FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Konnichiwa, minna-san! Hellmaster here! Before you read on, I would like to make sure if you're a Sakura-Syaoran fan. If you are, I hope you'll enjoy the fic even though it's a bit crappy. If you are not, Please don't read on and forget you saw this fic. Those who are planning to send flames, GET A CLUE! >ahem< Anyway, this fan fiction might be a little far-fetched from the original series so I hope you won't go calling me stupid or anything as harsh as that.
Okay, without further warnings, read on this little fic of mine, and I hope you'll like it!
(All the characters in this fan fiction belong to their respective owners. I don't own them in any way, so I hope no one will sue me for that.)

Chapter three

" You will die! I will make sure of it! " a voice cackled. Then, the awful sound disappeared as quickly as it came.
A shadow is seen entering an old cabin. There, he was greeted by four other shadows.
Shadow 1-4: HEELLLOOOO!!!!!
Shadow 1: Password CORRECT!
Shadow 2: LETS HUG!!!!
Our shadow and shadow 1-4 ( hugs ): AAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!! ~~bliss! bliss!
Another figure entered. He was wearing a black cape and was holding a staff with a crescent blade at it's tip. ( Yep! You guessed it! It's the messenger of DEATH himself! )
" I will kill you! >ahem< Just practicing. " He coughed. "Thus, the time has come to kill. " He clicked on the light switch and got out his cellphone. ^^;
" I'm gonna text the angel of death now. " He told a purple dinosaur and four odd-looking "yaks"( hint: they are colored yellow, red, green and purple ).
Angel of death: Wat is it now?!
Messenger of DEATH: Kil now!!!!
Angel of death: BAH HUMBUG! You do it urself!
-line off
The Messenger of DEATH locked the keys of his cellphone. " I must do it myself then.------ HMP! You just can't find good help these days." He turned to the five shadows. " I'm OFF! " Then, there was nothing.
Shadow 1-4: GOOOD-BYEEEEEEE!!!!
Our shadow: I love you! You love me! We're one big happy FAMILY! With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you! Won't you say you LOVE ME, TOOO!!! BYE, kids!
Then, there was darkness...

Author's note: In case you're wondering why I placed this here, I'll explain. The point is, the shadow things and the accidents have absolutely NO connection with my plot. It's the characters above that caused all those stuff. ( By the way, have you guessed who they are? ) What's the plot, you say? Just read on! ^_^ Thank you!

Sakura slowly opened her eyes. She realized she was now staring into nothingness. She slowly drifted towards a small orb--- the same orb that Li's mother had in her hand!
All of a sudden, she stopped floating and kept falling down, without any moment of hesitation.
" NOOOOOO!!!!! "

" Sakura! Sakura! "
Sakura slowly opened her eyes and a blinding stream of light blinded her eyes. She gently rubbed them and tried again. Slowly, she saw Syaoran's worried face.
" Li-kun! " She quickly sat up on the bed.
Haruko smiled at her. " You made us worry sick! What happened?! "
Sakura looked down at the sheets of the bed. " I-I don't know. .."
" No matter. As long as you're fine. " Syaoran gazed intensely at Sakura.
Sakura met his gaze and they stayed like that for a while....
Haruko was watching them mischievously. " Ooh! You guys are SOO CUTE! "
Sakura and Syaoran looked away from each other blushing.
Luckily for them, Li Yelan entered the room before Haruko had the chance to unleash her horrible laugh.
" Syaoran. Come with me now. The contest is over. "
Syaoran nodded but didn't budge from his spot.
Yelan looked at the two girls. " You girls, too, "
Syaoran glanced at the two, waiting for their answer.
Haruko piped in. " Okay, Ma'am. " She nudged Sakura happily.
They all went to the mansion and after tea . . .
" Why don't you take us on a tour of your house? If you don't mind... " Haruko suggested. She had been wondering that whole time what kind of treasures they had in the mansion.
So, Syaoran took them to various parts of the mansion but the time was too short for them to finish.
Sakura bowed. " Thank you very much for inviting us! "
" Thank you! " Haruko said gratefully, following Sakura's gesture. " We really enjoyed ourselves. Your house is really great! "
" I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves. " Syaoran replied. His sisters was waving from the window of the second floor.
" OOH! I'm sure they will! "
Syaoran and Wei went inside the car with the two girls. Unknown to them, Li Yelan was watching them from the very top floor by the window. She was holding the orb in her hand. It was glowing tremendously and was emitting green rays of light out of its center.

Days had passed and the contest finals had arrived. Sakura had been chosen as one of the finalists. She now has only three competitors left to deal with. Haruko, on the other hand, had won the balance beam and the interpretative dance section but didn't have enough points to join the finals. Luckily for her, she was able to outdo Victoria's stunts and antics. ( by the way, she was in a different category as Sakura. Hers was specialty stunts while Sakura's was general. )
Sakura performed pretty well and received a very high score. A bell ringed to signal the intermission for final judging and tabulation.
Haruko congratulated Sakura. " WOW! You did great!! I'm sure Li-kun thought so too! "
Sakura smiled gratefully. " Thanks! Gee! I'm pretty nervous right now! Excited, too! "
" Who wouldn't be?! Geez, Sakura! Imagine! Reaching the finals! What an honor! " Haruko exclaimed.
They both felt a presence behind them. They turned around at the same time and saw Li Yelan standing before them.
" Sakura... I want you to come with me. " Li Yelan told her in a VERY serious tone.
Sakura could feel the tension building up in her heart. She could see how serious Li's mother was. It was--scary.
Haruko nodded at her and mouthed " good luck ".
Sakura shot her a bright smile and followed Yelan.

They walked all the way to an isolated room. Sakura frowned and asked, " I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm worried they'll start the announcement any minute now. "
Yelan faced Sakura. " Do not worry, child. I already made sure that they will not make the pronouncement without me there. Now. . . enter. "
Sakura entered the room. She saw four tall shadows and another one, isolated from the rest. The light slowly went back on. It was Syaoran and his other sisters. At the center of the room, there lies the Phoenix Orb, the one she saw with Li's mother. One corner was occupied by Syaoran's sisters. The other corner, there were two seats, one of which was occupied by the Syaoran.
" Sit beside Syaoran, child. "
Sakura obeyed for she could do nothing else about it.
Syaoran spoke up, " Why did you bring us all here, mother? "
" You will find out soon enough."
Yelan raised the orb and it shone furiously with green light. Two rays pointed towards Syaoran and Sakura. The rays then traveled to the ceiling and disappeared.
The orb floated in front of them. It spoke in a very low, elderly voice.
" The girl named Sakura Kinomoto will marry the boy named Syaoran Li. Thus, I say so. They will undergo difficulties together and come through it in victory. They must be wed immediately, thus, the oracle says, for the time of misfortune is near. "
The Phoenix Orb returned to Yelan's hand and became normal again. The four sisters were congratulating each other for their right guess of Syaoran's future wife. Syaoran and Sakura just sat there too shocked to speak.
Yelan placed the Orb back in its position. She turned to Syaoran and Sakura.
" The wedding will be held tomorrow. " she told them.
The couple looked at each other and blushed furiously.

The announcement of the winners were delayed due to technical difficulties. Fortunately ( or unfortunately ) for Sakura, she had bigger things to worry about...
" OOH! Sakura, I ENVY you SOOO MUCH! " Haruko cried with tears of joy in her eyes.
Sakura stood in the middle of the room fitting the dress they made for her. She was blushing furiously. " I-I don't know what to do... What will Dad say? What will BROTHER say, for that matter?! I'm so nervous! "
Haruko smiled at her reassuringly. " Don't worry your pretty little head about those details. Remember, this is not really the real thing. You're just about to turn 11, for Pete's sake! "
Sakura blushed again. " I know that but. . . " She imagined Syaoran putting the ring on her finger and.. . then, he will. . . " HOOOEEEE!!! "
Haruko laughed. She never thought she could see anyone THAT red!

Syaoran looked out his window. He needed time to think. Everything was happening so fast. He was also worried about Sakura. What will her family say? What will her BROTHER say? A shiver ran down his spine just thinking about it.
Still, he was looking forward to that day, wasn't he? He imagined Sakura in her wedding dress looking very beautiful. . . he would place her ring on her finger. . . she would place his' on his finger. . then they would. . .
He felt his cheeks burn. He quickly shoved the thought away. Luckily, no one was there to judge how red he looked.

Finally, the day had come. Syaoran waited nervously for Sakura to appear. Then, he saw her. She looked so angelic in her dress. The fabric fitted her developing body pretty well and the silk gloves she had on shone like her eyes did. Syaoran couldn't help blushing at what he saw.
The ceremony was about to begin when suddenly, an earthquake shook the ground violently. The Phoenix Orb was there floating. It emitted a black light which shone on the couple.
They vanished in an instant.

There was panic among the guests. Everyone was baffled on why it could had happened, even Li Yelan.

Syaoran opened his eyes. His reflexes brought him to look for Sakura right away. He saw her floating in darkness. He went to her and took her in his embrace.

Sakura felt weak. She felt a feeling of warmth over come her. She opened her eyes and saw Syaoran gazing at her with worried eyes.
" Li-kun! " Sakura looked around her. It was just like her dream, except that she felt much assured with Syaoran there to support her.
The orb approached them. It spoke again, with the same low voice.
" The two of you had been chosen. The two of you are picked. We will wed you in the baptism of darkness. That is the only way. "
Suddenly, they were already on ground. The ground extended to only two paths. One leads to the sea of darkness, the other the sea of light.
The orb spoke again.
" Go into the light, you will be ours. Go into the darkness, suffer the consequence. You decide. "
The orb exploded and disintegrated into nothing.

Sakura looked at Syaoran, unsure of what they should do. Syaoran frowned. He thought for a while. There wasn't much of a choice.
Syaoran smiled at Sakura. Sakura smiled back, her tension melting away.
" No matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you. "
There he said it.
Sakura's eyes welled up in tears. " As long as I'm with you, I know everything will be okay. "
They gazed into each other's eyes. They unconsciously moved closer to each other. Their lips met in a gentle kiss....

The ground rumbled hard. They looked at each other, gaining confidence from each other's eyes.

" Are you ready? "
----- " Yes. "
----- " Take my hand. Trust me it will be all right. "
----- " I will. "
[Blinding light is seen coming from the center of an unknown darkness]

" Sakura-chan! What took you so long? "
Sakura smiled. " I'm sorry! " She placed her bag on the bench and sat down beside Tomoyo.
The two looked at the two girls in front of them.
" Haruko-chan! Stop babbling already! I'm trying to study! " a girl with blue hair complained.
The pig-tailed girl replied, " HEHE! Sorry about that! " She averted her gaze to Sakura. Their eyes met for a while. They both ignored the odd feeling that they encountered as they did so.
" Probably just my imagination. . . " Haruko thought to herself.
" I feel like I know her from somewhere. " Sakura thought to herself. " Oh well."
Tomoyo stood up from her seat. Sakura did so, as well. The person they were waiting for had arrived. It was Syaoran.
" Did you wait long? " he asked Sakura.
Sakura shook her head. " I was late too. Tomoyo-chan was the one who waited for both of us. Ne, Tomoyo-chan?" She glanced at Tomoyo then smiled at him sweetly.
Syaoran blushed furiously.
Tomoyo just smiled her knowing smile.

THE END! ^_^

Did I surprise you or just totally ANNOYED you? Send comments! I want to know! Oh! In case you didn't understand , this fic ended the way it did because Syaoran and Sakura forgot all about the events that happened from the start of the fic. That's why this is entitled, " Forgotten Memories " ! Get it? Forgotten? Memories? hehe ! ^^;
I'm sorry the ending sucks! I just wanted to finish it right away! I guess I rushed it too much, huh? Anyway, don't forget to tell me what you think! I just might be able to make a better fic next time! Ja ne! ^-^

E-mail me at hellmaster_fiblizo@yahoo.com


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