FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

~Dark Powers~
by Li Syaoran
Chapter One There's a bad moon on the rise

It was raining outside; Kero was muching away on the freshly baked cookies Sakura's father had made.
Sakura sits at the window seal and stares blankly out the window and sighs. She turns just in time to
watch as Kero finishes off the last of the cookies.

: Tap! Tap! Tap!:

Sakura jumps and looks out the window, only to be staring face to face with Syaoran. "Hoe!!!," yells
Sakura, "Li-kun, you scared me!"
"You are pathetic! Come on get your raincoat on. We've got a Clow Card to capture."
A sweat drop appears over Sakura's head as she grabs her rain boots.


"It's pouring, Li!," yells Sakura over the sound of pounding rain, "Where is the Clow Card?"
"I don't know!," shouts Syaoran, the rain eases up a little making Li's words seem unnessarely
loud. : Li blushes:
"What do you mean? I thought you said there was a Clow Card out here," states Sakura.
"WellI can't seem to find it," he sighs.
"Were you looking for the card without me?" says Sakura seeming to become upset.
"And if I was?" asks Syaoran as he crosses his arms and looks away not wanting to see the look
of disappointment on her face.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Sakura asks, "Li-kun, what about the Lasins board?"
"It's no use. I all ready tried that." Snaps Syaoran. He turns just in time to see Sakura's eyes welt
up with tears.
(Why does he have to be so mean? Sakura thought.)
Syaoran sighs, "I know it's out here. I can feel it. Can't you feel it Sakura?"
"No, no I can't. No, wait it's that way." She says as she points toward the park.
"Great!" yells Syaoran as he bolts toward the park.
"Only it doesn't seem right," she whispers to herself as she runs after Li.

Sakura huffs as she catches up to Li.
"Syaoran, why didn't you wait for me?"
: No answer:

Sakura quickly tries to regain her breath and looks up at Li. He stood there motionless, seeming
frozen gapping at the sky. Sakura slowly gazed upwards toward Syaoran's line of sight.

Sakura gasps and rubs her eyes, unwilling to believe what she sees less than thirty yards from
where they stood.
"It's a dragon"whispers Li in disbelief.
"Is it a Clow Card?' says Sakura making Syaoran jump.
"Oh! Sorry I forgot you were there."
"Humph!" says Sakura not liking the idea of being forgotten.
"So? Is it a Clow Card?"
"Huh?" says Li snapping back to reality "I'm not sure."
"What are we going to do, Li?" She said worriedly.
"Well, lets watch it for a bit and see if we can come up with a plan of attack."

They watched as the huge beast landed on the roof of a nearby building. The dragon was then
greeted by a black cloaked figure, who reached up and scratched the beast's forehead; as if it were a
"SoLi, is that dragon what we seneced?"
"NoI don't think so. What I seneced seems to be over there now." He points to the far end of the
Just then the dragon took off with the cloaked figure on its back, heading in the direction Li was
"Come on Sakura, we have to follow them!"
Sakura and Li arrive just in time to see the dragon hurl a fireball at what seemed to be a little girl
dressed in blue. The girl barley dodged the first fireball.
"We have to help her!" she said dashing out towards the girl.
The dragon prepares for another attack. Syaoran runs to help, he reaches Sakura just in time to
knock her out of the way of the dragon's next fireball. Li picked himself up, then helped Sakura to her
feet. Sakura looked over at the girl who stood there unharmed. The girl's eyes were blank and
"Li, She's a Clow Card!" Sakura exclaimed.
The hooded figure jumped off of the dragon's back. "You have no right to interfere here, leave or
prepare to fight."
Sakura turns and looks at Syaoran.
"Do what you think is right, I'm behind you no matter what you decide." Says Syaoran.
Sakura sighs, turns and faces the cloaked man and his monstrous dragon. "I am Card Captor
Sakura, it is you who have no right to be here!" Wow where did that come from, Sakura asked surprised
at her own courage. Syaoran standing next to her looking equal surprised.
"All right, if it's a fight you want." The cloaked figure says smirking. "Bahmut!beam cannon." The
dragon charged up for another attack.
"No. Li, don't do this." MeiLing whispered from her viewpoint from behind a nearby tree. She had
been spying Li ever sense he had left the house earlier, knowing that he was going to see Sakura. She
dashed out to join Li and Sakura. "You guys, I really think you shouldn't be doing this." She huffed as
she joined them. "We should leave."
Just then Bahmut fired. They all tried to avoid the blast, but this one was larger than the last few.
They all were hit by the blast and flew backwards....Then all was dark.

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