FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Hi! My name is Kity (not my real name). This is a fanfic about one of my favorite couples, Sakura and Syaoran! I really worked hard on this fanfic. I really hope you guys will like it. I have a lot of japanese words in here. I learn them. OKay, one more thing, don't sue me if you don't like it! If you see a mark like this [ ] that means its me who's talking ok? Here goes:
***~~~Saturday at Sakura's house..
"Ohayou-gozaimasu Kero-chan!" said Sakura. Sakura had just woken up from her sleep. "Ohayou!" Kero-chan murmured. Sakura went downstairs and ate the breakfast her dad had prepared before he left work. Onii-chan came down and said, "Hey! kaijuu! your eating my breakfast!". "It doesn't have your name on it!" Sakura glared at her brother. [Know what people? I really like it when Sakura fights with her brother Onii-chan!]
"Yeah, whatever..."Onii-chan sat down and ate at the farthest side of the table to keep away from Sakura. [Onii-chan thinks she's phsycho or crazy] Sakura galred at him again. At exactly 7:00 a.m. Sakura finished her breakfast. She went back to her room and changed into a bright yellow shirt with short blue overalls. She was watching Kero-chan eat the breakfast she brought for him. She kept watching, and watching and watching. Finally Kero-chan stopped. "Why are you staring at me for the past 45 minutes?" he asked. "Nothing.. I'm just waiting" Sakura answered.
When both of them heard the door slam they knew that Onii-chan had left for his part time job. "Quick! Kero! finish it up! Hurry!" Sakura was getting really excited. "Yeah! Yeah! hold on, one more bite of the pancake". Kero-chan was being a slow-poke. Sakura can't hold it she went out and slammed the door. Kero-chan opened it and ran up to her. He realized she was going to the basement. Sakura went to a shelf which was full of photo albums. She took a book which says "THE KINOMOTO MEMORIES". She brought it up to her room, locked the door and sat down in her little desk. She opened the book, it was a picture of her mom, dad and Onii-chan (Touya)who was still 11 years old. [If only you could see my fanart about this picture Onii-chan looks so KAWAII!] Sakura smiled. She turned the next page and she saw.. her mom in a bride costume/dress. Her smile turned into a medium smile. [Duh!] She turned the pages until she stopped to an unfamiliar one. Sakura saw the Kinomoto family picture. There was, Nadesiko (mom), Fujitaka (dad), Onii-chan (Touya), Sakura and someone she doesn't know. Sakura was still a 3 year old. [ Her mom didn't die at this part yet!] Sakura called Kero-chan over. "Kero, do you have any info about this kid who's right here beside me?" Sakura asked. "Hmmm... nope."Kero answered with his eyebrows crossed ( \ / ). Sakura stared at the picture again. She began to concentrate. The kid (child) that was beside Sakura in the picture had dark-brown hair (just like Syaoran), blue eyes and almost looks like Sakura. Sakura was shocked. She looked at the other page. She saw a picture of herself and the other child, again. Sakura was hugging him and they were both smiling. The boy was smiling a little. When she turned the other pages it seems to be her and the other boy! Suddenly the phone rang. Sakura picked it up. "Moshi-moshi! Sakura Kinomoto speaking". "Konnichiwa Sakura! Tomoyo-chan here!". "Oh. konnichiwa Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura answered. "Sakura, are you coming with us today? Syaoran, Meiling and I are going to the Moon festival this afternoon. Wanna come?" Tomoyo-chan asked with a gigle. [ She giggled because when she said the name Syaoran ] "Ahhh... okay. Sure." Sakura answered. "Okay, I gotta go now Sakura. I have to put new batteries in my video camera ok? Sayonara SAKURA!"
But before Sakura changed to her pink dress she took one picture from the album. She slipped it into her pocket. She went to the Moon Festival and saw Tomoyo-chan, Meiling-chan and who else, Syaoran-kun.

```~~~~ CHAPTER 2 will be back! I really gotta rest! Bye!
Ohayou-gozimasu = Good morning
Kaijuu = monster
Onii-chan = Touya (Sakura's bro)
Konnichiwa = Good day, hello
Sayonara = Goodbye


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