FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Ok, I'm back with chapter three!
Lee:Remember, you said that I'd be in this one!
Me: Your in all of them, Your just a kid when you are.
Lee: Well excuuuuusse ME! I mean the adult version of me.
Me: Thats better, now, on with the fic!
Lee: I'd BETTER be in this one!
These characters do not belong to me.
They belong to Clamp.
But they can't share.
They won't let me keep any.
I can't even have a photocopy.
WELL, FINE! I don't need you!
I(sob)I can live without them.
No, I can't
< Flashbacks >
[Editors note]
To See You Again
Chapter Three

"This is crazy. I can't do this"Sakura said to herself as she put her bear back into her bag, and grabbed the rope that hung off the end of the boat. "How do I expect to get away with this?" Summoning the through card and going through the wall of the cave. "I mean, it's impossable"

She climed into the boat and called the swim card back. "Theres no way that I'm gonna get away with this." She put her clothes back on over her bikini and started to row back to the boat shop. "This is insane! I'm going crazy over a boy who I knew for one year, and havn't seen for almost TWELVE!" She reached the dock and tied the boat. "How does he do this to me?" She ran into the boat shop. "Thanks Pete, I don't know what I'd do without you." She kissed the old man on the forehead.

"You would probably have a boyfriend by now." He said.

Sakura giggled. "I'd pick you over anyone who lives HERE!" 'But not Hong Kong' He waved her off, and she ran out of the boat shop and cursed herself for walking there instead of driving. "Why do I always walk here?"

'Because you like to take your time, Since you don't have anything better to do' She thought to herself. She started to run. 'I have plenty of money in my bank account, And anyway, All models take a break at some point in time.'She thought as she ran across the dirt path.

'I only really keep in contact with Dad and Tori through phone calls and occaitional visits.'

She got to the stone path and slowed down a little. 'Madison has been so busy with Josie that I really don't see her much' She stopped to take a breath. 'I never really thought of Madison as a Mom.' She started to run again. 'The only person that I really see very often is La-'

"Sakura! Where are you in such a rush to get to?"

Sakura slowed to a stop 'Well, speak of the devil.' "Hey,Lara! I was just headed home."

"Ok, I know I havn't been friends with you long, But I have long enough to know that you don't run home. Ecpecialy after you've been swimming, miss.mermaid!"

"How did you know that I've been swimming? And(quiet voice) don't say stuff like that in public."

"Because your hair is wet,duh. Which also give me the idea that whatever it is that your in such a rush to get to is really important, Since you would have used your DRY card.

" I thought I told you not to talk about that in public."

"Oh, Relax, no one is gonna think anything about it, They don't know what I know."

"I Really wish Kero had kept his mouth shut."

"I Know! That mouse has such a big ego."

"He's not a mouse!"

"Well,He looks like one. I never thought anyone could be so touchy about what you call him. I mean he looks like a mouse. Just because I called him a mouse does not mean that he should have jumped up and bit me. Not to mention that I still thought that he was a stuffed animal at the time." A jogger came past them.

"Why don't we start to walk?"Said Sakura.

"Oh, Yeah, I was getting way besides the point, wasn't I? So what do you have at home thats so important?"

Sakura started to go at a slow run. "Well, Its not really something at home. Its just that I just decided to take a trip."

"Ok, You don't come up with stuff out of the blue like that. Whats going on?"

Suddanly,Just like the last two times, she got an image of Lee, The way she had last seen him. 'What is going on with me? That wasn't just thinking about him. That was more like a visio-'

"Hello,Ladies. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Sakura looked up to a very large, Very intimidating man with a fist balled up in his hand.

"Thats none of your business."Said Sakura.

"Oh,Well let me help you with your bag."He said, Like he hadn't even heard her. He pulled her bag off. "I'll just be taking this"

"Hey, Give that back!" Sakura screamed, thinking immediatly about the cards that were inside.

Then she heard a click and Lara gasped from behind her. She looked up to see a gun, Cocked and ready, Pointed straat at her face.

"You don't want to make me use this, Now do you?" He said with false concern.

'Oh, no! What am I going o do? He has the cards!' She thought to herself, trying as hard as she could to get ahold of her self.

Suddanly a hand apeard and twisted the gun out of the guys hand.

The first guy looked in shock at the second one.

The second guy hit the first one upside the head with the gun.

The first guy immedietly dropped.

Their Mystery hero knelt down, looked at the guy's head and whistled.

"That is going to leave a mark" He said a-matter-of-factly. While he was doing this, Sakura was inching toword her bag Which had been thrown about three feet away from the theif. The hero now got up and walked over to the bag and picked it up.

"Um, Tha-thats mine."Said Sakura, Never taking her eyes of the bag.

"Ohmygod, WHAT a HOTTIE!! Can I have himm?!?! PLEASE?"Lara said into Sakura's ear.

"I Guess you want this back?" Said the stranger.

"Yes, Please." She said, trying not to sound ungrateful.

The man handed it to her.

"Thank you so much!" She looked up at him. "No problem,Sakura"

Her eyes met two very pretty, laughing amber ones.

"Sakura, are you okay?" She heard as his eyes filled with concern.

"Lee?"She gasped.


Lee: You call that enough of me?
Me: Oh, Pipe down. there will be plenty of you in the next chapter.
Lee: I Shouldn't have to wait until the fourth Chapter!
Me: Well, Your going to.
So? Was This as bad as the last two?
Lee: Yes.
Me: I wasn't asking you.

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