FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Ultimate Test
By Margaret Chen LiPrologue
The Test

After Sakura and Li finished capturing Clow Cards, they meet in Sakura's house.
Kero: "Sakura, Li, put all your cards in alphabetical order and put it in the Clow Book."
Sakura: "There, all done, what we suppose to do next? Kero, I think when we put the cards in the book, you should go in there but now you're still here so I sense that there's something wrong."
Li: "No Sakura, you and I have to begin the Ultimate Test, but I don't know anything about it so you better ask Kero.
Kero: (Trying to be nice) "That's right Li (Thinking 'brat'), it is the time to test you two's power. There are four powerful cards, they aren't exactly Clow Cards, and they are just test cards. The Cold card, The Control card, The Love card, and The Perfect card. I can't tell you what are those and what's it about because those information is still unavailable. Sakura, Li, repeat after me and the test will begins next Monday and you only have a month to do it. By the time 11:59 P.M. in the end of this month, you suppose to get everything done or all the cards you have been captured will release again."
Sakura: "Then we only have one day to practice!"
Kero: "Remember Sakura, the one who's in charge of this is Shadow."
Still in the dark bush, five cards released and they're ready to take their mission.

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