FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Come Home
Chapter 1
By crimsonshootingstar

Sakura Kinomoto,now at the age 16,sat staring out at the window.It was a dark night,with no stars or a moon.The only light source was the glowing of herself.Sakura closed her eyes as she imagined seeing her Syaoran again."Please come back to me..." she murmured in a low voice.The glow around Sakura was fading."Syaoran-kun.Come home to me soon..." Sakura fainted.
Hong Kong
Li Syaoran was sitting outside in the yard of his house,his geem* laid beside him.He looked up at the dark black sky to see no moon or stars.A soft breeze came and ruffled his brown hair."Syaoran" said a voice behind the boy.Li stood and turned around.
It was Xiefa,his elder sister."Xiefa" Li greeted."Your thinking about Sakura,aren't you?" she asked,coming to stand next to him.
Li paused for a bit then answered."Hai." His sister was quiet for a minute before speaking.She grabbed him and looked at him right in the eye."Will you give up everything for her,Li Syaoran?" Xiefa asked sternly.Li blushed then answered."H...hai."
Xiefa released her grip on him."Promise,you'll keep this a secret" Xiefa told him.Li nodded,seeing his sister so serious."What is it?"he asked."You know that mother is out on an important meeting,right?" Xiefa begun.Li nodded again,not so sure why his mother has to do with this."This night is the perfect time for getting away from it all.The clan is all out to dinner.Only us,the 'kids' they call us,are here,at this house hold" Xiefa continued.Li gulped,he can tell his sister was very tense."Tonight,you can get away from the clan.An escape.I'm going somewhere.You can go too.This is a night for freedom.I broke the spell that was on me that kept me from running away again." Li was stunned for a moment."What...do you mean?" he asked."To put a long story short," Xiefa said.
"It is that you can escape the Li clan and be free.Forever.This is the night.The night I've been waiting for.The night I have dreamed of for years!"
Xiefa remained quiet for a few moments before continuing."I'm leaving on foot.I can't travel by any modern transportation.The clan will just ask someone if they've seen me and they'll probably look through a camera or something." Li thought for a moment."I...can go to Japan...?" he asked.Xiefa smiled,"Hai.I leave tonight,at 11:30.Are you going to escape or stay,little brother?It's your choice." Li gulped.'A chance to escape this life as going to be one of the leaders of the Li clan.A chance to go back to Sakura.A chance to have a *almost* normal life...' he thought."I'll go." he said.
Xiefa smiled."Then come with me.Some of the 'kids' here that are also heirs to the leaders of the clan are leaving also,they have packed their stuff and are ready to leave anytime now.Go and pack your things.Only pack a change of clothes.Don't bring much stuff."
Of course,when Xiefa said 'some' she ment 'all'.Plus,there was at least 20 kids in the entire house,all of diffrent ages. Li went into his room,deciding that he'll bring his geem along with him,some money,a blanket,and a change of clothes.That took him less than two minutes to gather.When he reached the living room,Fanran was giving out some small knapsacks with food in them."Fanran"Li said.Fanran looked over at Li and asked "What?"
"Why are you all being so nice?" he asked.Fanran looked at him."Well,if we all left and just left you here..." Fanran trailed off.
Li got the point."We all know magic so we can all survive by ourselves,one way or another.But if you guys just ran off,mother will ask me where did all you go.Your just afraid that I might spoil it for you guys,right?" Fanran nodded,blushing a bit."Of course..." Fanran began."You have got to say hello to Sakura for me,okay?Send me e-mails too!" Li sweatdropped as Fanran ran off to give some more knapsacks.
It was almost 11:30 now.Li talked to some of his cousins and figured out where their going.Li was going to have to contact them if something ever happened,and them to contact him if anything happened.One of Li's cousins was also going to Japan,but at a diffrent location than him.His name is Blaze.He was a strong young man with a specialty with fire,water,but he had a mystery power that even the leaders of the clan could not find out what it was.He had shoulder length black hair and dark blue eyes.Fuutie walked over to Syaoran and Blaze."Looks like you guys are going to travel together!How lucky to be traveling with someone.I've talked with everybody but nobody's going where I'm going..." Fuutie said."Where's that?" Blaze asked."I'm going to England.Xiefa is going to the U.S.A.,Fanran is going to Africa,and Feimei is going to Hawaii." Fuutie sighed."I really want to go now..."
The clock was ticking,every minute passed by as everyone started to tense."I can't wait to get away from the clan!They are just so strict,you know!" a girl called Yin.Yin had a really tough life.She gripped her knapsack tightly."Those clan members expect me to be one of it's leaders.All those stupid training to go through!I can't wait to go!" "Me too!" said a boy about the age of 7,he was traveling with Feimei.He wanted to see Hawaii.The clocked ticked and the long hand reached 11:30."We're outta here!!!!" Yin yelled.Everyone yelled in agreement.They all headed for the door and left.All except for Li and Blaze."Taking a last look at the house,eh?" Blaze asked.Li nodded."I'm in no hurry to leave.But we must leave now anyways." He opened the door and walked out.
Sakura sat up with a start.Kero was flying around her room."I'm awake!!!!!" she yelled.Then,she fell backwards onto her pillow,asleep.Kero,who was just sleep flying,banged his head against the wall because of Sakura's shouting."Man..." Kero said,rubbing his sore spot."Someone's gotta get me some ear plugs..."
Hong Kong
"Well,how do we get across the water?" Li asked,looking at the mass of sea infront of him."Guess that we have to rent a boat or swim or either use magic" Blaze suggested."Your older than me,so you must know how" Li said,ignoring what Blaze just said."I just gave you my list." "Uh-huh.Vvveeeerrrryyyy helpfull" Li said sarcasticly.Blaze gathered up a ball of light and the ball expanded,the light going pale to invisible.They started to float over the water smoothly."Well,since you refuse to do anything,I'll have to do it" Blaze said,touching the invisible bubble with his hand.It was solid. "My magic won't last through this entire ride,your going to have to take over for me one of these times.Maybe in one or two hours."Li nodded. They sat in silence for about 20 minutes."Why are you going to Japan?" Blaze asked suddently.Li looked startled at the question,but his face turned bright red.Blaze looked at Li and knew immediatly."A girlfriend" Blaze said,answering his own q uestion."Why are you going there?" Li asked in return."I don't know.Something just tells me to go there.I guess it's what we call destiny" Blaze answered.
'Destiny...' Li thought.'Was it destiny that there is no one left to carry on the Li clan?Was it destiny for this to happen?There are so many things that I want to know...'
They sat in silence for a long time,both boys in deep in their thoughts when Blaze suddently started to cough."What's wrong?" Li asked."Take over for me...." Blaze panted.Li coujured up his bubble and Blaze released his.Blaze fell backwards,panting,sweat running down his forehead.Li grabbed Blaze's water bottle that was in the knapsack.He started to revert the water into magic. "Here, drink this" Li told Blaze calmly. Blaze took it and drank deeply.Once he drank it,he started to look better."That felt good!"Li grabbed his own water bottle and turned the water into magic."Why are you doing to do that?" Blaze asked."So we don't get stranded out here in the sea.We're going to have back-up if we weaken" Li explained.Blaze looked at the water bottles."Not an exact idea I had in mind about back-up..." Blaze commented."Hey,it's the best I can do" Li said.
Li checked his watch.He clicked the light-up button and he saw that it was already 1:00 a.m.Li glanced back at Blaze,he was asleep.Li,himself is feeling quite tired right now.He grabbed his water bottle and drank.He felt energy flow in him.He decided to speed up."Faster" he commanded the bubble.The bubble ran through the water,going faster now.Li grabbed his knapsack and searched through it.In there was his clothes,food,couple of water bottles,some money,a flashlight,matches,candle,banket,and a spell book. That was all.Li grabbed the other water bottles and begun changing them into magic.He changed his food to magic too.He then put them all back into his knapsack."There!"Li exclaimed,whiping sweat from his forehead.He stared up at the night sky-no stars or moon-for what seemed like for a long time.He checked his watch again.It said 1:53.
"Get some sleep..." Blaze murmured."I can't.I have to keep this going" Li said with a big yawn.Blaze sat up,yawning."I'll take over now.Get some sleep.I'm not carrying you tomorrow." "Same thing here." Li grabbed his blanket out and pulled it over him,
going to sleep. It seemed to be only 1 minute when he got woken up."It's your shift" Blaze said."Whatever" Li groaned.He made his bubble and layed there,thinking about Sakura."Sakura..." Li mummbled."Please wait for my return..." Li lifted his left hand and checked the time again.This time,it said 3:43."Faster" Li urged the bubbled.This time,it pushed the waves out of the way as it moved."That's fast enough now." Blaze rolled over in his sleep,mumbling about something."This is going to take very long" Li said to himself.
Sakura was dreaming again.Darkness surrounds her.She sees Syaoran and another boy that had black hair traveling the waves to get to Japan."Syaoran?!" Sakura cries happily,tears starting to come down her cheeks."Sakura...Please wait for my return..." Li says.Then the vision disappears.Sakura is now standing in complete darkness.In front of her is a figure,a female dressed in robes of white and black.She was half hidden by the shadows so the figure is immposible to determine who is it.
"Who are you?" Sakura asks."I,the one hidden by the very elements themselves.Find their true powers,little cherry blossom. And use it.Release me and I...I will..." The voice faded into the background of bombs."What's happening?!" Sakura yelled. There were more bombing noises and Sakura covered her ears.They started to sound louder and louder.Then the vision changed.The figure that was infront of Sakura burst into feathers and they flew all over the place.Sakura looked around.There was mountains of corpses all around her.Sakura covered her mouth to keep from screaming."Wh-what is this place...?!" Look closer... a voice echoed in her mind.Sakura surveyed the landscape before her before screaming.
Sea of Japan
Blaze had took over for Li,who was sleeping soundly.Blaze looked at his younger cousin."I wish I could tell you the truth,
little cousin.I wish" he said out loud.Blaze looked out to sea,and called out the spell of silence.That way,Li wouldn't hear anything that he's going to say.Blaze raised his arms and called out in a thunderous voice."O Mighty Serpent of the waters!I command thy,rise before me!!" The waters started to spin in a circular motion.The water started to shape out a large serpent. The eyes glowed red with life.It opened it's mouth to speak and out boomed a majestic voice."You dare disturb my slumber.
You shall die."
"No!It's not that at all!Please,O Mighty Serpent of the Water,use your powers over the water to help us reach Japan." Blaze said. The serpent raised it's head and laughed."Foolish human.Does thou really thinks that I,Mighty Serpent of Waters,would use thy strength of such puny human?" it boomed."O Mighty One,I believe in what I think so I believe that you will give us a hand" Blaze annouced.The serpent chuckled."Well spoken.I will help you.But if you call on me again,I will kill you." Blaze bowed."Nothing else but this favor that I ask.Please give us a mighty push to reach Japan." The serpent grabbed the circular ball that Blaze and Li were in.The serpent disappeared and the waves started to get rough.It pushed the bubble forward to Japan faster than Blaze had in mind."O Mighty Serpent of the Water,you are truely kind" Blaze whispered.
Blaze looked back at Li.
Li's eyes flickered,then opened.He saw Blaze lying there,on the bubble,half unconscious,half asleep."Blaze!Don't tell me that you kept it up the whole time!" Li exclaimed.Li seized one of Blaze's water bottle and pluged it into Blaze's mouth."Drink it!" Li commanded.Blaze gulped down the bottle of water quickly.Li tossed aside the empty water bottle once Blaze had drained it empty.Li gathered his energy and made an bubble and he felt Blaze's bubble burst.They were speeding rapidly along the water.
Li let Blaze sleep for a while.Li sat up and he looked at his watch.5:12,it said.Right now,if he was still in Hong Kong,he would be already brushing his teeth,ready to go and practice his martial arts."Man,you could have died!" Li said to Blaze who was asleep.
Li looked out at the endless waves of water.The sun should be up soon.He sat there,in that position for a long time,watching the horizon.The sun finally came up and Li shook Blaze awake."Take a look at that.I never seen a sunrise on top of the waves of the sea.Even the waves turn the color of gold" Li said."Hai,quite true.Even I have not witness this before" Blaze admited."It surely is beautiful."
The two boys sat there,admiring the beauty of the sunrise untill Blaze gave out a shrill cry."What?" Li asked,alarmed."It's land!" Blaze cried out,pointing torwards at a mountain."Hey!Your right!We're near Japan!" Li shouted with excitment.A large wave suddently blew them closer to land."Oh yeah!" Blaze yelled."C'mon!Full speed ahead!" Li grinned."Right on!" They sped up and landed on the sandy white beach."Land...at last..." Blaze groaned before fainting.Li was already unconscious on the beach.The two boys, both tired from their journey had not even taken more than one step and collapsed on the beach.

Geem* = Cantonese for Sword
This fic was really stupid,right?I ain't a good writer at these stuff.I'll try to make the next chapter a bit more exciting.
See ya next time!!!

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