FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

" Secret Hidden Within "

Ok sorry I took so long but,im here now and here's the next Chapter!^-^


" Oh that the bell,well class i'll see you on Monday. " Said the teacher as he told Milleni where to sit when they came back on Monday,to her surprise she sat next to Syaoran.All the students began to pack up and head out the door.Milleni walked over to where her cloak was and took it of the hanger putting it on.Syaoran fixed his stuff neatly and headed to the door.
Milleni felt a familiar aura and turned to see a boy with Chestnut hair and cold dark amber eyes.Milleni smiled at Syaoran.
" Hi,my name is Milleni.. " Said Milleni as she extended her hand out for a handshake.Syaoran lifted an eyebrow and left as if nothing had happened.
" Huh..?.. " Said Milleni,as she saw the boy leave,just then she felt another person in the room besides the teacher.She turned over to see who it was.
It was a girl with album colored hair and green eyes,she hadn't packed up her stuff yet and she looked like she was in pain.Milleni walked over to the girl,proceeding her with caution.The girl looked up and smiled at Milleni.
" You need any help? " Asked Milleni as Sakura looked up to find the new student offering her hand to help her.
" It's nothing serious.. " Said Sakura in the nicest way possible.Milleni examined her ankle area where the pain was coming from.
" You tripped,huh? " Said Milleni looking at her ankle.Sakura looked up at Milleni.
" Ya,It sorta happened on the was to school.. " Said Sakura as she took Milleni's hand and sat on the desk.Milleni noticed that the ankle was bruised and looked painful.
" The names Milleni,but my friends use to call me Mili.. " Said Milleni.
" Mili?..ok then that's what i'll call you.Meet your newest friend,my names Sakura. " Said Sakura as Milleni bended down and looked at her ankle.
" Sakura,hmmm isn't that Cherry blossom?.. " Asked Milleni
[ Crack ]
Sakura gasped as she felt a relieving pain,because of Milleni's fast movements tward Sakura's ankle.
" What did you do?" Asked Sakura as Milleni got up and smiled.
" Just a little something to help stop the pain,and fix the broken bone." Said Milleni she walked out the door.
" See ya later...Card mistress.." Said Milleni as she ran out the room.
" What!?Wait!" Shouted Sakura getting up and running to the door,but Milleni was gone.
" Oh and tell Kero I said hi.." Said Milleni behind Sakura.
" [Gasp]" Sakura jumped up,and looked behind her.Milleni ran and turned a corner,of the schools many hallways.
" Wait!" Shouted Sakura as she ran after Milleni,but when Sakura reached the corner,Milleni was gone.Sakura stood in silence very confused.
" What do you want?..." Though Sakura as she though about it all through the cold rainy day.Syaoran noticed Sakuras strange behavior all through the day.
After school Syaoran walked slowly to his apartment.
" Hmmm,I wonder what's wrong with Sakura?..Why is she acting so strange.." Though Syaoran as another though came in his head.
" Why do I care?So what if Sakura isn't ok,it isn't any of my business anyway-"
Syaoran bumped into another person.The person fell down on the floor,Milleni's hood flapped open revealing her face.
" Y-You.." Said Syaoran glaring at her,Milleni glared back.
" Great,you bump into me practically tackling me down,getting me a big booboo on my butt!And all I get is a - you!Jezz,for a Cardcaptoryou sure can't say sorry.." Said Milleni getting up and picking up her school books roughly.
" C-cardcaptor!?How did you-"
" Wait!Milleni wait please!!" Shouted Sakura running in the background.
Syaoran looked over at Sakura running and then turned to look at Milleni with a confused face.
" Well sorry I can't stay and talk with a wonderful conversationalist such as yourself,but I must go.." Said Milleni as she dashed off running,heading to the parks direction.
" Wait!" SHouted Sakura as tried stopping but the ground was too slippery from the rain and was slipped.
" ..W-wo-wow.." Said Sakura trying to get her balance.
" Careful.." Said Syaoran as he grabbed hold of Sakura to keep her from falling,Sakura grabbed hold of his shoulders and balanced herself.
" Are you ok?.." Asked Syaoran as Sakura looked up to him breathing heavily,her arms still on his shoulders and Syaoran's arms were in a position like as if he was hugging her.Syaoran flushed as did Sakura,both of them pushed away suddenly.
" U-um-thank you..heh Syaoran.." Said Sakura as she looked over Milleni was a small dot in the distance.
" Oh there she is,she not getting away." Said Sakura taking out the necklace that was the key to her power.
" Key of Clow-" Sakura chanted as the little bird shaped item grew into a baton once Sakura shouted, " Release!"
" Sakura this might be dangerous....im coming with you.." Said Syaoran.
Sakura smiled at Syaoran,Syaoran blushed as Sakura took out the fly card.
" Fly card..Release and dispel!!" Shouted Sakura as wings bursted out of the batons bird shaped piece.
" Ok,C'mon Syaoran.." Said Sakura as she extended her hand out to Syaoran,Syaoran took her hand and got on.
" Ok hold on.." Said Sakura as they flew up at a high altitude,and flew very quickly down to the direction that Milleni was running.Since Sakura was flying so fast,Syaoran was loosing balance and held on to her waist.Syaoran and Sakura blushed a bit.Something moving caught Syaoran'seye.Syaoran got out his sword and jumped down in front of Milleni.
" Milleni stop!" Shouted Syaoran,as Milleni stopped and looked at Syaoran.Sakura landed next to Syaoran.
" Listen and listen good..I can't talk right now.All of us are in danger right now..." Said Milleni with serious eyes.
" I don't have time,just ask Kero about me..he knows who I am..." Said Milleni.
" How does he know about you!?Another thing how do you know about us!?" Syaoran demanded.Milleni gave him a look.
" Just ask him..." Said Milleni as the wind became as cold as ice.Sakura shivered a bit.
" Their getting closer.." Though Milleni looking around the area.
" If your still curious,come and talk to me.." Said Milleni.
" How do we do that!?" Asked Sakura.Milleni threw a necklace to Sakura.Just then the wind blew harder,making both Sakura and Syaoran close their eyes.
The wind then turned calm and warm,when Syaoran opened his eyes...Milleni was gone.


Stay tuned for the next one
in about 1 month ^-^

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