FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 1

This story takes place when Sakura and Li are 11,and in the 5th grade.
They still haven't admitted their feelings towards each other.And as for 2
other people(can't teel ya who they are yet!)they haven't either.But maybe,
just maybe,both couples will.Enough yapping,let's get the show on the road!

*thoughts* "speech"
<dream speech>

<Where am I? What am I doing here? Where is everybody? Wait,I see Li. He's with another girl. Is it me? No,that girl has orange hair.No! She
kissed him...and he kissed her back.No!! Li,why are you doing this to
me..I-I love you...>

<Don't cry.>a different boy said to Sakura.

<W-who are you? Do I know you? Are you a friend or enemy? Why are you
here? Tell me who you are. Come back! Who are you!>


"WHO ARE YOU?!"Sakura screamed as she woke up from her dream.She had
slept through all of class.

"I'm Miss Mackenzie,your teacher."stated Miss Mackenzie.

Sakura turned beet red."Sorry about that.."Sakura apologized.This was
the 3rd time she fell asleep that week.she couldn't sleep at night because
of that dream,so she slept in class.

"Well,Sakura.I'll let you off easy this time.Just do today's work and this homework.Turn it in on Monday.I think you have plenty of time to
finish it.That gives you the whole weekend."Miss Mackenzie said as she
handed Sakura some papers."Well,that all class.You are dismissed,but be
careful.Its raining and storming outside,so get home as quickly as you
can."she warned.

Sakura gathered up her stuff,put on her raincoat,got her umbrella out,
and headed out the door.She walked by herself because her best friend,was
on vacation.So she had no one to talk to.She looked up and saw Li walking
ahead of her.He always cheered her up when she was down.Just seeing him
made her happy.She really liked Li alot,but she couldn't tell him that
because he would probably didn't feel the same way about her,and it might
ruin their friendship,so she kept quiet about that matter.She walked up to
him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Do you mind if I walk with you,Li?"she asked him,hoping for a positive

"Um..sure."he agreed.

"Thanks."she said as she smiled up at him.

"Sakura,have you been getting enough sleep lately?"Li asked with concern
as they walked towards Sakura's house.Sakura was suprised by his question.
Was he concerned for her?


Before she could give her answer,rain started to pour down,thunder
roared,and a flash of lighning lit up the sky,as if it was trying to warn
them of something.Sakura jumped and took hold of Li's arm.Li smiled.Sakura
saw what she had done,and apologized.

"I-I'm s-sorry..."she stammered as she blushed furiously.

"Its okay.You were just scared."he stated.*I didn't mind at all^_^*
he thought.

"Uh..let's hurry.There's my house.Let's go inside before we catch a

"Ok.."Li said as he followed Sakura to her house.

Sakura's house...


"Wow!We're soaked!"exclaimed Sakura as she looked at her wet school
uniform."Um..I'm going to go change.I'll get you some of Tori's old
clothes.Sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable.I'll be right back."
with that she disapeared upstairs.

A few minutes after Sakura went up stairs,Tori came in and saw Li sitting on the couch."What on earth are YOU doing here?!"he exclaimed.

"None of your business."Li said glaring at Tori."What are you doing here?"

"I live here."Tori said as he started to walk towards Li.

"Oh yeah,I forgot."he said as he stood up to face Tori.

They had a staring contest until Sakura broke it when she came in with some clothes for Li. She had changed into some pink capri pants with a light green shirt,that had a pink flower to match the capri pants.Li stared in awe.She had never looked so cute and beautiful before.Tori saw the way Li looked as his sister,so he decided to do something about it,but before he could Sakura interuppted him by giving Li some clothes.

"Here Li.You can go change in the upstairs bathroom.After you do,go in my
room.I'll bring us up some cheesecake."

Li headed upstairs to change his wet clothes,while Sakura headed towards
the kitchen to get some cheesecake.Tori followed her.

"What is that kid doing here, Sakura?Well,it doesn't matter.You'd better
get rid of him."he scolded.

"He's just staying until the storm is over."said Sakura as she cut three
pieces of cheesecake.One was for Kero.

"Why are you getting 3 pieces of cheesecake?"Tori asked with suspicion.

Sakura tried to think of an excuse."Umm..Li was hungry,so I'm getting him
2 pieces."she said as she left the room.


Sakura's room....

"Here.I got us some cheesecake."she smiled as she handed a piece to Li

Suddenly,Kero popped out of nowhere."Where's my cake?!"he exclaimed.

"Where did you come from?"asked Li.

"I come from anywhere for cheesecake!But..the question is what are YOU
doing here?"Kero asked as floated in front of Li's face."Well,it doesn't
matter,just as long as I get my cheescake!Give it to me!Give it to me now!
GIMME,GIMME,GIMME!"he begged Sakura.

"Sakura,you never answered my question."Li said while eating his cheesecake.

"Oh,umm...well..let's see.I've been having a strange dream lately..."

"What was it about?"Li asked.

Sakura didn't know how to explain it to him.She didn't want to tell
him that he was in it and he kissed a girl."Well...I was in some kind of
forest.I was alone at first,then I saw you and then..then..I don't remember
what happenend after that.."she lied."Then there was this other boy..I
tried to get him to tell me what his name was,but he wouldn't..And that's
when I woke up.."she said while looking down to her bed.

"What could it all mean?"wondered Li.

"I think it means that something bad is going to happen to us,Li.But
mostly I think something bad is going to happen to me..."She knew that
her dreams were usually always right.That meant that Li would kiss another

"Don't worry Sakura.I'll make sure nothing happens to you."Li said
while putting his hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"Thanks,Li.."she smiled,but it was one of her fake smiles.

"Uh oh.."Kero said."You were right,Sakura.Something bad is going to
happen,right now..I sense it."

Suddenly a black hole appeared in the room and it tried to suck,Sakura,
Li,and Kero in it,and it succeeded.They were going to get transported to
world they never have heard of--a world filled with magnificent creatures--
the Pokemon world.Luckily,Sakura grabbed her bookbag before she got sucked
in.She didn't know if she needed her Clow Cards or not.Li always had him
sword with him so he took it.

"I hate it when I'm right!"screamed Sakura as she was taken away from

"Me too!"he yelled as he as taken away from Sakura.

"What about my cheesecake?!!!"was all Kero could say.

As they were sucked into the black whole they were all seperated.Sakura
got separated from Li and Kero.They all tumbled towards the Pokemon world.

To Be Continued....


What did ya think?Email me your thoughts at Animegan33@aol.com

Megan-Chan signing off^-^

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