FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Ultimate Test
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Five
The Secrets Behind the Clow

"I can't believe they got all the cards and they're ready to take the test and destroy me! But I won't let them do it, at least, they have to battle me to pass the test." The Shadow laughed and vanished.
"What do you think Sakura?" Li asked. "I think we better find Shadow and battle him. Then we'll get a chance to pass this stupid test." Sakura answered. "But I think we just have to wait till Shadow appears like last time. It's not like we don't have any weapons or anything. All the four of us were a team and we all work together!" Madison said with a smile and she's not unhappy because of Perry. "I have the Magic Key, Madison have the Madison Arrow, Sakura has the Sealing Wand and Li got his sword. I think we should split group of two and search for search for Shadow. Since me and Madison don't have much power, I'll go with Li and Madison could go with Sakura." "No way! The Shadow is really strong, two can't beat him and also we have to use Lasin Board.' Li told everyone and they began to search.
"I see it. Okay you guys, use Shield to not let Shadow escape and you have to surround him so he won't escape." Kero gave them directions. "You twerps can't get me and before you get me, I will escape. But next Saturday, when there's only one day till the test ends, go to the park and stay there. We will have only one battle and use all four of your power and if you beat me. I'll give you the key to the Clow but you have to find it yourself." Sakura wants to seal it before Shadow vanish but it didn't work, she only caught some dark powder but it vanished couple minutes later. They have to wait another week till they battle Shadow. "Sakura, you know what this means right?" Li asked her. "No, not really." "This meant that Shadow knows what we're thinking and what we are doing that's why he's really powerful. This also means that Shadow gave us chances so we can get ourselves back and pass this test. You see, he have enough power to let Julian gone bad forever, and let Meilin hate me forever. He can let Madison like him that deep when she didn't like anyone for that long. He gave us this last chance to fight him so he will give him his full power and test our power and if we don't have enough power, maybe he will let us be the one who win." "Oh, I think I get it. Shadow is really nice to us even though we're enemies." "I think we better keep trying, we have to get trained or we're beaten." Meilin said and they all agreed.
"Okay, guys, I have a fighting plan. Get our cards out and get some powerful cards and release them to let them fight with us. Well, not really release them just get them out and fight to get us trained." Sakura said. "Meilin is the one who's really good at fight so I think you should fight Shadow and weak it first. Then Madison could go up and try to get Shadow sleep. Then Li freeze it then I'll seal it." "Great plan Sakura, I agree." Meilin said. Then everyone agree with Sakura. "Well, we all get our cards so we can split them and help us defeat Shadow." Meilin said and they began to split cards. "Li, you take Arrow, Dash, Freeze, Move, Storm, and Thunder. I'll take Earthy, Shadow, Shield, Watery, Windy, and Wood. Meilin, you take Jump, Fight, Power, Big, and Small. Madison, you take Firey, Fly, Glow, Illusion, and Mist. Okay, the training begins next Monday at Li's backyard." They all went home and get ready to train.
"Okay, guys, this is the schedule. Monday, we'll get Meilin trained and Madison will tape it. Tuesday we'll get Madison trained and Meilin is taping. Wednesday I'll get trained and Madison is taping. Thursday Li will get trained and Meilin will be taping. On Monday, Tuesday Li and I will be the judge. Wednesday Li and Meilin are the judges and Thursday Madison and I will be the Judge. Friday, Saturday we will use our power together. Agreed?" "Sure!"
Meilin is working really well at fighting and she learned how to Seal. Madison is doing nice to weak a card and she's good at seal. Li and Sakura were getting better. So they had another plan. Madison will weak it first, Meilin will fight it, Li will freeze it and Sakura will seal it. They worked really well on capturing the Clow Card Shadow.
Six days passed and they're going to the park and beat Shadow. "So you're on time. Come and give me your best shot! Dark Power! Night!" "What's happening? It's getting dark!" "Glow!" "Dark Shadow Magic! Release and destroy them all!" "Shield!" "Bring me home!" "Dash! Get Shadow!" "Freeze Card! Freeze Shadow!" The Shadow was frozen.
"Okay guys, hold your keys with your left hand and surround Shadow. Meilin, you're North, Sakura, you're South, Madison, you're West, Li, you're East. Repeat after me. Clow Reed, give power to me. Put this ancient Shadow in the place to open my scene! Release!" Sakura and all them repeated what Kero said and Shadow turned into a piece of gold and there's four shapes in the place where Shadow disappeared. There are heart, diamond, spade, and club shapes on there. "Meilin, open the Heart case." There's a place where you can put a card on there. Meilin placed the LOVE Card. The rest did the same thing to their cards. Then there's a flash then the door opened. Clow Reed's spirit came out. "Sakura, Li, Madison, Meilin. At first you guys doesn't know anything about The Clow. Sakura got trained to be a great Card Captor. Now I present Sakura Avalon, the Clow Card Mistress. Li, you're a descendant of Clow and you have the faith in it. Even though you can't finish your mission but you helped the Clow Mistress a lot. So I present you the Clow Card Master. Madison, a great taper, you can learn stuff from Sakura and now you're her student. Meilin, since you were Li's fiancée so you're Li's student now. Bring Kero and Clow Book to me and I'll tell him the top secret." Kero went in with Clow Reed and he learned the entire top secret about Clow Card then Clow Reed told Sakura that she could keep the Clow Cards in cause she's in trouble. "Here are your certificates. You're passed Clow Cards. Your next mission is right here. I can't tell you anything about it so discover it yourself."
Clow Reed's spirit went in the cave and it's his secret shelter. After the door is closed, there are four different kinds of wands shapes. They all placed the shapes and the door finally closed with a key shape on it. "Lock! Lock up this place! Erase! Erase the key shape!" there's nothing left in that place.
"So we're gonna to have another mission?" "Think so!" "What about it?" "I don't know!" "I think we're going to make a great team!" "Wanna race?" "Sure. What are the rules?" "I'll jump, Li is going to get on Float, Madison Fly and Meilin can use Dash." "I bet Meilin is going to win because Dash is full speed!" "Let's go!" They began to race. Sakura reached the finish first. "Hey! How did you do that?" Sakura was first, Meilin was second, Madison is third and Li is last. They went home happily and they were relaxed. "I think we better keep the Clow Book somewhere." "But where?" "We'll build a little house in one of our backyards and it's our secret place. We put stuff like Lasin Board and wands in there." Sakura and the folks build a house in Meilin's backyard because it's bigger. It's kind like a tree house because it was built on a tree. They put a master lock on it and only the four of them knows the combination. They put all their stuff on their own shelf and they're really happy. Kero get to go home with Sakura and all the stuff was done.
Maybe there's another mission waiting for them to go. A really big light shinnied in the front of the tree house. And it disappeared.

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