FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Ultimate Test
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Four
Madison's Sorrow

"The other three CardCaptors were too powerful so I should trick the one who's taping. Madison Taylor. I'm going to use my last card, The Perfect Card. Perfect, perfect, perfect card, give power to you and turn yourself into a boy. Use your power to turn yourself into 12 years old and name it Perry Shadow. Have mud for your parents and relatives. This time I'm going to get them down. Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
"So Sakura, you have time to practice today's lesson?" "I don't know Madison. I think I'm going to have skate lesson today. But I can swim after the lesson. Today is medium day remember? The school dismisses at twelve and I'm going to skate lesson at one. It's only an hour and we can go to swim after that. I'll call you when it's time to go. I'll bring Li and Meilin too!" "If I'm free, I'll go." Sakura and Madison end the conversation and went to class.
"Class, today we have an exchange student. His name is Perry Shadow." Li sense something is wrong with that new kid. "He's from another city but he's really nice and he gets really well with people. Come on Perry, the class is waiting for you." Perry is extremely handsome and he's really nice. "Hello, I'm Perry. I'm twelve years old and I'm really happy joining with you guys. So, is anybody gonna to introduce themselves?" "Oh yes Perry. You can sit behind next to Madison and Sakura. The person who uses to sit there has moved. Ha, I got an idea, Madison, why don't you introduce the class to Perry and show him around the school." "Okay."
"Okay Perry, here's the cafeteria and there's the gym." Madison explained everything in the school and Perry said, "Thanks, Madison. You're really great." Madison is blushing and her face turned red and left him to see Chelsea and Sakura. "Oh, my gosh Madison, Perry is really handsome and I would die if he ask me out. Do you have a crush on her too Madison?" Chelsea asked. "Chelsea, You already had a boyfriend, remember? Zachary is your boyfriend and I do have a little crush on Perry." "Oh Madison, I don't like Zachary because he only tell stupid stories and I think he would ask you out." Perry walking towards Madison and asked, "Madison, would you go out with me?" "Oh!" Chelsea was screaming and crying and she whispered to Madison that she's the luckiest girl in the world. "Oh, Perry, I would love to go out with you. How about Saturday night? The Japanese Restaurant?" "Okay, Madison, I'll see you at the restaurant." Perry is gone and Chelsea and the rest began to ask questions. "Oh, Madison, I'm so happy for you." "Chelsea, it's not a big deal."
"Madison, you look gorgeous and beautiful and pretty. I don't know how to explain how beautiful you are." "Oh thanks Perry." "Sauchi Restaurant, may I take you order please?" "I'll have some rice and tofu and some Sauchi." Said Madison. "I'll have the same thing." Said Perry. "Oh this dinner is delicious huh? I loved it. How did you what's right to order?" "Well, I use to go to this restaurant a lot and I've tried everything in this restaurant and this is my favorite. I think you have the same taste because you ordered the same thing remember?" "Oh yeah, I just want to eat the same thing as you did." Madison and Perry talked a lot and they ordered some soda and some cakes for dessert. Perry paid the check. After that, they left the restaurant and have a little walk in the park.
"You know Madison, you're really beautiful and I know I loved you when I first saw you." Madison is kind blushing and she didn't say anything and Perry keep on talking about her. "Perry, it's late and I have to go home." "Oh, okay, I'll walk you home." "No thanks, it's too much trouble already. You paid the check I think you should just go home." "Oh it's not any trouble at all you know, my house is on the other side of your street." They walked home and Perry gave Madison a big kiss on the lips when Madison is going in the house.
"Oh, Madison, tell me everything that happened yesterday! I want to know everything!" Asked Chelsea. Madison told Chelsea everything and Chelsea thinks it's really romantic. "Hi, Madison, I was wondering if you will go to the dance with me." "Dance? What dance?" "Oh, I asked the teacher if we're going to have a dance this semester and he told me that there's a dance in the end of this year. So can you dance with me?" "Sure. Then it's this Friday huh?" "Yep. My family and me are going to a trip this Saturday and Sunday. So you want to come with us?" "I already had plans with Sakura and Li and Meilin." "It's fine, they can go with us!" "Oh sure, but you and me have to ask them." "I'm cool with it. I'll ask them after school." "Madison, so you're hanging out with that Perry guy." Li and Sakura asked. "Oh, yeah, he's nice and he's gonna to ask you guys and Meilin to go on a trip with his family this Saturday and Sunday. Well, it's vacation you know." "Madison, I'm afraid of tell you this. Do you like him?" Sakura asked Madison. "Of course I do, do you have a problem with that?" "No, we're best friends and I'm not going to hurt you but Li told me that he sense something from Perry and so did I. I don't think he's a normal guy maybe he's a card or something." "That's not possible! He's too perfect and you know what? A card can't do that." "Okay, I'm not trying to do anything to you, just beware."
Madison is a little mad at Sakura and Li but they're still her friends. Perry asked Li, Sakura and Meilin if they want to come and they said yes. Li told Sakura it's a perfect time to find if he is a card or not. They're fully prepared and they got all their weapons like cards and wands.
Li asked Sakura if she wants to go to the dance with him but Sakura told him that it would make Meilin mad so they just go there themselves and ask then.
The last day of elementary school, they all dressed prettily to the dance party. Sakura wore a long green dress and a green butterfly on her hair. She wore green shoes that match her eyes. Li wore a pair of blue jeans, and a white shirt. Meilin wore a red Chinese dress and she looks pretty too. Perry wore white shirt and dark pants. Madison wore a blue dress and she looks beautiful.
The dance began. Li danced with Sakura and Meilin. They're really happy at the dance. Madison is the class queen and Perry is the king, they have to kiss each other and they had a long kiss.
It's Saturday, they all went the trip with Perry. It's a really sunny day and they had a lot fun. They went swimming, and they went picnic and everything for the field trip. It's nighttime, Perry's parents had a tent and all the others lived in a big tent. When Meilin and Sakura went to sleep, Li couldn't because he has to guard them incase Perry is a real card. So Li pretend sleep and he has discipline. Madison and Perry are watching stars. Perry told her that the brightest star was her, his star. Then he wants to bring Madison somewhere so after they left, Li woke Sakura and Meilin up. "Hey you guys, wake up, I think Perry is going to do something bad to Madison. Did you bring Kero Sakura?" "What do you think you're talking to? A stuffed animal?" Kero asked. "I was in Sakura's bag and I knew you guys would get in trouble." "And I wasn't sleep either, I was taping Madison." Meilin said. "I wasn't either, I was trying to remember where did I put my sealing wand. No time for that, let's go!"
"Madison! Grab these and repeat after me!" "What are you trying to do?" "Repeat this while you're grabbing Li, Sakura and Meilin's wands. Ancient power in these wand, bring it to me, give my own power and given power to me!" Madison repeats that after Kero and she got a Magic Arrow. It got a heart in the end and has an arrow in the front. "Madison, I know you don't want to do this but you have to. Point your arrow to Perry's forehead and say Return to your own power form!" Madison can't say that to Perry but Li hold her hand to Perry's forehead and said that. Perry turned into piece of mud and a shadow appeared. "Madison, you're the only one who can bring the Perfect Card in its own form! Try it!" "Okay, this is for you that because you fooled me! Return to your own power form Perfect Card!" The shadow turned into a card and flied to Madison's hand.
Madison was so upset and when she went back to the tent, everything was just a piece of mud. She cried really hard and she can't stop. Sakura used Move Card and Fly Card to take all of them home.
On the next day, they were swimming and they saw two cute guys were there too so they're for Meilin and Madison. They're pretty happy now!

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