FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

(My fanfic is what i made for the last episode when li tales Sakura he
loves her.In my fanfic there such thing as the love card)

Hi li!Sakura said. Li was blushing and answered hi! When it was reassess
Li was thinking if he should tell
Sakura he loves her. The next day Sakura was at school early 10 minutes
later Li showed up
and said Sakura i... forget it "Li what, tell me"Sakura said staring at
him.I LOVE YOU! And in a second Li was
gone.Sakura was so inberased! When she went home she found Madison.
Sakura are you ok? Madison asked.
Sakura just started laughing "HAHAHA!Yah im fine there's not a better
day than today"she said
Li loves me i don't know what... said sakura... SAKURA!Madisan said
really load
I love Li to! Said Sakura. Good! I'M LATE! she ran so fast when she got
to the door her dad said "It's a P.A.
day" Oh ya im going back to sleep. Sakura went up stairs then the phone
rang it was Madison.
Madison said want to go to a pick nick?
OK!Sakura went whit Madison. I think there's a card! Sakura said. There
is a card! kero replied it was
the love card Sakura tried to use the fiery card but it was to strong.
Than Li came
Li tried and got hurt he was going to get up Sakura stopped him. She
went but it got her
Sakura was on the ground not moving like if she was dead Li put sakuras
head in his shoulders
NO! IT CAN'T BE! NO! Li cried he ran to the love card and he captured it
but than he was on the ground hurt.
Sakura walk up she saw Li on the ground hurt with the card in his
Li... Li? Madison what happened to Li? Sakura asked
Sakura,the card got you so Li went and it got him. Madison said sadly
Li! NO! Sakura looked at the sky and said LI! I LOVE YOU! She cried and
cried than the love card started flashing
and came out! It said "Sakura im not bad but when i was freed something
happened and you helped my stop it
thanku,how can i repay you. Can you make li alive? Sakura asked trying
to get of her tears.
Of cores. (the song its my life started playing)And Li
walk up. She was so happy she hugged him, he hugged her back.Sakura
cried for joy Li i love you to.
Than they kissed. Madison was so happy she started crying It's ok. Kero
said. Madison took Kero and hugged him!

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