FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Konnichiwa, minna-san! Hellmaster here! Before you read on, I would like to make sure if you're a Sakura-Syaoran fan. If you are, I hope you'll enjoy the fic even though it's a bit crappy. If you are not, Please don't read on and forget you saw this fic. Those who are planning to send flames, GET A CLUE! >ahem< Anyway, this fan fiction might be a little far-fetched from the original series so I hope you won't go calling me stupid or anything as harsh as that.
Okay, without further warnings, read on this little fic of mine, and I hope you'll like it!
(All the characters in this fan fiction belong to their respective owners. I don't own them in any way, so I hope no one will sue me for that.)

Chapter one

----- " Are you ready? "
----- " Yes. "
----- " Take my hand. Trust me it will be all right. "
----- " I will. "
[Blinding light is seen coming from the center of an unknown darkness]

A girl with short auburn hair yawned sleepily. Her dark-green eyes slowly opened, fresh from well-rested sleep.
" Sakura! " a voice called. " Sakura! "
Sakura's eyes and mouth flung open startled by the intensity of the voice. She turned and came face-to-face with a yellow-furred, mouse-like creature glaring at her.
" HOOOEEEEEEE!!! " she cried, sweat drops forming on her forehead.
" Sakura! " it yelled again. " Why are you still in bed?! "
" Nani?" Sakura asked. " Douka shita no, Kero-chan? "
Kero-chan shook its head. " You're going to be late for school Sakura!! "
At this, Sakura fell off her bed in an instant. " HOOOEEEEE!!!" she cried.
Sakura practically flew down the stairs all dressed in her Tomoeda Elementary School uniform. Her father at the foot of the stairs met her.
" Ohayou, otousan! " Sakura greeted.
" Ohayou, Sakura-chan! " he greeted back. " No breakfast today?" he guessed.
" Hai. I'll make up during recess. Besides, I'm not hungry." she explained. She turned to the door. " I'll go now. "
" Itterasshai! "
" Ittekimasu! " The door shut behind her.

At Tomoeda Elementary . . .


Sakura looked up from her writing pad. They were having a test during Math class, and to Sakura's relief, it was already recess.
" I'm gonna fail! I just know it! " Sakura wailed when they were already walking along the hallway.
" Calm down, Sakura-chan. " Tomoyo-chan said with her face obviously filled with amusement. " You'll feel better after recess. "
Sakura then felt her stomach growl. " I guess your right. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet because I overslept. " She smiled cutely.
" Sakura-chan, you're sooo cute! " Tomoyo-chan mused. " I wish I could've captured this moment with my camcorder. " Her eyes sparkled like diamonds.
Sakura sweat dropped.
Chiharu, Rika and Naoko, who are now standing behind Tomoyo, also sweat dropped.
Sakura greeted them. " Hi! How'd you do in the test? "
Chiharu made a thumb down sign.
Rika made a face.
Naoko placed her hand on her cheek and shook her head.
" You too, huh? " Sakura said sadly.

Then they heard two familiar male voices coming towards them.
" What are you saying? You're not leaving, are you? "
" I actually hope not but I have to follow as the heir. "
" Bummer. "
" . . . . "

The five girls stood there listening. When the two figures finally appeared clear, the girls stared at the two persons they knew so well.
It was Takashi and Syaoran!

The two seemed to notice they were being stared at since they were coming right towards the group. When the two finally reached them, Takashi shot up a conversation. " Hi girls! " he greeted. " I particularly cannot help but notice that you are staring at us. May we help you in some way? "
Li-kun remained silent looking away.
Sakura looked at him curiously.
" Well, if you guys would kindly explain to us what you were talking about, we will be much obliged." Chiharu said, mimicking Takashi's choice of speaking.
" Well, if Li here is willing to comply, I will be more than happy to fill you in on the details. " Takashi replied in an as-a-matter-of-factly manner.
The group looked at Syaoran who looked away and gave a small nod.
Attention was then brought back to Takashi. He cleared his throat and proceeded. " It is a very long story, really. To make it a bit short, I'll summarize it. ---- Way back in time, the Li family has an ancient heirloom, The Legendary Phoenix Orb, which is given to the Chosen One after every 100 years. Unfortunately for Li Syaoran here, the 100 years had passed and the Orb must be passed down. Syaoran, being the Chosen One, must carry on its legacy and have descendants of his own. Receiving the heirloom itself will bring ancestral power to the keeper. For the rite to begin, Li Syaoran must find a wife within this year, as so his family insists."
" Wait a second¡K" Rika interrupted, a bit confused. " Isn't Mei Ling-chan Li-kun's fiancee? "
Sakura felt a pang, not knowing why. She looked at Syaoran who seemed to be quite annoyed by Rika's comment.
" I'm not finished yet. " Takashi said. " It is the heirloom that decides who Li Syaoran is to be married to. It happens to be that Mei Ling isn't chosen so Li Yelan, Syaoran's mother, broke off the engagement. No one, minus Mei Ling, opposed since they all respect the Orb for it is considered sacred. It is somewhat one of those 'do or die' stuff. "
" Wow." Naoko gasped in amazement.
Sakura frowned. " Then why, if I heard right, do Syaoran have to leave? "
Her answer was a complete silence.
Syaoran decided to speak up. " It is said that in the 100 year span of the Chosen One's given time he still hadn't undergone the rite, he and his clan will suffer unbearable punishments from the Curse." he said gazing directly at Sakura. It was so intense and sincere that it made Sakura blush. No one seemed to have noticed, to Sakura's relief.
" When will you be leaving for Hong Kong then? " Tomoyo asked.
Syaoran thought for a while. " I guess in about a week or two. "
" So soon?! " Sakura blurted out.
Syaoran stared at Sakura. Her normally bright eyes were now filled with anxiety and worry. He hated himself whenever he made Sakura unhappy-- not that he cared for her or anything-- or did he? / Listen to me Kami! I must be mad! / he thought in disbelief. Much as he would hate to admit it though, he knew he liked Sakura. Actually-- he _ loves _ her. He erased the thought out of his head. / Did I just say I love Sakura? Now I know I'm losing it! / he thought bitterly to himself.
He sighed. Who was he kidding? He loved her a long time ago. He just can't bring himself to admit it though. He had tried but it was not a success. He knew he might not be able to try again-- no, not yet. Hmmm.. He was to leave for Hong Kong in search of a wife. What will he do then? His foolishness had made him so controllable. He had let himself get in the way of his own wants, torn between family and self.
Tomoyo, who seemed to have read his thoughts, sighed and said, " But do Li-kun want to go back and get engaged by a decision which is his own? "
Everyone was silent filled with his or her own thoughts.
Tomoyo (smiles to herself): My, my, I am interested on how this whole thing will turn out.
Naoko (looks at Tomoyo): I wonder what Tomoyo is thinking. . .
Rika: How tragic! I think Li-kun must risk all to get what he wants. . .
Chiharu (looks at Takashi): It's the first time I've seen Takashi this serious.
Takashi (serious look): Boy I'm hungry. I wonder what I should eat. . .
Syaoran (blushing): I don't like this at all. . .
Sakura (looks at Syaoran): Poor Li-kun. . .
Takashi cleared his throat and announced, " Well, we must get going and have our recess. That Math test got the best of me and my stomach is desperately screaming for me to feed it."
" I agree." Chiharu said. " Come on, girls. " She turned to Syaoran and Takashi. " You guys can come and eat with us if you'd like."
Takashi quickly agreed and Syaoran made no protests.
" I suppose that's a yes. " Chiharu said. " Yoshi! Off to recess we go! "

" Kinomoto-san! Kinomoto-san! " a voice called.
Sakura turned around and saw Yosiyuki-Sensei running towards her.
She was about to go home when her teacher called her.
Sakura bowed slightly and gave her teacher a puzzled look.
Yosiyuki- Sensei smiled. " Kinomoto-san. I was going to tell you this tomorrow but¡K." he started. " Congratulations, Kinomoto-san. You have been chosen as one of the five representatives of our school to participate in the Interscholastic Competition of gymnastics: Kid's Category. "
Sakura's eyes went wide. " N-Naniii?! "
He gave her a small form. " Don't worry. I will inform your father about it. I'm sure he'll let you go to Hong Kong if it's necessary. "
" Ho-Hong Kong ?! " She was speechless and couldn't do anything to make her mind work.
" Yes. Your plane will leave in about a week." he continued.

Tomoyo smiled. " That's great, Sakura-chan! " she exclaimed.
"Oh, Tomoyo-chan! " Sakura sighed." It is too soon. I'm not ready.
" Oh but I believe that Sakura-chan can be ready anytime she wants to be and I think today will be the best time to use that. " Tomoyo told her.
Sakura became quiet falling into thought. It is a lifetime opportunity, after all. Hong Kong-- It's a nice place. /Hey, wait a minute! / she thought. /That's where Li-kun is going in about a week as well! Coincidence? /
Tomoyo interrupted her thoughts. " Sakura.. that's an interesting shade of crimson you're displaying. " she commented in a teasing manner.
"Eh?! Nani?!! " Sakura cried. " What are you talking about, Tomoyo-chan ? " Her face turned into a deeper and darker shade of red.
" Maa. Maa. No need to be shy, Sakura-chan. " Tomoyo teased.
" Naniii??"
Tomoyo nodded at herself, thinking about things only a girl like her would think. / Tomoyo-chan can be a very unpredictable girl sometimes / Sakura thought.

Li Syaoran placed his hands in his pockets. He was walking alone in the dim streets of his neighborhood.
He then stopped at the door of his apartment room to get a hold of his keys. He turned the lock and opened the door.
Before he had even entered the room, the force of two hands glomping pushed him down.
He looked angrily at who was glomping him. " MEILING ! Get OFF me right now!! " he ordered his temper rising by a 100. He stood up, dusting himself off.
The black-haired girl just gave him a smile. " Certainly will not!!" she beamed.
Syaoran got irritated badly and shook Mei Ling off his arm. He successfully did so and went into his room saying, " Get a life !!!! "
Mei Ling pouted, pissed. " Get a life. " she mimicked making a face. "Geez! " She shrugged and turned away to her own room.

A dark figure hovered around the busy streets of Hong Kong. It then stopped by at a big mansion. The figure stared at it longingly for a while. It looked almost wanting the house.
Then, a fast running truck drove towards him. The driver was drunk and had the stereo turned on into full-blast. He was singing along, not noticing what he was about to hit.
The dark figure jerked its head and saw the truck.

[A blinding light is seen]
Blood spread throughout the street. A figure ran swiftly away leaving the gruesome scene behind. A scene of blood and car parts mixed together, a dead body stained with blood and a white pole sticking out of the corpse's shoulder.

"HOOOOEEEEEE!!!! " A loud THUMP! was heard from upstairs.
Touya, Sakura's protective brother, groaned. " Monster.."
Fujitaka, their father just chuckled. " I guess being the representative of her school in an interscholastic competition in Hong Kong got our little Sakura all worked up."
Touya looked unimpressed. " Most probably."
Fujitaka frowned. " But I can't help but worry about her. Yosiyuki-san said there would be two teachers to accompany the five finalists yet.. I have a bad feeling.. ."
Touya saw how worried his father is about Sakura. He could relate the feeling so he decided to say something assuring to his father. " I am sure Sakura can take care of herself. "
His father gave a weak smile. " I hope so. " His forehead still creased.

Three days after,

" Four days to go before my plane leaves. " Sakura sighed, lying down on the grass near a tree behind the school. She looked up the sky, but just as she did so, she saw a face look down at her. Her eyes were blinded by the sudden sunlight that shone and she had to rub them for her to see.
Sakura looked at the person looking down at her. It was Li Syaoran!
She immediately got up and asked him what he was doing there.
" Nothing." he replied. " I was out walking when I saw you lying down here." He looked around. " What are you doing here? "
" I came here to think . . " Sakura answered.
" And what might you be thinking about. "
" Um, well. . . it's just that I'll be leaving in a few days from now to an interscholastic competition. "
Syaoran frowned. " Leaving? And where to?"
Sakura smiled at him. " Uh well, to Hong Kong. I take it you don't know I'm going there?"
Syaoran nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'm leaving in a few days too. "
Silence between the two.
Sakura broke the silence hoping to release the tension that rose in the air. " Well , I guess we must be going now. It's getting dark."
" Right." was the reply she got.

A few days later, at the airport. . .

Sakura looked at her father and brother. They said good-byes with tears (except for Touya) and gave Sakura hugs. Sakura then turned to her friends. Chiharu and all the others said good-bye and decided to leave Sakura with Tomoyo.
" Oh, Sakura-chan, I'm gonna miss you!!" Tomoyo said sadly.
Sakura smiled at her friend reassuringly. " Don't worry Tomoyo-chan. I'll write to you as often as I can. After one month, I'll be back. "
Tomoyo took Sakura's hand. " Please take care. Kero-chan will stay with me for the mean time. Good luck in the competition. "
Kero-chan wiggled out of Tomoyo-chan's purse. " I'm gonna miss you ! Please take care! "
Sakura gave it a sweet smile. " I will. I'll bring you home sweets if you'd like. "
" Alriiight!! " it squealed.
Sakura lifted her baggages. " I'll miss you, two! " She boarded the plane, her eyes filled with unshed tears, along with the two teacher and four other contestants.
Tomoyo, Kero-chan and all the others waved at Sakura until the plane was too far to be seen. So did Sakura.
Tomoyo sighed. " At least I can be sure she'll be safe since Syaoran would be there.," she said to herself out loud.
The small mouse-like creature heard this and reacted violently. " What?! The brat's going there too?! I didn't know that!!" (Note: the others already left behind Tomoyo and Kero-chan.)
Tomoyo-chan sweatdropped. " Don't overreact. I know how much you don't trust him but he did help her and protect her a lot of times, you know."
" No arguments there, I guess . . ." Kero-chan agreed. " As long as Sakura can be watched over. . I have no objections."
Tomoyo smiled, obviously pleased.

Sakura watched as the figures she was waving at were now micro-sized. The girl sitting beside her tapped her on the shoulder.
Sakura smiled at her. " Hi! "
The girl smiled back. " Hello! Thought that since we're gonna be beside each other the whole flight, let's get acquainted. " She beamed at Sakura." My name is Haruko. Haruko Shinagami. And yours is. . ? "
" Sakura. Sakura Kinomoto."
" Your name is familiar. We're both in fourth grade. ne? "
" Hai. "
Haruko grinned. " I'm gonna warn you that I'm a blabbermouth from the beginning. " she warned good-naturedly. " My friends always say I don't know when to stop! " She laughed.
Sakura giggled and said, " It's alright! I like that in a person. They're easy to get along with. "
Haruko smiled enormously. " Thanks! "
The two immediately got along well. The whole trip to Hong Kong was quite boring though since they'd occasionally run out of things to say.

Finally they arrived in Hong Kong. . .

Sakura gasped at the landmarks they passed by. They were now in the tourist bus that was supposed to take them to their hotel.
Sakura and Haruko were roommates in their hotel. They unpacked their things and decided to go out and check out the landmarks. The teachers allowed them with a condition to go back early and have a map with them.
The two chatted away like old friends.
" By the way, Haruko-chan, do you have an idea why we are supposed to stay for a month. I was sure we'd be able to leave earlier than that." Sakura asked her companion.
Haruko thought for a while. " If I remember correctly. I heard my teacher talk about it to my father. He said that we are staying for a month because the competition will be held longer than expected. By the way, now that you mentioned the competition, did you know that during the competition, a girl might be picked to be engaged to what's-his-name who is the son of one of the most respected families in Hong Kong, also the sponsor of the competition. They say he's quite handsome. "
Sakura thought for a while. / Engagement? Wait a sec, can it possibly be. . ? / " Li-kun. . " she said, not realizing the volume of her voice.
Haruko perked up. " YEAH! That's right! The Li family! How'd you know, Sakura-chan?! " She looked at Sakura and frowned, " What's wrong, Sakura? You look pale. "
Sakura laughed at herself. " HAHA! It's nothing, really! "
" Gee, you're a bad liar. " Haruko scratched her head in disbelief.

A figure watched them from afar. It gave out an evil cackle and stalked away into a dark cabin.

Did you guys find it boring? Sorry about the fic sucking as much babies sucks their fingers ( sorry. I can't resist ). I'll make it up to you. At least, I hope I can. ^^;
By the way, I want comments, guys! Did you like it? I hope you did. Did you hate it? Please be gentle when telling me so. That's all! Thank you very much!
E-mail me at hellmaster_fiblizo@yahoo.com


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