FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Ok, What you've all been waiting for! Pure Sakura and Li MUSH!!!!!!
Sakura: YYYEEEAAHHHH!!!!!!
Me: Ok, no one get in the way of Sakura.
Sakura: START IT!! START IT!!!
Me: But we have to talk before I start it. We always do.
Sakura: NOT ANYMORE!! START IT!!!!!!!!!
Me: You mean you don't want to talk to me?
Me: Ok, I think we should start the fic.
Me: Ok, I am starting the fic.
Sakura: No your not. START IT!!!!!
Me: Ok, Here we go.
Sakura: HEY!!!!!!
ok, I'm not gonna say this any more.
I'm running out of funny way to say this
I do not own cardcaptors
CLAMP owns cardcaptors
They had better have me in there will.
[Editors note]
To See You Again
Chapter Six

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. though it wasn't really noticable, considering how fast it was going.
A tear ran down her cheek.
"Really."Li cupped her face in his hands, and wiped away the tear.
"Oh, Li... I-"
"Ssshhhhhhh... I know."
"You do?"
Li smiled at her.
Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, and his fell loosly around her waist.
"Oh, Li. I love you so much."
She pulled him towards her, and their lips met.
Sakura's heart lept. She felt like she was flying. The one thing she had wanted to do for twelve years, The one thing she thought she would never get to do. Her heart was beating so fast, she felt as if it were about to explode! She knew she would have to stop, but she didn't want to. For fear that it wouldn't happen again. She didn't move, couldn't move. It was Li who finaly brought the kiss to a closure.
"Oh, Li" She breathed
'It's a good thing he's holding me up' She thought giddily.
She laid her head against his chest.
"Sakura?"He whispered into her ear.
"Mmmmm?"She answered, not being able to say anything else.
"Could you put us down?"
Her eyes flew open. She looked down to find that they were floating in the air.
She giggled, and put them down.
"You should be there when the saying 'I feel ten feet tall' gets out of hand with me."She said, the shock of the floating incident giving her strength enough to talk, though she still had to rely on Li to stand.
Li smiled at her, and for the first time, she didn't blush, but smiled back.
He pulled her to him and they kissed yet again, though it only lasted a few seconds before they started to float agian, and he pulled away to tell her to put them down.
"Sorry"She whispered, the strength that she had found earlier suddanly lost.
"It's ok. I find it flattering."
He smiled at her, and she lost all of the strength that she had left. She went limp in him arms.
"Sakura? Are you ok?"He asked her, concerned.
"Mmmm-hhmm"She replied, Not being able to say much more.
Li tilted her head up, so that she was looking at him.
"I Love You."He whispered. He pulled her into another kiss.
Sakura started to tremble, She didn't really notice that they were floating again. Li pulled away.
Sakura looked down.
"Oh, just kiss me." She tried to pull him back.
"Sakura, some one might see us."
"You are de-LAY-ing my kiss!."She said.
"Oh, alright. I have an idea."
She set them down, and walked over to a tree.
"And this is your idea?"
"Look, I lean against the tree, and then when you kiss me, the bark will keep me down."
"Hmm, I like it."He said, smiling.
She leaned against the tree, and pulled him into the kiss that she hadn't gotten earlier.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~(5 minutes later)~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~(10 minutes later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~(15 minutes later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Audience: We get the idea!
Sakura: Oh, pipe down! this is sooooo romantic!
Me: I'll start were they stop, Ok?]
~~~~~~(The time passed is classified)~~~~~~~
"Sakura, are you ok? Your trembeling."
"This is not trembling, This is shaking uncontrollably."She answered.
Li smiled [I know, he's smiling too much, but this is MY fanfic. So just deal with it.]
"Are you cold?"
Sakura looked up at him and giggled.
"Your kidding, right?"
Li's smile broadned.
"No, Sakura. If your cold then we need to get you home."
"Well, maybe a little, but only because you stopped."
Sakura smiled up at him, and he blushed.
"You need to get out more."
Sakura giggled.
Li wrapped an arm around her and started to walk her home.
~~~~~~~~~~(At Sakura's apartment)~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Kero is asleep on your pillow."Li said, walking back into the living room, confirming were Kero was and bringing Sakura a blanket.
"Thanks, but really, I'm not that cold."
Li smiled and wrapped the blanket around her. She held the corners. Li sat down next to her.
"Oh, You are too sweet for your own good."Sakura said. She wraped her arms around him, and since she was still holding the blanket, the blanket, too.
"I learned it from the master."Li said, wrapping his arms around her under the blanket.
Sakura smiled and kissed him. She slid into his lap.
"Tell me you didn't go out with anyone while I was in Hong Kong." Li said.
Sakura giggled.
"Don't worry, even if I did, He wouldn't have even gotten into my apartment." She said, reassuring him. She kissed him.
Li sighed through the kiss.
"What?"Sakura asked, as soon as the kiss was over.
"I'm just really happy."
Sakura smiled and kissed him again.
'Don't worry, Li. Now that we're together, we'll never be apart again.'Sakura thought.

To Be Continued.
Did I tell you it was mush? Yes, I did! Was it? Yes it was!
Am I proud of myself? YES, I AM!!!!!! ^_^
Sorry to say this, but I have to take a break. It's a lot harder to write a fanfic than I thought it would be. But don't worry, it won't take me more than a month. I'm not trying to depress anyone, it's just some people take longer. I think of it as an improvment. And anyway, I think I raised your expectations with how fast I write. We wouldn't anyone getting smug!

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