FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

I would like to tell everyone that I have made a mistake in spelling Li's name. I was spelling it 'Lee' but I've gotten into the habit of calling him 'Li'. He will now be addressed as 'Li'.
Li: About time!
Me: Oh, Can it. At least I was trying.
Li: Great job.
Sakura: He's just mad 'cause he doesn't think there was enough of him in the last chapter.
Me: Well, there will be plenty of him in this one.
Li: Yeah, like there was plenty of me in the last one.
Me: (mumbling under breath) If you ask me there was too much of you in the last one.
Li: What was that?
Me: Oh, nothing. Lets start the fanfic.
Li: Hey, wait, what were you saying about me?
I Have a Clamp problem.
I Have admitted that I have a Clamp problem.
I Will try to solve my Clamp problem
(Chanting in a mechanical way.)
Clamp is good.
Clamp is nice.
Clamp owns cardcaptors.
(More fiercely, trying to force myself to believe it.)
Clamp is good.
Clamp is good.
Clap is nice.........
[Editors note]
To See You Again
Chapter Four

"Li, is that really you?"Sakura gasped.
"Wait, You know each other?"Sakura barely heard her friend say.
"Yes, it's me sakura."The young man said.
'That explains the preminitions'She thought to herself.
"You aren't answering me!"Lara said in vain.
"Oh, God, Li, I missed you!"Sakura threw her arms around his neck.
"I missed you, Too."Li wrapped his arms around her in response.
"Ok, I'm gonna take a shot in the dark, and GUESS....."Lara said imply.
"Yes, we know each other."Li said, not adjusting his grip on Sakura even an inch,"But I don't think I know you."
"I doubt it."
"Oh, no, you don't. Li This is my friend, Lara. Lara, this is my friend, Li." Sakura said, A slight tint of red covering her face.
"Its nice to meet you."Li said, removing only one arm from Sakura's waist, So that he could shake her hand.
"The pleasure is ALL mine. Sakura, were DID you find him, and WHY didn't you tell me?"Lara said, eyeing the muscle on his arm.
Li blushed
'Oooh, He's shy, even better.'Lara thought to herself.
The light red tint on Sakura's cheeks turned to a dark crimson.
"I didn't find him anywhere. He found me when I was ten. Then he left, right before I turned eleven. And I didn't tell you, because it wouldn't matter. He was in Hong Kong."
Sakura let go of him, much to his dismay.
"But you need to back off, anyway. I plan on getting at least a day with him before you try anything."
Li caught sight of her hair.
"Sakura, what happened, your hair is soaked."
"Oh, I went swimming."
"She just did. She swims a lot. It's kind of her hobby."
Sakura glared at Lara. Lara averts her gaze, and tries to talk her way out of the hole she made herself.
"Hey, why don't we all go swimming? Sakura has this really cool place, inside of a cliff. the only way in is through the top."Lara said, making the hole deeper.
"LAraa!"Sakura growled.
"Well, I don't really go around wearing my swimsuit every day."Li Said, trying to avert sakura's attention from Lara.
Sakura looked at him and smiled.
"Well, start doing so. Anyone who hangs out with me has to."
"That's ok. Doesn't that cave have a cliff thing inside. He could sit on that."
"Um, yeah, but what would he do?"
"He could watch you do tricks,Ms.Mermaid."
"LAARRAAA!!" Sakura growled.
"He doesn't think of it the way I do! What did you think I meant by that?" She asked Li.
"Um, that she's really good at swimming?"He answered.
"I wouldn't mind, really." He said, trying to make them stop fighting.
Sakura looked at him and smiled again.
'GOD, He's cute!'She thought to herself.
"Ok, we'll go swimming, then."
~~~~(At the boat shop)~~~~~~
"Hey, Pete! I'm back. And I brought friends!"
"I see. And who is this fellow?"(he already knew lara)
"Oh, I'm Li" He said.
"See, I told you that if you weren't here you'd have a boyfriend."
Sakura crimsoned deeply.
"Um, yeah, right."Sakura mumbled.
~~~~~~~~(Out in the ocean, in the boat)~~~~~~~
"Uh,oh."Lara said.
"What is it?"Sakura said(Li was rowing.)
Lara went over and whispered in her ear.
"I just thought of something, How are we gonna get in without the Through card?"
Sakura got an evil thought.
"Well, I guess you should of thought of that before you blabbed about the cave, now, don't you think?"
"Oh, I'm SO sorry. I really wasn't thinking. It's just he is SO CUTE!"
Lara said, raising her voice so that he could hear.
Li turned pink.
"Oh, I know"Sakura said, Not realizing what she said until a few seconds of looking at him"Oh, I mean, I know.....what to do. Yeah...I mean....Ok, I'll get you out of this one, but don't do it again, Ok?"
"Ok, I promise."
Sakura smiled to herself, trying not to think of what Lara will do to her when she finds out that Li already knows.
"Is this it, Sakura?"
"Yeah, thanks for rowing for me, Li."Sakura said, smiling at him. His blush deepened.
"How are we gonna get in?"
Lara looked at Sakura, a funny look in her eyes.
'Oh, no!What is she gonna do?'She thought to herself.
"Easy. Sit down, and let me row."
She got to the oars, and started to row.
'I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes that I can call cards without my wand, or saying incantations!'She thought to herself.
She went through the wall of the cave, just like earlier that day.
"Whoa! How did you do that?!?!" Li looked at her.
'Oh, no! She just showed her power to Lara. not to mention it's gotten much stronger. But I noticed that when I first got here. I could sense it.'Li thought.
'Oh, no! she just showed her power to the hottie! I thought that she was gonna do something to get in without the magic of her cards!'Lara thought.
"I did it with the through card."She said, a smug look on her face.
Li and Lara looked at each other, and Sakura burst into a fit of giggles.
Li looked at her.
"You both think that the other doesn't know about the cards."She said, still giggling.
Li and Lara looked at each other, and then gasped.
"Oh, your going DOWN!"They said together.
They both jumped on Sakura, and the boat went out of control. They all screamed as the boat tipped over.
Sakura called the float card, and tried to float everyone, but it was only strong enough for Lara, Li, And all the bags. She fell underwater.
"Sakura!"Li shouted.
"Yes"She said imply, from behind him. She had obviously gotten better at swimming.
"GOD, You are SO annoying!"Li shouted.
"I know! I guess it's a gift." She said.
She swam over and turned the boat over. Then she floated the bags over into the boat, and climbed in herself.
"Hey, since you know about the cards, you CAN swim!"Lara said.
"Huh?"He said. He looked kind of like he was walking on water, since the float card was holding him up.
"Hey, she's right!"Sakura said, and with that, she dropped him into the water.
"HEY! What was that fo-"He was cut off at the sight of Sakura in her bikini.
"Because, you can swim with us, but I knew if I didn't get you into the water before you protested, you would hate me forever."She said, getting out the swim card.
'No I wouldn't, not while she's in that bikini.'He thought as he crimsoned.
Lara was laughing like there was no tomorrow.
"oh, you think its funny?"Sakura said.
"No, no no no, I was just, um, I-"
To late, Sakura dropped her into the water along with Li.
"I still don't get how you think I can swim. Or how you thought that I couldn't."He said, trying to cool the hot flush on his cheeks.
"Well, you couldn't because you don't have a swimsuit, and your clothes would of gotten wet. And you can now, because I made The Dry card."
"The Dry card? Wait, you made a card?"Li said, amazed.
"Yeah, and here is another one that I made."She threw the Swim card into the air.
"Swim card, release and dispel!"
She jumped into the air, and the magic surrounded her again.
'Wow, her magic has really gotten stronger. She doesn't need the wand with any of the cards, and she doesn't need an incantation with the cards that originated from Clow.'Li thought to himself.
She jumped into the water before he notice what the swim card did to her.
"What does the Swim card do, exactly?"He asked Lara.
"You didn't see?"She asked.
"See what?"
'Uh-oh, he is so totally gonna be freaked.'She thought to herself.
"Well for one, she can breath underwater."Sara said, swimming towards him.
Sakura saw Lara swimming closer to Li.
'She isn't gonna win that easy'she thought to herself.
"And the second thing?"Li asked.
Suddenly Sakura popped up between Lara and Li.
"Hi! Did you miss me?"She said, smiling.
"Uh, Sakura, He didn't see you jump in."Lara said.
"Oh, Uh-oh,"Sakura said.
"What, Uh-oh? What happened?"
"Um, Li? Are you prepared to be freaked?"Sakura said.
Sakura started to sink. She was trying to get back underwater without Li seeing her fin.

To Be Continued.
Well? What did you think?
Li: It stinks.
Me: Oh, way to get a raise.
Li: You don't pay me.
Me:-_-' What was wrong with it?
Li: You made me seem like a weakling.
Me: You always act like that when your around Sakura.
Li:///@.@/// I DO NOT!
Me:Well, I thought that you loved her, but I guess not....
Sakura: You don't love me?;_;
Li: Well, I.., well, Oh, boy. ///-_-'///

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