FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

This fanfic is created by me, so do not copy it into your note book or
whatever book. The characters belong to CLAMP, and this story, belong to
me. I'll do my best for it, because I like Card Captor Sakura, especially
Yue. The story began when Yue was 8 years old. And, my own-made story begun

Author by: cool_hero@white-star.com

"Don't go near me, Yue! I'm scared of you! Shoo, shoo!" said a boy in Yue's
"Don't worry! I only want to know your name, and we can friends! I'm here,
not to hurt you!" say Yue.
"What? What the heck are you saying about? How can I friends with a
'monster' like you? You're an evil, Yue! Shoo, don't go near me!" he ran
out of Yue, with a scaredly voice.
Yue's face turn into red, as red as tomato, and he cry. He started thinks
about himself. 'why I must born? No one want to know me. They ran out when
they find me. Why? What's my fault? I didn't do anything danger of they
all!' Yue screamed in himself
A few seconds later, 5 boys from class 5 go to him. Yue covered he's face
from tears inside. They all go near Yue, seeing he's face, and laugh out
"Mwahahah! You...you cried? Oh god...how can I believe, a monster can cry!
He cry! Cry! Cry! What a silly things to do for a monster like you, Yue."
Said unknown boy, a boy of the 5 guys from class 5, class 5-3.
Yue faced the boy, with he's cold green eyes. Yue was so angry.
"I'm not a monster, you little brat! I am a young summoner who can summon
any monster! I am a summoner, NOT a monster!"
"Oh yeah? Summoner is same as a monster. Why? Because summoner can summon a
monster. Summoner is a leader of monster, so he also called monster. Is
that true, Mark?" the unknown guys replied.
"Oh, it's totally true, Lowe. I agreed. What about you, Tory?"
"I agree. That's very strange if someone believed on a monster like him.
Lowe, what can we do to him? Anyone have an idea?"
"I," other of the 5 friends said, "We can KILL him, isn't it?".
"What a brilliant idea, Gort!" Tory screamed.
"And first we can commanded Yue to summon he's monster, and the monster
will kill him and himself."
"Good, Arthur." Lowe said loud in front of Yue's face.
Yue started crying again. He was too young for this. He can only crying,
without fight with they all. And, Yue have angel wings on her back.
"Hey, Sakura," Tory said with strangely voice. "What's wrong with you? You
got a stomachache? Or headache? C'mon girl, say something!"
"Umm, brother Tory, I...I..."
"We cannot kill Yue! Yue is not a bad people, isn't it? Why you all wanted
to kill him? What is he's fault? He didn't do anything to you, brother. So,
please don't kill him!" Sakura replied hopefully. Sakura was only 7 years
old, younger than Yue.
"Sakura," Lowe said, "He have a fault! He is a monster, it's him fault! He
can summon a monster, so he have fault! Sakura..."
"Ng?" Sakura confused
"Shut up. This is our problem. You shouldn't friends with me and other if
you not trying to shut your big mouth." Lowe said normally.
"Lowe!" say Gort.
Sakura covered her face, and started crying. Tory said with softly voice,
"Sakura...Lowe is only joke. Quite, honey. This candy for you." Tory gave a
candy to Sakura. Sakura eat it, and her eyes staring at Yue.
Yue was looking to Sakura too when he saw Sakura eat a candy. Yue WANT the
candy. It looks yummy.
"What's wrong Yue? Here, I give you this candy." Sakura gave it. Yue take
the candy and staring at it. After few minutes, he ate it. He's face-able a
sweet smile inside, smiling at Sakura. Sakura replied it with smile again.
"Sakura! I'm not joking! I kill you too if you friends with the monster!"
Lowe screamed again.
Tory stop Lowe.
"What are you doing with my sister? Don't touch her!" Tory said louder than
"Oh? You...Tory, can you shut your big mouth too? I'm only have a business
with you, Yue!" Lowe said with loudest voice everyone ever hear.
"Lowe? Is something wrong?" everyone asked.
"Uh! No...I...I...nothing! forget it! I have saying something wrong!" Lowe
ran out from all of them.
Yue finally finished he's candy and staring again to Sakura and said,
"Thanks, Sa...Sa..."
"I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you, Yue!"
"Yeah. Thank's, Sakura."
Tory sighed to Sakura and Yue. He take Sakura and Yue to the air. Tory have
a big body to take the two. Tory looked at Yue, "Yue. Don't do anything
danger with Sakura!" he said with coldly voice. Then he looked at Sakura,
"Sakura. I let you friends with him. But if he hurt you, call me and I hurt
him back, Ok, you two?"
Both Sakura and Yue fell so happy! They fall down from Tory's shoulder and
run together.
"Tory, are you crazy, let your sister friends with the monster?" Arthur
"I think Yue is not dangerous. When he said 'thanks' to Sakura, I know he
is a kind person who will understand Sakura. Maybe the two have something
special thing, so they can friends easily."
"Ok then, it's up to you," Gort said, "But what's wrong with Lowe? When he
saw Yue, he was so angry. Does anyone know why?"
No response.
"Who cares. I don't like Lowe very much after he screamed a few minutes
ago, and I don't know why." Tory gave response to all.
"Very strange..." Arthur said.

A few months later, Yue was summoner class intermediate. He finally
finished the test to become an intermediate summoner, of course he finished
it in other world, and he tell Sakura he succeed it.
"Great! You are the best summoner I ever saw."
"Only me summoner in the Earth, Sakura."
"Yeah I know. But I believed that you are a great summoner!"
"Thank to gave me spirit, everytime I need it."
Sakura looked at her hand-clock, and it says: 14:00. Sakura stared at Yue,
and say, "Yue, can you come to my house? My dad and my brother will happy
to see you!" Sakura said with happily voice.
"Thanks. But I have any business to do. I must on home now. Well, see ya!"
Yue said with a luod voice.
"Bye-bye! See you tomorrow!"
And the two walks on her own house.
On the way to Yue's house, Lowe appear with gust of wind. He wear a strange
robe, and the robe is for summoner only, it's only available at Yue's
world, Cephiro (a world in Magic Knight Rayearth), and Lowe grabbed a
stuff, also for summoner only, and available only in Cephiro. Yue was so
surprised about it!
"Hi, Yue. It looks you will back home. And you know, this robe and this
"It's for summoner only! Where you can have it? I saw you in this Earth,
and the item you wear is only available in Cephiro, my world!" Yue said.
"Where can I have it? Of course I get it on Cephiro, because I study of a
magic, especially summoner, same as you."
"Same as me? But the time you act so cold to me! If you are a summoner, we
should friends easily without any stupid things!"
"It because I am a human. I same as you because we were study in same
lesson. But I am a human!"
"Why that human can study in Cephiro? Why? Only not-human can study there!"
"I am half of human, so I can study there and my ID card is fake. My past
name in Cephiro is Zagato. My name in Cephiro now is Keith, and my name
here is Lowe. Of course you know me, didn't you?"
"Zagato? Really? Of course I know you! You are the greatest summoner in the
world! You can destroy anything and you are a legendary summoner! You can
destroy the Earth if you want. And Zagato...what do you want from this
Earth? You want to destroy it? I won't let you, never!" Yue's stuff appear
on his right hand.
"Be quite. You know who you are? You can't win if you fight me. You NEVER
beat me. But the things I wanted to tell you is you are the suckest guy I
ever see! You know why I am a half of human? It because of you! It was your
fault! Your father locked my Mom in this Earth, and because my Mom wanted a
child, she married with a human! And I was born. I am not a human, but a
half of human! I kill your father and mother with my own hand." Say Zagato.
"What? You...you kill my parents? How...how dare you!" Yue started crying,
remembered he's parents.
"Humph! And your father killed my parents too! And now the time for kill
you. Go to hell!" Zagato scream and from the stuff, a very bright light
shining. A monster appear from it.
"Hey Evil Puppet, kill him!" commanded Zagato.
Yue grabbed the stuff and summoned a monster.
"Protect me, Marionette! Please!" Yue commanded.
Evil puppet and Marionette fight in the air. People near the place come to
the two summoner. Yue confused, he doesn't want somebody know his true
form, but Zagato cast spell and the time freeze.
"Now we can fight." He said coldly.
Marionette screamed and he fall down from the air. Evil Puppet's stroke too
loud for Marionette and he fall down.
"No! Marionette!" Yue ran into Marionette, but Marionette disappeared.
"No...this can't be! Noooo!" Yue said loudly.
"See? You know you can't win from me, and it easily for me to kill a little
kid like you. Come, Yue. Give up now, and I kill you."
But Yue cast a spell to summoned a monster. A light shining from it's
"Go! Moshi!", he commanded.
A monster called Moshi fly and fight with Evil Puppet.
"Zagato! Please stop this! Please, Zagato..." Yue said sadly.
"Yeah. I will stop it, but I will kill you and destroy this Earth." Zagato
"So how, Yue? You want to die before you saw everyone dies? Or you want to
die with they all? Choose one, and I will do it." Zagato smiled coldly.
"I will stop you!" Yue run to Zagato and he hits Zagato, as loud as he can.
But Zagato moved, and he hits Yue, louder than Yue. Yue feel hurt, and fall
down to ground.
"You strong." He said.
"Yeah, I am the strongest summoner in the world. No one can beat me."
Zagato smiled again.
"Ok, you did it. Kill me, before I see them-with my own eyes-dies. Kill me
now, Zagato!"
"What's wrong?"
"My, my...you're monster is too strong for Evil Puppet. Look, the suck Evil
Puppet die!" he said. Yue look at Moshi, and he feel so happy to beat
Zagato's monster.
"Good job, Moshi! Come!" say Yue. Moshi fly into Yue and Yue hugged Moshi.
Yue started to cry-because he was 8 years old-and hugged Moshi as loud as
he can. "Moshi, sorry. Sorry to hurt you! I'm so sorry. Now, let me cure
Yue cast spell, and Moshi come back to normal condition, like before he
fought Evil Puppet.
"And, if you met Marionette in Cephiro, please say to him to forgive me,
Ok? Now, you can come back to Cephiro." Yue said and Moshi disappeared.
Zagato staring at Yue, confused.
"Zagato, I'm sorry. I get a wrong choose. I will fight you, until I die. I
will fight as much as I can! I know you are stronger than me, but only this
I have to do to all my friends, especially Sakura. Zagato, I want to fight
you because I have many friends I should protect. I must protect they all,
because they all protect me too! Now, it's my turn to protect them. I'm so
happy I have people I should protect. I have a friend now. Let me fight
you, until one of our will die. Now, take this...!"
"Wait!" Zagato said, "Yue, what make you choose other? Why so fast? And you
said...your friends protect you...I...I don't understand! I'm alone...I
can't friends with human...I'm alone! Yue! You are not human, but why they
want to be friends with you? I can't believe...! I don't understand!"
"Moshi beat you're monster, so I think I can beat you, but not with power,
"With what? No one is important! The very important I should have is power!"
"You are fight with you're power, so anyone feel so scared to be friends
with you! You will beat everything with love, Zagato! You will find you're
friends if you have love, love to protect and loving someone. And now you
don't have it! You said to you're monster 'suck', while they believed you,
so they want to be your monster! They love you, Zagato! But, you let your
monster hurt, without curing them, and let them dies, for you only, and
what can you pay back to them? You are so cold, Zagato! While your monster
die, you are acting so normal, and acting like 'who-cares' to them, while
they all believing you!"
"But you let your Marionette die too!"
"It's because I don't have any idea to protect my friends! I know
Marionette will forgive me, if I said 'I'm sorry', but say it with love!"
"You...! What do you say about my friends-my monster?"
"WHAT? You say you're monster 'you're friends'? How dare you...why you hurt
them if they are you're friends? They all protect you, but you are not
protect them! And because that, you're Evil Puppet die. And you call them
you're friends? You are a bastard man if you say that, Zagato!"
"Now...we can fight." Yue said.
"Yue..." a sword-bigger than a normal sword-appear in Zagato's left hand.
"Ok, I ready anytime."
The sword are in Zagato's stomach. A blood appeared and Zagato...die.
"Zagatoooooo!!!" Yue screamed, as loud as he can. He started to cry again.
"Don't cry...I dead as my wish, not your fault. Now...you can met...again
with...your friends. And please...forgive me...you can?"
"I...I can! I promise! I forgive you!"
"Thanks. And now I'm so happy for met again with
my...friends...in...hell... thanks, Yue..."
"Nooooooooo!!! Zagatooooo!!!"

After that, Yue told to Sakura, everything about Zagato.
"Sakura, I will reincarnate, become Tory's friend. And I will older than
you if you met with me. But don't worry. I will be alright. Only this can I
do to Zagato. I will become him, and I will friends with Tory, met with the
friends. He wanted a friend so much, so I choose Tory. I will become a half
of human. Ok, Sakura? I will go now. Met again with me, but my name will be
Zagato, not Yue again. I am locked on a book, and later you will find me,
as your brother's friend, and as a Clow Guardian. Bye."
"One more, Yue!" Sakura said, "You talk about Zagato. Who is him?"
"He...he is my...he is my friend. He's my best FRIEND."


Author's note:
So, how's it? Hate it? Like it? I know you hate this, I know my english
bad, soooo bad. If you have critic or whatever your mind with this story,
e-mail me at:
you can say: "This fanfic is suck!" --> it's alright

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