FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

chapter1 Part1

" The Dream "

Story by: Day Aka.Deysi
Ok, this is my first time ever doing this souu... please be nice.So ok,this is what's happening Sakura and Syaoran are both 14 yr old, and their both in their first year of high school!!!! Everything is just like it was,Sakura already turned the Clowcards into Sakuracards.I hope you like it!!!
Ok here goes...
"Sakura..." A voice whispered.
"Sakura..." The voice repeated."Help me please Sakura..."
Suddenly a soft but creepy melody surrounded her...then she was in a place that seemed familiar to her."The Beach? A-am I in a beach?" Sakura said doubtfully.The once soft melody got louder and creepier.Sakura became afraid and started to run.Suddenly everything went black "what next?" thought Sakura.
Everything went silent...silent.
Then suddenly the silence was broken by a series of screams
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Sakura yelled
Then she woke up "Weird dream...what a nightmare"said Sakura.Sakura looked at her clock "12pm" said Sakura yawning,and drifted back to sleep. " what? where am I?" Sakura stayed quiet for a moment "ohhhhhhhhnoooooo!!!Im back in the dream!",Sakura said in a terrified voice.So far everything was pitch black.The she was at the beach again "Man,this keeps on getting better and better!"Sakura thought.Sakura was standing in the cement part of the beach.In between the cement and the were poles sticking out straight in rows on the endless cement path...( the poles were half of Sakuras height) one by one,all of the m lit up."Good at least I have light now."Sakura thought.Then in the distance she saw something jump out of the ocean and land right next to a glowing stone.Just then Sakura felt a powerful gust of wind pass through that almost made her fall "what was that?!"Sakura exclaimed.The poles with the bit of light now roared with flames.Out of the flames stepped out a fiery figure.Then,before Sakura could say anything,Two more figures ran by,one faster than the next.All of the figures surrounded the glowing rock.Sakura gasped as her eyes widened "Watery?!"Sakura exclaimed "And... Windy,Dash,Fight and fire",Sakura screamed.All of the figures jumped into the glowing rock.The rock exploded and when the smoke cleared, Sakura could see a girl's figure."Help me..."said a girls voice.
She seemed about Sakura's age...she was glowing.All you could see is white,after she stopped glowing.She was covered in a sort of cloak that covered her whole body.Her face was covered in shadows.All that Sakura saw now was a dark figure. "Help me..." said a girls voice.
"Who are you?" asked Sakura the girl was about to take off her hood,which revealed her face.
Suddenly Sakura heard a loud horrifying scream
Sakura woke up screaming.
"Sakura calm down,calm down...you were just having a nightmare "Kero said." No Kero that dream was asking for help." Sakura said,trying to calm down.
"Well your gonna be the one asking for help if your late to school!"said :Kero.Sakura looked at her clock.The clock read 7:30 am
"OooooooohNooooo! I'm gonna be late!" said Sakura as she got prepared and ran off to school.


So, what da ya think... Don't worry there will be aaaa lot of S+S moments rrrreeeal soon

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