FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

In England
Chapter 21

The Winter Wonderland was lit up with beautiful lights of the rainbow.
Most of the students hung out around the camp fire to toast marshmallows
and drink hot cocoa. Then there was dancing. Of course, Sakura and
Syaoran were a pair. It¡¦s also obvious that Yuktio and Mei were dancing
together. Tomoyo, enjoyed recording Syaoran, Sakura, Yukito, and Mei
dancing. Touya was sweatdropping, ¡§You really like recording them don¡¦t
¡§Yeah, Sakura is soooo kawaii!¡¨ Tomoyo squealed. After that, there
was karaoke! ¡§Come on Tomoyo! Sing!¡¨ Sakura pleaded.
¡§Oh I don¡¦t know,¡¨ Tomoyo said.
¡§I¡¦ll let you record me when I sing,¡¨ Sakura said.
¡§Deal!¡¨ Tomoyo cried. Then she began to sing ¡§Yoru No Uta¡¨ (Song
of the Night). Everybody applauded. ¡§Okay Sakura, it¡¦s time to keep your
end of the bargain!¡¨ Tomoyo said.
¡§I was hoping you would forget that,¡¨ Sakur sighed. She decided to
sing ¡§Oops!...I Did It Again¡¨ (by Britney Spears....I know, it¡¦s tacky, but
not gonna resarch the internet just to find out what Sakura sings.)
did it again! I played with your heart, got lost in the game, oh baby baby!
Oops!...You think I¡¦m in love! That I¡¦m sent from aboooove, I¡¦m not that
¡§You were great!¡¨ Syaoran said.
¡§It¡¦s your turn!¡¨ she said handing him the microphone. He hesistated
for a while and agreed. Syaoran picked ¡§Ki Ni Naru Aitsu¡¨ (This was his
character song.) While he sang, he was looking at Sakura, Mei, and Tomoyo
(The title should tell all, Ki Ni Naru Aitsu means Bothersome Girl). When he
was done, Sakura and Mei sighed, ¡§Very funny Syaoran.¡¨ Everybody had a
great time. When Mei went home to look at her prize. ¡§How long are you
going to stare at that?¡¨ Syaoran asked.
¡§As long as it takes to find out that it only has five tickets! Who¡¦s
gonna come with me? Are you busy little brother?¡¨
¡§No, and I¡¦ll only come with you if Sakura comes. I can¡¦t stay sane
without Sakura for one day,¡¨ Syaoran said. Mei hurried over the phone to
ask Tomoyo, Sakura, Touya, and Yukito <Maybe one of them will be busy
and can¡¦t come.> ¡§Hey Touya!¡¨
¡§Hello Mei.¡¨
¡§Listen, there are five tickets to this England trip, can you come?¡¨
¡§Sorry, I just want to relax in my own home. Most of the time I¡¦m
doing part time jobs to buy those sneakers. Now that I have them, I just want
to sit in my humble home and nap 24 hours a day.¡¨
¡§Can you get Sakura on the line please?¡¨
¡§Hi Mei!¡¨
¡§Hi Sakura, listen, my prize has five tickets. Can you come?¡¨
¡§I¡¦ll ask father.......................¡¨
¡§I can come! Woo hoo!¡¨
¡§Cool! Hey Syaoran! Sakura¡¦s going, so you better start packing your
¡§So when¡¦s the trip?¡¨
¡§This Saturday. We pick you up at 7:30 AM.¡¨
¡§Hoooee! Today¡¦s Wednesday, better start packing!¡¨ They hung up.
Then Mei called Tomoyo. ¡§Hello Tomoyo!¡¨
¡§Hello Mei!¡¨
¡§Listen, my prize has five tickets. Can you come?¡¨
¡§I¡¦ll ask.......................................¡¨
¡§And your final answer is?¡¨
¡§I¡¦m going!¡¨
¡§Great! Sakura and Syaoran are coming too. Touya couldn¡¦t make it,
he¡¦s too lazy. I¡¦ll pick you up at 7:30 AM this Saturday.¡¨
¡§Okay, bye!¡¨ Now Mei decided to call Yukito. If he¡¦s not coming,
then there¡¦s one extra ticket going to waste. ¡§Hello, this is Yukito, who is
¡§Okay, I have five tickets to England. Do you think you can come
with me? Please?¡¨
¡§Definately, I¡¦m not leaving you for 3 months!¡¨
¡§Cool!¡¨ She hung up. Then she relived the moments of the Winter
Wonderland times. Knock! Knock! ¡§Who¡¦s there?¡¨ Syaoran asked.
¡§Who else?¡¨ Mei answered.
¡§What do you want?¡¨
¡§An apology¡¨
¡§For doubting me so much and saying that I¡¦m a klutz on ice.¡¨
¡§Okay, okay, I¡¦m sorry. It¡¦s that you really seemed like a klutz on ice
at first.¡¨
¡§Apology accepted. Now that wasn¡¦t so hard now was it?¡¨
¡§Oh shut up¡¨ For the next 3 days, Sakura, Syaoran, Yukito, and Mei
were packing their things for a 3 month trip to England. Saturday came, and
Sakura overslept. ¡§HOOOOEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¨ Sakura was really
rushing. ¡§Touya, for once will you help me?¡¨
¡§All right kaijuu¡¨ Sakura was rushing way too much to notice the
teasing. When the doorbell rang, Touya opened the door. ¡§I¡¦m ready!¡¨ and
Sakura fell to the floor with baggages in her hands.
¡§Whoa, take it easy,¡¨ Syaoran said. Then they went to pick up Yukito.
After hours of checking in with the baggages, passports, tickets, etc. they
were on the plane. Then came the 20 hour flight to England. It was
exhausting. When they got off the train, all everybody could say was, ¡§Man!
It feels good to stretch!¡¨ Now they were out of the airport and in the
of London, England. Mei looked at her package to see which hotel they were
staying at. ¡§OH NO!¡¨ Mei cried.
¡§What?¡¨ Yukito asked.
¡§The paper said that we¡¦re gonna have to look for hotels on our own!¡¨
¡§Great¡¨ Syaoran sighed.
¡§Come on, let¡¦s go and find a hotel,¡¨ Sakura suggested. They walked
for hours with heavy luggage in their arms. Then they stopped to rest on a
bench. Sakura wandered around looking at the sites when she bumped into
someone. ¡§Oh, sorry,¡¨ she said <Oh my god, how stupid of me...Whoever I
bumped into speaks English not Japenese.> When she looked up, she
gasped, ¡§Eriol!¡¨
¡§Sakura! What are you doing here?¡¨
¡§Well.........¡¨ Sakura began to tell him the whole story.
¡§I know! It would be nice if you would stay at my house for the
summer. It¡¦s getting lonely with just Nakuru and Spinel.¡¨
¡§Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!¡¨ Sakura sighed.
¡§What¡¦s going o-¡¨ Syaoran cut off when he saw Eriol.
¡§Hello Syaoran!¡¨
¡§Hello¡¨ Everybody was relieved to find a place to stay. Actually
everybody was very happy to stay at one of their friend¡¦s place. ¡§Nakuru!
Spinel! I¡¦m home with a few guests that will be staying here for a while!¡¨
Eriol called out. Nakuru poked her head out and saw Yukito she pounced on
him, ¡§Yukito! Where¡¦s Touya?¡¨
¡§Hey! Lay off! He¡¦s mine!¡¨ Mei shouted.
¡§You have a girlfriend?¡¨ she asked.
¡§Yeah,¡¨ Yukito said.
¡§Where¡¦s Touya,¡¨ Nakuru sighed.
¡§He couldn¡¦t make it,¡¨ Sakura said. Nakuru showed everybody their
rooms for the summer. Yukito was exhausted, so he took a nap. Sakura,
Syaoran, Eriol, Nakuru, Spinel, Kero-chan, and Tomoyo sat in the living
room to talk. ¡§It¡¦s been a long time,¡¨ Eriol said.
¡§We¡¦ve all grown,¡¨ Sakura said.
¡§So who¡¦s she?¡¨ Eriol asked.
¡§Konnichiwa great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandpa.
a long lost sister to this little guy,¡¨ Mei said.
¡§Pleasure to meet you,¡¨ Eriol smiled.
¡§So this is what Clow Reed looked like when he was a teenager. Not
bad looking. Just get rid of the sinister creepy smile,¡¨ Mei said. Then she
saw Spinel. ¡§Awww, this little kitty is cute! His name¡¦s Spinel Sun right?¡¨
¡§Nice to meet you,¡¨ Spinel said. Mei was introduced to Nakuru, Eriol,
and Spinel, got to know eachother, etc. Then they talked about the attacks
and Glori-ella, etc. ¡§Glori-ella, I remember her. She made an exact replica
of the Clow Cards, so now there are 2 sets of them,¡¨ Eriol said.
¡§What?!¡¨ Sakura cried.
¡§Don¡¦t worry, you have the original set. The other set was
transformed into another kind of cards. I forgot what they were called.
Glori-ella did the same thing to her cards as you did Sakura. You changed
them into Sakura Cards. She probably changed them into Ella Cards.
Glori-ella was probably too long.¡¨ There was silence. Then there was a
bright light from Yuktio¡¦s room. Yue appeared, and flew towards Eriol.
¡§Yue!¡¨ Eriol smiled. They hugged (Yue and Eriol¡¦s relationship was
like a master and pet kind of relationship. No gay stuff.). ¡§So you are the
famous Yue,¡¨ Mei said.
¡§I am,¡¨ he answered.
¡§I was wondering if-¡¨ she was cut off.
¡§Oh come on Mei, you¡¦re not going to ask him THOSE questions are
you?¡¨ Sakura aksed.
¡§Hey, I¡¦m really curious about those topics,¡¨ Mei said.
¡§What do you want to ask him?¡¨ Eriol said.
¡§The first thing is: Why does he let his hair grow SOOO long? Cut it
for crying out loud!¡¨ she said. Eriol laughed, ¡§That¡¦s Yue, it¡¦s one of his
unique characteristics.¡¨ Yue only frowned. ¡§Geez, you never smile do you?
Kind of my like my little brother.¡¨
¡§Hey Mei, why don¡¦t you ask him the other question? That should be
a riot.¡¨ Tomoyo suggested.
¡§Maybe it¡¦s better if I asked grandpa.¡¨
¡§I¡¦m not your grandpa.¡¨
¡§Oh yes you are, and I¡¦m quite ashamed that I¡¦m older than my
¡§How can you be ashamed?¡¨ Syaoran asked.
¡§You¡¦re younger than him! You would not feel awkward. Oh who
cares. So Eriol, Yue has a stomach right?¡¨
¡§Then why doesn¡¦t he use it?¡¨
¡§He doesn¡¦t need to. His supply of energy comes from Sakura.¡¨
¡§Kero-chan eats though¡¨
¡§He probably only eats cuz he likes sweets. Basicly he doesn¡¦t need
¡§So he¡¦s a glutton?¡¨
¡§Whattabout that idea you had while we were in Hong Kong?¡¨
Tomoyo asked.
¡§Come to think of it, maybe it¡¦s not wise to do that to Yue. Look at
him! Sakura just by his face, how can you say he is not cold and brutal?¡¨
¡§Whoa, hold it there, Yue is not brutal and cold,¡¨ Eriol and Sakura
¡§Yeah right,¡¨ Syaoran and Mei said.
¡§You can¡¦t judge a book by its cover,¡¨ Eriol said.
¡§Did you know how much he harmed Sakura?¡¨ Mei asked.
¡§Well, after he accepted her as the new owner of the cards, he
protected her. How did you know that he hurt her so much?¡¨ Eriol said.
¡§Through Tomoyo¡¦s videos!¡¨ Mei shouted.
¡§Why don¡¦t you guys get aquanted first? Then we can all try Mei¡¦s
idea.¡¨ Eriol said. They got aquanted. Yue was scanning Mei and thinking,
<Why do I have a feeling I¡¦ve met her before? She¡¦s so familiar.> ¡§What
was your idea anyway?¡¨ Nakuru asked.
¡§Well, I was thinking of cooking something delicious and shove it in
Yue¡¦s mouth......¡¨ Mei said. Everybody laughed except Yue.
¡§I¡¦m not going to eat.¡¨
¡§That doesn¡¦t seem like a bad idea. Besides, I¡¦m bored,¡¨ Eriol smiled.
¡§Even though you¡¦re a reincarnation, you still have a sick and twisted
mind,¡¨ Kero-chan said.

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