FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Dark Powers
By Li Syaoran
Chapter 3 : Strangers I n The Night

The door opened and a boy of fourteen years of age entered the room carrying a tray of food. Syaoran stares at the black haired, blue eyed boy in dismay; Li readied himself for a fight even though his whole body still ached. The boy just smiled and placed the tray on a table next to the door. "I'm glad you're awake," He extends his hand, "I'm Ravenfox and this is my house." "My name's Li Syaoran and those two over there are Sakura and MeiLing." They shake hands and sized up each other's strength.
MeiLing beings to wake, groaning as she sits up. She rubs her head and moans, "Oh…I feel like I've battled the fight card all over again." MeiLing looks around and spots Li standing in the light streaming in though the doorway only he was not alone, he was talking with some one else.
Seeing that MeiLing was now wake, Li began to introduce MeiLing, "MeiLing this is Ravenfox…," but his words trailed off as Ravenfox walked over to Sakura totally ignoring the two of them. Ravenfox then begins to take Sakura's pulse and temperature. She moaned quietly in her sleep. "This is just as I thought." Ravenfox sighs and says; "She's been poisoned."

"So this boy…The one with the Mistress of the Clow; you believe he is a descendant of Clow Reed?" asks Marleana. "Yes, he was dressed the robes pasted down through that families' line." Replies Dart. Dart made a puzzled face, "Why are you so interested in this boy? Shouldn't we be more worried about the Card Captor?" She turned and walked up to Dart. She put her hand on his chest and said, "It's my job to worry about things. So don't worrying your pretty little head over such things. Besides I think that this boy would make a fine addition to our team, don't you think so?" Dart looked confused, "I don't think our master, Dev will approve." Marleana scoured and said, "I don't care what Dev thinks. You WILL bring that boy to me. And this is how you're going to do it!"

"Poisoned?!? How did that happen?" asks a bewildered Li. "Well, the dragon you fought. Its name is Bahmut, and its fiery blasts are poisonous." States a worried Ravenfox, as he looks down gloomily at Sakura. "Well, then why weren't Li and I poisoned?" asks MeiLing, who was now finally awake enough to grasp what was going on. "Well, I was there investigating the dragon, and I saw what happened. Your friend, Sakura used some kind of magic. I think it was a Clow Card. It looked like a shield; she tried to protect you both. But it failed and she took most of the blast." "So, How do you know about the Clow Cards and that dragon?" asks MeiLing now very skeptical of they're newly found friend. "Ok. That's a fair question, but before I begin my story, I feel the need to tell you that without that card you lost today; Sakura won't survive for more than three days."

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