed, looking in the box.

“She’s really nice.” Li said, looking back down. “We talked a lot together. Her parents are dead, so she’s living
with a friend. She likes a lot of the stuff I like too. She’s…different.”

“Yeah.” Sakura agreed, “I like her a lot, too. She seems to be able to make friends really fast.”


Five Days later…


Sakura and Madison were walking to school, Madison aiming her camcorder everywhere, from Sakura’s
exhausted, unhappy face to the birds.

“Hey, isn’t that Lai?” Sakura asked suddenly, straightening up. A girl was leaning against a tree, grabbing its trunk
for support. With a cry of pain, she fell to the ground. Sakura and Madison ran to her side.

“Lai!” Sakura cried, “What’s wrong?”

Lai’s face was contorted with pain. Her face and the rest of her was covered in scratches and bruises, and there
was a gash across her cheek and on her upper arm.

“My…ankle…” she gasped. Sakura looked at Lai’s ankle.

“Oh, no…” Sakura whispered, “It looks like your ankle’s sprained. Stay still, Lai! We’ll get you some help…”

Sakura looked wildly around. Coming down the road were Li and Zachary.

“Li! Zachary!” Sakura yelled, waving her arms wildly.

“What is it?” Li asked in an annoyed tone, coming over.

“It’s Lai!” Sakura said desperately, “She’s sprained her ankle or something, and she’s unconscious!”

Zachary stopped rambling about how the fishes invented bubbles and stooped down.

“What can we do?” Zachary asked.

“Help us…carry her to the school or something.” Sakura said desperately.

“Yeah, but let’s strap her ankle to a piece of wood so it doesn’t get jolted too much.” Li suggested. He picked up a
straight branch and tied it to Lai’s leg with his handkerchief.

“I’ll get her shoulders, you guys support her legs and her body.” Li ordered. Li lifted Lai’s upper body, while Sakura
and Madison supported her body and Zachary supported her legs. Moving as fast as they could, they carried the
now unconscious Lai to the school.

“Chelsea!” Sakura cried, “Call the nurse! Lai’s ankle is sprained, and she’s in bad shape!”

Chelsea nodded and ran off to fetch the nurse and Mr. Terada, who showed up two seconds later.

“Oh no!” Mr. Terada gasped, “What happened?”

“We don’t know!” Sakura gasped, “Madison and I were walking to the school, and we saw her leaning against a
tree, and she collapsed!”

“Good job, you four.” The nurse said, ‘You supported her leg and got her here quickly. We’ll call an ambulance.
Thank you very much.”

Minutes later, the ambulance went zooming off, its siren blaring. Sakura and the other watched it go.

“I wonder what happened to her…” Madison said softly.

“She was really beaten up.” Sakura remembered. “She was covered in scratches and bruises.”

Li’s eyes were worried and narrowed.

“Something happened to her. Something must have attacked her for some reason. We’ve got to find out what

He slammed his fist against the wall in frustration. Sakura watched him, alarmed.

“Li…” she said in surprise, “I’ve never seen you so worked up.”

“Something dangerous is around.” Li said, “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Lai’s a good friend, and I’m sure
she wasn’t attacked for no reason.”

He turned and ran into the school. Sakura was worried about Lai. Li was right; there was something, or someone,
dangerous around the school.


Later that day…


Lai lay on a bed, Band-Aids on all her scratches, bandages on her upper arm and around her head. Her ankle
was in a bandage cast. She smiled weakly at her visitors.

“How are you feeling?” Sakura asked softly. She put a box of assorted chocolates and a stuffed teddy bear on her

“I’m alright, thanks to you.” Lai smiled. “Thanks for helping me.”

“Hey.” Li said brusquely.


“I came to see if you were all right.” Li said roughly. He handed her a dozen long-stemmed, dark red roses. Lai’s
eyes were glassy when she looked up at Li, blushing slightly.

“Thanks.” She said softly. The nurse came in.

“The doctor says you can leave now,” she said, “We’re providing you with a wheelchair and crutches. Don’t
participate in gym for four weeks, and don’t run or do exercise.”

Lai made a face.

“Don’t run?” she groaned.

Sakura and Li laughed. Sakura, Li, and Lai were the most athletic in their class.

Moments later, they exited the hospital, Lai in a wheelchair with Li pushing her. Sakura walked alongside carrying
Lai’s stuff.

“You don’t have to carry my stuff, Sakura.” Lai laughed, “Just stick it in my lap, or something.”

“No, it’s ok.” Sakura smiled. “I don’t mind.”

“Hey, Lai.” Li said abruptly.


“What happened?”

“Huh? You mean what happened this morning?”

“Of course.”

“I was attacked.”

“That’s obvious.”

“I was attacked by a something.” Lai continued seriously. “It was creepy…I was walking through the woods as a
shortcut, when there was a weird sound. I looked up, and next thing I knew, I was falling over the edge of a gully.
That’s how I sprained my ankle. This blurry patch of air was hovering over me. I was bleeding on my forehead and
arm, and I hurt all over. I felt really weak, as if the creature was draining away my life. I fainted. When I came too, I
found a stick and hobbled to the road. I collapsed, and that’s when Sakura found me.”

Li was silent. Sakura looked at him, and found his eyes narrowed angrily. Lai stared at her hands.

“Listen, you guys.” She said seriously, looking up at them. “I don’t want you guys to try to find that thing. I’d never
forgive myself if you guys got hurt because of me. Promise me that you won’t go looking for that thing…at least,
not until I’m with you.”

“Uh…” Li looked down, frowning slightly.

“But the doctor says you won’t be up for about four months!” Sakura exclaimed, “That creature or thing could hurt
other people before you get better!”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Lai agreed, “But you know…I heal really fast. Don’t be surprised if I show up to school
tomorrow feeling absolutely fine.”

“Don’t strain yourself.” Sakura warned, “Or we won’t be happy.”

Lai laughed with the rest of them, but when Sakura and Li weren’t looking, her eyes narrowed and she fingered
her necklace.

“Oh, no.” Lai sighed when they reached her house. “I forgot. My guardian left on a business trip this morning! I’m
going to have to live by myself for a week.”

“Hey, I think you can stay at my house.” Sakura suggested.

“If Sakura can’t take you in, I’m sure either Madison or Chelsea or someone else can.” Li assured. Lai’s eyes

“Hey, I’m sure my guardian wouldn’t mind if I had a couple of friends sleep over for a night.” She suggested, “It
could be a get-to-know-each-other sleepover!”

“Great idea.” Sakura agreed. She was excited. “We could invite our friends! I’m sure they’d love to get to know
you better.”

“Li, you and Zachary can come, too.” Lai suggested. Li looked at her for a moment.

“I…guess so.” He sighed. “I’ll go talk to Wei. I’m sure I can.”

That evening, at 5:30, Sakura and Madison turned up at Lai’s door, laden with their sleepover stuff.

“Come on in!” Lai greeted, using a crutch. “I’ve made some popcorn, caramel apples, brownies…”

“Yummilicious!” Madison proclaimed, looking at the wide variety of snacks. “You even have healthy stuff!”

“Yeah, and for dinner, I think we can have spaghetti and meat sauce.”

“Mm-mm.” Sakura declared, “I love spaghetti!”


From 5:30-6:00, Rita, Chelsea, Nikki, and some other girls turned up. Around 6:05, Zachary and Li turned up with
some other boys.

“Hey, welcome!” Lai said happily, “Come on in. We’re about to start eating!”

Li and Zachary put down their stuff. Zachary immediately went over to the other girls and started explaining how
dogs had invented scratching. Li, however, stood there watching, his mouth a squiggly line again.

“What’s wrong, Li?” Lai asked, crutching over to him. “You seem nervous. Haven’t you been at a sleepover

“Not…really…” he stammered.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered conspiratorially to him, “Neither have I. I just thought it’d be a cool idea.”

He smiled slightly.

“Come on!” Lai encouraged, “It’s not as if we’re all going to gang up on you or something…”



Lai ducked the pillow Sakura sent her way and chucked one back.

“Ha ha!” she laughed triumphantly as Sakura fell over backwards. “You’ll never hit me! I’m the great Lai Kayori!”

“Get her!” yelled Chelsea. Pillows began raining on Lai who laughed and tried to dodge at the same time. She
caught a pillow and threw it at Li, who, surprisingly, pretended to catch it in his face and wobbled unsteadily
towards Lai.

“Ahhh,” he mock moaned, “You’ve knocked me senseless. Help me.”

He pretended to fall against Lai, who laughed and, unbalanced, sat down with a thump!

She laughingly tried to push Li off of her, beating him with a pillow. Madison was exchanging pillowy blows with
Sakura, both of them laughing and giggling. Nikki, Rita, and Chelsea were ganging up on Zachary, who was
spouting on about how clouds first dropped pillows upon earth. The other boys were throwing pillows at each other
madly. After about 10 minutes of being beaten with pillows, Lai declared another game.

“Spin the Bottle!” she declared. “You spin the bottle, and whoever it points to, you have to kiss.”

Li unbalanced.

“What!?” he yelped, “We have to kiss someone?”

“Oh, come on, Li.” Sakura laughed, “A peck on the cheek’ll do. And ONLY if that person’s the opposite gender.”

Everyone gave a sigh of relief. A few minutes later, they were seated in a circle.

“O.K.” Lai said, “Everyone’s here. Who’ll go first?”

“I’ll go!” Chelsea volunteered. She spin the bottle.

“Hey, John!” Lai laughed, “You’re the lucky guy!”

A boy with brown hair blushed furiously when Chelsea pecked him on the cheek.

“O.K. John, your turn.”

John spun the bottle, which landed on Madison. She received a peck on the cheek. Smilingly benignly, she spun
the bottle, too. A boy named Yamato blushed and received the peck on the cheek. When he spun the bottle, it
landed on Lai. He eagerly kissed her on the cheek, causing her to blush.

“O.K.” she said, “It’s my turn.”

Each of the boys (except Li) crossed their fingers. Slowly, the bottle spun to a stop…

“Li, you’re the lucky guy!” Sakura declared. The boys looked disappointed. Lai was blushing furiously, and Li’s
eyes were serious. Lai gave him a quick peck on the cheek and backed off, looking nervous.

“Hey, you guys.” She said, “I’m just going to check on the food. Be right back.”

“O.K.” they said in unison. A moment later, Li stood up.

“I’ve got to go get something.”

He walked off into the kitchen. Lai stood at the sink, washing her hands.

“Hey, Li.” She said softly, not turning his way.

“Lai,” Li said, “About that game.”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“It’s…pretty cool.” He said, “I guess it isn’t too bad.”

She turned around and smiled at him a bit. Her cheeks were tinged pink.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Later that night, the girls and boys slipped into their sleeping bags, boys in one room, girls in another.

“Hey, Lai.” Nikki called across the room. “’Fess up. Who do you like?”

“Huh?” Lai replied, surprised, “Me? I don’t know…”

“Oh, come on, Lai.” Madison said encouragingly, “Don’t be shy. We think we’ve figured out who you like.”


“Li Showron.”


“Come on, Lai, it’s not bad or anything.” Chelsea said, “He is pretty cute. I don’t blame you.”

“I never said I like him!” Lai declared, “It’s just…he’s a nice guy. That’s all.”

“If you say so.” Sakura replied mischievously. The girls all laughed, except Lai, who stared at the ceiling, her eyes

“Li…” she thought.

“Li, you lucky guy.”

“Whaddya mean, Yamato?” Li said, his arms folded behind your head.”

“You got a kiss from the cutest girl in our class.” John called. “Man, is she beautiful!”

“It was just a peck on the cheek, geez.” Li said grumpily. “I don’t know what the big deal is. It was just a game, and
we’re just friends.”

“Yeah, maybe. But she’s so hot. Man, and I thought Sakura was the cutest girl in our class, but then Lai came
along. I thought I was being blinded.”

“You guys are crazy.” Li declared, “Lai’s just a girl, and a nice one at that, but she’s just human!”

“Li, Li, Li. Can’t you see? We all would give anything to get a peck on the cheek from that girl!”

“Yeah, right. Listen, guys, she’s just my friend. She’s not just an object or something. Just leave her alone.”

“If you say so, Li.” Yamato sighed, “Geez, you really aren’t any fun. I was just joking!”

What none of them knew was that Li was also staring at the ceiling, his eyes seriously intent.

‘Lai’s strange.’ He thought, ‘I like her, as a friend, but…there’s something about her.’



Sakura and the other girls sat bolt upright in their beds. Lai was tossing and turning in her bed, her face creased
in worry and pain.

“It’s all my fault…it’s all my fault…” she moaned, “Oh, Li…Sakura…Everyone!”

“Lai!” Sakura said urgently, “Lai, wake up!”

The door opened. Li stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes.

“What happened?” he asked.

Lai sat up suddenly. She looked at Sakura and unexpectedly hugged her.

“Oh, Sakura!” she sobbed, “It was so real!”

“Was it a nightmare?” Li asked, kneeling next to Lai’s bed. Lai nodded tearfully, wiping away a tear.

“I…I was somewhere. And you…you and Sakura were walking through this clearing in some woods. The other
were with you, too. Madison…Chelsea…Rita…Nikki….everyone! This huge creature attacked you! I couldn’t do
anything! I just stood there and tried to attack the monster, but it threw me back! Everyone was killed and it was all
my fault!”

“Lai, calm down!” Li said, alarmed, “It was just a nightmare.”

“It was so horrible!” she sobbed, “I was screaming…but I could still hear everyone else’s screams…Oh Li!”

She collapsed against Li, sobbing into his shoulder. He patted her back, his eyes serious. His eyes met Sakura’s,
and he mouthed two words. Nightmare Card.

“I had a horrible nightmare, too.” Nikki moaned, “We were in a cave, and people started disappearing all around
me! Everyone was gone, and I was all alone!”

“Yeah, me too!” Chelsea said in a trembling voice, “I fell over a cliff…I just kept falling and falling…”

Li nodded at Sakura over Lai’s head, who was still weeping.

“Li…” she gasped, raising her head to look into his face. “I saw you die. You and Sakura. You were…were being
choked. It was horrible! I couldn’t do anything!”

Silently, Li handed her a tissue with which she wiped her eyes.

“Thanks.” She said miserably. “Sorry about dampening your shoulder.”

Li shrugged.

“No problem.”

Lai got up unsteadily, and Li rose with her. He steadied her.

“Do you need anything?” he asked, his eyes serious and a bit anxious. She shook her head.

“I’ll be alright.”

She hobbled out of the room. Li nodded to Sakura and they left the room.

“It was the Nightmare Card?” Sakura asked softly in another room. Li nodded grimly.

“How are we supposed to catch that?” she said incredulously. Li thought for a moment, his chin in his hand and his
elbow resting on the other arm.

“I think…I have an idea.” Li said, “Did you notice how fast and quickly the others fell asleep?”

“Yeah, but I thought it was just because they were tired.”

Li shook his head.

“I think there are two Clow Cards around. Sleep and the Nightmare Card. If we can catch Nightmare, Sleep will be
easy. All we have to do is enter someone’s dream.”

“How do we do that?” Sakura asked. Li shook his head.

“I don’t-”

“With this.”

Sakura and Li gasped and looked up. Sitting on the windowsill was Lai.

“Huh?” Sakura gasped, “Lai? What are you doing?”

“I heard you guys talking. You guys want to capture some Card and you need to get in someone’s dream. You can
use me. Here.”

She handed Sakura a small pouch.

“It’s a special powder I inherited from my parents. It allows you to enter someone’s dream for an hour. There’s
enough for two people in there. You automatically get out when you shout “Dream over!” or the hour’s up.”

Lai sighed.

“I don’t really know what cards you’re talking about,” she said seriously, “but if you guys think they’re dangerous,
I’m a willing volunteer.”

Li nodded and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Thanks.” He said simply, his eyes locked with hers. She blushed a bit.

“We’ll have to wait for the Sleep Card.” Li told Sakura when she was holding her Clow Key. Li was holding his
sword. Without warning, Lai slumped to the ground behind them, her eyes drooping shut. Sakura ran to her side.

“She’s only asleep.” Li determined. Lai frowned and moaned.

“Now, Sakura!” Li commanded.

“Dream Powder, work your stuff!”

Sakura tossed the glittering powder over herself, Li, and Lai.

Sakura and Li felt as if they were zooming incredibly fast through a warped tunnel. They turned and looped and
turned upside down for what seemed an eternity until they stopped with a sudden thump. They stood up and
looked around, Sakura ruefully rubbing her bottom.

“Yeah, this is Lai’s dream.” He nodded. “It’s a bit different from her last nightmare, I think.”

An image of Li was walking through a clearing in front of them, when suddenly a huge, black dragon-like beast
landed in front of him and roared. They saw an image of Lai dash out from the trees…but it wasn’t Lai. It looked
like Lai, but it was wearing the Guardian Card’s robes…Li’s image was grabbed around the neck with what
looked like green mist and lifted into the air. He was choking, clutching at the misty tentacles, but his hands went
right through them. Tears were streaming down the Guardian’s cheeks. She raised the silver pole and it became
a slender sword. She tried to cut the tentacles, but to no avail. They saw her draw a Clow Card out.

“She has Clow Cards?” Sakura gasped. Li nodded. His eyes were narrow.

‘Why is the Guardian Card in Lai’s dream?’ he thought, ‘Could it be? Lai is the Guardian Card?’

“Freeze Card, Release and Dispel!” They heard the Guardian cry. A silvery mist wrapped around the dragon,
which stopped roaring and stood perfectly still. Li’s image looked as if it was unconscious. She leaped up and
wrenched Li down. She shook his form, shaking her head in despair.

“Li, wake up!” she sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks, “Wake up! Wake up…please…Li! I can’t bear to
lose you! There’s so much I haven’t told you…!”

Li shook himself with a growl.

“Now Sakura!” he yelled, “Use the Water Card and destroy that dragon image!”

“Right!” Sakura nodded. She drew her Clow Key and started twirling it.

“Water Card! Release and Dispel!”

The Water Card surrounded the frozen Dragon and knocked it over.

“Water Card! Return to your power confined!”

“Capture it, now!” Li shouted.

“Nightmare Card! Return to your power…confined!” Sakura shouted, swinging down the Key. The Key stopped as
if it had hit a hard surface, and where the point was, a card formed. Sakura caught the card in her hand. A picture
of dark smoke was in the picture, with the captioning of “The Nightmare”.

“Dream Over!” Sakura shouted. Once again, it felt like they were being pulled through a tunnel. Bam! They found
themselves standing in the room they had left. Lai was lying motionless on the ground. Li knelt next to her and tried
to shake her awake.

“Lai!” he called, “Lai! Wake up!”

He looked up at Sakura, something close to panic in his eyes.

“I can’t believe it! She won’t wake up! The Sleep Card must have put her in the deepest sleep it could manage!
We’ve got to chase that card out of her, Sakura, or she’ll sleep forever!”

“But…but…” Sakura stammered, “We can’t, Li! We could hurt Lai!”

“I don’t know how to do this one, Sakura!” Li growled in frustration. He pounded the ground next to Lai’s inert form
with his fist. “This hasn’t happened before!”

Sakura stared at him.

“Wh...what?” she stammered, “But Li…you’ve always…known what to do before!”

“I’ve never heard of someone entering a sleep this deep because of the Sleep Card. It’s almost as if she’s dead!
Her pulse is really slow, and her breathing’s shallow. Most of the time Sleep just puts them to sleep for some time.
But never a sleep as deep as this!”

“Man…” Sakura looked down at Lai. “Hey, what’s that?”

Li looked down. He kneeled next to Lai.

“It looks like a necklace. There’s a silver bar on it…”

He reached over and touched the bar. A blaze of light erupted from where his finger was touching the bar.

“What the…?” Li gasped.

A female voice, Lai’s, boomed and echoed loudly, but only the two could hear it.

“Guardian Card, Power Dispel!”

Lai’s body rose in the air, her arms and legs dangling down. Slowly, she began to revolve faster and faster, till she
was spinning so fast she was a blur. There was a bright flash of light, and the Guardian stood in her place, the
pole held between her hands. Her robes had changed; now they were longer and fit tighter to her body, covering a
white dress. She winked and began to twirl the pole in one hand.

“Sleep Card!” she called, “Awaken to defeat! Guardian Weapon, Dispel!”

The pole blazed incadescently in her hand and transformed. Instead of the pole, she now held a long slender
sword, its pommel adorned with a perfectly round sphere of crystal.

“Sleep Card, leave this girl’s body, now!” she ordered. Li and Sakura then noticed Lai’s body floating in mid-air,
her arms, legs, and head dangling loosely. The Guardian Card touched the sword point to Lai’s chest, and a dark
shadow escaped from her open mouth.

“Now, CardCaptor!”

“Sleep Card!” Sakura shouted, twirling her key, “Return to your power…confined!”

Shoom! The Sleep Card was absorbed in the card. With a gust of wind, the Card landed in Sakura’s hand. The
Guardian Card winked again and disappeared in a flash of light.



Li knelt next to Lai, who was groaning.

“What happened?” she asked groggily. She sat up, holding her hand to her head. (Mysteriously, Li’s sword had

“Uh, nothing.” Li said, “You fell asleep…”

“My necklace…” Lai was looking at the silver chain.

“It changed…from a silver bar to a tiny sword.”

She looked at them.

“What happened?” she demanded, “This doesn’t make sense! At all!”

“Don’t worry, Lai.” Li assured her, his hand on her back. “We’ll explain one day.”

“Uh-huh.” Lai nodded slowly. “I believe you, Li. Sorry.”

“S’ok.” Sakura smiled. “Let’s go get some sleep. I’m exhausted.”


Three Days Later…


Lai was sitting on a lake shore, staring out over the water.

‘Something has come near…’ she thought.



“What do you want, Sakura?”

“I sense a Clow Card…no two!”

“Nice job. I wasn’t sure if you’d sense them.”


“I was teasing, Sakura!”

As they turned to go, Sakura eyed Li out of the corner of her eye.

“You like Lai, don’t you?” she asked. Li turned bright red.

“Have no idea what the heck you’re talking about.” He said, staring straight forward. Sakura smiled.


“Class, as you all know, we’re taking a hiking trip up into the mountains today. Now, it was delayed, due to some
unfortunate circumstances,” Mr. Terada smiled apologetically at Lai who grinned sheepishly. “But we can go on
the trip today. Get your things together, and we’ll go off! Remember, stay in your groups of three.”

Lai joined Li, Sakura, looking a bit distracted.

“I have a really bad headache,” she confessed to Sakura, “It’s been bothering me all morning.”

“Hey, don’t worry.” Sakura assured her, “It’ll go away soon.”

Lai shrugged and ran up to talk to Li.

“Hey, Li?” she said tentatively. Li looked at her.


“About the other day.”

“What about it?”

“Did anything peculiar happen to me?”

“Other than the fact that we couldn’t wake you up?”


“Yeah, but I can’t explain it right now. Maybe some other day.”

Lai sighed.

They reached a bridge that stretched over a wide, deep ravine.

“Since we walked so fast and started out so early, we’re probably the first ones to reach the bridge.” Li said.

“I think so.” Sakura said, “I’ll go first.”

Lai was standing on the edge of the bridge looking across.

“O.K.” she agreed, “I’m really afraid of heights. I think I’ll go last.”

“Don’t worry, we’re here to help you if you want us to.” Li reminded her. “The bridge looks steady, so don’t worry.”

Sakura took a step onto the bridge.


Her foot went right through the bridge. Lai moved fast, grabbing Sakura’s hand quickly. Lai strained backwards,
trying not to let go of Sakura’s hand. With Li’s help, they pulled Sakura back on the side.

“What the…?” Sakura wondered, looking at the bridge. It still looked solid.

“Sakura…” Lai started, “Your foot didn’t break the boards. It went right through the bridge.”

“Hmm…” Li was looking at the bridge. He met eyes with Sakura and nodded. It was a Clow Card.

“It’s an illusion.” Lai murmured. Just then, Chelsea and her group ran around the bend.

“Hey you guys,” Nikki called, “We’re gonna beat you to the other side!”

“Nikki, no!” Lai, Li, and Sakura called in panic, but it was too late. With a scream, Nikki fell through the bridge. Lai
clenched her fist. The other two girls ran off for help as Nikki clung for dear life on a ledge below.

“What are we going to do?” Sakura muttered to Li. “I can’t use Windy while Lai’s here, and Nikki’ll see me

“I have no choice!”

Li and Sakura looked at Lai, who was staring at her clenched fist, her eyes narrowed with determination. She
grabbed her necklace off and held it up.

“Guardian Card, Power release and Dispel!” she yelled. As Li and Sakura watched in amazement, Lai
transformed into the Guardian Card’s robes, holding the sword.

“Lai!” Sakura gasped, “You’re the Guardian Card?”

“I am.” Lai nodded, “I didn’t want to tell you guys…”

“Fly Card!” Sakura yelled, “Release and Dispel!”

She tapped a card with her wand.

Wings sprouted on Lai's back. Jumping off the edge, she fluttered down to Nikki.

“Hold on, kid.” She said assuringly, “You’re going to be all right.”

With Nikki safely back on the ledge (thankfully, she had fainted), Lai turned to Sakura and Li.

“When I was possessed by the Sleep Card, I couldn’t turn into the Guardian Card. When you touched my
necklace, Li, it released a spiritual form of myself. It helped you free me from eternal sleep. Thank you.”

Lai bowed.

“Guardian Card!” she yelled, “Return the power…confined!”

Her robes zoomed into the necklace, as did her sword.

“Now, Sakura!”

But Sakura needed no bidding. Her Clow Key was already twirling.

“Illusion Card!” she called, “Return to your power…confined!”

“Alright!” Lai cheered, “Good job!”

“Oh…” Nikki stirred on the ground.

“Hey, girl.” Lai said gently, kneeling down next to her. “Are you feeling alright? That was a close call.”

“Yeah, I’m alright.” Nikki seemed relieved. “I thought a white angel came and carried me up. Weird hallucination,

Lai winked at Li and Sakura.


Very soon, the whole class gathered on the side of the ravine, now without a bridge.

“Well, class,” Mr. Terada sighed resignedly, shaking and scratching his head. “Without the bridge, we can’t cross
the ravine. We’ll have to turn back.”

There were mingled cheers and groans from the class. Some began to run back excitedly, while others (Like
Sakura, Lai, and Li) trudged back unhappily.

“Aw, man!” Sakura groaned, “I wanted to hike!”

“Me too.” Lai sighed.

“Maybe, but we found two Clow Cards.” Li said seriously. He looked at Lai seriously.

“Why didn’t you tell us before?” Li demanded.


“I’m dying to know!” Sakura declared, “Did you not trust us?”

“No, no.” Lai shook her head, “It wasn’t that…not the entire reason.”

“Then what was the reason?”

“It’s complicated. Maybe another day.”

“Fine. But make sure you do explain to us.” Li said. He eyed her for a moment. Lai was looking miserable. For the
rest of the day, she avoided them, hurrying away whenever she saw them coming.

“Hey, Madison.” Sakura called after the bell rang. “Where’s Lai?”

“Oh, she already went home.” Madison said, “She said she had some important business.”

‘She doesn’t want to talk to us. I hope we didn’t upset her…” Sakura thought, a slight look of unhappiness on her


Lai was trudging home, a look of extreme unhappiness on her face. Her eyes were miserable.

‘Now they won’t trust me.’ She thought, ‘I guess they have a good reason. I bet Li hates me now.’

Li stood in a tree, watching her trudge wearily by. He turned to go in the opposite direction, when he saw Lai
suddenly stop. She fell to her knees, clutching her throat.

“Lai!” he yelled. He leapt to the road and ran next to her.

“I sense a Clow Card!” he muttered.

“Ab…absorb…Card…” Lai choked, “Draining powers…and life…is…its…specialty.”

With a groan, she fell to the pavement on her stomach, unconscious.

“Lai!” Li called, panicking. “Lai, wake up!”

She stirred slightly. Looking up at him weakly, she struggled to say something.

“Only…effects…Clow Cards.” She groaned, “Use…your…sword…before it’s…too…late…”

Her head lolled to the side.

“Force, know my plight. Release the Light!” Li shouted, “Drive the Absorb Card into Sight!”

A white snake appeared, twisted around Lai’s still body.

“My turn!”

It was Sakura. She ran up and twirled the Clow Key.

“Absorb Card!” she shouted, “Return to your power…confined!”

Shoom! The card went to Sakura. Lai groaned. Li knelt anxiously next to her.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine…” she groaned, “I was the only Clow Card that was out nearby, so it targeted me. It must have
been that card I encountered in the woods.”

“Yeah.” Li agreed. Lai laughed a bit softly.

“It seems I’m the target of a lot of the Cards. Funny…that…”

Li shrugged, but Sakura giggled.

“Yeah, Lai. We should make Li guard you all the time.”

Lai’s face burned a bright red, but Li shrugged, eyeing Sakura out of the corner of his eye.

“Fine with me.” Li said, “You’ve helped us a lot. It’s our turn to help you.”

Lai looked at Li with something bordering close to awe.

“You…you mean it?” she stammered.

“Yeah. At least, until your guardian returns from her current business trip…two weeks, right?”

“Yes. Thanks, Li.”

“No prob. Can I stay at your house?”

“Don’t see why not.”

“Then I’ll come over tonight, ok?”

“Sure!” Lai replied happily. She was blushing slightly. “So…so you guys aren’t mad at me for not telling you who I

“Nah. We understand.” Sakura assured her. “We have nothing against you.”

“Instant relief.” Lai sighed. Sakura and Li laughed.


Two weeks later…


“Li. Sakura. Madison.”

“Hey Lai.” Madison greeted, “What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you guys.”

“Sure.” Sakura said, mystified.

“A powerful Card is nearby. I have reason to believe it’s the last. After all, over the past two weeks, you guys have
caught a lot of them.”

“I agree.” Li said.

“It’s the Flame Card, I believe.” Lai said. “It’s very powerful. We’re going to have to give all we’ve got. It has fire
attacks, so Windy, Water, Freeze, and Sleep should do a lot of good. Absorb would be great, too.”


Three heads nodded.

“Madison, I think you should stay behind for this one.” Lai said, “It’s going to be very dangerous.”

“O…k.” Madison said reluctantly. “I wanted to tape it, though.”

“Sorry,” Lai replied, shrugging. “I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“The Flame Card takes the shape of a great red dragon.” Li informed Sakura, “So it can use teeth, claws, and its
tail, too.”

“This is going to take all the strength, cunning, and wit we have. Be on your ware every second of the battle.” Lai
said seriously. “And don’t stop if I am injured. As a Card, I’m easy to heal. It’s you two who should be careful.”

“Ok.” Sakura agreed. But Li looked at Lai.

“Lai…” he said quietly, “Don’t try anything too risky.”

“I can’t promise that, Li.” She answered just as quietly. “I’ll give my life to protect you two, as is my duty and wish.”

“Your wish?” Sakura asked.

“I’d never forgive myself, as my nightmare told, if you two got hurt when I could’ve helped you. It’s true in real life,

Sakura and Li looked at her silently. She seemed to be blazing with power and truth. She looked at the solemnly.

“I pledge that I will die before you two get hurt.”

“Lai, no!” Li exclaimed, “You can’t make that pledge! It’ll bind you to us!”

“I know.” Lai replied simply. “I’m ready to take the consequences.”

Wordlessly, Li placed his hand upon her shoulder. She nodded firmly at him, a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks.

“Let’s go.”

The Guardian, descendant of Clow Reed, and the CardCaptor stood in a clearing in the woods.

“Just like my nightmare…” Lai whispered to herself. Li looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

BOOM! CRASH! A huge dragon-like beast crashed through the trees at the opposite end. The dragon looked like
it was made of flame (it was), its eyes ablaze with fire. It let out a shattering roar. The grass and trees drooped
and burned from its heat.

“Now, Sakura!” Lai and Li shouted at once. The Clow Key was spinning.

“Water Card, Release and Dispel!”

The Water Card encircled the Dragon beast, quenching many of the trees’ and grasses’ fires. The Flame Card
roared in agony.

“Freeze Card!” Lai shouted, holding the card up in front of her face, “Freeze the Flame!”

She swung the sword down overhead and tapped the card. A silvery-blue mist sped through the air, heading for
the Flame. With a roar, the Flame dragon broke out of the Water Card’s circle and crashed away through the

“Freeze Card, return to your power confined!” Lai yelled. She ran after the Flame Card.

“We’ve got it cornered against the lake.” Sakura shouted to Li as the ran.

“We can hope so.” Li replied grimly.

“Guardian Force!” they heard Lai’s voice call, “Weapon of Light, reveal your might! Dragon Strike!”

There was an earsplitting roar ahead followed by Lai’s triumphant yell. Sakura and Li saw the Flame Card
writhing in pain, its tail lashing about wildly. Suddenly, a spout of flames erupted from its mouth, heading straight
for Li and Sakura.

“Watch out!” Lai screamed, running towards them. She took a flying leap and shoved them out of the way. The
flames hit her hard in the side, blasting her against a tree. She gave a grunt of pain and groaned, sliding limply
down the trunk.

“Lai!” Sakura cried. Li turned and glared at the Flame Card.

“Flame Card!” he yelled, “You’re mine!”

“Force, know my plight.” He chanted, “Release the Light!”

A beam of light shot at the Flame Card, knocking it into the lake.

“Now, Sakura!” he yelled, “Use Windy!”

“Windy!” Sakura cried, “Release and dispel!”

Windy shot out at the weakly struggling Flame Card and lifted it into the air.

“Flame Card!” Sakura shouted, “Return to your power…confined!”

There was a faint roar, a pop, and Sakura held a card with a picture of a fiery dragon on it.

“We did it!” she yelled triumphantly. Li ran over to Lai’s still body.

“Lai,” he whispered urgently, shaking her by the shoulders, “Lai, wake up! We did it! We caught the Flame Card.”

Lai groaned. Her eyes opened weakly.

“I…I knew you guys could do it.” She whispered and smiled at Li.

“Good job.”


Sakura sighed wearily, showing Madison the Flame Card.

“That,” she declared, “Was the hardest battle ever. And we almost lost Lai.”

“Yeah,” Madison agreed, “But think, you’ve captured all the cards!”

“Yeah!” Sakura replied cheerfully, “I can’t believe it!”


Lai was sitting on the lakeshore where they had beaten the Flame Card, watching the sun set. She looked up at a
slight noise. Li sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around his knees loosely. She was leaning back
against her hands.

“Hey Li.” She said softly.

“Are you going to turn back into a card?”

“I…I don’t think so.” Lai stammered.

“Why not?” he turned his head and gazed at her with his intense eyes.

“For a number of reasons.” She said, returning her gaze to the sunset. Li continued to gaze at her.

“I don’t like to be immortal.” Lai said, “I see too many people I care for die.”

“I understand that.” Li said, looking at the sunset, too.

“I have a lot of friends here who are great to me.” Lai continued, “Sakura, you, Madison, everyone else…”

“And I’m also staying for one particular person.” She said quietly.

“Who?” Li asked curiously, in his serious voice, looking at her sideways.

“You, Li.” She said softly, “You.”

She looked slightly away.

“I’ve liked you so much for ever so long.” Lai whispered, “but I never knew whether you liked me or not. I’ve never
felt like this for anyone else…”

She felt a hand on the side of her face. She looked up, blushing ever so slightly, her eyes soft. Li was regarding
her seriously with his beautifully intense eyes, not smiling, but not frowning. His hand moved down to her chin, and
gently tilted her face upwards. He leaned forward, tilted his head slightly to the side, and kissed her on the lips,
delicately. Lai’s eyes were closed, as were his, as they shared the soft kiss. Silhouetted against the beautiful
colors of the setting sun, they stayed with their lips touching, his moving softly against hers, for a long time. Finally,
they moved apart a bit. Her eyes were shining, a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Li’s eyes were soft in their serious
way. Slowly, Li lowered his hand from her chin. Tentatively, she reached for his hand. They watched the sun set
together, Lai’s head leaning upon Li’s shoulder, their hands linked together like their souls, and their love.

The End

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