FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks




Kero's Past and new findings...
By:Day Aka Deysi


Hi!It's this is the 4th chapter that all of you have been waiting sooo desperately for...NOT!...well,that is if anyone likes my fan fiction that is! ^-^
well anyways,in the last chapter Milleni told Sakura and Syaoran that..to find about her..they had to ask Kero for some reason....well I wont keep ya waiting!
Here's chapter 4!! ^-^


" Darn!" Said Sakura as she looked over at the spot where Milleni had disappeared.
" I guess we'll have to ask Kero.." Said Syaoran as he looked at his watch.
" It's around,4:00 o'clock in the afternoon."Said Syaoran as Sakura looked around sensing something,but faded quickly.
" Ok...I have to be going home now..Kero has a lot of explaining." Said Sakura as Syaoran grabbed her hand suddenly.
" Huh?" Said Sakura feeling an odd tingle in her stomach.
" Can I go with you?I want to find out about that,Milleni girl." Said Syaoran.
" Ok,then.." Said Sakura as they began to walk to her house.
[ at Kero's house ]
" Oh nooo!!I lost again!" Said Kero as he kicked the control weakly.Just then he felt a odd feeling..a familiar calming energy,it was soft yet so dangerous.
" Huh?.." Said Kero as he turned around.
" What is that?.." Said Kero as he moved in circles.
Kero looked around the room,but saw nothing,then suddenly Sakura bursted in the room.
" You got a lot of explaining to do Kero!!" Shouted Sakura scarring the heck out of little Kero.Kero fell in some of Sakura's stuffed animals.
" S-sakura!?It's you.." Said Kero as he got up and walked to her,as Syaoran walked in her room.
" HEY Hey hey!!What in the heck is he doing here!!??" Shouted Kero.
" Forget about Syaoran right now!He is my friend!The question is..Why did you lie to me!?Why didn't you tell me!?" Said Sakura as she kneeled on the floor putting her backpack at the her side.
" Lie about what!?" Said Kero getting up.
" Do you know anyone named...Milleni?" Asked Syaoran as Kero's eyes widened.
" Milleni!?Whose she?" Asked Kero,said Kero as he backed away from Sakura and Syaoran.Little sweats appeared on the side of Kero'shead.
" I-I don't even know who Milleni is!!!" Said Kero as he looked into Sakura's eyes.
"eh-...I don't know who she is!" Said Kero.
" How did you know it was a girl then!?"Sakura snapped.
" eh...lucky guess..?.." Said Kero as he coughed.
" Kero tell me who she is..please???" Sakura pleaded.
" She's...just an old partner I use to have...a guardian..." Said Kero.
" Guardian...whose guardian.." Asked Sakura.
" Mines..yours..and that Syaoran kids too.." Said Kero glaring at Syaoran.
"Huh?What do you mean?" Asked Sakura.
" Ya see...Milleni was originally my guardian...but..she developed a....well she told me that she loved me..and since I never liked her..I didn't need her anymore anyways..." Said Kero.
" So I kinda told her...to...leave me alone..." Said Kero.
" You what!?" Shouted Sakura.
" Hey!Sakura..look Milleni was just as annoying to me..as Meilin is to Syaoran." Kero explained.
" I find that hard to believe..." Said Syaoran.
" What that Milleni is just as annoying..as the she brat!" Snapped Kero.
" No....THAT SOMEONE COULD ACTUALLY FALL IN LOVE WITH A STUPID STUFFED ANIMAL LIKE YOU!!!!" Shouted Syaoran as Kero went flying out the window.Kero turned into a lion and pounced on Syaoran.
" She doesn't love me...she's just....just-just attracted to my magic.." Said Kero making up an excuse for himself to believe.
" And plus..I was a human when that happened..so..she'll probably wont recognize me.." Said Kero.
" Huff..im still not satisfied.." Said Sakura as she took out the necklace that Milleni gave her before she disappeared.Kero's eyes widened.
" She still has the necklace.." Said KEro to himself.
" ...What this?." Asked Sakura.
"She said I could use it to call her.." Said Sakura.
" How?" Asked Kero.
" When I find out how to use this...im gonna ask her why she's here and about your past with her...and this time I know she'll tell me.." Said Sakura as a blush crept on Kero's cheeks.
" Well im not gonna let you stray off alone to that Milleni girl..im commin with you.." Said Kero.
" Teh..you?Why do you want to come?I mean you said yourself you never liked her..so why bother." Said Syaoran.
" Because Im Sakuras guardian and no low class little girl is gonna put her in danger." Said Kero.
" No Kero...you don't have to go...and plus I trust Milleni..she our second guardian as you said..and Im sure that she wont hurt any of us.." Said Sakura.
" But...I...I want to go..." Said Kero looking down.
" And why is that?.." Asked Syaoran.
" Because...I told her to leave me alone...in that time far back...when you say that..they leave you alone without a word...What I said stays in Milleni..if I tell her to leave me alone...that means she does it for all eternity..as long as she or I life.."Said Kero.
" Wow..." Said Syaoran.
" Still,even so,you knew that and you still told her to leave you alone." Said Sakura.
" I know but I-Hey!Can I go or not!?"Shouted Kero as he floated above Sakura.
" Well,you are my guardian anyways...so I guess so...so do you know how this thing works?.." Asked Sakura.
" Ya..just whisper," Take me to Millenia.." Said Kero.
" ok..." Sakura put her lips close to the necklace.
Syaoran looked at her as she was about to whisper the words.
" I envy that stupid necklace.." He thought.
" Take me to Millenia..." Whispered Sakura as the necklace glowed,Sakura began to glow.
" Hurry grab a hold of Sakura or where gonna loose her.." Said Kero as Syaoran got a hold of her waist..( It actually looked like he was hugging her from behind.)
Kero landed on her shoulder as they disappeared,bursting into sparks.They appeared in what looked like an apartment.
" Huh?....Milleni?.." Said Sakura in a weak voice.
" Huh?" Said Milleni as she looked around the kitchens corner and saw them standing there.
" Oh hi! I didn't expect you to come so...soon.." Said Milleni seeing Kero.Milleni backed away from them not saying a word,she looked at the floor quickly not giving any type of eye contact.
" Huh?..what is she doing?" Asked Sakura.
" She humiliating herself.." Said Kero.
" How?.." Asked Syaoran.
" When I told her to leave,that means that she has to ,stay at a distance from me...and she can't look into my eyes." Said Kero floating a bit close to her,Milleni dropped to her knees still looking down and backed away more.
" PLease,Cerberus,guardian of the clowbook Seal and now guardian of the Card mistress Sakura..please let me keep the rules you have given me and stay at your distance as you wished me to do.." Said Milleni.Kero flew to her .
" Millenia....I take back the oath..I take back the bad things I told you...im sorry.." Said Kero landing on her shoulder.Milleni moved away and kept her eyes down.
" I accept the apology,Cerberus.....and the oath taken back also.." Said Milleni.
" And my name is Milleni..not millenia..stop calling me that i am not anything of your for you to call me by my true name.." Said Milleni.
" ...I apologize Millenia-Im mean...Milleni.." Said Kero.
" But you are my guardian...still right?.." Asked Kero.
" That is for you to decide.." Said Milleni as she walked to the couch as she got up and sat on the couch,that was close to where Syaoran was.
" Come and sit down...I guess i'll have to tell you now..." Said Milleni as te others sat on the couch.Milleni sat down she let out a frustrated sigh as she sat as far as she could from Kero.
" Well the thing that happened back in the old days...when Kero was created by clowreed..he created something along with Kero..so he wouldn't get lonely.Which was me...[sigh] back then we could turn human,not only be animals.Everything was sooo different then.....:::::Milleni's Voice fades out and comes in as a flashback::::

" There..now Kero you have a partner..to help you guard the clowcards.." Said Clowreed.
" I don't need any help..I can be the guardian beast of the seal all my own.." Said Kero in his lion from.
" Yes but that might not always be enough..you have strong power but,you'll need help in this time.." Said Clow Reed as he waved his hand as a female lion appeared.
"[Yawn] Hi Master.." Said the lioness.
" This will be you guardian.." Said Clow Reed.
" ....[ grumbles] yes Master..." Said Kero as Clow Reed patted his head.
" You take care of him ok?.." Said Clow Reed.
" Oh I will!Don't you worry master!!" Said the lioness as she looked at Kero turn to his human form.
" Wow you look cute!" Said the lioness blushing.Kero turned away blushing slightly.
" What your name....guardian.." Said Kero.
" Well,Kero you-"
" You can call me Cerberus!Kero is what the people special to me can only call me! For you it's Cerberus guardian of the seal!" Shouted Kero.
" Ok,Cerberus.." Said the lioness blushing in embarrassment.
" My name is Millenia,but my friends can call me Milleni!You can call me Milleni!" Said the lioness happily,as she turned into her human form,and hugged Kero.
" Hey!What are you doing?!" Shouted kero as his cheeks were getting warm.
( They looked around Sakura's and Syaoran's age..)
" Im hugging you.." Said Milleni looking at Kero as he pushed her away roughly.
" Look I don't like you!Just do what you do and no strings attached or anything,ok Millenia?.." Said Kero firmly as Milleni looked at Kero.
" Correction Kero,you can call me Milleni.." She smiled.
" DO YOU UNDERSTAND.." Shouted Kero as he screamed in her face.Milleni shook her head nervously and sadly.
" I can't hear you..Do you understand me?.." Said Kero slowly to Milleni as if she was a special Ed Child. Milleni kept her eyes down the floor.
" Look at me Milleni.." Said Kero angrily.
" Can't...." Said Milleni.
" Why not Milleni.." Said Kero angrily.
" Because the lesser power don't look at the ones with power..im not your friend..neither companion to look at your eyes.." Milleni paused as Kero saw tears drip from the shadows of Millenis face."And plus..you hate me..and i care about you..you cased pain to me and i can't look at you...and another thing.." Milleni paused again as she looked at Kero's eyes.
" My name is Mellenia..don't call me Milleni.." Said Milleni as she transformed into a lioness again.
"...And yes I understand..Cerberus..guardian of the seal.." Said Milleni as Kero looked over at Milleni with hate.
[Later that afternoon]
Milleni was looking at the seal examining the book,she thought about what would happen in these following years.
" Cerberus will be my only company during all this time that I don't know how long will be..."Thought Milleni as she thought back.
" I don't want him to keep me company..i'd rather be lonely than have a moody self-centered,mean guardian on my tail." Said Milleni as she felt an odd presence.Then she heard a roar.She ran outside...it was Kero lion form he was battling some kind of dark creature.
" I will take those powers!I will command the cards!!!" Shouted the figure as it hit Kero across the pathway making him hit the wall hard braking it,stones tumbling over him.
" Stop it!" Shouted Milleni in her human form.The figure looked over at Milleni.
" Heh,you pathetic little child!You can't defeat me!" Shouted the figure as it swung at Kero,Milleni jumped in and took the hit.
" AAHaaaa!!!" Shouted Milleni in pain.Kero got mad...madder than he had ever been before and charged at the beast murdering it unmercifully.Milleni got up form a quick recovery as she saw Kero killing the beast.
" YAY,alrightey!!!Kero you saved my-"
" My name is CERBERUS!!!!!Not Kero!My friends call me Kero,your not my friend!I don't even want you near me!Get away from me!Keep your distance and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!GO AWAY LEAVE!!" Shouted Kero as Milleni was stunned by the words,she backed away a bit and got on her knees,with teary eyes.
" ..As you wish...you'll never hear from me again.."Said Milleni as she transformed into the lioness,this time about to leave for good.
" Huh?..Milleni your actually-"
Kero was cut off by a loud roar hating roar that Milleni gave out.
" My name is Millenia!
GUARDIAN OF THE SEAL!!" Shouted Millenia as Kero looked at her...she seemed to be bleeding from her side,from the attack that the demon had given her.
" Mi-milleni..you hurt.." Said Kero as his lion form walked to her.All the trust that Milleni and love that she had for him turned into hate suddenly.She backed away quickly growling as Kero got closer.
" Don't you understand?..If you are not my friend then all I am is your guardian...you told me to leave you alone,and since a guardian follows orders I am not one to refuse.And another thing...my name is Millenia M-I-L-L-E-N-I-A...get it.." Said Milleni as she walked off limping.
" Teh-your finally understanding..Millenia..teh.." Said Kero looking at her as she transformed into human form.She fell to the floor on her knees gasping in pain.
Kero walked slowly to her,she backed away.
" ......" Milleni Said nothing to him and forced herself up.
" Millenia you got that cut while...you took the hit for me from the demon...the dark figure." Said Kero as his eyes softened.
" I forgot that you hated me..so I helped you...teh,Cerberus.." She said in a sad voice..with a hint of hatred.
" Are you ok..." Kero asked.Milleni forced herself to move away from him.
" You told me to leave you alone and stay away from you...you hate me and wish I never existed....so I'll leave you alone.And when the time comes for you to guard the seal...I will not join you..." Said Milleni with a tear.
" Good-bye..." She said as she kissed Kero's cheek as Kero flushed madly feeling strange bursts of sparks inside him.
Milleni healed herself of what she could and left never to be seen or heard of again...
::::Scene fades out and comes in where Milleni is crying:::::

"Im so very sorry you had to go through that Milleni...Kero can be a a true ditz sometimes.." Said Sakura.
" Hes a ditz all the time..." Said Syaoran.That made Milleni smile.
"[Sniff] ...." Milleni stayed quiet and looked over at Kero.
Kero turned into a lion and pounced on Syaoran.
" Hey get off!" Shouted Syaoran.
Milleni looked at Kero and began laugh a bit.Kero saw Milleni laugh and blushed a bit,feeling embarrassed.Kero got off Syaoran and walked to Milleni shyly.
Milleni gasped as she backed away falling down stupidly.Kero looked at Milleni with a weird looking expression....that made Milleni blush.Kero walked to her and licked her cheek.Milleni's eyes widened.
" [Gasp] Ugh!!You kissed her cheek!!Im gonna hurl!" Said Syaoran making a silly expression.Kero caught a red hue on his cheeks..as his yellow eyes kept his stare on hers.
" Become a lioness again..become my guardian...my other half.." Said Kero as he blushed.
" Huh?..." Said Milleni as she flushed.
" I haven't turned into an animal since I was born with this body..." Said Milleni blushing hearing what she heard.Kero looked at her.
Milleni felt an odd presence in the room.
" [Gasp] You must leave Sakura!Your in danger!" Shouted Milleni as a black figure stepped in the room.
" ....." Millenia looked at the figure with horror.
" Stay away!" Shouted Milleni as she stepped in front of Kero,Sakura and Syaoran.
" Hmmmm,so this is what you have been hiding..heh heh heh..." Said the figure.
" Stay away Frenzo!" Shouted Milleni.
" hehehe...this time I will get you and your magic..along with the ones you protect." The figure laughed.
" You stay away from them!" Shouted Milleni as Kero stood by her side.
" Your a Card I can capture aren't you!" Shouted Sakura.
" Yes!I am one of 10,I am called The Death!!" Shouted the figure.

Well this part of story is done.So what will the death card do?
Syaoran: And who ever though Kero would have a girlfriend!!??
Kero: Grrrrrrrrrr

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