FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


- Sakura Avlon is a wealthy man's daughter but he died leaving her to her evil and mean stepmother.

- Li Showron is a prince who is disguised as a normal average boy who goes to Sakura and Meiling's school.

- Madison Victory is Sakura's best friend who plans to help Sakura escape from her stepmother's house one day so she could live a happy life at her palace.

- Meiling Murin is the daughter of Sakura's stepmother, who likes Li and tries to steal him from Sakura.

- Ms. Mackenzie is Sakura's teacher. She has powers that she uses to help Sakura and Li. In the end they will find out that she has been the one that helps them fight.

- Tori Avlon is Sakura's real brother and cares for her, he follows her around to protect her from any harm.

- Kero is the Guardian Beast of the Clow and he looks out for Sakura, only Madison and Tori knows about Kero, soon on in the story Li finds out too but Meiling will eventually find out about him near the end.

- Eric is the boy from Sakura and Li's dreams. He goes to Sakura's school later on disguised so Sakura and Li wouldn't know the color of his eyes. At their school he have black eyes and claims to be from Hong Kong.


"No, dad please don't leave me", pleaded Sakura. "I will always think of you my cherry blossom¡K¡K", said Mr. Avlon. Suddenly his hand felt stone cold and his face dropped. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", cried Sakura. "Dad", shouted Sakura out loud as she fell into her brother's arms. "It's ok, Sakura. It's ok", said Tori. Sakura's sobs covered up what Tori had said. "He was dead. He was gone¡K forever", thought Sakura.


"Oh Kero, I feel so empty inside", said Sakura. "I know. It's that time of year. The day your father died. Oh, last year was simply bad. Maybe it'll be better this year", said Kero. Sakura sighs. "Oh I just miss him so much. Especially now when all the Sakura cards are captured. There's nothing for me to do anymore", said Sakura.

Just then, Meiling came in the door. "Avlon, were you talking to yourself. You are a disgrace to the Murin name", said Meiling looking down at Sakura. Then her eyes looks to Kero. "Playing with stuffed animals again I see. You little baby. I bet you still cry about you daddy. I'm so sad, my stupid daddy died 2 years from today", said Meiling teasingly. Sakura got mad. She tried to stop herself but it was no use. She pulled out the magical key on her necklace. "Oh, key of Clow. Power of magic. Power of light. Surrender the wand may the force unite. Release", yelled Sakura. "W..h¡Ka¡Kt a¡K.r¡K.e y..o¡Ku d¡K.o¡Ki¡Kn¡Kg A¡K.v...l¡K.o¡K.n¡K", stammered Meiling. "Release erase. Erase card erase this girl", yelled Sakura though sobs as she thought about what Meiling said about her father. "No, Sakura. You mustn't", yelled Kero. "Yes, I must and I will. She insulted my family most of all my father. She will pay", said Sakura. She moved towards Meiling who suddenly froze. "You will be erased", said Sakura.

Just as Sakura was about to erase her, Tori came in and using his powers, he froze time and shouted to Sakura, "What were you thinking". "She insulted dad of all the times that she could have done it she did it at this time of year. Why shouldn't she be punished. WHY", said a miserable Sakura. Tori sighed. Then he took out his magical forget dust and sprinkled some on Sakura and Meiling. Then he went back into his room and unfroze time. Meiling suddenly moved. "Huh. How did I get in here", she muttered. "Get out", said Sakura who must have remembered some of their conversation. "What did you say to me Avlon", said Meiling like she owned the whole earth. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM", Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs. Tori once again came back and took Meiling back to her room. Sakura sighed loudly. She had another attack. She always did this when she was stressed. Oh, why hadn't she just told Meiling to go out of her room. Why didn't she ask nicely. She sighed again. This was trouble. She can't always do this. She can't have another breakdown like this again.

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