FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

PLEEASE Tell me that you like this fanfic. I was trying to go for a cliff hanger.
Just, tell me if its tolorable, because the constant "What is that?" And "Who is that" And "Whats that supposed to mean?" Isn't.
Ok,I'm back With chapter Two of this SAPPY ol' fanfic
Lee:The only bad part is that I'M not in it yet
Me:Yes, you were, you were in sakura's flash back
Lee: That was the ten year old version of me,I mean the adult version of me.
Me:Oh,calm down, you'll come in on chapter three.
Me:Ok, If we could leave Mister Impataint, And get on with the fic, please?
These characters do not belong to me
(Sob)They(sob)belong to Clamp(SOOOB)
But thats ok, cause I still have my photocopy
of lee, an- HEY! were are you going with
Guy in a suit:This is the rightful
property of Clamp,Ma'am, We are
going to have to take it back.
<flash backs>
[editors note]
To See You Again
Chapter Two

Sakura put the teddy bear down on top of her bag with a sigh
'Oh,stop it sakura,your starting to cry' She thought to herself.
'he had to go back, he has family there,and probably plenty of friends,And he's probably married by now!'
At that thought she did start to cry.
'even if he didn't have a wife,who's to say that he loves me?'
'But why else would he always protect me the way he did?'Another part of her said.
'I wouldn't want some one I know to kill themselves,whether I liked them or not, would I?' The other part said.
'but he didn't want to leave,and he said that he would miss me'The positive part said.
'If he missed me so much,why didn't he call me, or even write me?' the negative part thought as she dove back into the water.
'well,I moved'The positive part thought.
'yeah,eight years after he left'
At this point it looked like the negative part was going to win.
'He didn't even really like me. I mean, he was allways insulting me and saying that I didn't deserve to be a cardcaptor'
Instead of making her feel any better, it just made her feel worse.
'but he was always protecting me and saving me,and he even said that he belived in me'

<She was changing the light and dark Clow cards into Sakura cards
'I cant do this' She thought to herself.
"Sakura! you have to change them"Lee yelled from behind her.
"I Can't!"She screamed.
Lee came up from behind and kind of hugged her from behind,grabbing the wand she was holding with her[They were both holding it at the same time]
"Yes you can,I belive in you"
'If i don't change these cards,I'll never see Lee again' She thought to herself.
"I can do this!" She said to herself.
She focused all of her magic on those two cards,and suddanly,in a blinding light that seem to have black ribbons(The Dark)swirling around it, They were changed.
"I knew you could do it, Sakura"Said Lee.>

'Well I still Havn't seen him since the day after, so it doesn't really mean anything'
'Yes it does, It means that theres still a chance for me to see him again'
'What makes me think that he wants to see me? I mean, he hasn't even ca-'
Just then she remembered.
'Wait a second, I didn't give him my phone number! I never told him how I felt, and it would have been to obviouse I did give it to him. And how is he supposed to remember my adderess?
Very exited now, she broke the suface.
"He only came to my house a couple of times,and I'm pretty sure we were capturing a card every time. How is he supposed to memorize my address while we're capturing a card?"
She swam over to the waterfall and let it pull her back underwater.
'But that still doesn't change the fact that I havn't seen him in twelve years.'
She thought,depressing herself.
She swam back up to the air, and reached it right next to her pach of cherry blossoms. She picked one
"Oh, Lee, How I miss you."
She swam back to the boat, and picked up her teddy bear.
"It's been so long"
Suddenly, Just like last time, An image of the last time she saw him popped into her head
"I wish I could see you again, but your all the way i-"
Then, the idea hit her like a train going full out. You could almost see the lightbulb light up over her head.
"I could go visit him in Hong Kong!"

To Be Continued
PLEASE tell me it's better than the last chapter. I just looked over it and realized how completly sappy it is.

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