FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Destroyer

Part 3

"Past Destroyer"


Clow Reed...The man who stoped me from becoming the Destroyer...

September the 11th

I had stumbled apone part of a great dark power. These Guardians(Demons) I have found have a power like it. They have told me a bit about this power saying they want there Master back. hey called it the Destroyer. A powerful being of darkness. They had a old legend behind it about how he held the black jewels to use his power and had taken over the world. But because he would have to have all the jewels with him at all time to keep this power and he needed to fill them with energy from his own magic every 4 weeks he was defeated. I wanted to know more about this power. They told me they did'nt know where the jewels were. I told them I would help them find it. I would become the new Destroyer.

September the 20th

One of the Jewels have been found. It was very hard to find and the power was very low. I did some tests on it. I found away to keep the jewels all in one place and to have them forced inside a person. To bond with them and have them in a place no one could get them. Also because it was bonded with the person the energy will fill right back up as the person took some away. This would make sure the Destroyer could never be defeated by taking his power away. The Demons have showen me how to build the energy back up into the jewels. I could'nt have them bond with me yet. I need them all for this to work and turn me into the Destroyer. The tests though have proven that what I will do with all the jewels is possible.

July the 25th

It's been very long and hard, but we have found two more. Also I have found some of the Shadows. Ah I have'nt writen in this book for a while so I should write down what the Shadows are. The Shaodws are beings of darkness the served the Destroyer. They have been hidden away waiting for there Master to come back. I have met the Magician Clow Reed. I heared he was a very very knowen Magician...


Sakura stared up at the ceiling that night. Some of the pages in the book were riped. Kero said that Syaoran must have done that. Sakura picks up the book and looks at it. Parts of the book had said what Sakura saw and heared in her dream. She frowns and puts the book back onto her dresser.

*I'll read the rest later. I'm to tired to read right now..*

She closes her eyes and falls asleep. Kero flys over to The Clow Book and opens it. He looks through it wondering what The Clow Book had to do with The Destroyer. he frowns not finding anything.

*I guess we'll need to read more of that book. Hopefully The Kid did'nt rip any pages out on that.*


A week before Syaoran went to Japan...

Meiling knocks on Syaoran's door. "Syaoran? Are you ok?"

Syaoran opens the door and narrows his eyes at Meiling. "What do you want?"

Meiling frowns. "I was just checking on you...That's all..."

Syaoran slams the door infront of her face. Meling felt hurt. Syaoran had not been actting right for the past week. Meiling opens his door a bit and peeks in. She watched as he started packing up a few things. He picks up a black book and rips out a few pages stuffing them into his bag. He pulls the black pendant out from under his shirt.

*Syaoran never wears another like that...Oh I wish I knew what was wrong with him.*

Syaoran picks up a ticket and places everything under his bed.

"Just a few more days..."

Meiling closes the door and walks away. Syaoran looks over at the door thinking he heared something. He shrugs and opens up his window. His eyes start to glow red as the sun goes down. The Twins show up at the window when the sun was down. The girl walks up to him.

"It's almost time to leave My Lord."

Syaoran slowly nods. "First we must get the Li clan..."



Swords clashed. The Twins jump back from each other. The girl grins at her brother and jumps at him slashing. The boy blocks her attack and kicks at her legs knocking her over. He tackles her and pins her to the floor. She taps her foot.

The boy grins. "I win this time."

The girl sticks her toung out at him. "I know."

They both drop there swords. The boy leans his forehead against her and closes his eyes sighing. The girl looks at him.



The girl blushes a bit. "I want the Masters love.."

Akuma opens his eyes a bit. "I know you do Akki..."

Akuma lays down on Akki laying his head on her shoulder and frowns a bit. "But he left us."

Akki frowns. "I know. But we will have a new Distroyer and I want his love."

Akuma smirks. "You want the love of the power that is like yours. Also he looks just like him so is that why you picked him?"

Akki blushes a soft red. "No...Remember The old Distroyer saved us long ago?"

Akuma nods. "How could I forget?"


A 5 year old(or so she looked like) Akki cryed as she and Akuma ran from town villagers. They stop at a cliff. Akuma steps infront of Akki and growls at the villagers showing his fangs. Just then a dark figure steps infront of them. He narrows his glowing red eyes at the villgers. They backed off and walked away from them. Akuma still growled at the person not sure if he should turst him. The person looked a lot like Syaoran though older and his hair was longer and in a pony tail. Akuma jumps at the man and bits his hand growling.

The man frowns. "Your very protective of your sister are'nt you? That is good you have something to live for."

Akuma slowly lets go of the man and stares up at him. Akki walks a bit closer.

The man smiles at them. "I want you to come with me and be my Guardians. When your older your powers will get higher. I will help you control them."


Akuma rolls off of Akki.

"Master..." They both mutter.

Syaoran walks in and looks over at them. His eyes blank and dead. The twins both sit up feeling Syaoran's presence. They both move over to him and kneel down. Syaoran smiles at them.

"We have work to do. Lets go."


Sakura wakes up feeling something again. Just like before. Kero flys onto her shoulder.

"Could be another shadow."

Sakura nods. "Yeah..."


Tomoyo smiled at the costume Sakura was wearing. Sakura looks at her outfit. She was wearing a white short dress with lace at the ends. She had a big red bow in the back with long ribbon. She had a tiara on her forehead with a red jewel in the middle. She starts to recode Sakura. Kero flys onto Sakura's shoulder. Kero had a red bow tied around his neck to match Sakura's.

Tomoyo giggles. "You both look so cute!"

Sakura sweat drops. "Um lets go find that shadow."

Tomoyo nods. They both walk down the street looking around. Sakura stoped once in a while to try and figure out where it was. She frowns as it leads to the school.

Kero flys over to the school. "It always has to be here...Sakura? Hey Sakura!"

Sakura would'nt move. Tomoyo walks up to Sakura.

"It's ok Sakura-chan. Kero-chan and I will be here with you."

"But what if Syaoran-kun attacks me again?"

Kero flys over to Sakura. "Did you read more on that book?"

Sakura frowns. "I was'nt able too..."

Kero nods. "Hmm. Well did you bring it?"

Sakura pulls it out. "Hai."

Kero smiles. "Good. Lets go and find The Chinese brat before he gets another Shadow."

Kero flys ahead. Sakura slowly follows with Tomoyo behind her....

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