FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 3 The Peace

Note: School started already.

One week had passed since the last attack. Sakura was looking out the window. *I can feel the evil powers growing stronger. I guess it's not over yet.*
"Sakura, you're up early," Kero said appearing from the drawer.
"Oh, Kero, I just couldn't sleep anymore, so I decided to get up," Sakura replied smiling to him.
"Geez Sakura, don't tell me something's bothering you. You know I don't like it when you get all worried and don't tell me anything," Kero said folding his arms as he sat on the drawer top.
"I'm sorry Kero. But, I'd better go get some breakfast before school starts," Sakura said as she walked out the door and shut it behind her.
"Where am I," Tomoyo asked.
Trina appears. "Welcome."
"Who are you," Tomoyo asked looking curiously.
"I am Trina, Rajin's sister, but I'm a lot more powerful. Now, enough with stalling time. Forces of the dark Jin cards, release your negative powers and take over this girl's body. Fill her body with negative power, I, Trina command you," she shouted.
Negative energy swirled throughout the entire room and disappeared into Tomoyo.
"My child, I will provide you with the magic needed. Now go," Trina said waving her hand.
Suddenly, Tomoyo was back in her room all dressed for school.
=====Lunch Time at School=====
"What's wrong Tomoyo? You don't look like yourself today," Sakura stated with concern.
"It's none of your business Kinomoto," Tomoyo replied.
"T...Tomoyo?" whispered Sakura. *Something's definitely wrong.*
"Tomoyo! Sakura! Over here," Eriol shouted across the yard.
Eriol ran over to them.
"Something bothering you Tomoyo? I haven't seen you smile at all today yet," Eriol said looking worried.
Syaoran walked up to them and stood in front of Sakura (facing her). Eriol was facing Tomoyo.
"You're making me angry," Tomoyo replied as she shot out a fireball at Eriol.
Eriol flew back with blood dripping from his arm. "Eriol!" Sakura and Syaoran shouted at the same time. Tomoyo turned to them and shot two fireballs.
"Sakura, watch it," shouted Syaoran as he pushed Sakura to the ground. The fireballs hit Syaoran's arm and side. He flew back bleeding.
"Li-kun!" Sakura shouted running to him.
"It's your turn Kinomoto," Tomoyo shouted staring at Sakura with dark blank eyes.
"Stop it," Eriol shouted as he got up holding his bleeding arm. "Tomoyo, this isn't you. You have to fight the evil inside of you. Please!" Eriol walked closer to her.
"Be quiet," she yelled and shot another fireball at him.
Eriol was hit, but didn't fly back or fall. He just stood there. He walked closer still.
"It doesn't matter how many times you shoot me Tomoyo, I will always be by your side to help you," Eriol replied with tears streaming down his eyes.
"Eriol," Sakura whispered crying and holding Syaoran.
"I don't care if I die Tomoyo, as long as return to us," Eriol stated calmly still crying.
Tomoyo shot more fireballs at him. When the fog lightened, Eriol was holding Tomoyo's shoulder. He gently kissed her on the cheek.
"I love you Tomoyo," Eriol whispered into her ear then fell to the floor unconscious and covered in blood.
Tears started to stream down Tomoyo's face now. "Eriol," Tomoyo whispered and fainted also.
Syaoran was now on his feet again. "What?!" Syaoran shouted pointing towards a dark figured that came out of Tomoyo's body.
"What is that Li-kun," Sakura asked getting up.
"I think that's what took over Tomoyo's body," Syaoran shouted.
"KILL," shouted the dark figure sending black beams at Sakura and Syaoran.
Syaoran grabbed Sakura in time and jumped out of the way. Sakura took out her staff and Syaoran had his sword.
"I will be back," screamed the dark figure than vanished.
"Tomoyo! Eriol!" Sakura shouted running to her fallen friends.
Syaoran slowly walked over to her and put his sword away.
"Li! Kinomoto!" came a voice.
"Huh?" Syaoran said turning around. "Ah...Kamaki-sensi!"
"What happened? We'd better get you guys to the hospital right away," he shouted.
The nurse had just finished bandaging everyone.
"How could this have happened? These wounds," she asked with confusion.
There was a long silence. Tomoyo was now waking up.
"Huh? Eriol! Where is he? Is he okay," Tomoyo asked looking frightened.
"He's fine dear. He's right there," the nurse said trying to calm Tomoyo.
Tomoyo shot up and ran to Eriol's bed side.
"Eriol, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," Tomoyo said kneeling by his bed and taking his hand into hers with tears streaming down her face.
"It's okay Tomoyo. I know you didn't mean to," Eriol whispered smiling and wiping her tears away with his other hand.
Syaoran and Sakura stared at each other and nodded. Syaoran held the door open for Sakura. "They're so sweet," Sakura whispered as Syaoran closed the door behind him.
They went into the hallway and stared out the windows. "Li-kun, I want to thank you for protecting back there," Sakura said staring at him. Syaoran blushed. "Sakura, I just want you to know that I'll never let anything hurt you," he said not realizing it yet.
Sakura looked surprised then hugged him. He turned bright red and softly hugged her back.
=====After School======
"Tomoyo, are you feeling better," Sakura asked looking extremely happy.
"I'm fine. Eriol told us to wait for Syaoran and him here. He wanted to talk about want happened today," Tomoyo replied smiling.
Just then, Syaoran and Eriol walked up to them.
"Let's talk at my house," Eriol suggested.
^^^Eriol's House^^^
"I'll go and make some tea first. Would you like to help me Tomoyo," Eriol said as he took her bag and laid it on the sofa.
"Of course I would," replied Tomoyo, and they left to the kitchen.
A soft noise came from outside. Syaoran went over to the door.
"Where are you going Li-kun," Sakura asked curiously.
"Uh...I just wanted some fresh air," Syaoran replied before he shut the door behind him.
*Something's out here.*
A shadowy figure ran past Syaoran.
"What was that? I'd better follow it. Dash card, release," said Syaoran as he threw out the Dash card.
(Back Inside)
*Syaoran's aura is getting faint.*
"The tea is ready," said Tomoyo holding the door for Eriol.
"Where's Syaoran," asked Eriol as he put the tray of tea down on the table.
"I'm not sure, but I have to go," Sakura replied pulling on her jacket and heading for the door at the same time.
Tomoyo looked at Eriol, and he nodded.
^^^King Penguin Park^^^
"Dash, return," Syaoran ordered.
"Well little wolf, coming here all by yourself," echoed Trina's voice from all directions, "you must be brave."
"Who's there," shouted Syaoran.
To the right of him, a black puff of smoke appeared.
"I am Trina, Rajin's sister. Unlike him though, I am many times stronger and smarter," she replied with her red cloak swaying back and forth.
"You're his sister," Syaoran whispered with a shocked look on his face.
"Too bad, now I have to destroy you first. I was planning to get rid of Clow Reed first, by using that Tomoyo girl," Trina shouted with a grin.
"Eriol?" Syaoran whispered.
"Yes, that boy you call Eriol," she yelled back.
"Using Tomoyo to kill Eriol? HA! That will never work," Syaoran shot back.
"Do you really think that," Trina replied. "She almost did the first time, and so she'll do it right the second!"
Syaoran growled angrily.
Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of Trina, on the ground. A black shadow appeared from the portal.
"I'd like you to meet my strongest card, Shadow," said Trina, with an evil grin slapped across her face.
It turned it's head in Syaoran's direction.
"Attack him, and don't let him live," ordered Trina. She smiled and vanished.
Syaoran took out his sword, ready to attack. The Shadow pulled out some sort of card.
"Water," it echoed.
*What?! It can release cards!*
Suddenly, Syaoran was hit by a blast of water. He flew back and slammed into the brick wall of the park.
"Li-kun," Sakura shouted.
Syaoran slowly stood up again. "Sakura," he whispered. Sakura ran to Syaoran.
"Are you okay," Sakura asked as she ripped off a piece of cloth from her shirt. She carefully wrapped it around the wound on Syaoran's arm.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Sakura smiled happily.
"Sakura! WATCH OUT," Syaoran yelled pushing her away.
Another beam of water hit Syaoran, and he flew into the wall again. Syaoran was knocked out with blood coming out of his head. Sakura looked up and froze in terror at the sight of the deep cut on Syaoran's head.
Just as another beam of water came towards Sakura, it froze right at her throat. She turned toward the entrance of the park and saw Tomoyo with Eriol.
"Sakura, use the Illusion, Mirror, Shadow, and Storm cards together," Eriol shouted.
"Right," Sakura replied. She took out the Key of Clow. "Oh key of clow, power of magic, power of light. Surrender the wand, the force ignite. Release!" A pink staff with a bird-like head appeared. "Illusion, Mirror,
Shadow, Storm, release and dispel," Sakura shouted.
As all four of the cards came together, a bright light covered the entire park. When the light disappeared, a young girl in a blue princess-like gown appeared before Sakura. Syaoran slowly stood up once more, with all of his wounds healed.
"Who...who are you," Sakura asked looking at the little girl.
"I am the Peace," she replied.
"Peace?" Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo said together.
The Shadow glided towards them.
"Watery," he shouted.
As a beam of water came towards Peace, it was reflected and flew back to Shadow. Shadow quickly dodged it. Peace raised her hand into a position as if she were holding a bow with arrows. Then with a flash of light, she was dressed like an angel with wings coming out of her back. She was now holding a real white bow and two shining white arrows. She turned the arrows in the direction of Shadow.
"I will not have you disturbing the peace this world holds," she said as she shot the arrows. Suddenly, the whole park went foggy.
When the fog let up, six cards floated to Sakura as one went to Syaoran.
"Clow Master Card?" Sakura read from the card of which the Peace was from. Syaoran took the Shadow Jin card and placed it into his pocket.
"There are only two Clow Master Cards. Peace was made during a major war in England. Too many innocent people were being killed, so it was decided, that I make Peace to stop the war. The Clow Master Cards are not ordinary cards though. The only way to get one, is to have all four of the right cards. Also, they are twenty times as strong as the Jin cards. But be warned, there is also one Jin master card," Eriol explained.

The End of Chapter 3

So, good? Don't worry, there are only 2 more chapters left.
Chapter 4 Meet the Master of Evil
Jin finally comes out of hiding, and the battle has finally begun!!

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