FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captor Sakura… she belong to CLAMP

TITLE: Follow your heart

The night was falling and a girl was sitting alone on a bench looking at the sky thinking about her live, her friends, her magic and about the worlds that Yukito said to her.
The clock was ringing it was 7:30, and Sakura still didn't got up, Kero-chan tried to woke her up, but without success. Sakura was really a deep sleeper, but finally the efforts of the yellow "thing" (an: now he is going to kill me ^^) were paid, Sakura opened her eyes and sleepily looked at her yellow friend, than she noticed the hour and yelled:
"Kero-chan why didn't you woke me up sooner?"
Kero-chan looked at Sakura like he was gonna to kill her but he only said:
"I tried do it… it's your fault,…"
Sakura was putting on her school uniform, trying to do it faster. Then she was on the stairs saying:
"ok, ok…"
Touya was leaving the house and Sakura was eating her breakfast really fast, but he left without her, like always… She finished her meal and put her rollers on, the school was beginning and she was late, very late. Finally she entered the class and the professor behind her, she made it again. Tomoyo smiled to her and she did it in response… The lesson went boring on, Sakura's eyes were on Syaoran. She was thinking again about Yukito and his words, she had to talk about that with Tomoyo… Then finally the bell ring. The boys went out to play football. Sakura and Tomoyo like always went out to take their lunch.
"Sakura-chan are you feeling ok?…"
"Yes, why?"
"You look so deferent…"
Sakura looked at her meal and than at her best friend.
"Oh, Tomoyo-chan, you know that yesterday I talked to Yukito about my feelings…"
Tomoyo looked at her friend waiting to listen to her friend's story, sipping her tea, with a little concern in her eyes.
---* FLASH BACK *---
Sakura was going to Yukito's house alone, determinate to tell her feelings. It was a little scary, but she had to do it. She met Yukito on her way…
She turned nervous and look at him.
"I was looking for you…"
"For me?"
"I have to talk to you Yukito-kun."
"Ok, lets go to the park."
Sakura followed silently her friend, not knowing how to begin her speech. Then they reached the park and Yukito find a very appropriate place to sit down. Sakura nervously smiled.
"So Sakura-chan, about what you want to talk? I hope I can help."
"Yukito I wanted to say this for long, but I hadn't enough courage, to tell you. I want to tell you about my feelings for you."
Yukito looked at her seriously, not wanting to cut her of.
"So today I took all my courage to tell you that I really like you, I'm in love with you…"
Sakura was looking down waiting for him to reply, than she felt his hand under the chin and she looked in his eyes. His look was gentile it was affection in his eyes but no love, maybe love for a little sister, but nothing more. She felt crying, but she didn't do it.
"Sakura listen to me."
Sakura listened not saying anything.
"You for me are like a sister I never had, I know that your love is not a love of a girl for a boy, but the other one, like you have for your family. If you listen to your heart you'll find that I'm right, and you'll find that your affection in that way is for someone else and not for me…"
"Sakura, look at the bottom of your heart."
Sakura looked at Yukito, than smiled a little smile.
"I'll try,…, Yukito-kun… can we be friends?"
"Of course Sakura-chan"
---* FLASH BACK *---
"So you see Tomoyo-chan…"
Tomoyo smiled.
"I see that you are not upset."
Sakura looked at her friend, not knowing how to explain, but Tomoyo begin:
"You are not upset, because you find out that, you really love him like a brother, but you aren't shore about your feeling towards some one else, is that?"
Sakura nodded:
"Yeah, I looked down my heart…"
"And you find that you have feelings for someone we know very well"
Sakura looked surprised her best friend.
"How do you know it's he?"
"My dear Sakura-chan, I sow you in the class how were you looking at him, so say, you don't know what to do next?"
Sakura looked again to her not touched meal and whispered:
"Why just you don't follow your heart, like Yukito said to you?"
Sakura looked at Tomoyo opened mouth
"Are you crazy, I can't go to him saying: I love you!… And I know that he hates me…"
Tomoyo laughed
"Oh, Sakura sometimes you are really blind!"
"What do you want to say with this?"
"Look casually behind you and you'll understand"
Tomoyo thought to herself: 'I hope she does!'
Sakura turned around trying to act normally and her eyes met Syaoran's eyes. She thought to her self: 'I could melt in his eyes' and than red as a tomato turned facing Tomoyo.
"So what?"
Tomoyo looked at her friend suspicious.
"If really he hates you, would he looked at you like that?"
"I don't know, anyway I'm not going to tell him…"
"You prefer that he goes back to Hong Kong without knowing about your feelings?"
Sakura yelled:
"Sakura-chan, we both know that he will had to leave, sooner o later, isn't a better idea telling him your feelings?"
Sakura looked again to her never touched meal and whispered:
"I guess so…"
Tomoyo looked at her best friend, and smiled a little about her little love problems.
"Eat now, ok."
Later Syaoran looked for Tomoyo, and he finally find her alone, without Sakura.
"Ehm, Tomoyo-kun…"
Tomoyo looked at Syaoran smiling:
"Yes, Syaoran-kun?"
Syaoran looked really embarrassed…
"Can you tell me what happened to Sakura, she is acting strangely today."
Tomoyo's smile went even bigger:
"Oh, yesterday she told her feelings to Yukito, and…"
Syaoran paled
"… but he made her find out that he wasn't in love with him…"
At this statement, Syaoran begin to breath again relived.
"So, Syaoran-kun, why are you so concern about Sakura-chan anyway?"
She knew for long that Syaoran was in love with Sakura, but she didn't say anything till today on this argument to him. Syaoran looked now red of embarrassment at Tomoyo , not knowing exactly what to say.
"Oh, come on, you know that you can't hide it from me."
Syaoran looked down:
"You are right,…, so you know… for how long?"
"Not really much, but I sow you looking strangely at her lately."
"So you are saying that, she get over Yukito, and that I have a chance?"
Tomoyo nodded in agreement.
"You shore?"
Tomoyo now only smiled, and begin going away:
"Syaoran-kun, find your luck trying to follow your heart…"
Syaoran looked at leaving Tomoyo not knowing how to react to her worlds.
Sakura was sitting home, not knowing really what to think, then entered her brother focusing his attention on her.
"Monster, you ok?"
Sakura looked at her brother with killer eyes and got up, when she put her shoes on.
"I'm not a monster and yes I'm ok, and now I am going for a walk…"
Saying that she went out and she ran towards the park. There she begin to walk normally and finally found a good place to look at the stars and think without being interrupted.
'Maybe Tomoyo-chan is right, maybe he cares for me, but I'm afraid, I don't want to be rejected again,…, well I wasn't really rejected, Yukito only said that I wasn't in love with him, and he really was right. I found out that my childish crush on Yukito transformed in brother love long ago, and the person that I really love is Syaoran, but how can I say that to him, I can't go to him and kiss him or something like that… Oh I am so confused, I really don't know what to do… If only…'
Here she was cut by very known voice.
"Sakura-kun… what are you doing here all alone?"
Hearing Syaoran's voice she looked surprised at him, than she managed to say:
"I…was looking at stars…and thinking…"
Syaoran smiled a little and asked:
"Can I sit and watch them with you?"
Sakura only nodded, and hi did so. They sit in silence thinking of their love problems.
'Well here I am, but what can I do now, that I asked if I can sit next her… I see that she doesn't mind, but she is so strange today, maybe Tomoyo-kun is right, maybe I DO stand a chance with Sakura-chan, my beautiful dear Sakura-chan…'
'He is sitting right next to me, and it's not a daydream, maybe he does care for me, but how can I tell him that the person I most care about is he, and how can I tell him that he is all my world, and how can I tell him that I LOVE HIM'
In the same moment they looked at each other, blushing furiously they turned away not knowing how o act and what to say. Finally Syaoran decided to begin a conversation:
"So,…, tonight the stars are really beautiful."
He then thought to him self: 'But I can't compare them to your beauty.'
Sakura smiled a little and nodded in agreement:
"Yes they are,…, every time, when I want to thing, or want to get rid of my big bro, I come here, because I don't want him thinking that I'm ill or something is wrong with me… so I go for a walk and than sit here and watch the starry sky…"
Syaoran's eyes were now fixed on Sakura, she was really beautiful to him
'Oh gosh, I want to tell her my feelings but I don't know how,… her lips are so inviting, her green eyes are so beautiful, oh what can I do…'
He didn't notice that now he was really too close to her face and when Sakura opened her eyes she looked directly in Syaoran's ones. They looked like this for few moments and than he couldn't take it anymore, he had to kiss her. He brushed his lips on hers gently at first and when Sakura parted hers was all the encouragement he needed and he deepened the kiss. At firs Sakura was really surprised but than she closed her eyes inviting him further. Their first kiss was the most magical moment that they could have in there lives. Syaoran's arms went around Sakura's waist and he hugged her tightly, while her hands were playing with his hair. They didn't want to stop kissing, but they had to breath to, so they parted. They looked in each other eyes not saying nothing at the beginning. Than Syaoran begin:
"Sakura-chan, I'm really sorry, for what I've done…"
He looked miserable, she then only smiled and hushed him with her finger. He looked at her:
"Don't say you are sorry, I was waiting for this moment for a long time, only that I didn't know it till yesterday. Please don't say that this was a mistake…"
Now it was Syaoran's turn to silence her, he smield at her huging her close to her:
"You didn't make me finished, what I as going to say is that I only follow my heart and that I kissed you because I love you, I really do…"
Sakura had tears of joy in her eyes and she hugged him and kissing him on his lips, than she said:
"Aishiteru Syaoran-chan, and I'm glad you followed your heart…"
In the nearest bush:
"Ok, I taped it, I'm so glad that they find their love like this,…, how romantic…"
"I must say that the brat isn't that bad…"
"He kissed her, I'm going to kill him!"
A hand hushed the voice in the second bush and Yukito tried to drag Touya away, so he could not disturbed the new find love of his sister.
"I'm glad for you Sakura-chan, that you find your real love, I wish you the best in your live, little one."

-----* Author's Note *-----
Ok, I haven't write for a while, I have totally lost my inspiration, it was terrible, and the other problem was that I had a lot of exams. Finally I decided that it was time to write the fic that I planed a year ago, hope you like it, write me your comments I love mail. This Fic I written listening to music that my boyfriend made for me, hope you really like it ^^
Hugs Hota-chan

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