FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 5

Battle to the End

Black storm clouds covered the sky. Thunder roared, lightning clashed, and rain fell rapidly.
"Eriol, what do you think is happening," Tomoyo asked as she gripped tighter onto Eriol's sleeve.
Eriol bit his lower lip. " Something not too good Tomoyo. Just don't lose your faith in them," Eriol replied.
Tears began to stream down Tomoyo's cheeks, but she nodded and smiled.
^^^^Fital's Lair^^^^
Syaoran was standing in front of Sakura with his sword by his side. (Sakura is on her knees.)
"I will destroy you Card Mistress," Syaoran said softly.
His eyes were dark and blank. Sakura looked up into his eyes and shivered. Syaoran lifted his sword up from his side. Tears began to stream down her cheeks.
"Li-kun, I don't care if you want to kill me but, I just want you to know that I...I," Sakura bursted out crying.
Syaoran dropped his sword and wrapped his arms around his head.
^^^^Syaoran's Thoughts^^^^
Sakura smiled with tears running down her cheeks.
"It's over Card Mistress," said a black figure. He then stabbed her.
"Li-kun," Sakura whispered and fell to the floor lifeless.
^^^^Fital's Lair^^^^
Syaoran dropped to his knees and started yelling. Sakura looked at him confusedly.
"GET OUT OF ME!!" Syaoran shouted gripping tighter onto his head. "Ahhhhh!"
A dark shadow flew out of Syaoran's body.
"How...how could he have done that," the shadow shouted angrily.
Syaoran breathed heavily and closed his eyes. He slowly took his hands off his head and placed them on his lap. He opened his eyes and stared at the ground.
Sakura slowly placed a hand onto Syaoran's shoulder.
"It's okay Li-kun. Everything's okay," Sakura whispered.
Syaoran looked up into Sakura's eyes. She smiled.
"I've had enough with this," roared Jin angrily. He sent black beams of fire towards Sakura and Syaoran.
"Li-kun, watch it," Sakura shouted as she pushed him out of the way. "Ahhh!"
A few drops of blood hit Syaoran's face. Standing wide-eyed at the floor, he slowly looked up.
"Sa..Sakura," Syaoran whispered as he held her wrist.
She was staring at the floor.
"The..the key, it...it broke. The key broke. Impossible," Sakura said slowly with blood coming down her arms.
The Clow Key was in front of her. It was broken right in half.
"I told you to prepare for your doom didn't I? You shouldn't be surprised at all," Jin roared happily.
Syaoran clenched his fist tightly.
"I suppose it's your turn boy," Jin said calmly.
Syaoran picked up his sword and stood up. He looked from Sakura to Jin.
^^^^King Penguin Park^^^^
"The Key of Clow, it's broken," Eriol said.
"What?! How is Sakura supposed to..." Tomoyo whispered.
"Syaoran's in trouble too," Eriol continued.
"What can we do Eriol? We have to help! I can't stand doing nothing," Tomoyo said a bit louder than usual.
Eriol thought for a while.
"We have to concentrate our powers. That should work," Eriol finally replied.
"Powers? Eriol, I don't have any," Tomoyo said with confusion.
Eriol just took her hand and smiled at her. Tomoyo smiled back and nodded.
^^^^Fital's Lair^^^^
Syaoran's arm was bleeding and he was on his knees facing the ground.
"He shattered the Li Clan sword (winces)! He'll pay," Syaoran whispered.
Syaoran got up and ran towards Jin.
"LI-KUN!! NO!" Sakura shouted with tears streaming down her cheeks.
(White Flash)
"What the?!" Jin roared. The white light covered Sakura and Syaoran completely. Sakura and Syaoran's bodies floated next to each other.
"What happened Li-kun," Sakura asked. "Where are we?"
'I don't know," Syaoran answered.
"Sakura, Syaoran, here are your new weapons. Use them against the darkest evil," echoed Eriol's voice.
"We believe in you," Tomoyo's voice echoed. "Please be careful."
The light disappeared and all of their wounds were healed. Sakura and Syaoran were standing next to each other when two small white lights glowed in front of them.
A pink staff with a yellow star in the center and two white tiny wings on each side appeared before Sakura.
A sword that looked exactly like the Li Clan sword with the sign of the Clow on it appeared before Syaoran.
"How interesting, new weapons," Jin calmly said.
Sakura and Syaoran grabbed their new weapons, and the light vanished completely.
"Oo...I'm scared," teased Jin.
"Sakura," said Syaoran.
Sakura nodded.
"Elemental, water," Syaoran shouted.
"Lightning, release," Sakura shouted.
Water and lightning hit Jin's shield and disappeared.
"Enough playing, it's my turn." Jin yelled.
A black beam headed towards Sakura.
Syaoran pushed Sakura to the ground just as the beam went right through his stomach. Blood gushed out of his mouth and his wound. He fell to the floor just as Sakura caught him.
"He's as good as dead," Jin laughed.
"No, Li-kun! Don't leave me. I...I love you," Sakura sobbed.
"Sakura...(giggles)...I...(winces)...love you too," Syaoran whispered.
Sakura stared at him, shocked with tears still streaming down her face. Syaoran held Sakura's hand tighter and closed his eyes.
"Thank you Sakur..." was Syaoran's last words before his body went lifeless.
Sakura stared at Syaoran's lifeless as more tears rolled down her face.
"Syaoran! No, don't go. I can't win without you. Please come back," cried Sakura.
"Now how are you going to kill me," asked Jin holding back a laugh.
Sakura laid Syaoran's body on the floor and picked up her staff.
"Mistress, do not let your anger get in the way. You must use four of the elemental cards and the Peace together. That's your only chance of destroying him while getting the one you love back," echoed Yue's voice inside of Sakura's head.
Sakura wiped her tears away and nodded.
"You've caused enough trouble to my friends and you're going to pay for that." Sakura threw out five cards . "Windy, Watery, Firey, Earthy, Peace, release and dispel!"
The five cards swirled together and stopped 10 feet in front of Jin. The four elemental cards had joined together.
"What?!" Jin roared angrily.
Next to the Peace was a girl in white with long straight hair and a princess-like gown. Her eyes were blue and she had the wings of an angel.
"Who is that," Sakura whispered.
The Peace turned to Sakura and smiled.
"This is my older sister, Life," said Peace softly.
"It's been a long time Death," said Life.
She opened her wings and took off.
"This time, you will be the failure," roared Jin as he also took off.
The two collided many times. Sakura ran up next to Peace and stood there in amazement.
As Life slashed at Death's (Jin's) arm, Death's arm flew off.
Peace ran forward. She lifted her arms, and froze Death in mid air.
"Sakura," she whispered.
"Death card, return to your powers confined, Death," shouted Sakura.
The Death card floated over to Sakura as Jin's spirit flew in front of Sakura.
"Thank you Card Mistress. I've been trapped in Death for so many years. Thank you," Jin said as he floated away.
Life flew over to Syaoran's body as Sakura turned to see what was going to be done. When she saw that his body was still lying on the ground, tears began to fall again.
"I thought," Sakura started.
Peace took Sakura's hand and ran over to Life. Life and Peace closed their eyes. Sakura and Syaoran's body was again covered in a white light. Sakura held onto Syaoran's arm.
"They won," said Eriol.
Tomoyo looked at him and smiled. She threw her arms around Eriol and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Eriol," Tomoyo whispered into his ear. She kissed him on the cheek. Eriol blushed lightly.
The center of the park flashed a white light. Eriol and Tomoyo turned to look as the sky dried completely. When the light died down, Sakura appeared holding Syaoran's body tightly. Eriol and Tomoyo ran over to them.
"Wha..what happened," Syaoran said as he opened his eyes.
"Syaoran!" Sakura shouted happily.
She tightened her hug on him and kissed his forehead. He turned bright pink.
Eriol and Tomoyo looked at each other and smiled.

The End....
Well, how was it? OK? This was my FIRST fan fiction. Anyway, thanks for reading my not so hot fan fiction.

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