FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 24

Breakfast came, and Syaoran told everyone about last night. To get
mind off things, the group went to a park with a huge lake. Sakura eventually
took a nap on Syaoran’s lap. He was sitting on the bench taking a nap too.
The day was warm and a little breezy, and Nakuru was also taking a nap up
on a tree. “Nice view isn’t it?” Eriol asked.
“Yeah......” Mei replied.
“Is something bothering you?” he asked again.
“No.........yes, actually there is, but nothing’s gonna change it, so I
don’t want to talk about it yet.....” Mei answered.
“Okay, but I’ll be here when you need me,” Eriol said.
“So I’m gonna have to walk all the way to this lake everytime I have a
question?” she laughed.
“No, just find me,” he smiled. Mei walked off to the forest part of the
park to explore when unexpectedly, a large squid monster emerged from the
lake. “Sakura! Syaoran! Wake up! We have a monster management
problem!” Eriol yelled. Syaoran quickly got out his sword, Sakura got her
wand, and so did Eriol. Nakuru transformed into Ruby Moon. When Mei
heard the roar of the monster, she popped out of the forest and was ready
fight. “On three, we all electrify this monster!” Sakura said.
“One! Two! Three!” Syaoran shouted, and the squid was magnetized.
Most unfortunate though, it was still alive and didn’t turn into a stone. The
squid was waving its arms and shooting acid out of its mouth. “What are we
going to do?!” Sakura cried. Nakuru just got whacked by one of its
Right on cue, Shining Angelina came flying in and chopped the squid into
sushi. Then she summoned her wand, and sealed the squid into a GM stone.
Then she repaired all the damages that the monstesr did. After that, she was
about to fly away when Eriol used the same strings he used on Syaoran to
capture Angelina. “Wait!” Eriol ordered.
“Please, stay, tell us how to defeat these monsters! We want to help!”
Sakura shouted. Angelina ignored her, and struggled to fly away. Syaoran
however, used his wind ward and helped Eriol maintain the angel. “It won’t
hurt you to fill us in on the info! We aren’t an enemy!” Sakura cried.
Angelina had enough. She escaped by turning her wand into a sword and
cutting the strings. Then she apparated (For those of you who don’t read
Harry Potter.....to apparate is to disappear and appear in another place) and
flew away. “Hooee!” Sakura said, “I just wanted to know more about you
and what’s going on with this battle.” Up high in the sky was the mysterious
Draconian. It was revealed to be a girl, but the sun was in the way, so the
true identity of this creature could not be known. “I know you’re not an
enemy Sakura. I know you’re trying to help, but this fight is mine. Soon
you’ll know.....soon.........” After that day, monsters were appearing
frequently. Sometimes, they were easy to handle, some were hard. Angelina
would usually deal with the hard ones. “God, for once will she just stay, so
we can work together?” Sakura said. It was a rainy day, so no one really
went out. Lately, Mei was becoming real tired, but she wasn’t as tired as she
was before. Those were the times she had injuries and survived on power
bars for days. “What’s up with you Mei? I mean every time we fight a
monster, you seem to have unexplained injuries, or seem to doze off. Is there
something wrong?” Tomoyo said.
“No, not really,” Mei whispered as she was dozing near the fireplace.
For the rest of the day and night, Mei slept in her bed. “Man, she sleeps
a rock!” Syaoran said.
“Well I don’t see what’s wrong with sleeping,” Yue said.
“Sleeping is your hobby (Yue’s hobby is actually sleeping) for crying
out loud!” Kero-chan yelled.
“It’s normal to sleep,” Yue argued.
“Not for an entire day straight!” Kero-chan shouted.
“SHH! Mei’s sleeping!” Sakura hushed them. Then they went to
Sakura’s room to argue (everybody sweatdrops). “I sleep for entire days
straight!” Yue said.
“You aren’t even human!” Kero-chan whispered.
“Look will you guys shut up? It’s true sleeping is natural, but too
much of it for a human being is wacked. There, now you’re both right!”
Nakuru scolded.
“Then again that is strange,” Syaoran said.
“It’s got to relate to that problem she has,” Eriol and Tomoyo said.
“What problem?” Sakura asked.
“She won’t tell Eriol and me,” Tomoyo answered.
“Couldn’t that relate to all her weird behavior you told me about?”
Eriol asked.
“You’re right!” Kero-chan and Yue said. When Mei woke up, Sakura,
Eriol, Tomoyo, and Syaoran jumped on her (literally, not physiclly), “Mei,
please, tell us! Why is it that you get hurt, come home late night, and fall
asleep through an entire day? You know something don’t you?” Syaoran
“Look! Like I said, it’s a job. I am obligated to do this whether I
to do this or not! If I have to, I’m gonna have to stay up late to finish
it! Will
you stop bugging me? When the right time comes, I’ll tell you!!!!!!! Right
now, why don’t you guys consider defeating the monsters?” Mei shouted.
She ran out of the room and disappeared. “Maybe we’re too hard on her,”
Sakura and Tomoyo said.
“I guess you’re right, but when is the right time? It could be a million
years from now!” Syaoran huffed.
“Let’s not worry for now. Syaoran, I think you should go and ‘talk’ to
your sister,” Eriol said. Syaoran went to find Mei, but she was no where
found in the house. The scene switches on top of Eriol’s roof. Mei was
wearing a sleeveless white dress. She was standing on his roof with her hand
leaning on the chimney. Tears came out of her eyes and was drifted away by
the wind and the sun was setting. Eriol appeared and said, “Your brother is
looking for you.”
“I know,” she sniffed.
“I’m not going to push you. I know you’re hiding something,” Eriol
“Everybody knows I’m hiding something now,” Mei sighed.
“It’s the key to this whole thing isn’t it?” Eriol smiled.
“We’ll just find out won’t we?” she smiled towards him. They stared
at each other smiling for a while. “Better find your brother before he panics
about someone kidnapping you,” Eriol laughed.
“All right, you win, I’ll come down quietly,” she giggled. Mei went to
her room to make her bed. Then Syaoran came into the room huffing.
“Looking for me?” Mei asked.
“Fine, I know I’ve been hard on you. I’m sorry, it’s just that-”
Syaoran was cut off.
“I know you didn’t mean it little brother. I also know the pressure
that’s on you with all these monsters that are roaming everywhere,” Mei said
folding the blankets.
“You’ve always understand me, and always forgive me for all things
I’ve done to you. How can I make that up?” Syaoran asked.
“You cook dinner tonight kiddo!” Mei said and walked out of the
room. Syaoran sighed. “Now that wasn’t too hard now was it?” Sakura said.
“How long were you here?” Syaoran asked.
“Long enough to to find out that you are soo sweet when you apologize
and that you’re cooking dinner tonight!” Sakura smiled. They hugged each
other, and looked at the evening sky through the window. It was time for
dinner and everybody sat at the dining table. “Hey Mei, aren’t you cooking
dinner?” Keo-chan asked.
“Nope, someone else is cooking dinner tonight,” she replied.
“Who?” Tomoyo asked.
“Dinner is served!” Syaoran shouted. He was wearing a cute little chef
hat. “Hey kid! You look funny! What’s with the hat?” Kero-chan said.
“Mei, do I have to wear this?” Syaoran sighed.
“Yes you do! You owe me one!” Mei said. Everybody tried his food.
Kero-chan was afraid it was poisoned. “Wow Syaoran! I guess cooking runs
in the family!” Sakura said, and he blushed.
“It’s not poisoned Kero-chan,” Mei said.
“I wish it was though,” Syaoran whispered. Kero-chan dug in, and
said it was okay.

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