FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura; it is a franchise from Clamp. If you see this fanfic plagiarized by any person, please e-mail me, or if you would like this fanfic on your site, e-mail me and tell me!




Two young little boys looked up in the sky, the setting sun beautifully went past the horizon and darkness was about to come. On the edge of a cliff, a brown haired boy named Syaoran sat quietly watching the sunset and the beautiful ocean glimmered with the last gleams of sunlight. Next to Syaoran, was a mushroom-headed Chinese boy with a slight smile on his face? "Well…I'm leaving to Hong Kong tomorrow…" he said, make sure you tell me what's going on here while I'm gone ok Syaoran Li. Syaoran nodded carefully and stood up to face the other boy. The two stood side-by-side looking at the sunset, the other boy was probably taller, and a little older too.
"So…man…what's going to happen to us now, now that your leaving I can't find a good fight anymore…" Syaoran said trying to choke back tears, "…except for maybe Vung, by the way pal…did you tell her yet?" The other boy stared at Syaoran straight in the eyes and said to him, "Syaoran, I didn't, that's why, when I'm gone, I want you to tell her, tell her that she was the only person I ever fell in love with." "Alright, buddy!" Syaoran agreed. "Boy am I going to miss the Great Wall…" the boy said.




Feedback: Hello everyone! This is Sueng Xiang (formerly Blue Knux) I used to write Pokemon fanfics and stopped writing. But now I'm back, so drop me a line if you like the job on doing on Card Captor Sakura fanfics. Either e-mail me at squirtleman@juno.com or soniclauncher@yahoo.com. I'll be expecting e-mail from my triumphant return to fan fiction.















Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura; it is a franchise from Clamp. If you see this fanfic plagiarized by any person, please e-mail me, or if you would like this fanfic on your site, e-mail me and tell me!

Episode 1: Sakura and the Mysterious Boy

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR SYAORAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" "Happy birthday Syaoran!" Sakura said as she hugged her loved one. Syaoran blew out the candles and hugged Sakura back. "Did you make a wish Syaoran-san?" Tomoyo asked video taping it all. "Yes, I did," he stated, but turned his attention back to Sakura, "but it came true long time ago." Sakura blushed and Mei Ling burst out.
"SYAORAN!!!" Mei Ling yelled in a loud high-pitched voice. She came through the kitchen. "Syaoran get these, they're your presents!" "Oh sorry!" Syaoran apologized grabbing the top two biggest present, and Sakura helped out with the next two. Tomoyo, busy recording them on tape, was giggling at Syaoran and Sakura carrying presents next to each other.
"Ok time to open presents Syaoran-sama," Wei said grabbing the first one from him. Syaoran quickly opened the wrapping and opened the box. "Oh!" Syaoran exclaimed, "Thanks Wei, I needed a sleeping robe." "Your mother picked it out and sent it to me through mail, she knew you would like it!" Wei confirmed. "This one's from me." Tomoyo holding in one hand her camera and her present in the other. Syaoran opened it as well until he saw a green cloth, then, he just pulled out the whole thing, which was a doll of himself. "Now you and Sakura-chan match, why this is so kawaii." Sakura and Syaoran blushed and sighed together, but Syaoran thanked Tomoyo anyways. Syaoran continued to open presents.

Thunder roared outside in the dark night sky. A figure soon appeared on a tree and two mischievous eyes looked through the window of Syaoran's party.
"Soon Syaoran Li, we will meet again. I won't ever forget what you did to me long ago. Well Syaoran, it looks like you lowered your standards ever since you came to Japan. I wonder if you still remember your kung-fu?"
The figure disappeared all of the sudden.

Syaoran quickly turned his attention to the noise of the outside thunder, and stared at the window. "What's wrong Syaoran?" Sakura asked. Syaoran shrugged off the feeling he just had, "I felt like I saw a ghost!" he said.
Syaoran had two presents left; the first was Sakura's, which he was dying to open. Sakura and Syaoran stared at each other in a loving way. "I was waiting for this," said Syaoran ripping the bow and opening the present quickly. "Wow Sakura, this is great!" Li said as he looked at the nicely designed Chinese cap she made. "Tomoyo-chan helped me make it, do you like it?" "I love it!" Syaoran responded hugging his Sakura-sama. Then all of the sudden, Mei Ling brought out one last present. "Who can this be from?" Syaoran questionably looked at the present. He slowly opened this one, carefully thinking it was something either like a bomb, or maybe an evil presence.
Once Syaoran opened it all, he was expecting maybe for something to blow up, but instead he found…"Fighting Gloves?" Syaoran looked puzzled, "Who got these for me?" Tomoyo continued taping. "This has a strange aura to it." Syaoran said.

"Next time, don't forget to practice your kung-fu, I'll be waiting!" said a boy with a ponytail and mushroom hair. "Lung…"

"Is something wrong?" Sakura asked Syaoran, in a trance. "No Sakura, just, kind of dazed out!" Syaoran, looked at the window again. "Could it be, what's happening?"

Next day at school, Syaoran walked slowly into class, dragging his feet along. He looked at Sakura talking to her friends and they he sighed. "HOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE!" Sakura screamed. Syaoran immediately came out to check on Sakura and see what's wrong. "Don't worry Li-kun," Chiharu smiled, "Sakura was just screaming at the scary event that happened yesterday night." Syaoran looked at Chiharu weirdly, "What happened?" he asked, comforting Sakura who was covering her ears. "Naoko-chan said that yesterday, a ghost beat up and killed a gang at night, when the cops arrived, they found no evidence of how the gang could've died. So Naoko-chan thinks it's a ghost." "I think it is!" Naoko exclaimed, "Besides, how can you explain the fact that the gang died when they found no slashes, no gun shots, not even a drop of blood, the ghost must have controlled their spirit and killed them."
"You know, the thing about ghosts…" Yamazaki popped out, "…they aren't all really bad, they're actually good, like Casper…" Chiharu dragged Yamazaki. "Damn you and your lies Yamazaki!" "…Caper fell in love with a girl, and then…" "Hai hai!" Chiharu dragged Yamazaki off and they were gone. "You should be really careful around there Li-kun," Naoko warned, "Sakura-chan says you live right by there, watch out for the ghost!" Syaoran nodded. "Ghost, no, it can't be, though it felt like one yesterday night." "Is she done?" Sakura asked, "Yes!" Syaoran replied. And then homeroom bell rang; Syaoran and Sakura sat in their seats as class went on.

Class was over and the teacher said goodbye to his students. Meanwhile, Sakura and Syaoran were walking home together after class was over. Sakura brought up a conversation to a really quiet Syaoran since yesterday. "Syaoran, what's wrong, you haven't been yourself after yesterday, is something wrong?" "No…" Syaoran sighed, "I feel…I feel as if I'm feeling a ghostly spirit." "HOEEEEEE!" Sakura had her ears covered and hugged Syaoran for comfort. "No Sakura…I…I didn't mean that…" Syaoran looked for a cover to comfort Sakura, "I just, and I just feel like my past is haunting me!" "Oh that's what it's about?" Sakura said relieved, "Syaoran please tell me if anything wrong happens, OK?" Sakura and Syaoran hugged as they both went two different ways to go home.
"Sakura, be careful…" Syaoran whispered. Suddenly, Syaoran bumped into Yukito, "Oh…Yukito-san, gomen…gomen-nasai." "No, no problem, how are you Syaoran." "Good!" Syaoran turned away from Yukito for a moment and looked up in the sky, being cautious of anything. "So Yukito-san, what are you doing walking here with me?" "Oh…a new food shop opened just a while in your neighborhood, I decided to go along." "Oh!" Syaoran answered. "Well this is my stop!" Yukito paused as Syaoran walked on, "Well Syaoran, take good care of yourself!" "Bye!" Syaoran waved.
Syaoran walked over to his apartment door and opened it up, "Wei…I'm home!" Syaoran heard only his echo, "Wei!?" Syaoran looked around the rooms looking for his caretaker. Wei appeared in one room praying to candles on a Buddha pedestal. "Wei?" Syaoran checked on Wei. "Master Li, do you feel his presence?" Wei bent his head down. "Whose? What are you feeling Wei?" Mei Ling popped in the room with a sad expression on her face, "Syaoran, don't you feel him?" Mei Ling put a comforting hand on Syaoran's shoulder, "I thought it was just a ghost…" Syaoran said, "…but it looks like it isn't, but I thought he vanished and died all those years ago." There was a silence and Syaoran squinted his eyes at a thought, "He's come back, and found me…"

Yukito walked with a huge paper bag of groceries, full of bread, snacks, hamburgers, and chocolate. Suddenly, Yukito heard a rustle in the bushes. Yukito quickly changed into Yue and dropped the groceries. Yue looked around at the surroundings, but felt no aura, but although there was no aura, he felt a presence with him.
"COME OUT WHOEVER YOU ARE!" A little more rustling in the leaves until finally, a Chinese boy jumped out of the bushes. The Chinese boy had black mushroom hair with a ponytail; his face was stern and unemotional. The clothes he wore was a red long Chinese robe, a green dragon sewed on his chest, very long baggy sleeves, very baggy pants, and two black rough leather fighting gloves. "You…you are a guardian named Yue," the boy said, "I have of no need for you, except that many challenges have not come in a long time," the shadow above the boy's eyes soon lifted when he tilted his head up to show his dark squinting eyes. "Now die!!!" Yue sprung his eyes open as he saw a charging fist.

"YUE!!!" Kero exclaimed. "What's wrong!?" Sakura asked, "Where is Yue!?" Kero turned into Keroberus, spread his wings open and asked Sakura to get on his back. "I'll follow Yue's aura, he's in trouble now!" Keroberus flew out the window and Sakura grabbed on Keroberus' hair, "Where is Yue?" Sakura asked. "THERE!!!" Keroberus flew down very fast not caring what happens to him, but what happens to Yue.

A gigantic punch knocked Yue in the face and Yue saw stars. The boy grabbed Yue's wings while he was down and ripped them apart halfway. Yue's pain writhed inside his body. When just about the boy was going to rip the other half of his wings, a ball of fire from Keroberus' breath made him jump away from Yue.
"YUE!!!" Kero exclaimed seeing his ripped wings, "Yue-san!!!" Sakura yelled. "What happened?" Sakura asked. "He's…too…strong…!" Yue muttered. "Don't worry Yue, I'll take care of him." Sakura bravely stepped up to confront the boy. "You…you did this to!" Sakura pulled out her "key of sealing". "Key which holds the power of the starrrrrrrrrrrrssss…" The boy tripped Sakura, and then he tried to punch Sakura in the face while down. Sakura rolled out of the way, but the boy was already behind her, elbowing her down on her knees. Then, he pulled her hair while Sakura screamed. Keroberus was about to send a ball of fire at the boy. "Don't think about it beast of the seal…or your mistress here gets it!" the boy continued pulling Sakura hair until she screamed at her peak. "So you are Sakura Kinomoto, no fighting skills whatsoever I see. Syaoran should've taught you a few tricks shouldn't he?" "KINGS OF THUNDER, OBEY MY COMMAND!!!" Syaoran shot three lighting beams at the boy, but the boy was quicker than lighting and dodged them all.
"LUNG DA…COWARD, HOW DARE YOU HURT SAKURA!!!???" Syaoran asked in rage while he was at Sakura's side, "LUNG DA, ANSWER ME!!!" Syaoran yelled at the boy named Lung Da who was unphased by his anger.
Syaoran and the boy began talking in Chinese. "Syaoran Li, deem guy? Hoy ma nay mn gee tak nay guo hong guon luwo mo? (Syaoran Li, why? Did you forget how to speak in Chinese with me?)" "Mn hai! (NO!)" Syaoran rose up to look at Lung Da, "Lung, nay joo mony kwo see ah? (Lung, what are you doing here?)" "Syaoran, hoy ma nay mn gee dak nay guo da kung fu? (Syaoran, did you forget your kung-fu?)" "Gong guo, DEEM GUY NAY DO KWO!? (Tell me, WHY ARE YOU HERE?)"
"Syaoran!" Lung spoke out of his Chinese, "I told you to be ready for me one of these days, and now I'm here, old friend." Lung smiled at his statement "old friend". "Old friend, that is ancient history Lung. I want to know why you've come to Japan!" Lung Da stood unanswered and closing his eyes in concentration. "WHY!!! TELL ME!!! Syaoran charged at Lung with a high kick, but Lung swooshed by like the wind right behind Syaoran and knocked him down. Syaoran got up quickly but Lung moved fast, really fast, and did multiple elbow hits while appearing in different directions to different parts of the body! Suddenly, Lung tripped Syaoran down and choked him while on the ground. "Syaoran," Kung looked at him with a piercing stare, "Stop trying to defeat me, of all people, you cannot win against me!" Syaoran choked beneath Lung's strong hand, "I want to kill you Syaoran, but I can't do it now, I must wait until you have mastered your kung-fu, then…we will see how you have gotten!" Suddenly, Lung jumped from tree to tree like a ninja. "Lung…" Syaoran muttered, "My best friend, has come back!"
Sakura checked on both Yue and Syaoran, but went to Syaoran first. "SYAORAN, SYAORAN, are you okay Syaoran!?" Sakura asked Syaoran, "SYAORAN WAKE UP!!!" Syaoran slowly shut his eyes. "SYAORAN!!!" Sakura yelled.

Next Fanfic Preview: All of the sudden, Syaoran blacked out. I took him home as his butler Wei took care of him. But who's this Lung Da, why is he Syaoran's best friend even though he tried to kill him. CARD CAPTOR SAKURA: Sakura and Syaoran's past, next time, release along with Sakura!

Feedback: I LOOOOOOVEEEEE FEEDBACK!!! I accept any type of feedback whatsoever; so, e-mail me at either soniclauncher@yahoo.com, or squirtleman@juno.com. I'll be expecting a full mailbox, so please e-mail me whenever you wish.

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