FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Chapter 28

Yes, things were back to normal as it could be. A few nights later,
attacks came in frequently. This time there was a diamond horse monster.
This one was tough because the diamond is a hard substance. “If this keeps
up, we’re gonna lose!” Sakura wailed.
“There’s gotta be a weakness!” Syaoran shouted.
“Mei, do you have anything to harness it?” Eriol asked.
“I’m trying to think peoples! Don’t rush me!” Mei cried.
“We can’t hold it off forever you know!” Ruby Moon heeved.
“She’s right, we need an idea fast!” Spinel Sun and Yue yelled.
Cerberus was busy protecting Tomoyo. This was a disaster. “God help me!
You can’t burn it! You can’t paralyze it! You can freeze it, but it can
fire! WHAT IS THIS THING’S WEAKNESS???!!!” Mei cried out spinning
through the air. Then the idea popped into her head. “That’s it!” Mei
shouted, “Eureka!”
“Got the idea yet???!!!” everybody shouted.
“YES!!!! SAKURA, USE YOUR SLEEP CARD!!!” Mei ordered.
She did so, and the horse was becoming sleepy. It moved slower, and fell a
couple of times. This was the chance, so Mei flew up and casted a spell,
“Achihira alara!” A small blue ring emmited from her hands. It became
larger and larger, and it came hurtling towards the diamond horse. Then it
hist the ground encircling the monster. Then it snapped out of Sakura’s sleep
spell, and tried to break out. Fortunately, the blue ring was like a barrier
held the horse captive. Everybody gathered around it. “This seems to be a
barrier spell I believe,” Eriol smirked.
“Correcto mondo my friend. This ring encircles the enemy and traps
it,” Mei explained.
“But wouldn’t the horse escape?” Syaoran asked.
“Yes and no. It depends on the person who casted the spell. If he or
she can will the barrier to be strong, it will stay strong. Unfortunately,
time the enemy tries to break the barrier with a powerful blow, then the
also gets hurt, weakening his or her will,” Mei replied.
“Okay Mei, I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll put the barrier, while you
concentrate on sealing the monster,” Eriol said. Mei took away the invisible
wall as Eriol cast the same spell. Then she took out her wand and sealed the
monster. “You were all wonderful!” Mei smied holding the stone. She
collapsed a little when she de-transformed. Stumbling a few steps, Mei
managed to get to her room. Day by day, she seemed weaker. Sometimes,
Sakura and the others had to fight the monsters alone. Even though they
mangaed it, there were times, when it was a heck of a close call.
Mei started having dreams and sometimes nightmares.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IN MEI’S NIGHTMARES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Hey, this is Tokyo Tower,” Mei whispered, “What am I doing here?”
“Mwa, ha ha ha, the whole world shall be mine,” a sinister voice
laughed. Mei turned around to see who it was. She saw no one. “Who’s
there?” Then she saw a huge black monster. It had the claws of a million
tigers and teeth of ten thousand bears. The eyes were red with the thirst for
blood in them. Its aura was pure evil. “Who are you?” It turned to look at
Mei. Then fire and smoke was blazing everywhere in the city. The monster
turned into a black mist and rushed towards Mei. It circled her and in
made her eyes blank.
Mei woke up screaming. Everybody rushed towards her. “Mei what’s
wrong?” Sakura asked.
“The end of the world...........” Mei’s eyes were still blank.
“The end of what? Mei, is it one of your nightmares again?” Syaoran
asked. Eriol only stood there frowning. at the doorway. For the next few
days, Eriol was examining Mei’s magic book. Mei however was sleeping
constantly, and consumed a lot of food. When she felt better, the group tried
asking friendly questions first to get on her goo side. “My Mei, that book is
certainly becoming bigger,” Sakura commented.
“I’m so glad to said that. This is an enchanted book. Everytime there
is new info going on in the magical world, it will be recorded in this book,”
Mei explained.
“What happens if it gets too big?” Tomoyo asked.
“It will split. A new book will form and start adding. The old one will
just stay there with info,” Mei said.
“Has it split so far?” Syaoran asked.
“No, but it will now,” Mei answered as the book glowed. A second
book formed. It was pretty much evening so Mei decided to start cooking
dinner. After that, Eriol wanted to talk to her alone. The both went to the
library room. There was a fireplace that was already lit, and there were
thousands of books shelved on the walls. Mei layed on the rug and so did
Eriol. “I know you guys have been trying to make me feel better. I
appreciate it,” Mei whispered inching closer to the fire.
“Your welcome. I’ve been, researching, on your book. It says that
once all the stones form to one, it becomes a crystal. It also says that a
monster would be unleashed that a godess has sealed in that same shrine you
opened. It will cause destruction if no one does something about it. Is that
true?” Eriol asked. There was a long silence. Mei’s eyes were closed.
asumed she was asleep, so he got up to leave. Before he could, she began to
say something, “Yes.....yes, that was true.”
“I am guessing that the nightmare you dreamed has something to do
with that?” Eriol asked.
“Yes it did. It was a prophetic dream of what would happen if no one
harnesses the power of the crystal and uses it for its true purpose,” Mei
“What is the purpose of the crystal?” Eriol inquired.
“It is called the Crystal of Light. It was created by a godess to destroy
the monster. Unfortunately, she couldn’t destroy it, so instead, she sealed
Mei replied.
“I see,” Eriol said. Then a tear trickled down Mei’s cheek. She
sniffed. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry....”
“For what Mei?”
“I was actually capable for capturing the last monster. I knew
everything from the start, every single detail. I was a coward. I knew that
if I
captured the last one, I would have to face the last and the ultimate
It’s all my fault. If I wasn’t so afraid, you guys wouldn’t be in the
middle of
it,” she cried.
“That’s all right Mei,” a lot of many other voices said. Everybody
appeared out of the doorway. “We don’t care Mei. We’re also sorry that we
had to hear you conversation,” Sakura sighed.
“I guess that makes us even doesn’t it,” Mei smiled weakly. After that
she took a warm bath. <If only they knew the troubles that lies ahead. If
only they knew my destined fate..........> Later that night, Mei had the same
nightmare. For the next few weeks those nightmares have become more real.
Mei has become very pale and weak. The only thing that kept her mind off
thinking of the terrible prophicy was fighting the monster to get her stress
away. Either that, she would usually work on her laptop. “Are you still
trying to find the Portal of Time and Dimension?” Syaoran asked.
“Nope,” she answered.
“Then what?” Sakura giggled while messing up Syaoran’s hair.
“I’m just working on a layout of my new invention, but I can’t tell you
now,” Mei grinned.
“What’s the purpose of it?” Tomoyo asked.
“Exploring the other worlds that exist,” she answered. <Or maybe just
to escape my fate for a while....> Then she put off that. Things were fine
the next few weeks. Mei was in her room counting the GM stones. Yue was
sleeping. Spinel was reading. Kero-chan was raiding the refrigerator.
Syaoran was practicing his sword routines. Sakura was trying one of
Tomoyo’s costume while she records her. Nakuru frolicking in the streets of
London (and who knows what damages she’ll cause), and Eriol was looking
at Tomoyo and Sakura with intent and gentle eyes.
Yes, this is how boring it was in England. Less than a month, they
already explored all of London. There was not much of anything to do. This
was all too depressing. The three month vacation was almost up. “This is
soooo depressing!” Sakura moaned.
“You said it,” Mei sighed.
“We won’t be able to see you guys anymore unless we win another
contest. Or we would raise enough money, like that would be possible....”
Tomoyo said.
“Not unless we come with you,” Eriol suddenly said.
“REALLY!!!???” everybody asked.
“Yes, it’s been a long time anyway,” he smiled.
“Eriol! You’re the best!” Nakuru shouted and hugged him.
“Wow! That’s great!” Mei cheered. Things were looking up.
Everybody started to help Eriol, Nakuru, and Spinel packing, although I don’t
think Spinel has a lot to pack.
The journey back to Japan was long and tedious. Yue obviously spent
the whole time sleeping. Mei was continuously typing on her laptop for hours
and sleep for the rest of the flight. Touya, Yukito, Fujitaka, and Sonomi was
at the airport waiting for them. Mei guided everybody through the baggage
claims, passport checks, etc. “Yukito!” Mei cried. He hugged her and
twirled her around. “Touya, we have a surprise for you,” Mei giggled.
“Touya!!!” Nakuru shouted and leapt on him.
“Why did she have to come,” Touya groaned.
“Tomoyo,” Sonomi said.
“Okasan,” Tomoyo said and hugged her. Everything was explained.
Eriol has come back, he’s going to attend West Wing just like Sakura,
Syaoran, and Tomoyo. Nakuru will be attending the university that Fujitaka
works at just like Yukito, Mei, and Touya. All is well, nothing to fear
for the attacking monsters. School starts tomorrow. Sakura, Syaoran, and
Tomoyo will be in seventh grade. Touya, Mei, and Yukito will be in
Tomaeda University (that’s not the actual name, heck I’m just using the
name, so don’t go spreading the words, “the university that Fujitaka works in
is called Tomaeda University!” because that isn’t true.) studying for four
years. Everybody was at Sakura’s room chatting, playing video games,
eating, and preparing for the next day of school. Touya and Yukito were at
their part time jobs. “What are you thinking Mei?” Tomoyo asked.
“If you want the truth, I was thinking of Yue going to school,” Mei
answered. They all burst out laughing. Yue however wasn’t happy to be
teased. “Oh that was soooo funny!” Nakuru giggled.
“Yeah, but this time, my imagination has gone way too far,” Mei
laughed. This was a riot. Nobody realized they were being watched......

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