FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Is this fate, is it my destiny?
Chapter 3,
"The Tenrei-senshi's plans"

Sayoren thought Karei was the only Tenrei, and the only one getting Sakura and him together. Sakura thought all 3 of them were helping, but she never saw Karei. Elsewhere, the pool's water was spinning. A small yellow book came from it. A huge monster came out of that book. It became the water. With the help of the Tenrei-senshi, Sakura and Syaoran had to clean the pool, again. Each one were staying away from each other. This was not the Tenrei-senshi's plans. The water swirled. It suddenly became a huge sea monster! Unknowingly, Sakura looked into it's deep blue eyes, and the monster went to attack her. Syaoran was now, in his "Clow Capturing" Uniform, and protecting Sakura.


"Power of magic..Power of light! Surrender the wand, the force ignite! Release!", the wand appeared. The monster just growled, and threw them back with lighting. Karei got mad. The other two, who were watching from above told her not to interfere. She disappeared. She went down on the ground and yelled,

"Aglaea Star Power, Make-up!", pink and purple ribbions circled her. When they left, she was wearing a pink outfit, like The Sleep card, and purple shoes. She ran out. "Monster of the deep sea, how dare you interrupt with the Tenrei's Plans! You hurt these two wonderful people, and that I won't allow! I am the Angel Tenrei, Sailor Aglaea!" The monster just growled.

"Clover-leafes! Magical Beams!", reddish pink beams were sent through the water-dragon. It lay somewhat in the water. "Sakura! Syaoran!", she ran to them. "Come on, get up!", the dragon attacked them unexpectly..almost. Karei, aka Sailor Aglaea, turned her head around. She stood in front of both of them, and the water attacks hit her. Ureshii and Chia gasped. When they awoke, Sakura and Sayoren saw Karei blasted against the brick wall. She had her eyes closed. Ureshii and Chia transformed, and were now attacking the dragon. Sakura and Syaoran worked on helping them. The dragon got a hold of Sakura.

"Sakura! Sakura!", yelled Syaoran. He closed his eyes. "I won't allow you to hurt her, you evil beast! Not the one I love.." Green light came from him, and the dragon let go of Sakura. Sayoren ran, and caught her.

"Sakura..", Five minutes later, Sakura had "captured" the dragon. It's card was somewhat different. The yellow book on the bottom of the pool lit up, and flew into Sakura's hands. Someone's voice came.

"Those are the Suta Cards. Clow Reed's first attempt before the Clow Cards, were the Suta Cards. They have these mythical creatures, The Dragon Card, The Pegasus Card, and The Unicorn Card. Find them well.", yet Sakura wasn't worried about Suta Cards. She hugged Sayoren.

"Sayoren-kun..Thankyou.. for saving me..", Ureshii and Chia were detransformed.

But under skinned knees and the skid marks Past the places where you used to learn You howl and listen

"Did you mean what you said, Syaoran-kun..?"


"I love you...too, Syaoran-kun.."

"Karei! Karei! Please...wake-up!", They turned around. Ureshii and Chia were each on Karei's side, one on the left, one on the right. Her eyes were still closed.

Listen and wait for the

Echoes of angels who won't return

"Karei?", Sakura and Syaoran ran over to her. "She's still not awake?"

"No..Karei.. Karei!", Chia picked her up. She disappeared.

"Where did she take her?!",

"Somewhere. Need not worry.", she disappeared.

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