FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Konnichiwa, minna-san! Hellmaster here! Before you read on, I would like to make sure if you're a Sakura-Syaoran fan. If you are, I hope you'll enjoy the fic even though it's a bit crappy. If you are not, Please don't read on and forget you saw this fic. Those who are planning to send flames, GET A CLUE! >ahem< Anyway, this fan fiction might be a little far-fetched from the original series so I hope you won't go calling me stupid or anything as harsh as that.
Okay, without further warnings, read on this little fic of mine, and I hope you'll like it!
(All the characters in this fan fiction belong to their respective owners. I don't own them in any way, so I hope no one will sue me for that.)

Chapter two

Syaoran got off the plane, baggage and all, expecting to see familiar faces in a short while.
" Syaoran! "
" Brother! "
Syaoran saw his mother and his four sisters who was waving at him. He approached them and was greeted by hugs and kisses like a storm.
" We missed you so much! " Li Fuutie cried.
" Yeah !!! OOOHH, you've grown! " Li Shiefa said, pinching his cheeks.
As his four sisters were making a fuss over him, his mother watched him keen eyes. She beckoned the girls to stop the nonsense and faced Syaoran.
" I believe you already know what your business here is. " she said.
Syaoran stood straight and answered, " Yes. I received the message a few weeks ago. "
Li Yelan turned around and said, " Well then, we must be going now."
She led them to the white limousine. Wei was already there and opened the door of the car for them.
Yelan turned to her children. " Come. "
They all obeyed. Syaoran handed over his luggage to Wei and went in. The engine was now running and they were ready to go.
The whole ride was very silent. Syaoran looked out the window, looking as if the answers to his many questions were found outside.

" Oh! So his name is Li Syaoran. Ooh, would I like to see him! " Haruko giggled. She jerked her head towards Sakura and asked, " But first, I want to make sure if you're not interested in him in any way. . . So, do you like him? "
Sakura was surprised at her new friend's question. " Well. . . why wouldn't I? I mean, his a very good friend of mine and. . ."
" WhAAAt?" Haruko exclaimed and then, laughed. " So I guess it's tough on me, then. "
Sakura, being as dense as she is, didn't understand what was actually happening.
" Hoee?"
" Oh! Would you like to see him right now?" Haruko asked. " I know that his mansion is just around the corner."
Sakura's eyes lit up. " We can? "
" Sure. We could just ask around. I'm sure we'll find it." Haruko smiled.
" Besides, I want to see what he looks like."
Sakura smiled back.
Haruko looked at the crowd ahead of them. " Woah! I wonder what happened? "
" Let's go and ask. " Sakura said, already running over to the crowd.

" Excuse me, sir. May I know what happened here? " Haruko asked.
The old man with a scar on his forehead answered, " I heard that there was an accident here last night. I don't really know what is happening but there had been lots of accidents occurring in this here parts. The gruesome part is, most of the victims are all crushed like mashed potatoes." He walked away shaking his head.
Both Sakura and Haruko were shocked.
" Good thing we didn't see the corpse. It would haunt me in my dreams, or even give me nightmares or something." Haruko said, obviously relieved.
" Hooeee! With all those dead victims, I'm sure there'll be a lot of ghosts here during at night. . " Sakura shuddered at her own words.
" Well, we better hurry up. " Haruko told Sakura.

The car stopped for a while.
Li Yelan asked Wei what was wrong. Wei said that there were too many people on the road.
She then got off the car and went to find a supervising police officer.

While she was gone, Syaoran's sisters found the opportunity to continue fussing over Syaoran.
Li Fanren ruffled Syaoran's already messy hair." So how are you now? "
" Did you enjoy staying in Japan? Did you make friends with anybody?" Li Feimei asked.
Syaoran answered them. " I'm alright. I did enjoy staying in Japan and definitely made new friends there. " He stopped for a moment as he remembered Sakura. " Definitely. I really LIKED it there. . . ", he whispered to himself.
" OoH! I think Syaoran has a girlfriend there! " Li Shiefa cried in a sing-songy voice.
Syaoran snapped out of his day-dreaming state and yelled, " WHAT?!"
" Oh, he definitely has one alright! " Li Fuutie exclaimed happily.
Syaoran blushed a deep shade of red.
" OH MY!! He's B-LU-SHING!! " Li Fanren shrieked.
In the front of the car, Wei coughed and smiled a little.

Sakura looked back at the crowd once again. She saw a tall woman approaching a police officer.
Haruko followed Sakura's gaze. Both of them stared for a while.

Li Yelan approached the officer.
" Would you kindly make way for our car to pass through? The crowd is blocking the road. " she said in a bossy manner.
The officer had his back on her. " I'm sorry but I . . " the gruff policeman started as he turned around. His eyes widened when he saw Li Yelan.
" O-Ofcourse, Ma'am. I'll do my best. " he replied.

Sakura and Haruko watched as the officer shooed away the crowd to make way for a white limousine.
Haruko turned to Sakura. " Gee, that lady must be very powerful. . AND RICH! Look at their car! "
Sakura agreed. She stared at the car, wondering why she was feeling strangely as she gazed at it.
The lady went back in the car and the car proceeded to go their way.

Syaoran looked outside the window again as the car became silent again. He didn't know if it is his imagination but he is feeling a presence as his car proceeded forward. It was so much like. . . no, it couldn't be.
Right at that moment, he saw something that might have made his eye balls pop out with surprise. He ordered Wei to stop at that instance.
His mother gave him. . . a LOOK. His sisters became very curious.

Sakura and Haruko was very surprised when they saw the white car pull to a stop. A boy went down from the car and approached them
Sakura's heart was racing as she saw who the boy was.
" Li-kun! " Sakura exclaimed, her heart skipping a beat when she said the name. Honestly, she really didn't know why she was feeling so. . so. . EXCITED to see him.
Haruko looked on as Sakura's cheeks begin to color.
Syaoran finally reached the two girls and greeted them.
" What are you doing here? It's pretty late. " Syaoran asked in a worried tone.
" Um. . I. .well. . " Sakura started. " Oh! Before that, this is Haruko Shinagami, a new friend of mine."
Syaoran acknowledged her presence and shook her hand.
Haruko, on the other hand, couldn't help notice how cute he was. (^^;)
" I'm sure the two of you are tired. Maybe I can offer you a ride? " Syaoran said.
" I'm not sure. . It would be so much trouble for you and. . ." Sakura started.
" It's alright." A voice interrupted.
The three turned to look who it is and found Li Yelan standing before them. Wei had moved the car nearer to the three of them so they didn't have to cross the street to go to the car.
" Come on. " Syaoron urged.
Haruko nudged Sakura. " Hey, didn't we come here to see them in the first place? Accept the offer! "
Sakura nodded.

After a short ride, they finally arrived at the mansion. Both Sakura and Haruko gasped at the size of the Li's house.
Haruko tapped Sakura on the shoulder and whispered in her ear, " Boy, are you lucky! "
Sakura got confused but decided to let it slip.

Meanwhile, Syaoran's four sisters were having a conversation of their own. . .
" Oooh! I wonder which one is Syaoran's GIRLFRIEND?! " Shiefa exclaimed.
" Maybe it's the cute girl with the short hair. . . " Feimei suggested.
" Maybe it's the other girl with the long pig-tailed hair. . . " Fanren said.
" I don't think so. " Fuutie said. " When he approached them, he only talked to the short-haired girl. It seems that he only met the other girl today."
"Oooh! Did you guys noticed that Syaoran suddenly became "liberate" when he saw her? HOW CUUUTTEEE!!! " Shiefa cried.
Fanren nodded. " She MUST be PRETTY SPECIAL!!"
" Syaoran, that sly dog! " Fuutie shrieked.
" AND I thought he'll turn GAY! " Feimei exclaimed.
The three other girls stared at Feimei and giggled their heads off.

" Sir, are you alright? " Wei asked concerned.
" Yeah. I'm fine. " Syaoran answered. He turned to where his sisters were huddled giggling over something.

They all went in the mansion and had some desert.

Li Yelan turned to Sakura. " Where are you girls staying?"
Haruko gulped her food in a jiffy and answered for her friend. " We're staying at a hotel on Main Street. "
Li Yelan looked at Haruko and averted her gaze back to Sakura.
A nerve popped out of Haruko's head. " Geez! What AM I?! Chopped liver?! "she thought to herself. ~~ !: (
Sakura sweatdropped.
Li Yelan softened her gaze and said, " You girls are welcome in our home anytime. Right? " She turned to Syaoran and his four sisters.
" YEAH! DEFINITELY! " the four girls exclaimed.
" OOH! WHEN IS THE WEDDING ??!!!! " Shiefa shouted.
The three other girls had to restrain Shiefa from jumping up and down.
" Wedding?" Li Yelan turned to Syaoran who was beet red.
Sakura and Haruko looked at each other. Both of them equally confused as Yelan.
" Did they already choose a bride for Li-kun? " Sakura whispered to her friend.
" No idea. " was the reply she got.

It was already late and the two girls had to go back to their hotel. Syaoran's mother and sisters waved good-bye to the two girls while Syaoran and Wei accompanied them.

Inside the car. . .

" So, Li-kun, what's your type of girl?" Haruko asked curiously.
Syaoran's eyes widened. " EH?!"
Haruko couldn't help but laugh at him. " OH COME ON! Don't be shy! Let me guess, if my instincts were correct, your type of girl would definitely fit SAKURA's description, WOULDN'T IT?! " she said giggling.
At this, Sakura left her gaze out the window and looked at Syaoran.
Both of them blushed REDDER than a tomato.
Haruko laughed and fell HARD on the floor of the car.
They could hear Wei's muffled laugh from the driver's seat.
" Stop it, Haruko! " Sakura pleaded.
Haruko was now crying with great mirth. She has now found a definitely ENJOYABLE new hobby.

To Syaoran and Sakura's relief, they finally arrived at the hotel and saved them an earful of Haruko's hysterical laughs. ( note that Haruko was laughing the whole way, and both Sakura and Syaoran might as well have gone deaf. )
" Thank you very much. " Sakura bowed to Syaoran and Wei.
Haruko was still overwhelmed with laughter. " Y-yeahhaha! Thank YOU!! . . . BWAHHAHAHAHA!!! "
They all sweatdropped.
" Wei and I better get going now. Goodnight to the both of you." Syaoran said.
" Thank you. Goodnight, too. " Sakura gave Syaoran a sweet smile.
Syaoran blushed and nodded.
Wei and Syaoran got in the car and left.

Haruko finally snapped out of it. " What? They left already. "
Sakura nodded.
" And you DIDN'T give him a goodnight KISS?? " Haruko giggled.
" HOOEEE!!!"

The next day wasn't a bit more subtle. Sakura and Haruko went to the gym with the other contestants to practice. The two teachers that accompanied them disappeared somewhere and they were left there in the gym for a while.
" Geez, where are they, anyway?" an older girl asked her companions, obviously irritated.
" I don't know. " the youngest of all the five contestants answered.

Somewhere in the world. . .
" Ahhh! We're finally alone. . ."
" Oh! Don't shove that bushy thing in me! "
" Why not?! This is the only time we have together. "
" Oh heck! I give! "
(^^;) hehe. . .

" My ankle hurts! " Haruko wailed.
Sakura looks at Haruko's ankle worried. " You did fall pretty hard. Maybe we should go to the clinic. "
Haruko smiled gratefully at Sakura. " I guess I can handle this. "
Suddenly, a group of girls with red uniforms went inside the gym.
The girl with blonde hair, who seemed to be the leader of the group, stopped infront of Sakura and Haruko.
She smirked " My, My. You hurt your little ankle. Can't take the heat, girl?! "
" Who do you think you are anyway? " Haruko growled.
" OH! I didn't properly introduce myself. " the girl smiled sarcastically. " The name's Victoria Genevieve. I'm the representative of the Maroon Rose School Elementary."
Sakura leaned over to Haruko. " Is there such a thing as a maroon rose? " she whispered.
Haruko just laughed and faced Victoria. " MAROON ROSE?! What kind of name is that?! "
Victoria sweatdropped, obviously embarassed of her mistake. " WELL, what do YOU know?! "
Haruko and Victoria proceeded glaring at each other.
" Stop that, immediately! " a voice shouted. It was the coach of the opposing team.
Victoria took a step back but eyed Haruko carefully.
Haruko rolled her eyes and turned to Sakura. " Let's go some place else. "
So the two went to the snack bar of the gym. They would've gone to a restaurant but the teachers will have a hard time finding them.
Sakura sipped her ice cream soda ( OOH! I'd like to see how it tasted like! ). Haruko bit the last of her ham sandwich and gulped her Coke.
Sakura smiled at Haruko. " I'm glad that was over. "
" MY! MY! Look who's here! "
Haruko frowned. " Not YOU again! GET LOST! "
Victoria opened her mouth but stopped in the middle of her sentence. Haruko and Sakura both looked to see who it is.
WOW! It was Li Yelan along with Syaoran. Syaoran looked their way and lifted his head at Sakura and Haruko. The two girls waved at him in return.
" What a cutie! " Victoria gasped. ( Oops! Is my guts showing? ^^; I think its becoming obvious I think Syaoran's cute. VERY CUTE! )
Haruko scowled. " HA! TOO LATE! He already has a SPECIAL SOMEONE! " she declared, pointing at the blushing Sakura.
Victoria tsked. She faced Haruko and said, " If he was yours, I would've stolen him from you. I guess I'll waste my time if I did it to her ( points at Sakura ). There are plenty of fish in the sea and I tell you, I'm a good fisher! "
Sakura sweatdropped. " Fisher? " ( I think I can see fishes. . .)

Syaoran sniffled a little. He looked at the girls. " I wonder what they're talking about."

Sakura looked at Syaoran who was looking at them. She smiled at him and went over.
" Hi! ", she greeted when she finally reached him. " What brought you here? "
Syaoran glanced at his mother who was inquiring with the gym supervisor which, if I may add, was gay. He faced Sakura again and said, " My mother wanted to see how the contestants are doing. " He paused. " Wait a second, you said before that you were in a competition. Is it the. . ? "
" Interscholastic Competition for gymnastics. Yes. " Sakura continued for him, giving him a sweet smile.
Syaoran blushed and said nothing.
Sakura smiled at him again. " I guess I should go now. " She went away and waved at Syaoran when she reached Haruko again. Syaoran blushed even more.

The next day, the competition's opening was held near the Li's house. Unfortunately, the Tomoeda contestants got a bit late because some morons forgot all about them and took all night to fetch them from the gym. ( Lucky for them, a kind soul offered them a ride. )
The speaker looked around the gymnasium. " Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to declare open the competition starting today. " She took a list of competitors and read it, " Up first will be the. . . "
Haruko turned to Sakura. " Let's go, Sakura-chan. I don't feel like watching today. I was so exhausted from yesterday's mishaps. "
Sakura agreed. " Yeah... "
Haruko's eyes lit up. " Wanna visit the Li's? "
" What?! " Sakura got surprised at her friend's suggestion. " We might end up bothering them. I- I don't think it's such a good idea, Haruko. "
Haruko sighed. " I guess you're right. " She looked up and suddenly, her eyes shot wide open. " Isn't that Li-kun?! "
Sakura looked at the balcony of the gym. Haruko was right. He was talking to his mother about something. Sakura narrowed her eyes and saw a small crystal ball glowing in his mother's hands. All of a sudden, she felt very weak.
Then, everything went black.

Do you think it's okay? The fic, I mean. It's obvious I got a little crazy there but I hope it still turned out okay. Sorry for the extra doodles there. I can't help myself from making comments. GOMEN! ^^; I'm very sorry if you didn't like the fic that much. I hope I'll be able to make it up to you guys in the next chapter.
I need your comments, guys. I REALLY want know what you think of my fic. But, please, be gentle. ^^ Thank you very much!
E-mail me at hellmaster_fiblizo@yahoo.com


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