FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Ultimate Test
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Three
None Heart Meilin

"No! No! Don't hurt Meilin! Stop before I seal you! Please! Don't take Meilin's heart and brain! Don't do anything! Get away from her! Okay, if you don't, I'll stop you. Shield Card! Protect Meilin! Fight Card! Fight to the shadow and get the heart and the brain! Through Card! Go through Meilin's heart and put her heart and brain back! Now it's your turn! The dark night Shadow, return to your power confined! Ah! No! He escaped!" "Sakura, wake up! You've been talking in your dream for a long time. I see you're capturing a card so I didn't wake you up but you have to! What happened?" "Kero, you wouldn't believe what happened! Oh, no, maybe the Shadow is doing this to Meilin right now! I don't have time to talk, Kero, get Clow Book and I'll get my wand. We'll go to Meilin's house right now before she's in deep trouble!"
"Meilin! Open up! It's no use! I have to fly in. Fly card! Fly me into Meilin's house." "Sakura, are you going to explain what's going on here?" "No time for that! I'll explain when I see Meilin's okay." "Here girl, you're the one that has no power. Maybe you can get power. Okay, you can still sleeping but now I have to get your Brain and Heart so then you'll not pass this test. Oh, also, if you don't have Brain or Heart, you'll get power like your rivals did. But it's a little power. If you get your Brain or Heart back, you'll still have power and you'll be more careful. If you have both back, you'll still have powers. Now I'm going to suck up your power." "Hold it! Shield! Protect Meilin!" "Fight! Fight the Shadow. Freeze! Freeze the Shadow!" The Shadow was frozen and it can't move. "Shadow, return to your power confined!" Sakura was trying to seal Shadow but it's no use. After she seals it, there's another one standing there. She keeps on sealing but Shadow didn't move an inch. "Ha, card captor, you're still too weak. And if you didn't get all the test cards, you'll never get me. After you got all the cards, I'll give you a chance to battle me and if you win. You're down with this mission. But I'm not letting you do that. Meilin's Heart and Brain are mine. No one is ever going to stop it." The Shadow once again vanished.
"Sakura? Why are you doing in my room? Who get your door?" "You better be careful Meilin. Shadow is after you. He wants to get your Brain and Heart. If she does that, you're going to be so cold and so careless. You should think about what you should do." "Oh, I think you're joking again. I'm not going to believe you cause it's payback time! Because of you someone destroy Li and mine engagement. Maybe you did it because you don't like me. Because of you Li couldn't finish his mission to get all the cards. And it's because of you Li doesn't like me anymore. Will you stop bothering me? I've had enough. I don't want to see you alone with me again. I was trying to act nice when I was with Li. Nothing will change my love for Li forever. Unless I met someone else."
Meilin is really mad at Sakura and she went to sleep. "Sakura, you must feel horrible. You was trying to help her and now… So are you going to explain to me what's going on or what." "Get on my wand, I'll tell you on our way home. I had this dream that Shadow was after Meilin trying to take her Heart and Brain away. And it's true. When I got there, I was trying to help her and you saw it. But Meilin just thinks that I was trying to kill her because I had the Fight card. Oh I felt horrible that Meilin thinks like that. Should I quit hang out with Li, Kero? I really love him." "Sakura, you should do whatever you thinks it's right and expect what's unexpected. You shouldn't help her anymore or tell Li to protect her." "Yeah, thanks Kero. You've been a good friend.
Next morning in school, Sakura explain everything she saw in her dream and what happened in Meilin's house and what Meilin said. She told him to protect Meilin and she won't hang out with him anymore. Li doesn't want that to happy so he just try to let Sakura feel a little happy. "Madison, I think we better go to swim without Meilin and Li because Meilin. It's a long story, I'll explain to you later."
Sakura use Create Card to create a guard and Create card brought Fight and Shield with it to protect Meilin in the night and they'll come back in the morning. That night, Sakura had the same dream. Then she heard Madison call and she told Sakura the dream she just had. It's the same Sakura had. They went to Meilin's house without waking up Kero. "What should we do?" "We just have to watch her. If Shadow comes in, I'm going to battle him."
"Ha, yesterday that card captor stopped me but today I'm going to get you. What? There's Shield protect her? Who did this? Must be that card captor again. This won't bother me. Ah! What the heck? The Fight Card? What's it doing here? Must that card captor send it here. Shadow Magic! Put rope around Fight! Huh? A guard? Must be Create Card. Shadow Magic! Take care of them all!" "You're not going to do that. Shadow Card! Stop Shadow!" "Meilin!" Li shouted. "Oh, you guys were here too. I know now, all the things Sakura said was true. I just had the dream. I can take care of this. Meilin, wake up! It's Li! Everything Sakura said was true. Look, there's Shadow trying to take your Heart and Brain. I just had the dream. Please forgive her and now I have to battle. Shadow, I won't let you take my cousin away. Force, know my light, release the light!" "You got here so fast so this time I'll leave but not next time!" The Shadow vanished before the thunder hit him.
"Oh, Sakura, I felt horrible. We're friends but I just jealous. Can we be friends again? I promise I'll be good." "You don't have to promise me anything Meilin, we're friends and nothing is going to change that." "We have to keep Meilin safe. Tomorrow is camp and we have to watch her. It's all up to you Sakura, and of course Madison." "Okay, we're going to do it."
"Okay now! This morning we'll get packed and we're separate rooms. Sakura, Madison, Rita, Fran, take cabin number one. Meilin, Chelsea, Jenny, Kate, take cabin two. Li, Zachary, Richard, Andrew, take cabin number three. Jason, Christopher, Danny, Philip, take cabin four. The rest girls take cabin five and six and the boys take cabin six and seven." The teacher said. "Ms. Crankle, Can we trade Fran for Meilin?" Sakura asked. "Nope, it's on the record, she have to take cabin with those four." "Okay, thanks. Meilin, be really careful." "Okay, I'll keep in mind."
The first three days are normal so Sakura and the rest thinks that Shadow couldn't find them but Shadow is waiting for the right moment to take Meilin's Heart and Brain.
"Shadow Magic, make everyone sleep including card captors and the guards. Meilin, I have to do this. Heart and Brain, come to me." Meilin's Heart and Brain came out of her body and the Shadow had it. "Hold it! I knew you're going to use sleep so I create a guard to wake me up. It's a Clow Card so it's working. Move Card! Move Meilin's Heart and Brain over here and have Madison hold it." Meilin's Heart and Brain is in Madison's hands. "We have to think about something to do with it." Said Madison. "Shadow Power, give Meilin a little power and let her began her cold life!" Meilin suddenly wake up and she walking towards Sakura and gave her a slap on her face.
"Sakura, don't get angry, this is what Meilin would act because she's been controlled by the Shadow!" Madison Remind her. "Get Shadow quick before he vanished again! Oh, no, it's too late. Sakura, think about something to bring Meilin back! Move Card! Move Meilin's Heart and Brain back to her body. Oh, it won't work!" "Concentrate Sakura, you can do it!" Said Li from behind. "Li how did you?" "I have an alarm and I knew Shadow is going to do it in middle night. When I woke up, everyone is still asleep so I just sneak in." "Li, I hate you so much for being nice to Sakura, this is payback time!" Meilin said and give Li a slap on her face too. "Li, don't believe her, she's taken control by Shadow!" Madison reminds him too.
"I know Meilin, she's my best cousin. Sakura, you can rest a little bit now, I'll take care of this. Force, know my light, release the light Thunder!" The Thunder made Meilin faint. "Cold Card! Return to your own form!" Suddenly a green light came out of Meilin's body and her Heart and Brain got moved in Meilin's body after Li captured the Cold Card. "Nice work Li!" Sakura said. "Meilin you okay?" Li asked and he explained everything that happened in the cabin. "Oh, I'm so sorry Li and all of you." Meilin apologized then Li left because it's in the girls' cabin.
This Meilin thing is finally ended and Meilin is looking for a nice guy she can be with. After all, Meilin is really happy for Li and Sakura.

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