FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 4 Meet the Master of Evil

(Midnight. At Syaoran's house.)

Syaoran walked into his room after a refreshing shower. Sakura had used the Heal card to heal all of his wounds. He walked over to his desk and picked up a piece of cloth covered in blood. *Sakura.* He closed his eyes.

^^^Syaoran's thoughts^^^
Sakura smiled with tears running down her cheeks.
"It's over," the black figure said as it stabbed her.
"Li-kun..." Sakura whispered still smiling. She fell to the floor breathless.
^^^Syaoran's Room^^^
Syaoran's eyes shot open.
"Sakura, whatever happens, I won't turn my back on you," whispered Syaoran looking out the window. *Sakura.*
^^^Sakura's Room^^^
"Sakura, I need all the details," Kero demanded.
"Alright Kero," Sakura replied as she sat on her bed.
=====Next Day=====
Sakura was combing her hair. *Syaoran.* She smiled to herself. She began to blush and stared off into the ceiling.
"SAKURA," Kero shouted.
Sakura jumped up.
"Hoe? What is it Kero," Sakura replied brushing her hair again.
Kero stared suspiciously.
"You're up quite early. Either something's not right or you've finally decided to open your ears to hear the alarm," Kero teased.
Sakura got up and went over to the door.
"I'll see you later Kero," Sakura said as she walked out the door.
"Ignore me why don't you," Kero shouted after her.
"Well now, good morning Sakura," Fujitaka said. "You're up before your brother today."
"Hoe? Touya's not awake yet," asked Sakura.
Fujitaka shook his head. "But breakfast is ready."
Sakura smiled. "Thanks dad." Sakura sat at the table and ate her breakfast.
"Hey dad, where's the squirt," shouted Touya from the top of the stairs.
"She's eating her breakfast," he replied.
Sakura washed her plates and then put on her skates. Her father handed her bag pack and lunch to her.
"Awake already? This is new," Touya teased.
"Whatever Touya. I'm going right now, you can catch up later," Sakura replied.
Touya sweat dropped, then started laughing.
^^^^Following Sakura^^^^

Sakura stopped in front of King Penguin Park. *Something's definitely not right around here.* She stared at the giant king penguin. *I should talk to Syaoran and Eriol about it.* Sakura skated off.
^^^^Enemy's Lair^^^^

"Trina, you are a disgrace to me! I will not forgive you," Fital roared angrily.
"Please master, give me one more try," Trina begged.
Fital raised his arm and his eyes glowed red. "Be gone fool!"
"Master, NO! PLEEEASSSSE....." Trina shouted.
"Useless fool," Fital whispered as Trina vanished. "I will destroy the Card Captors. After they are gone, Clow Reed will be next. Finally, my venges will be complete." With the swing of his cape, he disappeared. "Do you hear me Card Captors, today will be your end," his voice echoed.
^^^^Tokyo Tower^^^^

"Cerberus, the evil energy is getting stronger as we speak," Yue said looking off in the direction of King Penguin Park.
"I know, but we can't help Sakura. She has to do this with Syaoran only. We won't make the slightest difference," Cerberus replied.
^^^^At School^^^^
"You're early today Sakura," Tomoyo said as Sakura took her seat. "You look extremely happy also."
Sakura smile, but stayed quiet. The door opened. Syaoran and Eriol came in.
"Something bad is going to happen to Sakura isn't it," Syaoran whispered to Eriol.
"Yeah, we'll have to watch her carefully from now on," Eriol replied.
They walked up to their seats and sat down. The door opened again and the teacher came in.
====After School====
"Is there something wrong Li-kun," Sakura asked.
Syaoran turned to her with a serious look. Eriol's smile became serious also.
"Sakura, you know what's going to happen. Now isn't the time to fool around and play pretend. You know something's wrong," Syaoran shouted.
Sakura stepped back in fear. She had on a sad and surprised expression. Her eyes started to water a little.
"Don't yell at me Li-kun! I didn't do anything, and you're yelling at me," Sakura shouted back.
"Sakura, you mustn't take it the wrong way, Syaoran was just..." Eriol tried to explain, but Sakura took off, crying. "Trying to keep you out of trouble," Eriol whispered to himself. "Syaoran, you have to follow her, just in case she meets up with trouble."
"No way! I never did anything to her. She just got mad at nothing! If you think I'm going after her, think again," Syaoran replied angrily. He stomped off in the other direction.
Eriol and Tomoyo sighed.
"Tomoyo, please go after Syaoran for me. I have to make sure Sakura's all right. Please try an talk to him," Eriol said.
Tomoyo nodded and they both set off.
"I know Li-kun was just trying to warn me, but he didn't have to yell at me," Sakura whispered to herself with tears streaming down her cheeks.
A hand came and touched her shoulder. Sakura jumped and turned around.
"Eriol," Sakura whispered.
"Are you okay Sakura," Eriol asked smiling.
"Please Syaoran, don't you even care if Sakura gets hurt," Tomoyo asked.
"I don't care because when I try to warn her, she blows off in my face for no good reason," Syaoran replied.
"Syaoran," Tomoyo said a bit louder than usual.
"What," Tomoyo said turning in the direction Eriol and Sakura was.
Syaoran pulled out his sword and ran off.
"Syaoran," Tomoyo shouted as she ran after him.
"Sakura," Eriol shouted.
"Help me," Sakura shouted back.
Eriol pulled out his staff.
"I don't think so Clow Reed," Jun Fital shouted. He shot a black beam towards Eriol.
Eriol jumped back and barely got hit. His staff was knocked out of his hands.
"Alright, you wanna play that way," Eriol shouted as he grabbed his staff. "Fire, relea..."
"Leave her alone! If you wanna fight, fight with me Fital," Syaoran shouted angrily as he ran towards them.
"Syaoran," Eriol whispered.
"Your finally here Syaoran," Jun replied. He lifted his head.
"Huh? He...he doesn't have a face. Only eyes," Syaoran whispered.
Jin's eyes glowed a deep red and Syaoran's feet lifted off the ground.
"What's happening? I can't move," shouted Syaoran.
"You'll be next Clow Reed," Jin shouted as he, Sakura, and Syaoran disappeared.
"Sakura! Syaoran," yelled Tomoyo. "Eriol, we have to do something."
Eriol shook his head and turned away. "All we can do is hope that they win."
^^^^Sakura and Syaoran^^^^
"Li-kun," Sakura whispered.
Syaoran slowly opened his eyes and sat up.
"Sakura," Syaoran said as he placed a hand on his forehead.
"Card captors," Jin yelled.
Sakura and Syaoran turned around quickly.
"Soon, my revenge will be complete. Be prepared for the ultimate card," roared Jin angrily. "This is your end!"
Dark enery flowed around the entire place.
"It's so cold Li-kun," Sakura said as she shivered.
Syaoran stood up with his sword in front of him.
"Enough with this Jin. I'm gonna destroy you if it's the last thing I do," shouted Syaoran as he ran towards him.
"Li-kun," Sakura shouted.
"Pathetic fool, you can't defeat me," Jin shouted.
As Syaoran approached him, Jin's eyes glowed a bloody red and Syaoran was blown back a few feet.
"I will destroy both of you, starting with the Card Mistress," Jin shouted.
He walked towards the fallen Syaoran and raised his right arm. Syaoran's body floated up into a standing position.
"What are you doing to Li-kun," shouted Sakura.
Jin smiled evilly, though you couldn't see it.
" I won't let you hurt him! Key of Clow, power of magic, power of light, surrender the wand, the force ignite. Release," Sakura shouted. "Windy, release and dispel!"
Windy flew towards Jin and Syaoran. It bounced off an invisible barrier and flew back towards Sakura.
"Jump, release!"
Sakura jumped just in time to miss Windy's attacked.
"Return Windy!"
While Sakura was returning Windy into her card form, Jin had disappeared into Syaoran's body.
Sakura landed and turned to Syaoran.
"Li...Li-kun" Sakura whispered.
His back was towards her, but the dark and cold energy was swirling all around him.
"No Li-kun."

End of Chapter 4

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