FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Dark Card Captors

Chapter 2 Secrets Revealed

"Your cherry blossom is mine little wolf," roared a deep eerie voice.
"Help me Syaoran!" Sakura's voice trailed off as she fell down the endless pit.
"Sakura! NOOO! Sakuraaa!" Syaoran yelled.
"You two Clow Card Captors will pay for what Clow Reed did to me. First the cherry blossom, than you," the voice said laughing loudly.
"Leave Sakura alone!" Syaoran yelled. "Sakura!"
Syaoran woke up with sweat all over his face. He looked out the window. "Sakura, I promise I'll protect you no matter what," Syaoran whispered. He got up and left to the shower.
A boy with brown hair and amber eyes was standing before Sakura. "Sakura, stay back. I'll protect you," he said. "Its no use little wolf. Now you die!" said an eerie voice.
Sakura was frozen in place, too frightened. A giant fireball came towards them. The boy was blasted back. Two more fireballs came. He lay stiff on the floor. His sword lay beside him covered in blood.
"Li-kun," Sakura whispered. She ran to him. "It's over cherry blossom. Your little wolf belongs to me now," the voice roared laughing.
Syaoran's body disappeared, but the blood was still on the floor.
"Li-kun, don't leave me," Sakura shouted. "Li-kun, come back!"
Sakura woke up sweating like crazy. "Li-kun," Sakura whispered. Sakura turned to her alarm clock. "Seven? I guess I'd better get up," Sakura said.
Kero popped out of his sleeping drawer. "Sakura, you ok? You were whispering something, so I tried to wake you up, but you whacked me away," Kero said looking worried. "Hoe? Yeah, I'm fine Kero," Sakura replied. "I'm gonna take a shower Kero."
========2 Hours Later=========

"Kaijuu, I heard about that brat. What happened to him at the park," Touya asked looking annoyed.
Smiling, Sakura said, "I didn't know you cared oniichan."
"Yukito asked me to ask you, that's all," Touya replied.
"Li-kun just fell, that's all," Sakura said opening the front door.
"Where are you going," Touya asked.
"I'm going to King Penguin Park to meet Tomoyo, Eriol and Li-kun," Sakura replied and walked out the house.
*I'll follow her just in case that Li brat tries anything* Touya thought.
"Hi Syaoran," Tomoyo said.
"Am I last," Syaoran asked.
""Actually, here comes Sakura," Eriol answered.
"Hi, Sakura," Tomoyo greeted.
"Did you bring the card Sakura," Eriol asked. She nodded and took it out.
"Do you know who Jin is," Tomoyo asked looking at Eriol.
"The Jin cards were made by a man called Jin Fital. He studied the same magic as Clow Reed. He also learned how to make magic cards. But, he became evil and all of his cards became dark. With dark Jin cards, there are dark card captors," Eriol said looking at the card.
"But Rajin said that the Jin cards were stronger than the Clow cards," Sakura stated.
"Yes, it's true. The Clow cards are no match against the Jin cards, but the Clow cards will give you enough time to turn the dark Jin cards to regular Jin cards. That's the most we can do for now," Eriol replied.
"Eriol, in my dream today, I think he said that Sakura and I were to pay for what Clow Reed did. What did Clow do to him," Syaoran asked. Sakura and Tomoyo looked at him.
"Well, to start things off, Clow Reed was always better than he was. Then one day, Jin disappeared. When he was finally found, he was already evil. He was filled with anger. He thought that the only way he would ever be happy was to destroy Clow Reed. Instead, Clow Reed sealed him in a different dimension. Now that he's free and Clow Reed is dead, he's taking his anger out on you," Eriol replied.
Everyone went silent.
"You failed me Rajin. I'm giving you only one more chance. Prove to me that you deserve to be called the Dark Jin Card Captor. Last of all, that English boy, Eriol, he is the reincarnation of Clow, leave him to me you hear. Don't disappoint me again," Fital ordered.
"Yes master, I will prove to you," Rajin said as he walked away.
(In a dark room)

"I can't believe it! I shouldn't have underestimated their strength," Rajin yelled.
"Ha! You wouldn't even be able to fly if you had wings brother," a girl said as she stepped forward. She had on a red cloak with black hair up to her shoulder and red eyes.
"You think you can do better Trina," Rajin roared.
"I don't think brother, I know," Trina replied laughing harder. "after you're gone, I'll finally get to prove myself to the master. Hahaaahahaaaaa!" She disappeared. Rajin growled and punched an invisible wall.
*I will get those card captors!*
"That's all I know," Eriol said completing another story.
"What are they doing" Touya whispered from behind bundles of bushes outside the park.
Everyone in the park froze except for the four kids around the Jin card.
*What the....? Everyone's frozen. Sakura!* Touya thought.
All four of the kids disappeared.
"Welcome back card captors. Too bad, your friends weren't invited." With that, Tomoyo and Eriol disappeared.
(A flash of light) "Ahhh!" Tomoyo shouted as she fell on top of Eriol.
"What happened? How did we get back here," Tomoyo asked as she got off of Eriol.
"We weren't chosen to die. Or at least yet," Eriol replied.
Touya came running from behind the bushes. "Where's Sakura and that Chinese brat," Touya shouted angrily.
Fixing his glasses, Eriol said, "There's nothing we can do, they're in a whole different dimension."
Touya growled and punched the picnic table. *Sakura!*
"Syaoran!" Sakura yelled.
They were both cuffed onto invisible walls. Syaoran was on the other side of the room and was getting beaten by the Fight card.
"This time, you two won't get away," Rajin shouted.
Syaoran was bleeding to death. *I have to help him! I can't stand it anymore. Please Power, lend me your strength to help Li-kun* Sakura shouted in her thoughts. A white flash of light came from Sakura's direction.
"What? Well now, it seems like you can actually release your cards without your dumb staff," Rajin said with a shocked look. "Get her!" The Fight card turn towards Sakura and charged.
"NO!" Syaoran yelled.
Sakura broke her chains and released her staff. "Power card, go on and combine with the Fight card," Rajin said throwing out another card.
*No! Sakura! I have to do something. I have to help.* Syaoran's head shot up. There was a bright flash and Syaoran was off the chains. *WHAT? How could he have done that!* Rajin's head raged with anger.
Syaoran pulled out his sword and ran straight to Rajin. "Shield!" Rajin shouted. As Syaoran swung his sword, it broke through the shield and sliced Rajin in half.
"I knew you couldn't handle them brother," Trina's voice trailed.
"Trina!" Rajin yelled before his body vanished.
Suddenly, four cards appeared before Sakura. Syaoran fell onto the floor. Three of the cards were Jin and the other one was the Clow Power card. "Shield, Fight, and Power," Sakura read. There was another white flash.
"Touya, you shouldn't worry like that. Syaoran is there to protect Sakura, and I know he will," Tomoyo said smiling at him.
There was a flash of white light. "What the.....?" Touya shouted covering his eyes.
Sakura landed in front of Touya. Syaoran was a few feet away. He had landed on his stomach and he was still covered in blood.
"Sakura," Touya said with relief and he helped her up.
"Master, my brother has failed you once again. This time he gave them all of his cards to," Trina said.
"How disappointing," Fital replied. "I expect you to do better than your brother, you hear."
"Of course," Trina said as she walked away.
"Li-kun," Sakura shouted as she ran to him. Touya stood there, shocked.
"Li-kun, are you okay," Sakura asked wiping the blood off his face. Syaoran slowly became conscious again.
"Maybe one of you can fill us in," Eriol suggested.
Syaoran slowly sat up. "After you and Tomoyo disappeared, somehow Sakura and I was chained onto invisible walls," Syaoran started to say.
========30 minutes later=======

"That's what happened," Syaoran replied.
"Syaoran, didn't you say that he releases the Power to combine with the Fight," Eriol said.
Syaoran nodded. "I don't think it did though."
"Where did it go then" Tomoyo asked curiously.
Sakura and Syaoran shrugged.
Eriol went deep into thought.
"I got it! It went into Syaoran," he yelled happily to himself.
"What?" Syaoran said with confusion.
"Well, the cards aren't really evil. They would rather do something good than bad. When the Fight card was going to attack Sakura, I bet you said something like you had to help her. So, the Power heard your plea and decided to help you instead of listening to it's master," Eriol replied.
"Now that that's settled, we'd better get you to a hospital Syaoran," Tomoyo said smiling. "I'll call my bodyguards to pick us up and take us there."

End of Chapter 2

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