FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Ultimate Test
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter One
The Love Between the Showron and the Avalon

As usual, Sakura and everybody went to school and it's a really usual day. When Sakura walked home with Madison, she saw Li's Lasin Board so she told Madison to go home first and she will go and give the Lasin Board back to Li.
Sakura knocked on Li's door. "Hi, Li, I found your Lasin Board on my way back home so here you go!" "But I didn't lost my Lasin Board, if you don't believe me, you can come to my room and check." So Sakura went to Li's room, they are alone in the room. Li got his Lasin Board and those two look exactly same. "I better say the spell on both of them and maybe I can find the fake one." But before Li say the spell, one of those Lasin Boards exploded and turned into red powder and spilled on Li and Sakura's head. Suddenly, Li and Sakura fainted.
"Ring, ring, ring!" "Taylor's Residence, may I help you?" "Hi Madison this is Sakura's father. Did you see her around today? Cause she didn't come back now and she promised me to go to the Family Fun in the Family Hotel." "I don't know Mr. Avalon, she found the stuff that Li lost so she decided to returned it and she told me to go home first and she told me that she'll call me after she got home." "Okay, thanks!" Sakura's dad hung up the phone and he told Tori and Julian to look for Sakura.
"I think this time that brat is planning on something, we can't let him do anything to my sister so we better get there fast" Tori told Julian. When they arrived Li's house, no one is there so they went to Li's room. Tori and Julian saw Sakura and Li lying on the bed, exhausted. They seem asleep and didn't notice what happened. "Sakura, wake up! It's time for Family Fun!" Tori told Sakura. Sakura wondered what happened and she hurried and she went with Tori. Julian waked Li and they went to the Family Hotel.
Sakura and her family had fun and they went back home. Suddenly, Sakura is really tired and she went to sleep. When the 12:00 bell ringed, she woke up and headed to the tower. Li was there also and a shadow came between them.
"The power of the Love card, please bring those two within and release! Ha, I think no one is ever gonna to capture cards again! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Sakura Avalon and Li Showron, you two are doomed!" The shadow said and she disappeared in the card between Li and Sakura.
Then Li and Sakura fell asleep down the tower. "Huh? It's Li and Sakura, Tori, they're down the clock tower!" Madison told Tori and Julian who are search for Sakura. "Li, you okay, what are you doing with her!" Meilin asked Li. "No one is ever gonna to let me leave Sakura!" Li told everybody.
Tori: "Look what the little had done to my sister, I have to teach him a lesson."
Sakura: "Tori! Stop! First of all, Li is not a brat and I love him so much!"
Meilin: "Li, do you remember your marriage with me! We're engaged when we're little but how come you love another girl?"
Meilin ran away to school and Madison began to help Sakura get up.
Madison: "Sakura, what happened to you two? First you guys were enemy who really wants to get all the Clow Card and beat each other but suddenly you guys fall in love. I should tape it and put it on my web site. 'The Love Between Showron and Avalon' rhymes good though. (Whisper to Sakura) Do you still like Julian or Li?"
Li and Sakura: "There's no way we're going to let go on each other and we love each other."
Julian: "Okay, that's fine, you guys but anyway you two are late for school, here are your backpacks. Move you guys!"
Madison: "I don't know Meilin, I think it's a card that had been controlling them."
Meilin: "But no matter what, (whisper to Madison) I'm gonna to get Sakura's wand and I'm gonna to find out what's this Clow Card."
A normal day and the only different thing is that Li and Sakura hang out some more and ignored others. Meilin is really mad at Li and she swore to God that she would get it back to normal. "Why are you bringing this brat to our house? Sakura did you realize something is wrong with you? Okay, I will not bother you but Li, you better watch out, if you do anything to my sister, I'll kill you." Tori told Li and Sakura.
Sakura and Li begin to do homework. They had tea and cookies and Kero flow over to get some but Sakura just told him to leave her alone. After Li left, Kero began to ask questions. "What is going on with you and that brat Li? Do you know that he was your enemy, you try to get your cards and blame you are not a good Card Captor?" "I know it Kero, but I love him so much I hardly even dreamed about him."
The phone ringed. "Hello, Avalon residence, this is Sakura." "Hi, Sakura, it's Li, what are you doing." "I'm fine I'm just calling and see if you're okay." "Oh, Li, you're so sweet."
Li and Sakura talked on the phone for a long time, she told Tori to bring her dinner upstairs so she can eat when she talk to Li and she told Kero to make her a hot bubble bath so she can talk when she's bathing. Li did the same thing, she told Wei to bring her dinner up and she told Meilin to find a wet towel to wrap his face. For one minute, Sakura hang up because Li have to take a shower and she had to get in her pajamas. When they all went to bed, Sakura called Li again and they talked till 2 o'clock in the morning and they went to sleep.
"Sakura, wake up, it's seven already, and the brat and the Taylor girl are downstairs waiting for you." "Thanks Kero." Sakura got dressed and grabs a cookie and went school with Li and Madison. "So what's going on with you guys? You seemed to be a lot closer than you use to be." Madison asked and Li and Sakura came up with the same answer, "We love each other." Meilin is watching them walking to school and she asked them if she can join and Madison just tell Meilin that she cold walk with her because Li and Sakura wants to be alone. Meilin only said okay.
There's a dark bush behind them, "That's right Clow Card Master and Mistress, come over and destroy yourself." The bush said and it turns out to be a shadow and vanished.
Three days later, in midnight, when Sakura told Li that she had to practice tomorrow so she hang up early, a shadow appeared and brought Li and Sakura down the tower again. "Now I can suck up all your power and the Clow will be released and it's mine." Said that shadow. "Hold it!" Meilin said holding Li's Lasin Board. "You're looking good Meilin, keep going and I'll tape everything." Madison told her. "Quick Meilin, grab Sakura's wand and Li's sword and repeat after me." Kero told her.
"Magic Wand and Magic Sword, make your power come within one, given the power to me and release Clow!" Magic Clow Key appeared and Meilin was holding it. "Meilin, you have to figure out which card is it. Was it Love or Cold or Control or Perfect? You only have 3 chance." Kero told her
"I know exactly what you are, return to your real form Control card!" Meilin said but the shadow just laughed. "Now I can introduce myself, I'm the Dark Shadow, the keeper of the test cards and when you finished your mission, I'll disappear with the keys. This is not a Control card because the Control card only can take control of one person but two of them like each other. I already gave you a hint and come and capture the card!" "Return to your real form Love card!" Meilin shouted. The red power came out of Li and Sakura's body and turned into a red heart shaped card. It says Love on it and it's protruded the word LOVE. It's like a red stone and Meilin is really happy. But Li and Sakura just fainted. "Perfect Meilin! I taped everything and when Li and Sakura went back to normal, I can show this to them and they'll be fully surprised. They all laughed and Meilin brought Li back to his house and Kero released Fly card to take Sakura and Madison back.
"Huh? I don't believe I actually fall in love with Sakura!" "I can't believe I fall in love with the 'brat'!" The bell rang and they all can go home and Li told Madison and Meilin that he had something to say to Sakura so Madison and Meilin went home first. "Sakura, there's always something I want to say. I love you Sakura, I really love you." "Is that true Li? I hide my feeling for long time, I love you too!" They kissed each other on the lips and they became really close friends like when they're been controlled by the Love card.
"Ha, you think you're smart this time but the next card is much harder. Clow Card Mistress and Master, you're doomed. Just watch me."
"Huh? What's this? A red key? This looks has something to do with the Love card I think. So we better bring it home. Give this to Meilin because she has the Love card. Maybe it's one of our missions too!" Sakura told Li and they walked back home.

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