FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Coming Back…
Writer: It's kinda sad but it's really dramatic…….or maybe not. Kinda a
sappy too. HEY, THIS IS THE PROLOUGE!!! IT'S NOT SAPPY, YET……actually I'll
make this into a "fun" fanfic.
This prologue starts as a usual day in Japan. It's been like 5 years , I
think. They're in high school!!!!
::sniff sniff:: it might be bad so don't kill me. <<>>=Thoughts ** **=dream
It was a same old day in Tomoeda
District. At home a sad Sakura was
fast asleep. **A tall figure with amber
eyes was standing on Tokyo Tower.
" Who are you? What do you want
?" The boy stared with darkening
eyes, but soft and caring in a way.
The figure approached carrying a
familliar sword that she had seen
before. He pointed the sword at
Sakura muttering few words. Than
A light green shield covered her.
" I'll never leave you again."
Sakura stared with mysterious
looks in her eyes. " LI?"
Than many shadows surrounded
both of them. Before Sakura
noticed what was happening,
the figure fell to the floor. Blood was everywhere
:: Burst up gasping:: "Huh?? What was that about?" it was 7:37 A.M.. "
Hoe!!!!" "I'm
late !!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" She ran to the bathroom with a pile of clothes in
her arm. After she got dressed she ran down stairs , took her toast and ran
out the
door. She put her roller-blades on and started gliding to school. She never
lose favor of roller-blading. Sakura had made it just in time. ::Sigh::
"Hey Sakura!!" greeted her best friend Tomoyo. "I had the weirdest dream last
and Sakura told her amazed friend her dream a gasp broke. "OH MY!! Doesn't
this mean
something? Your dreams are always telling you stuff. Maybe that's the future
you saw."
" Maybe," agreed Sakura. "I wish Kero was here." ::Sakura gave a sad sigh::
Class had started and ended without Sakura noticing. She was too sad and
depressed to
notice anything. Trying to ignore the past, she just had painful sad looks on
her face.
The day continued without Sakura. Lost in her own mind she just slept.

Weird!!! I know. I suck at writing stories. Oh well. Too bad!!j/k but I do
suck at writing.
Coments, please. Even you-suck letters are acceptable. Hehe……

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