FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

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Chapter 23

Next morning, everybody gathered around to discuss Mei’s idea.
“Here’s the benefits for you and Yukito: Yukito doesn’t have to faint and
wake up at different places, and he can be a regualr guy. A profit for you
Yue, is that you don’t always have to wake up, and you can sleep as much as
you want. I know, I know what you’re thinking, ‘I can’t stay in this
I’ll just turn you into a minuture Yue!” Mei explained.
“I’ll agree to this if Eriol does,” Yue said.
“I approve of this. It’s best for Yue and Yukito,” Eriol said. It was
settled, and Mei was off to perform the spell. “Now let’s see....splitting
people and arranging memories added together.....wow.......amazing.......let’s
see............okay! Everybody, for a circle around Yue!” The did so. Then
they held hands and concentrated on making Yue and Yukito seperate. Mei
was chanting a spell:
Power of light, power of darkness
This being has another side to himself
Seperate the two and let the other go back to where he was born
Arrange the memory of the people of Japan thinking that he never came here
Synergize, Combining, Connecting, Linking
Now Seperate, Detach, Divide, Part!!!!

Then secretly, Mei added that the spell wouldn’t effect Touya. Then a
swirl of wind surrounded Yue. Then we see Yukito seperated from him.
Now there were two people. Immediately, Yukito was transported back to
Japan. The spell was over. Everything was in order now. Then Mei fell to
the floor. “Mei!” Sakura yelled.
“Don’t worry, this was a really complex spell. I just need some rest.”
Mei said.
Yue carried Mei to her room. It was sort of his way of saying,
“Thanks.” Then he flew downstairs to talk to Eriol, “So how do I become
small? I can’t stay like this. I need another form that wouldn’t waste my
“Don’t worry, why don’t you go to sleep. When Mei feels better,
she’ll tell you how,” Eriol said. Next morning, she woke up bursting with
“My you seem like a hyper-active freak today,” Syaoran said.
“Shut up,” Mei said.
“Listen Mei, I think Yue would appreciate that you would tell him how
to become another form that wouldn’t waste his energy,” Eriol said.
“Oh that’s easy, all he has to do is to think small, and he’ll become
small. When he wants to become his normal self, all he has to do is to think
big,” Mei explained.
“Sometimes you amaze me,” Sakura said. Eriol and Nakuru gave a
grand tour of England to Sakura&co. After that, they went shopping for
souvenirs and things they like. Spinel, Kero-chan, and Yue just stayed in the
house. Spinel was reading, Kero-chan was raiding the refrigerator, and Yue
was sleeping. “We’re home!” Nakuru shouted.
“Welcome back,” Spinel said.
“I’m off to make dinner!” Mei cried, “I love cooking!” Then she
rushed into the kitchen, as everyone sweatdropped. Suddenly, a GIANT red
horn beetle just smashed into Eriol’s house! “EEK!” Tomoyo screamed.
Eriol tried to put it to sleep, but it didn’t work. (okay, I have forgotten
original speech, so I’m gonna use the USA speech) “Key of Clow, power of
magic, power of light, surrender the wand, the force ignite...RELEASE! Bind
this monster....Windy!” At least it did something. The big beetle was
temporarily captured. After a minute, it broke free. “Fire I summon you!”
Syaoran commanded. The beast roared with anger. Sakura tried to using the
Fire Card. It worked, well, it did weaken the monster a lot. Then Mei
popped out of the kitchen holding a flame thrower. “Stand aside Sakura!
This calls for some action!” With the help of Eriol, Syaoran, and Sakura, it
was burnt to a crisp. After a few seconds, it turned into ashes. “Where’s
stone?” Syaoran asked.
“That’s an easy question. Try digging in the ashes,” Tomoyo said.
Sakura dug in the ashes and found a crimson red stone. She blew of the ashes
and cleaned it. “You think I should keep this until Angelina shows up?”
Sakura asked.
“By all means, keep it in your room,” Eriol smiled.
“You know, this caused A LOT of damage to your house,” Mei said to
Nakuru, Spinel, and Eriol. Everybody realized how much it was destroyed
and sweatdropped. “Don’t worry! Help is on the way!” Mei ran to her room.
She came back with a book. “What’s that?” Syaoran asked.
“It’s called, Managing A House With Just A Touch With Enchantment.
I think this will help. Let’s see........repairing houses......repairing
houses....aha! Okay, here it goes.....Damage, destruction, and desolation has
befallen onto this humble home. Mend it, fix it, restore it as it was
before...bippity boppity boo!” All the broken shards and wood began
cleaning itself. Eriol’s home was repaired, and back to normal. “There!”
Mei said. Bing! “Oh! That must be your dinner! Better go get it.”
“Sometimes she amazes me. She’s not scared of some big mutant bug,
and after we defeated something like that she’s still cheerful enough about
dinner she made......” Nakuru said.
“She’s okay for a girl,” Kero-chan sighed.
“WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY???!!!” Sakura fumed.
“Of course, you are great! So is Mei! You guys could kick my butt!”
Kero-chan laughed. Everybody was tired after that ordeal, so they went
staight to bed. Around midnight, something happened in Sakura’s room. A
dark figure with large wings hovered over her window. It slowly opened the
window, and flew in. Then the mysterious shape took the stone that was on
Sakura’s dresser, and turned to her. It stroke Sakura’s cheek and whispered,
“Soon Sakura.....soon......the fight will be over and you won’t have to be in
the middle of it.......” Then Sakura opened her eyes to see the shadowy
with wings. Its hand jerked away, as Sakura screemed, “EEEEEEEKKKK!!!
YAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Syaoran and Eriol were first to arrive. When
Eriol turned on the lights, and the mysterious thing was figure gone, and
were a bunch of feathers around the room. “What happened?” Syaoran
“I don’t know! I was sleeping, and this dark thing with wings was
stroking my face when I woke up!” Sakura cried.
“Maybe it was Angelina, on the account she was picking up the stone,”
Eriol suggested.
“But if it was Angelina, wouldn’t it have 4 wings? The figure had 2.
Plus, wouldn’t she usually be bright and have golden light surrounding her?”
Sakura mentioned.
“Well, whatever it was, it took the stone,” Syaoran said.
“What?!” Sakura cried. Then Tomoyo, Kero-chan, Mei, and Yue
showed up. “I’m just guessing that someone came into the room and stole
the stone,” Kero-chan said.
“It wasn’t Angelina though,” Eriol said.
“You’re right, it wasn’t,” Mei said.
“How’d you know?” Sakura asked.
“For one, these feathers do not belong to Angelina, it belongs to a
Draconian.....it looks like this figure that stole the stone is 1/5
Draconian, and
4/5 human with magic running through its veins,” Mei inspected.
“How do you know?” everybody asked.
“Hey, I didn’t study my gigantic magic book for nothing! Let’s go to
my room and research,” Mei said. The all went to Mei’s room. She flipped
through pages and found it. “Okay, Draconian.....It says that they are
creatures with angel like wings. They mean no harm, but the legends always
said that they destroyed Atlantis, the legendary continent that was suppose to
be between Europe and North America. After millions of researching, the
Draconians were only framed by the Zipes. A Zipe is just like a Draconian
except instead of angel wings, they have devil wings. The Zipes are cruel and
heartless. They destroyed Atlantis and the Draconians were framed.
Unfortunately, the Draconian race is almost deceased. The remaining
descedants of this race would only have 1/2 the blood of a Draconian at the
most. This one though, has only 1/5 of the blood. This means that this one
can only sprout wings and fly,” Mei explained.
“What if it has more than that amount?” Syaoran asked.
“Then it can shoot laser beams with the mear wave of its hand. The
most power these descendants can have are wings and laser powers.
Anything lower has only the power to have wings or only the power to shoot
laser beams out of his hands,” Mei said.
“What does that Draconian has to do with this whole business
though?” Sakura asked.
“I don’t know,” Eriol said. Things calmed down. Everybody went
back to sleep. Syaoran stayed with Sakura and fell asleep on the floor
leaning on Sakura’s bed. After a couple of days, there weren’t anymore
monsters or night prowling of a Draconian. Then one night, there was
another attack. Ruby Moon, Spinel Sun, Yue, Cerberus, Syaoran, Eriol,
Sakura, and Tomoyo came to battle. This time, it was a false alarm. There
were thousands of little furby like creatures. Cerberus tried his fire
attack on
them. It had no effect. “I think we’re suppose to stomp them just like the
time in Hong Kong,” Tomoyo said.
“Oh cool! That was soo fun! Eriol, Spinel, Ruby, you should try it!”
Sakura said. Everybody started stomping. Indeed it was fun, and everybody
was enjoying it. That night, Syaoran decided to keep the stone, just in case
Draconian flies by. By midnight, that Draconian came. It stroked a sleeping
Syaoran’s face whispering, “Soon....soon Syaoran.....” He woke up startled.
Unfortunately, it flew away by the time he turned on the light.