FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Disclaimer CCS and anything related to it belongs to Clamp. I am merely a stressed-out person who enjoys writing fanfics, so...please don't sue. The lyrics is copyright of Selena. All
rights reserved.

Author's Notes
The lyrics you'll find here -- and the title -- is dedicated to my favorite song, Dreaming of You. Hai, it's a really good song, so I made a midi link to it! d; But of course, that is only my
opinion...Anyway, this is my first fic uploaded FF.net, and I would be happy if you as so much review it.
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Dreaming of You
Written by Rae

Late at night, when all the world is sleeping
I stay up late and think of you
And I wish on a star that somewhere you are...
Thinking of me too.

Seated on the window ledge, Li Syaoran stared broodingly outside. The night sky was clear, and with the exception of the sounds the crickets made, not a noise could be heard. It didn't
really matter though -- he was too intent on thinking that he would probably not realize it if the circus turned up just then...so lost was he in his thoughts about her.

A warm feeling crept up on his cheeks. Just the concept of her in his mind, just the mention of her name could bring this reaction to him. Him. Li Syaoran. Blushing.

Had someone even mentioned such action to him a few years back, he would have furiously beaten him to a bloody pulp.

And now...here he was, doing just that, thinking about an auburn-haired girl like the lovesick person that he was. You baka, he mentally cursed himself, you know that she'll never return
your feelings. And that was what hurt him most. To know that Kinomoto Sakura didn't have the similar feeling that repeatedly overwhelmed him every time he caught sight of her.

But he could dream, could he? If that was the only thing he could have of her - an image imprinted in his mind - then he might as well settle with it. Life, after all, is not very forgiving. No
one can have everything they want. And wanting - needing - it so much that it tore down to the very core of a person's being made no difference.

He sighed, and continued to look up at the night sky, dotted with stars that twinkled brightly. A brightness that cried out hope...a contradiction to the despair that Syaoran was feeling.


In another house, an auburn-haired girl rested her chin on her hands, and gazed wistfully at the starry night sky.

Wonder if you ever see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there?
If you looked in my eyes, would you see what's inside --
Would you even care...?

'Hey, Syaoran!' a Sakura waved at the tall teenager with amber eyes. As usual, Syaoran didn't return her greeting. It was almost as if she hadn't said hello to him in the first place.

And it hurt. As much as she hated to admit it, it hurt her to see Syaoran acting so aloof, so unfriendly towards her. She shouldn't care. She had many friends that are there for her. So why
should she care about such a mindless little thing?

She heaved a sigh. She should know the answer to that. She cared a lot because she cared about him, Li Syaoran. The silent, reserved teen of whom she was with in most classes, who
long ago helped her capture the Clow Cards.

You're an idiot, Sakura, to think that he'll consider you more than the Card Captor that you were. Syaoran had kept his distance because he had no desire whatsoever to be associated
with her. His business with the Clow Cards was over, and thus his business with her was over also.

She slowly skated towards the entrance of the school, feeling downhearted, knowing well that it was him who ruined her mood. It hadn't taken her much thinking to know that it would be
a long day...

'Hey, Sakura!' someone called out cheerfully. Sakura turned, and spotted her best friend Tomoyo.

'Konnichiwa, Tomoyo,' she greeted listlessly. The dark-haired girl caught up with Sakura, and her smiling face turned into a worried frown as she saw the cheerless expression on the
other girl's face.

'Sakura, daijobu desu ka?' she asked in concern. Sakura nodded, forcing herself to smile even just the slightest.

'I'm okay, Tomoyo-chan. Just...tired.' They slowly walked in the building, heading where their lockers were located. No words were spoken between them then; both were too deep in their
thoughts to make conversation.

As soon Sakura had put away her roller blades, the school bell rang, and Tomoyo's purple eyes turned to her for the briefest moment.

'I won't be pressing for answers, Sakura. Yet.' She smiled, making a move to walk away. 'See you in class.'

I can never hide anything from her, Sakura thought ruefully. Grabbing her books, she ran after her best friend.

Behind Sakura, stood a brown-haired teen, his eyes focused intently after her running figure that was quickly disappearing into the distance. Had anybody caught sight of him then, they
would be astonished by the warm affection his amber eyes held.


'And so, once the value of x was found, you then divide it with the sum of y...' Tomoe-sensei droned on with the lessons. Sakura's head was lulling itself to sleep. Math is such a boring
subject, she whined silently. 'Sakura?' Her head snapped upright.


The teacher was looking at her directly. 'Can you please tell us the answer for question number 1 part A?'

'A-answer?' she squeaked; not yet taking in the situation. Her sensei was looking at Sakura, with a patience of a teacher to that of a student that was slow on the uptake.

'Yes, Sakura. The answer, please.' Sakura looked down at the question on the book, and blankly to the teacher again. Now everyone was staring at her, waiting for her to solve the
problem, and she blushed furiously -- there was no way she could answer it at that moment. It took her 10 minutes to solve each problem at the question sheets she did the night before!

There was a moment of uneasy silence. Then Tomoe-sensei sighed. 'Well then, I guess that's detention for you, Sakura. You know that I'm not too fond of this habit.' She headed towards
her desk to write Sakura's name on a sheet of paper.

Sakura groaned in dismay. But just then, a tiny piece of paper landed on her desk. Curiously, she unfolded it, and saw a figure hastily written on it. It took her less than a second to realize
that it was the answer to the problem. 'Oh, wait, sensei! The answer is...5 over 2x.'

The teacher looked at her in surprise. Then she smiled. The student was paying attention, after all. 'Well, then. Arigatou, Sakura.' She turned away, asking another student to answer the
next question. Sakura breathed a sigh of relief. Turning her head to look for the mysterious person that had saved her from serving detention, her eyes swept the room, and finally, they
landed on a pair of golden-brown eyes. Those eyes held her gaze, and it dawned on her.

Li-kun...so it was him who had helped her. But why?

'Kinomoto Sakura, pay attention.' Tomoe-sensei looked at her sternly. Sakura instantly went back to the lesson.

'Gomen,' she murmured.
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Japanese vocabulary

Baka - stupid, fool
Konnichiwa - Hello
Daijobu desu ka? - Are you all right?
Sensei - teacher
Arigatou - thank you
Gomen - sorry

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