FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Dark Powers
By Li Syaoran
(Chapter 2)

Dragons, Clow Cards, and Bad Guys. Oh My!
Dart smiled and removed his hood, revealing his angelic features. He looked toward the three
seemly lifeless bodies laying on the ground, then turned towards the Clow Card. Dart pulls his sword
out of the sheath, "Return to your powers confined: Cure Card." The card flies to his hand. He chuckles,
"That was way too easy." Dart hops onto the dragon's back and flies away, disappearing in the clouds.
A boy emerges from a near by alleyway, he was followed out of the darkness by two large black
wolfs. He watches the sky to make sure that there was no longer a sign of the black dragon or its
master. When he was satisfied that they had left for good, he then turned his attention to the wounded
three lying on the now blood soaked ground. He kneels down and takes their pluses. He sighs, "They
are still alive.
Come on you twohelp me out here. Help me get them home." He said looking toward the two wolfs.

A woman dressed in black turned from her books and headed outside to greet her guests. She ran up
and hugged Dart. "Welcome home, Dart." She said smiling. He picked her up and laughed as he spun her
around. Dart set her down, she was laughing now too. "Well?" she asked through her giggles. Frowning
he said, "Marlena, don't you trust me by now?" "Of course I do!" she said laughing harder at the puppy
dogface that Dart had attempted to make. "So how did it go?" she asked with her laughter slowly
subsiding. Dart pulled the Cure Card out from behind his back and handed it to Marlena. "Great! How did
Bahmut work out?" she said looking at the beastly dragon. "He was wonderful." Dart says patting the
dragon's head. The dragon began to change shape and became a black Clow Card. The card flies to
Marlena's hand. She hands the card to Dart; "You've earned it." He takes the card looks at it and hands it
back, "I can't take this Demon Card." "Why?" She asked saddened that he wouldn't except her gift. "I
was seen, and they tried to take the Clow Card from me." "What!?! Who were they?" She asked now
very intrigued. "Well there was the Mistress of the Clow and two others with her." Marlena sits down,
"I'm intrigued tell me more." An evil smile spreads over her face.

Syaoran opened his eyes. It was all black in the room. His head ached and he felt sore all over his
body. Li started to feel around for a light when his hand hit someone else in the bed. Startled he took a
closer look, it was Sakura. Li panicked and started to search over on the other side of the bed, where
he bumped into MeiLing. In total panic Li leaps out of the bed and lands with his back to the door staring
at the bed that held now only the two sleeping girls. He sighed, MeiLing and Sakura were still soundly
asleep. He relaxed and leaned against the door behind him. Li let out another sigh of relief, when the
door behind him began to open.

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