FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Dark Card Captors
By: mars
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the Card Captor Sakura characters, Clamp
does. I'm just a fan writing a fan fiction so please don't sue me.
This is my very first fan fiction so, I hope you enjoy.

Intro Notes: This is during the summer vacation of 5th grade. Sakura and
Syaoran collected all the clow cards already. But danger is still lurking
in the dark for the two card captors.

Notes: ^^^^^^^^ change scene " " talking * thoughts ( ) extra things

Chapter 1 Evil Arrives

Rrrrring! Rrrrring! A hand flew and slapped the alarm clock off. Slowly
she got up and yawned. "Hoe? Nooo! I'm gonna be late!" she yelled getting
up. "(Yawning) what's wrong Sakura? What are you late for," a little,
yellow, stuffed animal like doll appeared asking. Pulling on one side of
her pants, Sakura quickly started to brush her hair. Five minutes later,
she ran downstairs.
"Morning kaijuu," Touya said.
"Morning," Sakura said running out the house.
Syaoran was sitting on a bench with Yamazaki. "She's late," said
Yamazaki giggling. "Give her a break," Chiharu said slapping him on the
back of his head. "Ow," he said rubbing his head. Tomoyo was standing by
a tree giggling.
"Sakura," Rika said jumping up from the bench beside Syaoran. "Sorry I'm
late guys," Sakura said out of breath. "It's alright. Let's get going,"
Tomoyo said smiling as usual. "YEAH!" everyone shouted except Syaoran.
" What's wrong Syaoran" Yamazaki asked curiously. "Nothing," he
whispered. *I feel an evil presence, but I can't tell Sakura. She looks
so happy now. Besides, it was probably just a mistake. Yeah, I bet it
was. But what if it wasn't, what if Sakura's in danger?* "SYAORAN!"
Yamazaki yelled turning bright red with anger. "What?! You didn't have to
yell in my ear Yamazaki," Syaoran replied. "I called you three times
already! You were whispering something," Yamazaki said cooling off with a
big smile. "What did I say," Syaoran whispered turning bright pink. "You
were talking about Sakura," Naoko said smiling. Everyone giggled. Syaoran
turned bright red as if he was a ripe tomato.
"Come on you guys," Rika said, "let's get going." At that, everyone
walked off except Sakura and Syaoran. "Is something wrong Li-kun? You
looked worried," Sakura said worriedly. "It's nothing really," he
replied. "Well, come on Li-kun. Let's catch up with everyone else,"
Sakura said cheerfully with a bright smile. "Yeah, sure," Syaoran
whispered. A chilly gust of wind blew. They both caught up with everyone
"Hahaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa! The time has finally come," a dark figure in a
black hooded cloak said laughing to himself silently on top of a tall
"(In a deep eerie voice) What do you want Rajibu?"
"Forgive master," the man in the blue cloak said, "but the plan is
ready. We can attack at any moment."
"Perfect (with a dark eerie laugh)!"
"Sakura, is something wrong," Tomoyo asked with a worried look. "Hoe?
Oh, no, nothing at all Tomoyo. Don't worry about me," Sakura said
cheerfully. *I felt something cold and evil back at the park. I bet
Li-kun felt it too. He probably didn't want to tell me (Sakura's
thought).* "Yeah, but Syaoran doesn't seem happy either. He looks
worried," Tomoyo said looking at Syaoran who was deep in thought.
(At Tomeda's amusement park) "Everyone has to have a partner to get in,
it's couple's day," Tomoyo said cheerfully. "I got Naoko!" Rika shouted
grabbing Naoko's arm. "Good, Chiharu, you go with Yamazaki okay," Tomoyo
said smiling at a bright red Chiharu. "Sure," Yamazaki said smiling. "Uh,
okay I guess," Chiharu whispered.
"Hoe? Eroil," Sakura said surprised. "Hello everyone," Eroil greeted
with a smile, "it's nice to see you all again." "Hi Eroil," Tomoyo
greeted back. "Hi Eroil," everyone shouted.
"I'll go with Tomoyo since you guys are short one person. If that's okay
with you Tomoyo," Eroil said. "It's fine by me. I'll go with Eroil which
means, Sakura and Syaoran has to go together," Tomoyo said happily
smiling at her best friend. Sakura and Syaoran stared at each other
turning slightly pink. "Um, sure," Sakura managed to whisper. "I um,
guess so," Syaoran choked. "It's settled than let's go," Rika shouted. "I
have to get home by three o'clock," Sakura said. "That's fine. Syaoran,
Eroil and I will walk you home okay," Tomoyo said smiling, "and we'll
meet each other in front of the gates." "As for the rest of us, meet each
other outside at five," Rika ordered dragging Naoko behind her as she
entered the park. "Let's go," Tomoyo said.
"Master Fital, everything is ready for attack. The little wolf and
cherry blossom are alone at last," Rajibu said kneeling down.
"Good, get going now and try not to fail me," Fital (the man in the
black cloak) said.
"Yes master. I won't fail you," Rajibu said walking away.
"Tomoyo," Eroil said. "Huh? What is it Eroil," Tomoyo asked. "Can you
promise me that from now on, you'll stay out of the battles? It's getting
way too dangerous for people like you," Eroil stated. "But Eroil, you
know I can't let Sakura go by herself. Besides what enemy can't Sakura
handle," Tomoyo replied cheerfully. "I just don't want to see you hurt in
any way and I know Sakura doesn't either. Just promise okay," Eroil said
looking more worried than Syaoran. "Okay, I promise. But only for you
Eroil," Tomoyo whispered. "Thanks," Eroil replied happily.
"Well," Syaoran said, "where do you want to go?"
"Hoe? Oh, uh, let's go to the water rides first," Sakura replied.
"Okay," Syaoran said as he started off. Sakura ran to catch up with him.
"Here you go first Sakura," Syaoran said giving her a hand. Then he
jumped on. "Hold on tightly," Syaoran said almost smiling at Sakura. She
nodded and smiled back. The ride started and everything was normal until
they entered the tunnel.
Everything went pitch black for at least ten seconds. Sakura opened her
eyes and noticed that they weren't on the ride any more. Syaoran noticed
this too. He drew out his sword and stood in a battle stance.
"Hoe? How did we get here Li-kun? Where's everyone else," Sakura asked
looking at Syaoran. "I sense something Sakura. Stay alert and don't let
your guard down," Syaoran said. "Hello fellow card captors. Welcome to my
world," Rajibu said with the blue cloak over his face making impossible
to see who he was. "Who are you," Syaoran demanded. Taking off his hood,
he said, "I'm Rajibu. And I'm your worst nightmare!" At that exact
moment, he sent out a black fireball towards Sakura.
"Sakura, watch out!" Syaoran shouted throwing himself in front of her.
There was a quick black out then, Syaoran fell to the floor covered with
blood all over his back. "Syaoran, are you okay?" Sakura whispered
kneeling down and picking up his head. "I...I'm fine," Syaoran said
through gritted teeth. "Why...why did you do that," Sakura asked with
tears in her eyes. "I didn't want you to get hurt Sakura," Syaoran
whispered trying to get up.
"How beautiful, the two little card captors are actually helping one
another," Rajibu teased, "too bad this is gonna be the last time you see
each other! Hahaaahaaaaa!" Picking up his sword, Syaoran charged toward
Rajibu at full speed. Right when Syaoran was about to strike him,
"Shield!" Rajibu yelled. *What? How can he use the shield card when I
have it? (Sakura's thought)* "What?" Syaoran shouted. "It's simple my
little friends," Rajibu said, "I'm a dark card captor. I also have cards
but, mine's are more powerful than your puny clow cards. I'm gonna
destroy you both!" A strong gust of wind blew Syaoran away from him.
"Li-kun!" Sakura yelled and released her staff, "Firey release!" "You
can't beat me with that!" Rajibu said laughing and pulled out a card.
"Fire," he yelled.
Syaoran got just as the two fire cards met. "Time!" Syaoran shouted.
Everyone froze in place except Syaoran and Sakura or so they thought.
"Hmph. You think it's that easy to defeat me?" Rajibu teased. Then his
fire card started to attack again. "Li-kun, return the Time," Sakura
shouted. "Time return!" Syaoran yelled. "Firey, return. Freeze release!"
Sakura shouted.
Rajibu smirked then started laughing. "Sakura! Try to catch it!" Syaoran
shouted, "I'll distract him." Syaoran ran toward the Fire card with his
sword out ready to attack. *Catch it? (Sakura's thought)* "Right! Fire
return to your true form. I, Card Mistress Sakura command you by
contract, Jin Card!" Sakura yelled and then swung her staff forward. "No!
You can't," yelled Rajibu sending out a black fireball to Sakura.
"Sakura!" Syaoran shouted running towards her. There was a sudden white
flash. "It's not over yet card captors," Rajibu's voice echoed away.
"Thanks for buying me the ice cream," Tomoyo said, "we had better head
back now Sakura-chan and Syaoran-san are probably waiting for us." Tomoyo
and Eroil left the park. "That's odd, Sakura-chan's not here," Tomoyo
said looking worried. "Don't worry, I'm sure...," Eroil was interrupted
by a flash of light. "Ahhhhhh!" Sakura and Syaoran yelled. They landed
right in front of Tomoyo and Eroil.
"Sakura!" Tomoyo said looking surprised. "Syaoran! Are you okay? You're
bleeding. Come to my house okay? You guys can explain what happened there
and I can bandage Syaoran," Eroil said and they walked to his house.
(At Eroil's house) Sakura took out the Jin card. Eroil was washing
Syaoran's cuts. "We were fighting a guy who said that he was a dark card
captor. His m=name is Rajibu. I also got this new Jin card from the card
he used, which was fire," Sakura explained. Eroil finished bandaging
Syaoran and took the card. "Thanks Eroil," Syaoran whispered. "Dark card
captor? But how? A Jin Card? Why a Jin card and who's Jin?" a confused
Tomoyo asked. "Oh no," whispered Eroil.

The End of Chapter 1

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