FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 32-The Escaflowne Dimension


"NOT AGAAAIIINN!!!!" Mei shouted before she fainted.
"HOOOEEE!!!!" Sakura cried.
"As much as I like spending quality time with all of you, but WILL
YOU GET OFF MY BACK?????????!!!!!!!!!" Kero-chan screamed.
"We're going to have to fix it again," Eriol sighed. Meanwhile, it is
nightime at the land of Gaea. Van, Hitomi, Merle, Allen, and his crew were
walking through a forest when there was a bright light and something came
falling toward the southern part of the forest. "What was that?" Van asked.
"Let's go see," Allen said. They all headed toward the south. When
they reached there, they were shocked to see Mei unconcious on the ground.
"Should we help her?" the crew ask.
"It's the right thing to do. We can't just leave her like this," Hitomi
said. Then they made camp their and placed her on a mat. They just couldn't
stop examining her. "Is she dead?" Merle asked.
"No she isn't, she's just unconcious," one of the crew members said.
"She has a pretty good figure," one of the other crew members said.
"Don't get any ideas," Allen ordered. Mei groaned a bit and slowly
opened her eyes. When she saw the people around her, "Oh no, WHERE
THE HECK AM I NOW????!!!!"
"Calm down, you are in the land of Gaea. Are you from the Mystic
Moon too?" Van asked.
"Well, I guess you can put it that way," Mei answered.
"What do you mean 'you guess'?" Allen asked.
"I am from the Mystic Moon, but I come from a different dimention of
the Mystic Moon," Mei replied.
"Can you sense any bad vibes of her Hitomi?" Van asked.
"Hey, I'm not some enemy detector!" she said.
"It's okay, you don't have to be alarmed, I'm not evil. I just have a
favor ask of you," Mei said.
"Let us guess, you want to go back to your world, and your only hope
is us," the crew guys said.
"Well no, I just want to take refuge with you guys until I can find my
way back on my own," she said.
"I say she can come, as long as YOU stay AWAY from my
Van-sama," Merle says.
"Don't worry Merle, I have my own special person back in my world,"
Mei said. Everybody was tired and went to sleep. Mei volunteered to guard
the camp. Van didn't really trust her too much so, he kept a look out for her
from his tent. It was very late until Mei stood up and looked at the Mystic
Moon. Van's guard went up. "Hmmm, I guess a little fun wouldn't hurt,"
Mei whispered. She sprouted her wings and took flight. Van's eyes widened
in shock. No way...... he thought. Mei was enjoying the nice breeze in her
face. She flew gracefully in the wind, and danced with air like a wood
nymph. The Zaibach fortress was floating nearby. Dilandou and Folken
spotted Mei, but was amazed of her beauty and grace. Mei took notice and
saw them and smiled. She flew, towards them, disappearing and appearing
repeatedly getting closer to the fortress. "Strategos, there is a Draconian
seems to be flying towards us, should we attack?" the commander asked.
"No," Folken said. Mei apparated into the fortress in front of Folken.
"Who are you?" he asked. She only smiled, giggled, and diappeared. Mei
flew back to camp. Van was still staring at her. Mei noticed and said, "So,
you saw?"
"Areyou a Draconian?" he asked.
"Yep, and you are too, so I wouldn't say it's a shock," she smiled
"How'd you know?" he asked.
"I have my ways," she replied. They sat around the fire. There was
silence. "If it's going to be this quiet, I guess I'll start trying to find
my way
home," Mei said and took out her laptop.
"What is that?" Van asked.
"It's something that we have in the Mystic Moon," Mei answered as
she typed madly. Next morning, they all woke up. "God I'm hungry," one of
the crew guys said.
"Want some breakfast? I can whip of something in a second," Mei
"Sure why not?" Allen said. Mei snapped her fingers and pancakes
appeared before everyone. "Whoa!" the crew guy said. They all gaped in
awe as they ate. There was a moment of silence. "This is pretty good,"
Hitomi said.
"Thank you," Mei said.
"How-" Merle asked.
"I used magic," Mei said slyly.
"Are you a magician?" Merle asked.
"You can say that," she replied.
"Can you make money?" the crew guy asked.
"Yes, but I will only make money if there is no other option," she said
as the crew members groaned. They ate their breakfast and moved on toward
a fortress (there's no fortress in the anime, I'm just making the place up).
Whn they reached their, the guards checked them and let them pass. "Ah!
Allen Schezar! Long time no see, and I see you have brought some friends
with you," the admiral said.
"Yes, this is Van Fanel, king of Fanelia, and these lugs are my crew,"
Allen said.
"What about the girls?" the admiral asked intrestingly.
"The one that's a cat is with Van and so is the girl with short hair," he
"What about the tall one with black hair?" the admiral inquired again.
"She just stumbled into the group, she's staying with us until she finds
her way home," Allen replied.
"Well any friend of Allen's is welcome here, come on, one of my
soldiers can show you your rooms," the admiral smiled. They all rested and
relaxed. Mei lied on her bed while scanning through the pages of her second
volume of Magic. The others told the admiral about her, and they all plotted
to spy and find out if she's really a friend or foe. So far, Hitomi, Allen,
and Merle are peeking through a crack in the door. "She's just reading,
what's the big deal?" Merle complained.
"Shhh!" Allen said. Mei closed her book and placed it back in her bag.
Everybody was poised in position in case if anything fatal was about to
happen. Then Mei took out another book, and they all fell over. "Come on!
She's just reading! God!" Merle hissed. They didn't care. Mei flipped
through the pages thinking to herself, "I wonder how boring it is just to spy
on me all day reading. Oh well, let them, they need to trust me, besides, I
don't really care, I'm not doing anything life threatning......" Mei yawned
took out her laptop to work on her vacation homework. "What is that
contraption?" Merle asked.
"It's called a laptop," Hitomi said.
"You know what it is?" Van said surprisingly.
"Think about it, she comes from the Mystic Moon like me except it's
in a different dimension. The Mystic Moon also has these things ya know,"
Hitomi said. Mei was busily working. She thought of how it was boring.
She decided to take a say. "Okay, how long are guys going to spy on me
outside of the door? It's been quite a while," Mei said while her eyes were
still glued on the screen and typing. The others were surprised, but they
accepted her invitation. "Did you know about this all along and kept us out
there?" Van asked.
"Yes, it was kind of entertaining seeing you guys outside the door,"
Mei smiled.
"How mean," Hitomi groaned. Then a soldier came in. He looked stiff
but urgent. "Sir, the Zaibach soldiers are here to obtain some food and
supplies," he said. They all reported to the main area. Allen, Van, the
Merle, and Hitomi death glared the soldiers and Dilandao. "Long time no see
Allen," Dilandao scoffed.
"Sorry, I'm late, guys, I had to take care a few things," Mei said as she
walked to the front. Dilandao and some of the soldiers gasped. "It's that
girl!" he muttered under his breath. Mei knew, but kept it quiet. She only
smiled mysteriously, making the Zaibach guys nervous. They left quietly, but
when they got to their fortress, they all bursted into a conversaition. "Hey,
isn't that the girl that was flying around last night?" a soldier wondered.
"She's a draconian!" another shouted. After staying at the fortress for
a few days, they gang decided to move on. "Those Zaibach guys seems to be
afraid of you," the crew said.
"Well how should I know? I can't tell the future like Hitomi can," Mei
said. Suddenly, the invisible army (Zaibach) attacks. They were off guarded,
so this was very hard. Hitomi, Merle, and Mei stepped into trap. They fell
through a hole. "VAN-SAMA!!!" Merle cried.
"Hitomi!" Allen shouted. <Not again.............> Mei thought. Poof,
sprouted wings and saved them. She chanted and got her wand out. Mei
took out the Power Card and used it against the invisible guymelefs. "You
can gape and stare at me in shock later!!! Can I please get some help here?!"
Mei screamed. They did as told. Allen and Van got into their guymelefs.
The battle was a bloody masacre. Heh heh, take or a give a scream.
Unfortunately, when the battle was over, the forest was devastated. "Great,
just grrrrreeeeaaaaattt...............Not only were we ambushed, but we
destroyed the whole forest........" Hitomi complained.
"I cannot do anything about the ambush," Mei said <unless I use the
Time Card, but I'm not going to do that.....>, "But I can help the forest."
used the Wood and Flower Card to spread their seeds. Then Mei used the
Rain Card to water the plants. "And now for the hardest part," Mei said as
she looked into her book.
"What is that girl up to?" a crew member asked.
"I don't know," another said. Mei held up one hand and started
chanting, "Warmth of the sun, might of the trees, softness of the flowers, and
coolness of the wind, come forth, Light of Growth!!!" A small marble of light
formed on the palm of Mei's outstretched hand. It began to grow and grow
and grow until it was the size of a bowling ball. Then the ball of light
released out tiny little sparks that hit the ground. "Mei, what are you
trying to
do? Light the remaining of the forest into fire?" Merle said. Mei just only
kept on concentrating on the ball. Suddenly, the ball of light glowed
and bursted. Then the trees and flowers started growing rapidly. In minutes
the whole forest was restored. "Whoa................" they all said.
"Are you through complaining?" she asked.
"Gomen-nesai," they apologized. BANG! Something fell on Mei
knocking her unconcious.
After 1 Hour
Mei opened her eyes to see a pair of green eyes. "EEK!!! A
"HEY!!! WHO ARE YOU CALLING A KAIJUU???!!!" it shouted.
"Gomen-nesai Sakura....." Mei sighed.
"Well, at least we got to the right dimension," Syaoran said.
"Mind telling me who your friends are?" Allen asked.
"Oh yes, this girl is Sakura, she's going to be my future sister-in-law
(Sakura and Syaoran blushed). The guy who is blushing is my little brother,
his name is Syaoran. They guy with glasses is Eriol, and his girlfriend is
Tomoyo (now Tomoyo and Eriol are blushing)," Mei explained.
"Do they also possess magic?" Van asked.
"Yes, except for the one witht he video camera," Mei said.
"What's a video camera?" Allen asked.
"It's something that we use in the Mystic Moon," Hitomi answered.
"Wow, what a neat world!" Sakura gaped.
"Eh heh, you know, this isn't the time to look at the scenery because
the Zaibach fortress is right above us!" Mei screamed.
"NANI???!!!" the guys shouted.
"Quickly, move out before they spot us and before they destroy the
forest again!" Mei ordered. They all ran until there was a clearing where
there was a large lake. Unfortunately, the Zaibach people discovered them
and plunged another attack. Bing, bang, fighting and a few cussing words
towards the Zaibach. The others were hiding behind a rock. "Watch out for
that lake, it looks like about 100 feet down there," Mei warned. As the last
Zaibach soldier fall into the lake, it caused a humongous wave, pulling
everybody down the deep freezing waters. Most of the guys hung on to the
rock, but Syaoran and Eriol was swept into the waters. They swam towards
the rock, but Eriol noticed something was wrong. "Where's Tomoyo?" he
asked. They all looked around, but saw no Tomoyo. They gasped when they
saw bubbles floating to the surface. Eriol dived down while Syaoran just
reached the rock. It was dark in the lake, but he was determened to find his
beloved Tomoyo (I know, that's kind of overboard, but it can't be helped.
They make a good couple). He finally found her unconcious, and grabbed
her. <Hold on Tomoyo> he thought. When Eriol got her on land, he checked
if she was still alive. "Tomoyo-chan," Sakura cried.
"A little healing spell should do the trick," Mei said and waved her
hand. Nothing happened. "Hoe?" Sakura wondered.
"My magic isn't working. What happened. Oh dear," Mei sighed,
"While Sakura and the others travelled through, they must've broken a wire
which caused a temporary outlet, and now we can't use magic."
"We have to do something!" Eriol exclaimed and went towards
Tomoyo. He pinched her nose and open her mouth. Eriol placed his mouth
onto hers and performed CPR. After a while, Tomoyo coughed, and awoke.
"Eriol........" she whispered and fainted. "She's exhausted, hurry, get her into some dry clothes," Mei said.
Hitomi and Merle built a fire while Allen, Van, and the crew went out
hunting. That night, while Eriol still had dripping wet hair, he hugged her
while she slept on his lap. As dawn broke, Tomoyo opened her eyes to see a
sleeping Eriol. Then she noticed that he had stayed right by her (heck, she
was in his arms) the whole night. She gave a kiss on his forehead which
woke him up. "How do you feel?" he coughed. Eriol's face was pale (isn't
already pale). He was sort of reddish, but he still had his warm smile. "Oh
dear, gomen-nesai. Because of me, you have a cold now," she said.
"Oi! Breakfast is ready!" the crew members announced.
"Here, keep yourself warm and I'll go get you some medicine and
breakfast," Tomoyo said as she handed him a nice warm blanket. Hitomi was
telling Merle her fortune using her tarot cards. Mei walked over and stared
them. "What?" Merle asked.
"Hm? Oh, nothing," she replied.
"Don't you do fortune telling? I mean, you have a great amount of
power," Van asked.
"No, because life should be a surprise. You shouldn't always know
what happens in the future. Besides (okay, this quote was actually from the
anime Escaflowne), there are many outcomes to your future and you
shouldn't just pull one out of the bag and let that one happen," Mei
Hitomi was taken aback, but understood and stopped telling Merle her
fortune. "Hey Mei, do you have any medicine for Eriol's cold?" Tomoyo
"Yes, and it's in the bag. You'll find a box in the bag and there are a
lot of pills. The dark blue pill will cure Eriol after he takes it and goes
sleep for a few hours. All you have to do, is break the capsule in half by
squeezing the colored end and let the contents pour down his mouth. Don't
let Eriol eat the colored part of the capsule or the medicine will not work,"
Mei answered. Tomoyo went to get Eriol's medicine. She found it and took
it to the tent where Eriol was resting. "Sorry for the delay she apologized,"
Tomoyo whispered.
"It's okay," he smiled.
"Open your mouth," she ordered. He did, and Tomoyo did what Mei
had told her to do. She left the empty capsule next to a sleeping Eriol. "So
Mei, what is your dimensional part of the world like?" asked Hitomi.
"Probably the same as yours except the fact that you don't exist there
and anyone else in your world," Mei replied. She opened her laptop and
began working on activating the Time Dimension Machine. By nightfall,
Tomoyo went to check up on Eriol after gathering woods and edible berries
all day. He was wide awake, and his cold was gone. "This is very good!"
Tomoyo smiled. They walked out of the tent to eat dinner. When Allen saw
Eriol, he gasped, "Look at the boy!" Tomoyo gasped, and so did everybody
else. "Nani?" Eriol asked.
"Eriol, you have cat ears and a tail!" Sakura screamed. He ran over to
the lake to see his reflection (he pretty much looks like the Cheshire Cat
episode 55). Eriol's eyes widened, but there was more to come over the
newly additional characteristics he received. Suddenly, there was a puff of
smoke, and, everybody gathered around to see what happened to him. All
they saw was a black cat that had a remarkable resemblance to Eriol.
"Nani???" the cat asked.
"Eriol," Tomoyo cried.
"I'm a cat!" he discovered.
"Tomoyo, did you give Eriol the wrong medicine?" Mei asked.
"But I got the dark blue pill and did what you were told. I didn't drop
the colored part of the capsule in his mouth," Tomoyo sighed. She was
hugging Eriol in her arms. Mei went into the tent and found the capsule. "Oh
my, Tomoyo, you took the wrong pill!!! This is black, not dark blue, oh
dear......" Mei whimpered.
"First of all Mei, why do you even have a pill that turns someone into a
cat?" Syaoran asked.
"While I was still in America, I was concocting some potions and
medicines, and this was a succesful experiment, but I accidently mixed the
medicines with the potions.................." she explained.
"Gomen-nesai Eriol, if only I was more careful of which pill I
took........" Tomoyo sniffed.
"It's all right," Eriol smiled.
"Can you cure him?" she asked.
"Don't worry, the potion will probably wear off.............at some
point.......I hope............" Mei muttered.
"Oh no!!!!! Are there any chances that Eriol might stay like a cat
forever????" Tomoyo cried.
"NO!!!! Don't worry though, the antidote would be very easy to make,
but I think it's going to take a long time to make. Eriol, do you mind
a cat for a long (and she means LONG) period of time?" Mei asked.
"No....mew" he answered.
"Hoe?" Sakura said.
"Is there something wrong?" Tomoyo asked.
"No....mew," Eriol replied.
"You keep saying 'mew' every time you talk," Syaoran said.
"It's probably a habit that he inherits when he ate that pill," Mei
"At least I can still talk........mew" Eriol said. It was late, so they
went to sleep. Eriol curled himself up and slept with Tomoyo. Mei was
standing outside with Allen and Van. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I
think tomorrow morning you guys should move on. My friends and I will
stay here and figure our way home. We have lots of food and water, so it
wouldn't be so bad," Mei said.
"You sure you can survive here?" Van asked.
"Yep!" Mei smiled.
"All right then," Allen said. As dawn approached, the others left while
Sakura and the gang remained. Mei was working on the machine, Tomoyo
was cradling Eriol while he washed his face (just how a cat does), while
Sakura and Syaoran are making pancakes out of a very cheap pancake mix.
"Breakfast is ready!" Sakura announced.
"Sakura, where did you get the pancake mix?" Syaoran asked.
"Mei gave it to me," she replied.
"Let's say that I am very prepared when I have my bag," Mei said.
Tomoyo was feeding Eriol bits of the pancakes. When she was finished,
Eriol was laughing. "What is it Eriol?" she asked. He hopped on her
shoulder and licked some of the syrup off her cheek (I would've said the area
near her lips, but, it's kind of disgusting, so I went with cheek). "How
sweet," Sakura grinned.
"What do you mean?" Eriol asked.
"Heh heh, Sakura secretly recorded you guys," Mei giggled.
"I don't know how she did it, but she did it," Syaoran sighed.
"Now how do you like it when I record you guys????????" Sakura
laughed holding up the negative.
"Sakura must have gone overboard witht he syrup," Mei sighed. After,
a few hours of difficulties and trying to calm down a hysterical Sakura, the
gang moved on through the forest. Tomoyo stopped to look at the sky. She
gasped and pointed upward, "Look!"
"Wow!" the others said as they did. The Earth and Moon hung on the
sky like a shining star. "I guess it isn't that bad coming to a different
Mei smiled.
"Okay, we need to figure out how we are going to get back to our
dimension, and turn back Eriol into his normal self," Tomoyo said.
"That's right.......mew," he said.
"We need something that exists in this world with a high level of
energy. But what?" Mei wondered.
"What about those big robots?" Sakura suggested.
"No, I don't think so-" Mei paused and thought it all over. The were
all sitting on the roots of a very old tree. All of them wondered what to
"I got it, remember that necklace the girl from the Mystic Moon like us? And
that robot that the young king was using?" Mei asked.
"Yeah, soooooooo?" they all said.
"So, those are the objects we need to get the energy source, and that
can activate the time dimension machine from our world that's magneticly
connected with this laptop, and calculating the right formula, with
the mass, by the speed of light, dividing the structure of our size, adding
amount of force it takes, subtracting-" Mei explained.
"OKAY!!! We get the picture, now let's find those guys, get our
energy source, go back home, and change Eriol back to his original form,"
Syaoran interrupted.
"Okay, so little brother, can you use your lasin board right now?" Mei
"We can't use magic here remember?" Syaoran reminded her.
"Oh know, how are we going to find them then????" Tomoyo said.
"They took that path down the river, so.........," Mei said, as she
sprouted her wings. She flew up high and darted every neck of the woods
that was near the river. Finally, Mei found the group, and took the others
with her. "Yo, uh, we need your help to get back home. Your uh, guymelef
and your uh friend's necklace, is uh, pretty much, the energy source, uh we
need, to get home................" Mei daintily to Van.
"It's gonna cost you though," a crew member said.
"It's gonna be free," Allen and Van scolded.
"Thank you sooooooo much," Mei smiled. Mei hooked a few links
with Hitomi's necklace and Van's little dragoenergy (I don't know! I
serioulsy don't know!!!! I forgot! dragenergy, I forgot!). BANG! Another
ambush from the Zaibachs. Dilandou was raging mad like a lunatic, and he
grabbed Mei as she was flying around and trying to dodge the attacks and
save the wires. "You foolish girl!!!" he laughed and pulled out her wings!
*0* Everybody stopped. Van had just conquered a guymelef. "Our job here
is done!" Dilandou scoffed and they went back flying into the ship. Mei
however was shaking rapidly as if she was freezing. Her eyes were blank and
blood was soaking out of her back. "Mei! Mei! Mei!" they all shouted. She
couldn't here them, she was in an alternate dimention (twilight zone! do do
do do do do do do do do do do do~~~~~). As she slowly awoke, Mei saw a
large circle. Being a curious girl, she walked towards it and looked into
it. It
was a flashback of how she lost her wings. Tears flowed down her blank
eyes. The same thing happened to her body in the real world. "Look!
Tears!" Sakura pointed out as she saw trickling waters streaming down Mei's
eyes as they bandaged her back.
"I couldn't do anything............" Mei kept whispering as the flashback
continued over and over. "I only got myself into trouble and now my friends
are really worried about me............I should just stay here and not cause
more trouble. Suddenly there was a piercing light that shot throught he
It was Eriol's magic penetrating through, and she heard everybody's voices
trying to say something. "Come back Mei!" Tomoyo pleaded.
"I'm too much trouble to you!" she cried.
"No you're not!!! You're the best sister I have! If it weren't for
the world would've collapsed by now because of Ryuuju (see New
Beginnings if you forgot)," Syaoran hollered.
"Mei! You have so much to live for! Are you just going to throw it all
away?! Even though you have pulled us into some weird situations, it was
still fun and exciting! If it weren't for you, we would be bored stiff!!!"
advised. I have so much to live for?..........I guess they are right, if it
for me, Ryuuju would devastate the world, and I remember! I promised
Yukito that we would build a bakery together and make the best sweets! Mei
thought. She was determined to go back now. "Hurry Mei! Go through the
portal!!!" Eriol shouted. It was getting smaller and smaller. She didn't
hesistate any longer and dived through. As Mei did she went through a
golden tunnel that showed all her memories. "Wow!" she gasped. Then
suddenly the Mei in the Escaflowne world rose to her feet, and a pair of white
angel wings sprouted from her back. He eyes snapped open and her mouth
curved upward for a big smile. "Infinite Angel Mei is here!" she shouted.
"Hoe?" Sakura wondered. Eriol's nose was buried in Mei's book
reading the contents aloud, "If for some reason a person with white wings had
there wings ripped off, they would fall into doubt in an alternate dimention.
their will is strong enough to go back to their real world, they would come
back with a new pair of wings that is impossible to rip off. They would be
Infinite Angels. They were not Draconians as they assumed they were.
Before they were Infinite Angels, it was their rookie form."
"Everything's clear now!" Mei smiled with a peace sign. Everybody
was happy.....wooo~~~~........throw confetti, etc. "Arigato (thank you) minna
(everybody)! If it weren't for you, I would still be in La La Land thinking
how I should die, die, die, and did I mention die?" she thanked. They all
laughed. The sun was setting and they all prepared for the journey home.
Tomoyo picked up a purring Eriol, and ignitiated the button. Mei's
calculations were correct, and they reached home in five minutes flat.
"Home! No messups! Hooray!" they celebrated.
"Eriol! You're shedding!" Tomoyo gasped.
"I'm....mew.......a cat.....mew........." he tried to say.
"Oh dear, the symptoms are worse, his vocal cords are changing into
ones just like a cat's........" Mei sighed. "Let's go brew up that
Suddenly, Eriol had a bright blue aura surround him, and he disappeared.
"Eriol!" Tomoyo cried.
"I think our problem is because there's cat hair on the wires....."
Syaoran pointed out.
"Guess we're going to have to put off on that potion......." they sighed.

Yes, I know, this one sucked too, but think about it, this chapter was much
better than the Digimon Dimension! Anyway, I am going to create a better
chapter next time! Ja!

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