FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

    Chapter 3 : S+S+M???

    After School, Sakura Saw Meiling walking home with Li. She felt horrible.
She knew that since Meiling Came back, she wouldn't have a chance with Li.
She was trying so hard not to cry. Madison tried to cheer her up saying...
"Don't Worry Sakura, look at how unhappy Li is"  That made Sakura feel a
little bit better. But she was still sad. Finally she broke down and started
to cry.

    Li saw her and he ran across the street and got hit by a car.

Nah I'm Playing. He ran to her and he hugged her. Meiling got extremely
jealous and tried to break them up.  Madison saw what Meiling was doing and
so Madison just slapped her! She Yelled "Butt Out!!" I Don't know who the
freak you think you are, but I know what you're not! Li's Girlfriend" Hit The
Road. Speechless Meiling left. And Li and Sakura lived happily ever after!

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