FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



" Guardian Angels "
Short story by:
Deysi Aka Day


Day: Hello everyone!This is a short story!...heh ^-^.
Tomoyo: Well,Syaoran and Sakura are both 15
Day: And have not said anything of their love for each other...teehe.
Tomoyo: Well lets begin!

" Syaoran!Help me!" Shouted Sakura as a black hand pulled her up in the air.
" Sakura!Hold on!"Shouted Syaoran running to Sakura,another shadowy hand appeared and hit him across the dark space.
" Syaoran!" Shouted Sakura in despair.The hand pulled her up into dark shadows making her disappear.Syaoran forced himself up.
" Sakura???Sakura!?...." Shouted Syaoran,but heard nothing as his voice echoed in the dark desolate place.
" I promised you would never see your Cherry Blossom again!I kept my promise!" Said a voice beginning to laugh evilly.Syaoran fell to his knees,his eyes glassy and sad.
" Why?" Said Syaoran.
" She's the key.." Said the voice laughing evilly.
" Key!?Key to what!?Give her back!!" Shouted Syaoran.
" It's so plain to your heart,
but blind to your eyes!
Find that out,and i'll give you your prize!" Shouted the voice.
" Is that a riddle!?Must you always speak in riddles!" Said Syaoran
" Yes!Solve it!She is the key to your door,find it!She is the key!"Shouted the voice.
" What key!?" Shouted Syaoran.The form turned into a little drunken dog with wings.
" The key to your door!The key to a special door!"Said the dog laughing like a hyena,Syaoran stomped up to the dog and picked him up.
" The key to what door!?" Shouted Syaoran.
" Solve it!Or else your beloved Cherry Blossom will die!"Shouted the dog,as Sakura appeared tied in a rope.
" Help Syaoran!" Shouted Sakura.
" Sakura!" Shouted Syaoran dropping the little dog and running to Sakura,but she disappeared into smoke.
" Remember,solve the riddle...or she dies!!!"Shouted the dog,as he disappeared also.
Syaoran woke up sweating and gasping for air.Syaoran looked at his clock.3:00 in the afternoon,he caught Sakura starring at him.
" Syaoran...are you ok?" Sakura asked worriedly.
" Kinomoto?What are you doing here?" Asked Syaoran.
" Sakura,is here to help you.She has been here ever since you got sick."Said Tomoyo,as Sakura's smile went to a frown.
" It's ok if you want me to leave.." Said Sakura and got up,slowly walking towards the door.
" No!It's not that!I was just surprised that you came to help me..." Said Syaoran.
"Huh?You were?"Asked Sakura.
" Ofcource,with your studies..a-and schoolwork i though-" Syaoran got cut off by Sakuras index finger.
" Let's get one thing straight,I might have my studies,and my schoolwork..." Sakura paused and hugged Syaoran.
" But im never too busy to help out a sick friend,especially you Syaoran." Said Sakura.
" Sakura....* Dot eyes* sometimes I think your too nice for your own good." Mumbled Tomoyo.
Sakura faced Tomoyo and smiled,and then faced Syaoran.
" Now you need to rest.If you need something,i'll get it ,but don't move away from this bed...ok?" Said Sakura,Syaoran flushed seeing how Sakura cared so much for him.
" O-ok" Said Syaoran and coughed,making him pause." I won't get out of bed.." Said Syaoran.
"So are you hungry?"Asked Sakura.
" To tell you the truth...ya." Said Syaoran.
" Ok,I'll be back with some soup." Said Sakura as she left the room.
" Kinomoto your too sweet for words." Mumbled Syaoran.Sakura came back with homemade chicken noodle soup.
" Here ya go.."Said Sakura,as Syaoran's he took the tray that contained the soup and put it on his lap.
" There,enjoy."Said Sakura as she was about to leave the room.Syaoran put the tray to one side.
" ...Wait,Sakura I-I,"Syaoran stuttered.
" Huh,what?" Said Sakura happily.
" I-I want to thank you..." Said Syaoran covering up what he originally wanted to say.
"Thank you..but,Tomoyo helped too,I hope she got home safely." Said Sakura happily.
" [Sakura,always thinking of others..]" Though Syaoran looking at her.
" Wait a minute..she w-went home?" Asked Syaoran.
" Ya.." Sakura flushed as their was a lap of silence.
" Im about to leave myself." Said Sakura.
" You are?" Asked Syaoran disappointed as he heard rain outside and so did Sakura.
" Oh it's raining outside and...I-I..heh a little rain never hurt anyone." Said Sakura as Syaoran got out of his bed and hugged Sakura.
"S-Syaoran??" Said Sakura surprised as much as Syaoran not believing his own actions.
" Don't leave you'll get sick.I don't want you getting sick."Said Syaoran softly.
" S-so what are you suggesting?.."Asked Sakura.
"Stay here until it stops raining..."Said Syaoran.
"O-ok.." Said Sakura happily accepting.
" Um,I'll call my bro.Ok?" Said Sakura.
" Ok,I-um.." Syaoran didn't know what to say,Sakura looked at him smiling brightly,not noticing that she was holding his hand.
" Oh!Im sorry.." Said Sakura releasing his hand,and heading to the phone.
" ........" Syaoran stayed quiet and looked at Sakura.
Sakura dialed her home phone number and waited for someone to pick up,while Sakura girlishly playing without the swirl wires on the phone.
" Kinomoto residence?" Sakuras father answered.
" Hi dad!It's me Sakura,listen if it's ok with you,can I sleep over a friends house?.." Sakura asked.
" Alright,but only because it's a friday.Now remember don't stay up too late..no junk food after 8 o clock." Said Sakuras dad.
" Ok dad,see ya tomorrow." Said Sakura.
" Ok,goodnight Sakura.." Said Sakuras dad.
" Night daddy.." Said Sakura as she hung up the phone.
" K,guess im sleeping over today." Smiled Sakura.Syaoran flushed and weakly added.." O-ok.."
Sakura sat on the couch looking around Syaoran's house.
" Your a very clean person."Sakura complimented.Syaoran'radio magically turned on,giving a nice song.Sakura couldn't help but dance to it.Syaoran had gone to change in to a T-shirt and some sweats.
When he entered the room,seeing Sakura gracefully dancing with her eyes closed,he didn't want to interrupt and just watched.
When the song ended Sakura opened her eyes seeing Syaoran looking at her clapping his hands.
" Very impressive footwork,Kinomoto."Said Syaoran as a happy light song came on.Sakura walked up to Syaoran.
" Well,mister Syaoran Li,would you give me the honor of dancing this song with you?"Said Sakura as she bowed extending her hand sarcastically,Syaoran couldn't help but laugh and took her hand,and they began dancing.
Syaoran looked over at Sakura,how graceful she was,every one of her beautiful features that he was slowly discovering while dancing with her.The song changed to a slow romantic song.Sakura and Syaoran blushed.
They began dancing slow.
" Syaoran..?"Said Sakura resting her head on his chest.
" Hmmmm?"Asked Syaoran as he held her in his arms.
" Do you like anyone?"Asked Sakura.
" Yes,I like someone..." Syaoran answered,Sakuras felt her heart tear apart.
" D-do you?"Asked Syaoran.
" Yes...It's more like love really.." Said Sakura as she giggled.
" Hey I know what we can do!We can try to guess who we like."Said Sakura,as Syaoran blushed an even deeper red.He was holding her in his arms...he didn't want to let go,and neither did she,but they unwillingly broke away.
Sakura jumped on the couch and waited for Syaoran.Syaoran walked over and sat on the couch beside Sakura.
Sakura moved her body and now sat facing Syaoran,Syaoran did the same and now they were facing each other.
" Ok,should you go first,or should I?.." Asked Sakura smiling at him,Syaoran felt his cheeks get hot.
" Why don't you go first." Said Syaoran as Sakura smiled and put one finger on each side of her head,pretending to be one of those people that could read minds.
" Hmmmmmmmm......Is it.." Sakura though out loud.
" Is it Meilin?" Sakura guessed,Syaoran made a face ready to gag.Sakura laughed.
" Oh!Is it Tomoyo?"Said Sakura putting her hands on Syaoran's hands in excitement,even though it hurt her deeply inside.
Then suddenly it started raining harder,thunder started settling in.
The lights flickered and dimmed,the radio turned off.Sakura got scared.Then all of the sudden a very loud lightning hit,Sakura screamed matching the sound of the lightning,and hugged Syaoran in fear,Syaoran flushed.
" I-It's ok...It's just thunder,nothing will happen to you...I'll protect you.." Said Syaoran as Sakura buried her head in his chest on the verge of tears.
" So,are you gonna guess who I like..it's more like love really.."Said Syaoran as he felt Sakura hug him tighter,Syaoran eyes filled with love and compassion.
Sakura suddenly giggled,making Syaoran give out a relived sigh.
" I give up.." Said Sakura as she was still in his arms.
" Well,the girl that I love is-is-is-is.." Syaoran stuttered,Sakura looked up at him,as she found out their were incredibly close...and unbearably close from Syaoran's point,Syaoran couldn't help but move closer to her.
" You...."Said Syaoran as Sakura flushed,she moved her head back a bit to look into his eyes.They were at least .....well lets just say they made a bit of improvement.

( Tomoyo: About 3 inches away.:::Smiles:::
Day: Hey it's an improvement.:::Grins:::)

Sakura looked at Syaoran with surprise.
" Y-you love me?..." Said Sakura not believing her ears.
" More than my life.." Said Syaoran as he neared her lips.Sakura blushed furiously as she closed her eyes and pushed herself to kiss him.
" Sa-" Syaoran never finished the words and was stunned by her actions.Syaoran held her as close as he could to his heart,his heart beating faster and faster,wanting te kiss to never end.Her arms swung around his neck as the kiss deepened.His arms around her waist pressing her against him softly...
Gradually,they pushed away breathing heavily with surprise in their hearts.
" I love you too.." Said Sakura as she rested her head on Syaoran's chest as the soft music from the radio soothed their senses,and calmed their nerves.
" I love you too..."Syaoran repeated as he leaned back against the couch...falling asleep with Sakura in his arms.Later that night both of them were sleeping still,and a woman that had gray shiny curly hair,with green eyes appeared sparkling out of thin air,tripping over something clumsily,while giggling.She was around age 20 and very beautiful.It was Sakuras mom..then another woman appeared...it was Syaoran's mom.
" This was a good idea,you have a nice way of making things look natural,Naideshiko." Said Syaoran's mother.
" Oh and what about the radio,very nice touch,Sou-ming." Said Naideshiko looking at Sou-ming.
" Who ever thought,that our little baby's could fall in love." Said Naideshiko dramatically as she walked to the Kitchen table tripping over her own angelic robe.
" Oh,Naideshiko.Even though you were a super model,and your beauty is extraordinary...your more clumsy that a baby trying to walk." Said Sou-ming.
Naideshiko smiled,as she blushed.
" But for that same reason a,of me being clumsy,I bumped into my future husband.." Said Naideshiko.Sou-ming looked over at her son.
" Xiao-lang has never ever been this loving to any girl..I guess she really is important to my son." Said Sou-ming smiling.
" Well,Sou-ming..my daughter isn't any other girl." Said Naideshiko.
" Yes,I know..even though she is the enemy of the li clan...but my son loves her..and I for one,being his mother!Have never seen him smile 6 times in one day.Therefore never seen him this happy." Said Sou-ming.Naideshiko giggled.
" Your very observant.." Said Naideshiko as Sou-ming looked at her as both mothers began to laugh.They walked over to their children,and kissed their foreheads.
" I hope he under stood the dream though.." Said Sou-ming.
" Oh..[giggles] Ya he will..he's very smart.." Said Naideshiko.
" Only in some levels.." Said Sou-ming.
Syaoran's eyes flickered open sleepily as he spotted the women..
" M-mom?..how did you get here.." Syaoran asked.
" Shhhh...you have my consent my son.." Said Sou-ming as she kissed the side of Sakuras head motheringly.
" You have my consent also.." Said Naideshiko as to her surprise didn't trip over anything as she kissed Syaoran forehead.
" Huh?Who are you.." Syaoran asked as he felt a familiar aura that was coming from her.Naideshiko smiled as she looked at Syaoran.
" Im the one who gave you consent,that you wish you've gotten from,5 years from now." Naideshiko smiled as walked off disappearing along with Sou-ming,but before Naideshiko disappeared,she tripped over something,but got her wings in time and flew into the sky.
" ..was that just Sakuras mom?.." Said Syaoran to himself.
" Consent...I'd want her consent to be her boyfriend..but that can't be 5 YEARS FROM NOW.." Syaoran though.
" Ofcource the other thing I'd want consent for is........." Syaoran flushed as the though came into his mind as he gulped.
" ..Ma-MARRIAGE!" Thought Syaoran as he looked down at Sakura,she was awakening,and looked over at Syaoran.
" Syaoran,what's wrong..." Asked Sakura in a sleepy cute way.Syaoran suddenly kissed her warmly,as Sakura gave out a sigh.
" Nothing,everything is just great.." Said Syaoran blushing.
" Ok.." Sakura said calmly as she snuggled back into his chest and went to sleep again.Syaoran inhaled the scent of her hair,deeply.The sweet and content smell and feeling that he will have her with him and for the rest of his life.Syaoran felt his eyes get heavy and drifted off to sleep......


The end


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